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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2014

Pursuing Livelihoods, Imagining Development: Smallholders in Highland Lampung, Indonesia by Kusworo, Ahmad
The Undersea Lab: Exploring the Oceans by Sheehan, Robert
Climate Change: Our Children Are in Danger by Guay, Mary
Tiger Takes the Big Apple by Reiter, David P.
Current Researches in Environmental Sciences by Sharma, Dushyant Kumar
Seabuckthorn (Hippophae L.) A Multipurpose Wonder Plant Vol. IV: Emerging Trends in Research and Technologies by Singh, Virendra
Stress Agronomy by Prasad, N. K.
The Mysterious Ailment of Rupi Baskey by Shekhar, Hansda Sowvendra
Media, Environment and the Network Society by Anderson, A.
The Political Economy of Renewable Energy and Energy Security: Common Challenges and National Responses in Japan, China and Northern Europe by
Voice and Environmental Communication by Depoe, Stephen
The European Commission's Energy and Climate Policy: A Climate for Expertise? by Dreger, J.
Disruptive Tourism and Its Untidy Guests: Alternative Ontologies for Future Hospitalities by Molz, J. Germann, Pyyhtinen, Olli, Veijola, S.
Ensuring Safe Drinking Water: Learning from Frontline Experience with Contamination by Steve E. Hrudey, Elizabeth J. Hrudey
M21 Groundwater, Fourth Edition by Awwa
M28 Rehabilitation of Water Mains, Third Edition by Awwa
Communicating Water's Value Part I: Talking Points, Tips & Strategies by Melanie K. Goetz
Water Quality Complaint Investigator's Guide, Second Edition by William C. Lauer
M65 On-Site Generation of Hypochlorite by Awwa
The Chlorine Revolution: Water Disinfection and the Fight to Save Lives by Michael J. McGuire
Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World by
Sustaining the Earth by Spoolman, Scott, Miller, G.
Livelihood Sustainability through Agro-biodiversity Conservation- A Socio-Economic Study by Fernandaz, C. Cinthia
Nanoclays: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications by Patel, Hasmukh a.
Sustainable Environmental Management by Gangawane, L. V. &. Khilare V. C.
Recent Advances in Crop Physiology Vol. 1 by Singh, Amrit Lal
Fundamentals of Environmental Economics by Kumar, A.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Management by Hosetti, B. B. &. Kumar a.
Fundamentals of Beekeeping by Sathe, T. V.
Bio-Energy from Wastewaters by Kaul, S. N. &. Saini D. R. &. Sharma Yog
Biodiversity in India Vol. 7 by Pullaiah, Prof T. &. Karuppusamy S.
Maji Bila Ukomo by Mihigo, John Bosco a.
Wilderness by Bloomfield, Debra
Mountain Night Mountain Day by Fredericks, Anthony
The IPM Playbook: A Basic Guide to Performing Structural Integrated Pest Management by Hatch, Jerry J.
The Study of the Weather by Chapman, E. H.
Geospatial Technologies and Climate Change by
Handbook of Port and Harbor Engineering: Geotechnical and Structural Aspects by Tsinker, Gregory
Stay Alive: Tactics & Techniques For Survival When There's No One Left to Rely On by Everman, J. D.
Delicate Environmental Sections: A Call to Preserving the Biodiversity and Sustainability in the Savannah Belt by Hamid, Mohamed E.
Environmental Physiology of Fishes by Ali, M. a.
Climate and Much Worse Dangers We Ignore by Johnson, Howard
The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean: Structure, Dynamics and Applications by Lukas, Roger, Soloviev, Alexander
Sustainability Management: Lessons from and for New York City, America, and the Planet by Cohen, Steven
Animal Communication and Noise by
Florida Seashore & Wildlife by Telander, Todd
Lost Antarctica by McClintock, James
Blue Future: Protecting Water for People and the Planet Forever by Barlow, Maude
A Storm Too Soon: A True Story of Disaster, Survival, and an Incredible Rescue by Tougias, Michael J.
Life in the Cold: An Introduction to Winter Ecology, fourth edition by Marchand, Peter J.
