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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2013

Aquatic Biodiversity in India: The Present Scenario by Khanna, D. R. &. Prasad A. K. &. Prasad G.
Conservation of Biodiversity and Natural Resources by Singh, M. P. &. Dey Soma &. Singh S. Vijay
Environmental Science and Engineering: Selected Topics by Kaul, S. N. &. Rai B. N. &. Saini
Animal Diversity, Natural History and Conservation Vol. 3 by Vijay Kumar Gupta, Anil K. Verma
Marine Biology by Biswas, K. P.
Ornamental Aquaculture: Technology and Trade in India by Felix, S. &. Mercy T. V. Anna &. Swain
Island Ecosystems: Biological Organization in Selected Hawaiian Communities (US/IBP synthesis series) by
Natural Resource Use and Global Change: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Social Ecology by Bruckmeier, K.
Media and the Politics of Arctic Climate Change: When the Ice Breaks by
Environmental Sustainability in Transatlantic Perspective: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Achilles, Manuela, Elzey, Dana
Sustainable Development and Green Communication: African and Asian Perspectives by
Climate Change and Global Policy Regimes: Towards Institutional Legitimacy by Cadman, Timothy
Ruling, Resources and Religion in China: Managing the Multiethnic State in the 21st Century by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Ecocriticism and Women Writers: Environmentalist Poetics of Virginia Woolf, Jeanette Winterson, and Ali Smith by Kostkowska, J.
Global Warming, Militarism and Nonviolence: The Art of Active Resistance by Branagan, M.
The Olympic Games and the Environment by Karamichas, J.
Climate Change and Order: The End of Prosperity and Democracy by Edmondson, Beth, Levy, Stuart
Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino: Building Simple Devices to Collect Data about the Environment by Gertz, Emily, Justo, Patrick Di
Environmental Compliance Guidebook: Beyond U.S. Water Quality Regulations by Christine Herndon, Shelley Hemming
M27 External Corrosion Control for Infrastructure Sustainability, Third Edition by Awwa
Religion and Sustainability: Sscial Movements and the Politics of the Environment by Johnston, Lucas F.
Sustainable Development, Ecological Complexity, and Environmental Values by
This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India by Gadgil, Madhav
Energy Audit for Professionals/Nam S&T Centre by Dhungel, Suresh Kumar &. Krishnakumar G.
Forages and Fodder: Indian Perspective by Singh, Anil Kumar &. Khan M. a. &. Subash
Lightning Protection/Nam S&T Centre by Nam S&t Centre
Micro-Level Peoples Perception on Climate Change by Malhotra, Kailash Chandra &. Barik Saroj
Activated Carbon: Solutions for Improving Water Quality by
Environmental Technology by Matta, Gagan &. Bhutiani R. &. S.
Mosquito Diversity and Control by Sathe, T. V. &. Jagtap Mahendra
Perspectives in Animal Ecology and Reproduction Vol. 9 by Gupta, V. K. &. Verma Anil K. &. Singh
Management of Natural Resource for Sustainable Development by B. S. Rathor, Vijay Singh Rathor
Glimpses of Animal Biodiversity by Muthuchelian, K.
Sustainable Development and Environmental Science by Kumar, Arvind &. Sivakami R.
Abiotic Stress and Biotechnology by Pullaiah, T.
Biodiversity Conservation for Sustainable Management by Muthuchelian, K.
Bioremediation of Mercury: Current Research and Industrial Applications by
Radical Ecopsychology, Second Edition: Psychology in the Service of Life by Fisher, Andy
Regolith Science by
Global Change and River Ecosystems - Implications for Structure, Function and Ecosystem Services by
Gold and Gold Mining in Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Geoarchaeology of the Ancient Gold Mining Sites in the Egyptian and Sudanese Eastern Deserts by Klemm, Rosemarie, Klemm, Dietrich
Milankovitch and Climate: Understanding the Response to Astronomical Forcing by
The Great Barrier Reef: Biology, Environment and Management by
Biology of Earthworms by
Urban Airborne Particulate Matter: Origin, Chemistry, Fate and Health Impacts by
Radar Meteorology by Raghavan, S.
