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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2005

The Palgrave Environmental Reader by Payne, Daniel, Newman, Richard
Adaptive Herbivore Ecology: From Resources to Populations in Variable Environments by Owen-Smith, Norman
Majestic Albatross of Kauai by
The Palgrave Environmental Reader by Newman, Richard, Payne, Daniel
State of the World 2005: Redefining Global Security by Worldwatch Institute
Jesus and the Earth by Jones, James
Advances in Planning and Management by
Agriculture Investment Sourcebook by World Bank Group, World Book, Inc, World Bank, Bank
Modelling Floodplain Biogeomorphology by Baptist, Martin
Implementing the Climate Regime: International Compliance by Stokke, Olav Schram
Climate Change and Carbon Markets: A Handbook of Emissions Reduction Mechanisms by
Driven Wild: How the Fight Against Automobiles Launched the Modern Wilderness Movement by Sutter, Paul S.
Wastewater Microbiology: A Handbook for Operators [With CDROM] by Toni Glymph
Basic Chemistry for Water & Wastewater Operators by Darshan Singh Sarai
Fundamentals of Biogeography by Huggett, Richard John
Conservation Hunting: People and Wildlife in Canada's North by
The Social Organization of Policy: An Institutional Ethnography of UN Forest Deliberations by Eastwood, Lauren E.
The Hadley Circulation: Present, Past and Future by
A Sea Change: The Exclusive Economic Zone and Governance Institutions for Living Marine Resources by
Studies in Military Geography and Geology by
Waldumbau: Für Eine Zukunftsorientierte Waldwirtschaft by
Tembo the Forest Giant by Wilwerding, J. W.
Bait Casting with a Thermometer by Steel, Frank R.
Autumn by Thoreau, Henry
The Nature Library: Animals by Seton, Ernest Thompson
The Sea Anthology Including One Hundred Original Sonnets of the Sea by
Nature's Program by Johnson, Gaylord
Life in Nature by Hinton, James
Autumn by Thoreau, Henry
The Ministry of Nature by MacMillan, Hugh
The Beauties Of Nature And The Wonders Of The World We Live In by Lubbock, John
Coupled Models for the Hydrological Cycle: Integrating Atmosphere, Biosphere and Pedosphere by
Ecological Issues in a Changing World: Status, Response and Strategy by
Issues in Bioinvasion Science: Eei 2003: A Contribution to the Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species by
Managing European Coasts: Past, Present and Future by
Valuation and Conservation of Biodiversity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Convention on Biological Diversity by
Global Monitoring: The Challenges of Access to Data by Harris, Ray, Browning, Richard
Species at Risk: Using Economic Incentives to Shelter Endangered Species on Private Lands by
Review of the U.S. Clivar Project Office by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council
Outgrowing the Earth: The Food Security Challenge in an Age of Falling Water Tables and Rising Temperatures by Brown, Lester R.
Eutrophication Management and Ecotoxicology by Scholten, Martin C. T., Foekema, Edwin M., Dokkum, Henno P.
Wege Zur Koordinierung Völkerrechtlicher Verträge: Völkervertragsrechtliche Und Institutionelle Ansätze by Matz, Nele
Directory of Microbicides for the Protection of Materials: A Handbook by
The Economics of On-Farm Conservation of Crop Diversity in Ethiopia: Incentives, Attribute Preferences and Opportunity Costs of Maintaining Local Vari by Wale Zegeye, Edilegnaw
Oxidants and Antioxidant Defense Systems by
Ecology and Behaviour of Mesozoic Reptiles by Cloudsley-Thompson, John L.
Chemistry for the Protection of the Environment 4 by
Emerging Organic Pollutants in Waste Waters and Sludge by
Weird, Wild & Unpredictable: An Illustrated History of East Tennessee Weather by Miller, Matthew
Appalachian Winter by Bonta, Marcia
Nature's Strongholds: The World's Great Wildlife Reserves by Riley, William, Riley, Laura
National Environmental Accounting: Bridging the Gap Between Ecology and Economy by Hecht, Joy
A History of Atmospheric CO2 and Its Effects on Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems by
Flash Flood Forecasting Over Complex Terrain: With an Assessment of the Sulphur Mountain Nexrad in Southern California by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council
Business Ethics and the Natural Environment by Newton, Lisa H.