An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century by Policy, U. S. Commission on Ocean
Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions of Gases and Particles by
Companion Modelling: A Participatory Approach to Support Sustainable Development by
The Chimpanzees of Bossou and Nimba by
Analysis and Modelling of Water Supply and Demand Under Climate Change, Land Use Transformation and Socio-Economic Development: The Water Resource Cha by Fricke, Katharina
Modelling Potential Malaria Spread in Germany by Use of Climate Change Projections: A Risk Assessment Approach Coupling Epidemiologic and Geostatistic by Schmidt, Gunther, Schröder, Winfried
Climate Change and Development by Tanner, Thomas, Horn-Phathanothai, Leo
Evolution of Sexual Reproduction in Marine Invertebrates: Example of Gymnolaemate Bryozoans by Ostrovsky
Mathematical Modeling in Economics, Ecology and the Environment by Hritonenko, Natali, Yatsenko, Yuri
Climate Change and United States Forests by
Towards Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Mountain Regions by Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad
Stratonauts: Pioneers Venturing Into the Stratosphere by Von Ehrenfired, Manfred Dutch
Biotic Interactions in Recent and Fossil Benthic Communities by
Modern Water Resources Engineering by
Heart Like Water: Surviving Katrina and Life in Its Disaster Zone by Clark, Joshua
Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet: Proceedings of the Iag General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, June 28 - July 2, 2011 by
A Year of Kansas Weather by Bogner, Mark L.
Experimental and Computational Fluid Mechanics by
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 123 by
Biophysical Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing by
Avian Urban Ecology by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by Ware, George W.
Concientizacion ambiental by Chesney Lawrence, Luis, Parilli Perez, Fanny
Riparia, un patrimoine culturel: La gestion intégrée des bords de l'eau by
A Sense of the Past: Studies in current archaeological applications of remote sensing and non-invasive prospection methods by Posluschny, Axel G., Gojda, Martin
Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources: Volume 2. Crop Productivity, Food Security and Nutritional Quality by
Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Emerging Lessons by
Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change: Emerging Lessons by
Quantitative Remote Sensing in Thermal Infrared: Theory and Applications by Li, Zhao-Liang, Tang, Huajun
10 trucs et astuces pour consommer moins de carburant by Kurt, Martin, Quievreux, Cyril
An Environmental History of the UK Defence Estate, 1945 to the Present by Dudley, Marianna
Scientific Writing and Communication in Agriculture and Natural Resources by Nair, Vimala D., Nair, P. K. Ramachandran
Wars of Plunder: Conflicts, Profits and the Politics of Resources by Le Billon, Philippe
1994 Northridge Earthquake: Performance of Structures, Lifelines and Fire Protection Systems (NIST SP 862) by Nist
Kenya: A Natural Outlook: Geo-Environmental Resources and Hazards Volume 16 by
A Petrographic Atlas of Ophiolite: An Example from the Eastern India-Asia Collision Zone by Ghose, Naresh Chandra, Chatterjee, Nilanjan, Fareeduddin
Love of Nature: In My Life by Kolankowski, Julie a.
Good Practice in Archaeological Diagnostics: Non-Invasive Survey of Complex Archaeological Sites by
International Organizations in Global Environmental Governance by
Wendell Berry and the Agrarian Tradition: Wendell Berry and the Agrarian Tradition by Smith, Kimberly K.
1994 Northridge Earthquake: Performance of Structures, Lifelines and Fire Protection Systems (NIST SP 862) by Nist
Weather Matters for Energy by
Oxygen: A Four Billion Year History by Canfield, Donald E.
The Marlin and the Mermaid Investigate "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch" by
Structure and Method in Aristotle's Meteorologica: A More Disorderly Nature by Wilson, Malcolm
The Application Of Observing System Data In California Current Ecosystem Assessments by U. S. Department of Commerce
Sandy Hook: Alternative Access Concept Plan and Vehicle Replacement Study by U. S. Department of Transportation
Visitor Vehicle Air and Noise Emissions Study: Cape Cod National Seashore by National Park Service
Evaluation of Bus Management Options for Independent National Historical Park: Final Report July 6, 2000 by John a. Volpe National Transportation
Preliminary Performance-Baes Analysis Relevant to Dose-Based Performance Measures for a Proposed Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain by U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Fire Island National Seashore: Survey of Walk-in Visitors by John a. Volpe Transportation Systems Ce
Keys to Efficient Development of Useful Environmental Documents by U. S. Department of Transportation
China Environmental Technologies Export Market Plan by U. S. Department of Commerce
Elastic Trans: Lessons Learned at Cape Cod National Seashore by National Park Service
Colonial National Historical Park: Shuttle Service Survey Report by National Park Service
Earth Resources and Environmental Impacts by O'Hara, Kieran D.