First Principles of Meteorology and Air Pollution by Lazaridis, Mihalis
Transforming Water Management in South Africa: Designing and Implementing a New Policy Framework by
Challenges and Solutions for Climate Change by Begg, Katherine, Van Der Gaast, Wytze
Antifouling Paint Biocides by
Molecular Identification, Systematics, and Population Structure of Prokaryotes by
Urban Landscapes: Environmental Networks and the Quality of Life by Sargolini, Massimo
Water Resources Allocation: Policy and Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus by
Taphonomy: Process and Bias Through Time by
Resonances in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity by Nickolaenko, A. P., Hayakawa, M.
Diversity and Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhizae by
Campbell's Atlas of Oil and Gas Depletion by Campbell, Colin J.
Modern Issues & Prospects of solid waste Management in Pakistan 2012 by Zeb, Alam
Climate Talk: Rights, Poverty and Justice by
The Sea Disposal of Chemical Weapons: European Disposal Operations by Arison III, H. Lindsey
Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources by O'Neill, Dan, Dietz, Rob
Experimental and Computational Solutions of Hydraulic Problems: 32nd International School of Hydraulics by
Land Subsidence Analysis in Urban Areas: The Bangkok Metropolitan Area Case Study by Zeitoun, David G., Wakshal, Eliyahu
Handbook of Disaster Policies and Institutions: Improving Emergency Management and Climate Change Adaptation by Handmer, John, Dovers, Stephen
Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources by O'Neill, Dan, Dietz, Rob
Ökonomie Und Ökologie in Japan: Politik Zwischen Wachstum Und Umweltschutz by
Urban Ecology by
Akkreditierung Und Qualitätssicherung in Der Analytischen Chemie by
The Shocking: The Message by Fletcher, Charles
Floods in a Changing Climate: Risk Management by Simonovic, Slobodan P.
Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling by Di Baldassarre, Giuliano
Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrologic Modeling by Mujumdar, P. P., Nagesh Kumar, D.
Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation by Teegavarapu, Ramesh S. V.
Too Hot to Touch: The Problem of High-Level Nuclear Waste by Alley, William M., Alley, Rosemarie
Handbook of Disaster Policies and Institutions: Improving Emergency Management and Climate Change Adaptation by Handmer, John, Dovers, Stephen
From the Ground Up: Community Gardens in New York City and the Politics of Spatial Transformation. Efrat Eizenberg by Eizenberg, Efrat
Remote Sensing Advances for Earth System Science: The ESA Changing Earth Science Network: Projects 2009-2011 by Sabia, Roberto, Fernández-Prieto, Diego
Abwassertechnologie: Entstehung, Ableitung, Behandlung, Analytik Der Abwässer by Filla, W., Pöppinghaus, K.
Common Plants of Nunavut by Aiken, Susan, Mallory, Carolyn
Assessment of Water Quality by Principal Component Analysis: Principal Component Analysis by Pathak, Hemant
The River in Summer by Haraway, Maury M.
Local Environmental Change and Society in Africa by
Invasive Plant Ecology by
Life Cycle Assessment (Lca) of Light-Weight Eco-Composites by Guo, Miao
Forecasters Guide to Tropical Meteorology (AWS TR 240 Updated) by Ramage, Colin S.
New Emperors' Novel Clothes - Climate Change Analysed by Adam, Aziz I.
Wisconsin's Weather and Climate by Moran, Joseph M., Adonyeva, Svetlana
Societies Beyond Oil: Oil Dregs and Social Futures by Urry, John
Societies Beyond Oil: Oil Dregs and Social Futures by Urry, John
Designing the Urban Renaissance: Sustainable and Competitive Place Making in England by Vescovi, Francesco
Multi-Component Acoustic Characterization of Porous Media by Van Dalen, Karel N.
Excited Nuclear States - Nuclei with Z = 74-103 by Soroko, Zoya N., Sukhoruchkin, Sergey I.
The Olympic Games and the Environment by Karamichas, J.
Place-Based Conservation: Perspectives from the Social Sciences by
Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously, second edition: Economic Development, the Environment, and Quality of Life in American Cities by Portney, Kent E.