Leeches, Lice and Lampreys: A Natural History of Skin and Gill Parasites of Fishes by Kearn, Graham C.
Physical Oceanography of the Dying Aral Sea by Zavialov, Peter O.
Sparing Nature: The Conflict Between Human Population Growth and Earth's Biodiversity by McKee, Jeffrey K.
Image Analysis, Sediments and Paleoenvironments by
The Pxxxrokaryotexxxs: A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria: Vol. 2: Ecophysiology and Biochemistry by
Biotreatment of Industrial Effluents by Kumar, Anil, Doble, Mukesh
Travels in the Genetically Modified Zone by Winston, Mark L.
Soil Erosion and Conservation by Morgan, R. P. C.
Environmental Promise of Democratic Deliberation by Gundersen, Adolf G.
Against the Grain: How Agriculture Has Hijacked Civilization by Manning, Richard
Spring Wildflowers of West Virginia by Core, Earl L.
Environmental Ethics for a Postcolonial World by Curtin, Deane
The Agony of an American Wilderness: Loggers, Environmentalists, and the Struggle for Control of a Forgotten Forest by MacDonald, Samuel a.
Planning for the International Polar Year 2007-2008: Report of the Implementation Workshop by Polar Research Board, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Ecology of Populations by Ranta, Esa, Lundberg, Per, Kaitala, Veijo
Local Approaches to Environmental Compliance: Japanese Case Studies and Lessons for Developing Countries by
Estuarine Nutrient Cycling: The Influence of Primary Producers: The Fate of Nutrients and Biomass by
Environmental Change and Its Implications for Population Migration by
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 85 by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 184 by Ware, George
Expanding Horizons in Bioethics by
The Lakes Handbook, Volume 2: Lake Restoration and Rehabilitation by
Major World Crop Areas and Climatic Profiles by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Joint Agricultural Weather Facility
Energy at the Crossroads: Global Perspectives and Uncertainties by Smil, Vaclav
Interim Report of the Committee on Changes in New Source Review Programs for Stationary Sources of Air Pollutants by Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Remote Sensing of Coastal Aquatic Environments: Technologies, Techniques and Applications by
Modelling Community Structure in Freshwater Ecosystems by
Sustainable Energy Consumption and Society: Personal, Technological, or Social Change? by Goldblatt, David L.
Insect Diversity Conservation by Samways, Michael J.
As Pastoralists Settle: Social, Health, and Economic Consequences of the Pastoral Sedentarization in Marsabit District, Kenya by
Carbonaceous Aerosol by Gelencsér, András
Transboundary Water Resources: Strategies for Regional Security and Ecological Stability by
Environmental Justice in America: A New Paradigm by Rhodes, Edwardo Lao
Defense Industries: Science and Technology Related to Security: Impact of Conventional Munitions on Environment and Population by
Transboundary Water Resources: Strategies for Regional Security and Ecological Stability by
The Tire House Book by Hendricks, Paula, Paschich, Ed
Garden Planet: The Present Phase Change of The Human Species by Kötke, William H.
Garden Planet: The Present Phase Change of The Human Species by Kötke, William H.
Defense Industries: Science and Technology Related to Security: Impact of Conventional Munitions on Environment and Population by
Harmful Cyanobacteria by
Constitutional Environmental Rights by Hayward, Tim
Constitutional Environmental Rights by Hayward, Tim
Ecohydrology: Darwinian Expression of Vegetation Form and Function by Eagleson, Peter S.