Holocene Sea-Level Scenarios in Bangladesh by Rashid, Towhida
Effective Parameters of Hydrogeological Models by Gorokhovski, Vikenti
Environmental and Hydrological Systems Modelling by Jayawardena, A. W.
Wasserbau, Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Abfalltechnik by
The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science by Ball, Tim
Geotechnik by
Lehrbuch Der Quantitativen Analyse by Harris, Daniel C.
United Arab Emirates Keys to Soil Taxonomy by Wilson, Michael A., Shahid, Shabbir A., Abdelfattah, Mahmoud A.
Sea Floor Exploration: Scientific Adventures Diving Into the Abyss by Hekinian, Roger
Yellow Biotechnology II: Insect Biotechnology in Plant Protection and Industry by
Science, Policy and Politics of Modern Agricultural System: Global Context to Local Dynamics of Sustainable Agriculture by
Typhoon Impact and Crisis Management by
Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics with Applications to Physics, Engineering and the Environment by
Rethinking Food Systems: Structural Challenges, New Strategies and the Law by
Tainted Earth: Smelters, Public Health, and the Environment by Sullivan, Marianne
Tainted Earth: Smelters, Public Health, and the Environment by Sullivan, Marianne
Revealed Biodiversity: An Economic History of the Human Impact by Jones, Eric L.
Mathematical Analysis of Environmental System by Tanimoto, Jun
The Terrestrial Gospel of Nikos Kazantzakis (Revised edition): Will the Humans Be Saviors of the Earth? by Kazantzakis, Nikos
Tropospheric Aerosol-Formation, Transformation, Fate and Impacts: Faraday Discussion 165 by
Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology by Brauer, Fred, Castillo-Chavez, Carlos
Tales of The Sonoran Desert by Story, Joyce
Advances In Water Supply, Sanitation And Environmental Management: A Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Perspective For Developing Countries by Afullo, Augustine Otieno
Integrating Ecology and Poverty Reduction: The Application of Ecology in Development Solutions by
Politics and Development in a Transboundary Watershed: The Case of the Lower Mekong Basin by
Arctic Climate Change: The Acsys Decade and Beyond by
Forests in Development: A Vital Balance by
Bioenergy for Sustainable Development in Africa by
Fencing for Conservation: Restriction of Evolutionary Potential or a Riposte to Threatening Processes? by
Precipitation Modeling and Quantitative Analysis by Gao, Shouting, Li, Xiaofan
Business and Environmental Risks: Spatial Interactions Between Environmental Hazards and Social Vulnerabilities in Ibero-America by
The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya'aqov Volume III: Mammalian Taphonomy. the Assemblages of Layers V-5 and V-6 by Kindler, Lutz, Rabinovich, Rivka, Gaudzinski-Windheuser, Sabine
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology by
Utah's Unique Uintas: Reflecting on a lifetime of back-trail memories by Wixom, Hartt P.
Trees: Propagation and Conservation: Biotechnological Approaches for Propagation of a Multipurpose Tree, Balanites Aegyptiaca Del. by Varshney, Ankita, Anis, Mohammad
Prepping: The Ultimate Survival Guide: The Guide to Surviving Any Disaster by Plum, Eliza
Environmental Ethics: An Overview for the Twenty-First Century by Attfield, Robin
Cars and Carbon: Automobiles and European Climate Policy in a Global Context by
Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World: Volume 1: Nanotechnology and Health Risk by
Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations: Biology, Research and Management by
Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World: Volume 2: Remediation of Air and Water Pollution by
Alternative Development: Unravelling Marginalization, Voicing Change by Brun, Cathrine, Blaikie, Piers
Community Practices for Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan by
Contaminated Land: Reclamation and Treatment by Smith, Michael A.