Endless Summer: Managing Character in Coastal Communities: Conference Proceedings, October 6-8, 2004 by National Seashore, Cape Cod, Preservation, Olmsted Center for Landsca, Institute, Conservation Study
Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design: Linking Theory and Practice for Sustainable Cities by
Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design: Linking Theory and Practice for Sustainable Cities by
Climate Change Science: A Modern Synthesis: Volume 1 - The Physical Climate by Farmer, G. Thomas, Cook, John
Fruit Flies: Biology and Management by
Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty in Hydrosystem Engineering by Goodarzi, Ehsan, Ziaei, Mina, Teang Shui, Lee
Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites: Fabrication and Recycling by Nishida, Yoshinori
Between Ruin and Restoration: An Environmental History of Israel by
Knickerbocker Snowstorm by Ambrose, Kevin
Environmental Design Evaluation by Zimring, Craig, Zube, Ervin, Friedmann, Arnold
Developments in Soil Salinity Assessment and Reclamation: Innovative Thinking and Use of Marginal Soil and Water Resources in Irrigated Agriculture by
Vegetation Ecology by
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 118 by
Sailing Tales from an Old Salt by Rowley, Mark
Oxygen Transport to Tissue--VI by
Reef Fisheries by
The Ocean Basins and Margins: Volume 4a the Eastern Mediterranean by
The White Planet: The Evolution and Future of Our Frozen World by Lorius, Claude, Raynaud, Dominique, Jouzel, Jean
Population and Community Ecology of Ontogenetic Development by de Roos, André M., Persson, Lennart
Geology and Sedimentology of the Korean Peninsula by Chough, Sung Kwun
Green Gone Wrong: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Eco-Capitalism by Rogers, Heather
Design with the Desert: Conservation and Sustainable Development by
Pot-Honey: A Legacy of Stingless Bees by
Nature and Culture: Rebuilding Lost Connections by
Von CA Bis Cas Online: Datenbanken in Der Chemie by Georgy, Ursula, Schulz, Hedda
Geophysik an Altlasten: Leitfaden Für Ingenieure, Naturwissenschaftler Und Juristen by Vogelsang, Dieter
Modelling Tropospheric Volcanic Aerosol: From Aerosol Microphysical Processes to Earth System Impacts by Schmidt, Anja
Hochdruck-Flüssigkeits-Chromatographie by Engelhardt, Heinz
Waste Water: Treatment Technologies and Recent Analytical Developments by
Climate Change: Realities, Impacts Over Ice Cap, Sea Level and Risks by
Water Treatment by
Responses of Organisms to Water Stress by
Planning for Biodiversity: Bringing Research and Management Together by Department of Agriculture, United States
#SandyComeAtMe: A nightmare documented -Sandy storm 2012 by Paulin, Marlene a.
Der Einfluss Des Waldes Auf Die Luft- Und Bodenwarme by Nordlinger, Theodor
Green Circles: A Sustainable Journey from the Cradle to the Grave by Hall, Chuck
The Soils of Chile by Seguel, Oscar, Casanova, Manuel, Salazar, Osvaldo
Excited Nuclear States - Nuclei with Z=48-60 by Sukhoruchkin, Sergey I., Soroko, Zoya N.
Mögliche Maßnahmen, Instrumente Und Wirkungen Einer Steuerung Der Verkehrs- Und Siedlungsflächennutzung by Bizer, Kilian
The Economics of Waste and Pollution Management in Japan by Yoshida, Fumikazu
Community-Based Landslide Risk Reduction: Managing Disasters in Small Steps by Holcombe, Liz, Anderson, M. G., Anderson, Malcolm G.
VDI-Lexikon Umwelttechnik by
Mexico: Capital Natural, Desarrollo Sustentable y Seguridad Nacional by Vidal Omar
Umweltgefährdungen: Momentane Situation und mögliche Strategien by Schmidt, Dennis
Climate Change in the Midwest: Impacts, Risks, Vulnerability, and Adaptation by
Wasserpilze Und Kalkreinigung by Schreib, H.
Management Guide to Ecosystem Restoration Treatments: Whitebark Pine Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains, U.S.A. by Parsons, Russell a., Keane, Robert E.
Hydrogeologische Methoden by Voigt, Rudolf, Langguth, Horst-Robert
Handbuch Zur Erkundung Des Untergrundes Von Deponien Und Altlasten: Band 8: Erkundungspraxis by Lange, Gerhard, Knödel, Klaus
UV Radiation and Arctic Ecosystems by
The Ocean Basins and Margins: The North Atlantic by
The Ocean Basins and Margins by
Natural Resource Use and Global Change: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Social Ecology by Bruckmeier, K.