From Disaster Response to Risk Management: Australia's National Drought Policy by
Interim Design Assessment for the Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant by Board on Army Science and Technology, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Mountain Ecosystems: Studies in Treeline Ecology by
Natural Hazards by Bryant, Edward
Intraseasonal Variability in the Atmosphere-Ocean Climate System by Waliser, Duane E., Lau, William K. -M
This Delta, This Land: An Environmental History of the Yazoo-Mississippi Floodplain by Saikku, Mikko
Water Institutions: Policies, Performance and Prospects by
The Aesthetics of Everyday Life by
The Aesthetics of Everyday Life by
Überfälle Und Wehre: Grundlagen Und Berechnungsbeispiele by Peter, Günter
Tourism, Recreation and Climate Change by
Tourism, Recreation and Climate Change by
Rebuilding the Unity of Health and the Environment: The Greater Houston Metropolitan Area: Workshop Summary by Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences Research and Med, Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Sciences Policy
The Ecology of Seeds by Fenner, Michael, Thompson, Ken
Entanglements: The Intertwined Fates of Whales and Fishermen by Johnson, Tora
The Pxxxrokaryotexxxs: A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria: Vol 4: Bacteria: Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria by
Nature Study Part Two by Craig, John Bradford
Long-Term Performance of Permeable Reactive Barriers: Volume 7 by
How to Train Hunting Dogs by Brown, William F.
Sketches of American Wildlife by Young, Stanley P.
Lake and Reservoir Management: Volume 54 by Loffler, Heinz, Rast, Walter, Jorgensen, S. E.
Woodland Creatures: Being Some Wild Life Studies by Pitt, Frances
The Expression Of The Emotions In Man And Animals by Darwin, Charles
Wild Life in the Southwest by Arnold, Oren
The Shell Book by Rogers, Julia Ellen
Oceanographers and the Cold War: Disciples of Marine Science by Hamblin, Jacob Darwin
Rural Resources and Local Livelihoods in Africa by Na, Na
Assessing Impact: Handbook of Eia and Sea Follow-Up by
Troubles with Turtles: Cultural Understandings of the Environment on a Greek Island by Theodossopoulos, Dimitris
Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media by
Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenic Crops by
Environment, Inc.: From Grassroots to Beltway by Bosso, Christopher J.
Behavioral Flexibility in Primates: Causes and Consequences by Jones, Clara
Pollination Ecology and the Rain Forest: Sarawak Studies by
Environment, Inc.: From Grassroots to Beltway by Bosso, Christopher J.
A Systems Analysis of the Global Boreal Forest by
Coelenterate Biology 2003: Trends in Research on Cnidaria and Ctenophora [With CDROM] by
Modelling the Dispersion of Radionuclides in the Marine Environment: An Introduction by Periánez, Raúl
High Tide: How Climate Crisis is Engulfing Our Planet by Lynas, Mark
Physicochemical Treatment Processes: Volume 3 by
The Sun, Solar Analogs and the Climate: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 34 by Haigh, Joanna Dorothy, Lockwood, Michael
Impact Tectonics by
The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms by Stewart, Amy
Preserving the Living Past: John C. Merriam's Legacy in the State and National Parks by Mark, Steve
FDR and the Environment by
Cusco Amazonico: The Lives of Amphibians and Reptiles in an Amazonian Rainforest by Duellman, William E.
Woodland and Forests Bar S1348 by Szabó, Péter
Ackerlandschaften: Nachhaltigkeit und Naturschutz auf ertragsschwachen Standorten by
In the Belly of the River: Tribal Conflicts Over Development in the Narmada Valley by Baviskar, Amita
Satellites: Orbits and Missions by Capderou, Michel
Walden Pond: A History by Maynard, W. Barksdale
Phosphate Deposits of the World: Volume 1: Proterozoic and Cambrian Phosphorites by
Historic Storms of the North Sea, British Isles and Northwest Europe by Lamb, H. H., Lamb, Hubert
Wisdom for a Livable Planet: The Visionary Work of Terri Swearingen, Dave Foreman, Wes Jackson, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Werner Fornos, Herman Daly, S by McDaniel, Carl N.