Managing Protected Areas in Central and Eastern Europe Under Climate Change by
Low-Oxygen Stress in Plants: Oxygen Sensing and Adaptive Responses to Hypoxia by
Young Children's Play and Environmental Education in Early Childhood Education by Moore, Deborah, Cutter-MacKenzie, Amy, Edwards, Susan
Wilderness and the American Mind by Nash, Roderick Frazier
Laruns Village, French Holiday in the Valley D'Ossau - Gateway to the Pyrenees Mountains on the Border of France and Spain by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Danxiashan Global Geopark by Peng, Hua, Eder, Franz Wolfgang
Post-Fire Management and Restoration of Southern European Forests by
Syner-G: Typology Definition and Fragility Functions for Physical Elements at Seismic Risk: Buildings, Lifelines, Transportation Networks and Critical by
Advances in Biology and Ecology of Nitrogen Fixation by
An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650 - 1950 by Williamson, Tom
An Environmental History of Wildlife in England 1650 - 1950 by Williamson, Tom
You Are Energy, Be Energized by Fletcher, Charles
The Evolution of Mammalian Sociality in an Ecological Perspective by Jones, Clara B.
Pricing Urban Water: Evaluation of Economics in the Water Sector of Hyderabad and Varanasi (India) by Echternacht, Laura
On Geopolitics: Space, Place, and International Relations by Starr, Harvey
Der Einfluss innerstaatlicher Faktoren auf den Erfolg von Maßnahmen im Rahmen eines Umweltregimes: Ökopolitische Wende durch Einfluss von grünen Parte by Kneisel, Jakob
3 Days in the Life of an Environmental Program Manager: A Reflection on the Identity Crisis in Planning and the link between Planning Theory and Pract by Tetteh, Komiete
Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement by U. S. Department of Commerce
Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants by Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function of Shallow Bank Systems within Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) by U. S. Department of Commerce
Hurricane Floyd Floods of September 1999 by U. S. Department of Commerce
Service Assessment: Hurricane Katrina August 23-31, 2005 by Noaa's National Weather Service
Hurricane Mitch Reconstruction/Guld of Fonseca Contaminant Survey and Assessment by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis
Ecosystem Health in Mineralized Terrane: Data from Podiform Chromite (Chinese Camp Mining District, California), Quartz Alunite (Castle Peak and Mason by U. S. Department of the Interior
Fort Collins Science Center Fiscal Year 2009 Science Accomplishments by U. S. Department of the Interior
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary: Final Environmental Impact/Management Plan Volume 2: Appendices by U. S. Department of Commerce
Transient Electromagnetic Soundings Near Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, San Luis Valley, Colorado (2006 Field Season) by U. S. Department of the Interior
Methods of Mmax Estimation East of the Rocky Mountains by U. S. Department of the Interior
Proceedings of the Guidelines for Seismometer Testing Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 9?10 May 2005 (?GST2?) by U. S. Department of the Interior
Fort Collins Science Center Fiscal Year 2008 Science Accomplishments by U. S. Department of the Interior
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument: Final Environmental Assessment by U S Fish & Wildlife Service
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Volume I of III by U. S. Department of Commerce
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Volume III of III by U. S. Department of Commerce
Hurricane Fran in North Carolina September 5-6, 1996 by U. S. Department of Commerce
Gap Analysis of Benthic Mapping at Three National Parks: Assateague Island National Seashore, Channel Islands National Park, and Sleeping Bear Dunes N by U. S. Department of the Interior
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 124 by
Historical GIS Research in Canada by
The Making of Yosemite: James Mason Hutchings and the Origin of America's Most Popular Park by Huntley, Jen A.
Transport in the Atmosphere-Vegetation-Soil Continuum by Moene, Arnold F., Van Dam, Jos C.
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index by Pettorelli, Nathalie
Community Ecology: Analytical Methods Using R and Excel by Gardener, Mark
Urban Pollution: Cultural Meanings, Social Practices by
Community Ecology: Analytical Methods Using R and Excel by Gardener, Mark
Atomausstieg? Ja bitte! Gründe und Folgen einer Abkehr von der Atomenergie in Deutschland by Nagel, Henrik, Blinn, Haike, Steblau, Julia
Sustainability: How the Cosmetics Industry Is Greening Up by
Resilience and Sustainability in Relation to Natural Disasters: A Challenge for Future Cities by
Social Issues in Sustainable Fisheries Management by
Storminess and Environmental Change: Climate Forcing and Responses in the Mediterranean Region by
Forests and Rural Development by
Public Transport Passengers' Behavioural Intentions: Paratransit in Jabodetabek-Indonesia by Astrini, Nidya Judhi, Sumaedi, Sik, Bakti, I. Gede Mahatma Yuda
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