Handbuch Zur Erkundung Des Untergrundes Von Deponien Und Altlasten: Band 2: Strömungs- Und Transportmodellierung by Lege, Thomas
The Ocean Basins and Margins: The Indian Ocean by
Geofernerkundung: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Kühn, Friedrich
Environment and the Law in Amazonia: A Plurilateral Encounter [With DVD] by Hunefeldt, Christine, Cooper, James M.
Die Tier- Und Pflanzenwelt Des Susswassers by
Hydrometallurgy '94: Papers Presented at the International Symposium 'hydrometallurgy '94' Organized by the Institution of Mining and Metal by
Recent Evolution and Seismicity of the Mediterranean Region by
Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems: Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change by
Monitoring of Gaseous Pollutants by Tunable Diode Lasers: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Freiburg, Germany, 17-18 October 1991 Org by
Tiere ALS Mikrobenzüchter by Buchner, P.
Systems of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Applications to Biology and Engineering by Leung, A. W.
Post-Kyoto Climate Governance: Confronting the Politics of Scale, Ideology, and Knowledge by Zia, Asim
Die Tier- Und Pflanzenwelt Des Susswassers by
Recycling and Reuse of Materials and Their Products by
Environmental Health: Indoor Exposures, Assessments and Interventions by
Mid-Atlantic Freshwater Wetlands: Advances in Wetlands Science, Management, Policy, and Practice by
Climate Economics: The State of the Art by Stanton, Elizabeth, Ackerman, Frank
The Climate Bonus: Co-benefits of Climate Policy by Smith, Alison
Macroevolution in Deep Time by Bose, Rituparna, Bartholomew, Alexander J.
The Water Problem of Southern California: Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, V19, No. 4 by Bogart, Ernest Ludlow
Thirst on the Land: A Plea for Water Conservation for the Benefit of Man and Wild Life by Vogt, William
Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Pipes with Volume Heat Sources Within the Fluids by Poppendiek, Heinz F.
Environment by Bentley, Phyllis Eleanor
Biological Chemistry and Physics of Sea Water: Cambridge Comparative Physiology by Harvey, Hildebrande Wolfe
Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility by
Prepping for Survival: Disaster Emergency Preparedness for Disaster Survival by Daly, Spencer
Land Use and the Carbon Cycle: Advances in Integrated Science, Management, and Policy by
The Reproductive Biology of Amphibians by
Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives by
Food, Farms, and Solidarity: French Farmers Challenge Industrial Agriculture and Genetically Modified Crops by Heller, Chaia
Land Use and the Carbon Cycle by
An Introduction to the Chemistry of the Sea by Pilson, Michael E. Q.
Heinz-Wolfram Kasemir: His Collected Works by
Radioactive Clouds of Death Over Utah: Downwinders' Fallout Cancer Epidemic Updated by Miles, Daniel W.
Energy Flows, Material Cycles and Global Development: A Process Engineering Approach to the Earth System by Turek, Thomas, Schaub, Georg
Megacities: Urban Form, Governance, and Sustainability by
Iutam Symposium on Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Oceans: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium on Turbulence in the Atmosphere and Oceans, Cambridge, by
Radioactive Clouds of Death Over Utah: Downwinders' Fallout Cancer Epidemic Updated by Miles, Daniel W.
On the energy structure of natural vegetation: In search for community governance rules by Orloci Frsc, Laszlo
Sabkha Ecosystems: Volume III: Africa and Southern Europe by
Bioaccumulation of Contaminants in Fish and Larval Dragonflies in Six National Park Units of the Western Great Lakes Region, 2008-2009 by Sandheinrich, M. B., Haro, R. J., Rolfhus, K. R.
Landscape Ecology of Small Mammals by
Indicators of Environmental Quality: Proceedings of a Symposium Held During the AAAS Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 26-31, 1971 by
Transactional Environmental Support System Design: Global Solutions by
Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms: Current Knowledge and Future Prospects by
Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions by
The Political Economy of the Environment: The Case of Japan by Tsuru, Shigeto
Surviving Wildfire: Get Prepared, Stay Alive, Rebuild Your Life (a Handbook for Homeowners) by Masterson, Linda
Float by Hart, Joeann
Principles of Ecological Landscape Design by Beck, Travis
A New Blueprint for a Green Economy by Markandya, Anil, Barbier, Edward B.
Ballistic Formulas by Green, Alex Edward Samuel
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