Toxicology of 1 - 3-Beta-Glucans: Glucans as a Marker for Fungal Exposure by
Facilitating Watershed Management: Fostering Awareness and Stewardship by
Canoeing a Continent: On the Trail of Alexander MacKenzie by Finkelstein, Max
Humanökologie: Fakten - Argumente - Ausblicke by Nentwig, Wolfgang
Use of Humic Substances to Remediate Polluted Environments: From Theory to Practice: Proceedings of the NATO Adanced Research Workshop on Use of Humat by
Tropical Forest Ecology: The Basis for Conservation and Management by Montagnini, Florencia, Jordan, Carl F.
Developing Tsunami-Resilient Communities: The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program by
Use of Humic Substances to Remediate Polluted Environments: From Theory to Practice: Proceedings of the NATO Adanced Research Workshop on Use of Humat by
Strategic Management of Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Strategic Management of Marine Ecosystems, Nice, France by
Strategic Management of Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Strategic Management of Marine Ecosystems, Nice, France by
On the Border: An Environmental History of San Antonio by
Look to the Land by Northbourne, Lord
Mastering Boston Harbor: Courts, Dolphins, and Imperiled Waters by Haar, Charles M.
Environmental Education and Advocacy by
Nature's Way: Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth by McGaa, Ed
Preliminary Assessment of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) Nesting Ecology at Sandy Hook, NJ, Gateway National Recreation Area: July ? Sept by Ner, Sylwia E., National Park Service, U. S. Department O., Burke, Russell L.
Image and Environment: Cognitive Mapping and Spatial Behavior by Stea, David
The Pxxxrokaryotexxxs: A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria: Vol 5: Proteobacteria: Alpha and Beta Subclasses by
The Greenpeace to Amchitka: An Environmental Odyssey by Hunter, Robert
The African Leopard: Ecology and Behavior of a Solitary Felid by Bailey, Theodore N.
Songs of the Sierra by Miller, Joaquin
The Log of the Sun A Chronicle of Nature's Year by Beebe, William
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 86 by
Global Change in the Holocene by MacKay, Anson, Birks, John, Battarbee, Rick
National Parks and Protected Areas: Appoaches for Balancing Social, Economic, and Ecological Values by Prato, Tony, Fagre, Dan
Plant Ecology, Herbivory, and Human Impact in Nordic Mountain Birch Forests by
Flood Stage and Rising by Varley, Jane
The Nature of Nebraska: Ecology and Biodiversity by Johnsgard, Paul A.
Notes on a Shared Landscape: Making Sense of the American West by Bayles, David
Monkeys Are Made of Chocolate: Exotic and Unseen Costa Rica by Ewing, Jack
Where the Mountain Casts Its Shadow: The Dark Side of Extreme Adventure by Coffey, Maria
Modern Morphometrics in Physical Anthropology by
Climate Change Impacts for the Conterminous USA: An Integrated Assessment by
The Island Chumash: Behavioral Ecology of a Maritime Society by Kennett, Douglas J.
The State of Environment in Asia: 2005/2006 by
Methods to Study Litter Decomposition: A Practical Guide by
The European Union's Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (Emas) by Wenk, Michael S.
Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from Law, Economics, and Business by
Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms: Perspectives from Law, Economics, and Business by
Forests, Peasants, and Revolutionaries: Forest Conservation and Organization in Soviet Russia, 1917-1929 by Bonhomme, Brian
Water Quality Hazards and Dispersion of Pollutants by Czernuszenko, Wlodzimierz, Rowinski, Pawel
The Carbon Balance of Forest Biomes: Vol 57 by
Life in Ancient Ice by
The European Union's Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (Emas) by Wenk, Michael S.
Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Handbook by Hunt, Roy E.
Selection and Breeding Programs in Aquaculture by
In Vitro Culture of Mycorrhizas by
Monitoring and Predicting Agricultural Drought: A Global Study by Boken, Vijendra K., Heathcote, Ronald L., Cracknell, A. P.
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