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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2014

Space Weather Monitoring by Ground-Based Means: PC Index by Troshichev, Oleg, Janzhura, Alexander
Restoring Lands - Coordinating Science, Politics and Action: Complexities of Climate and Governance by
Green Solvents II: Properties and Applications of Ionic Liquids by
Green Solvents I: Properties and Applications in Chemistry by
Lessons Learned from Long-Term Soil Fertility Management Experiments in Africa by
Private or Socialistic Forestry?: Forest Transition in Finland vs. Deforestation in the Tropics by Palo, Matti, Lehto, Erkki
Governing the Uncertain: Adaptation and Climate in Russia and Finland by
The Future of Cities and Regions: Simulation, Scenario and Visioning, Governance and Scale by
Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments, Volume 1: The Impacts of Global Change on Biodiversity by
Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2012: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference by
Emerging and Priority Pollutants in Rivers: Bringing Science Into River Management Plans by
Factors Affecting the Removal of Ammonia from Air on Carbonaceous Materials: Investigation of Reactive Adsorption Mechanism by Petit, Camille
Switchgrass: A Valuable Biomass Crop for Energy by
Integrating Ecology and Poverty Reduction: Ecological Dimensions by
Isotopes of the Earth's Hydrosphere by Polyakov, V. A., Ferronsky, V. I.
Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Selected Pesticides by
Trust in Cooperative Risk Management: Uncertainty and Scepticism in the Public Mind by Earle, Timothy C.
Diachronic Climatic Impacts on Water Resources: With Emphasis on the Mediterranean Region by
Soil Carbon by
Terrestrial Biosphere-Atmosphere Fluxes by Monson, Russell, Baldocchi, Dennis
Temporal Dynamics and Ecological Process by
American Energy, Imperiled Coast: Oil and Gas Development in Louisiana's Wetlands by Theriot, Jason P.
The vegetation process: A holistic study of long-term community energetics in East Beringia by Orloci, Laszlo
Effektives Umweltmanagement: Arbeitsprogramm Für Den Betrieblichen Entwicklungsprozeß by Brennecke, Volker M., Krug, Sebastian
Managing Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems: Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change by
Explosive Shocks in Air by Kinney, Gilbert F., Graham, Kenneth J.
Lufthygiene Und Klima: Ein Handbuch Zur Stadt- Und Regionalplanung by Schirmer, H., Kutter, W.
Analytiker-Taschenbuch by Bahadir, A. Müfit, Günzler, Helmut, Danzer, Klaus
Larger Carnivores of the African Savannas by Walker, Clive, Bothma, Jacobus Du P.
Physical Control Methods in Plant Protection by
Choices of Now: Urgent Decisions for Co-Creating the Future of Our World by Lau, Agnes, Wee, Barney
An Electronic Silent Spring: Facing the Dangers and Creating Safe Limits by Singer, Katie
Wasserkraftanlagen: Planung, Bau Und Betrieb by Giesecke, Jürgen, Heimerl, Stephan, Mosonyi, Emil
Hula Valley: Ecology, Hydrology, Agriculture, Nutrient Dynamics, Tourism and Nature Conservation by Gophen, Moshe
Carbon Capture by Wilcox, Jennifer
The Biology of a Marine Copepod: Calanus Finmarchicus (Gunnerus) by Marshall, S. M., Orr, A. P.
The Gymnosperms by Biswas, Chhaya, Johri, B. M.
Toxicity of Heavy Metals to Legumes and Bioremediation by
Arsenic & Rice by Zhao, Fang-Jie, Meharg, Andrew A.
Improving Soil Fertility Recommendations in Africa Using the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (Dssat) by
The Atmospheric Chemist's Companion: Numerical Data for Use in the Atmospheric Sciences by Williams, Jonathan, Warneck, Peter
Insect Conservation: Past, Present and Prospects by
The Impact of Climate Change and Bioenergy on Nutrition by
Schooling for Sustainable Development:: A Focus on Australia, New Zealand, and the Oceanic Region by
Recarbonization of the Biosphere: Ecosystems and the Global Carbon Cycle by
Umweltschutz Im Globalen Wettbewerb: Neue Spielregeln Für Das Grenzenlose Unternehmen by
How to Travel The Amazon River: Practical Steps To Tour The Tropical Rainforest Easily & Economically by Schult, Mynor
National Air Pollutant Emission Trends, 1900-1998 by Protection Agency, U. S. Environmental
Recent Advances in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring: Volume II by
How to Travel The Amazon River (Full Color): Practical Steps To Tour The Tropical Rainforest Easily & Economically by Schult, Mynor
Building Resilient Urban Communities by
Dynamic and Stochastic Resource Economics: Essays on Biodiversity, Invasive Species, Joint Systems, and Regulation by Batabyal, Amitrajeet A.
From the Earth's Core to Outer Space by
Landwirtschaftlicher Wasserbau by Schroeder, Gerhard
Felder, Ströme Und Aerosole in Der Unteren Troposphäre: Nach Untersuchungen Im Hochgebirge Bis 3000 M NN by Reiter, R.
Soil-Subsurface Change: Chemical Pollutant Impacts by Yaron, Bruno, Dror, Ishai, Berkowitz, Brian
Lessons on Soil by Russell, E. J.
Northern Waters: Captain Roald Amundsen's Oceanographic Observations in the Arctic Seas in 1901 by Nansen, Fridtjof
Water Pollution by
Anthropogenic Compounds by
Lanthanides, Tantalum and Niobium: Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Characteristics of Primary Ore Deposits, Prospecting, Processing and Applications Proceed by
Thermal Desorption by
Chemical Treatment by
Quality and Treatment of Drinking Water II by
Reactions and Processes by
Use of Microbes for the Alleviation of Soil Stresses: Volume 2: Alleviation of Soil Stress by Pgpr and Mycorrhizal Fungi by
Plant Genome Diversity Volume 1: Plant Genomes, Their Residents, and Their Evolutionary Dynamics by
Der Maschinelle Wasserbau by Kühn, Günter
Raumklimatechnik: Grundlagen by
Packaging for Sustainability by
La Frontera: Forests and Ecological Conflict in Chile's Frontier Territory by Klubock, Thomas Miller
La Frontera: Forests and Ecological Conflict in Chile's Frontier Territory by Klubock, Thomas Miller
Redesigning the Planet: Regions: A Challenge to Create Wild Designs to Transform the Planet by
Birth of the Mountains: The Geologic Story of the Southern Appalachian Mountains by National Park Service
Waste Management: Europäische Konferenz Für Abfallbehandlung / European Conference on Waste Management / Conférence Européenne Sur La Ge by
Improved Understanding of Past Climatic Variability from Early Daily European Instrumental Sources by
Ocean Resources: Volume II Subsea Work Systems and Technologies by
Soil Ecology by
Organic Contaminants in the Environment: Environmental Pathways & Effects by
Large-Scale Transport Processes in Oceans and Atmosphere by
Progress in Soil Zoology: Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium on Soil Zoology Held in Prague September 17-22, 1973 by
Interconnections Between Human and Ecosystem Health by
Behavioural Brain Research in Naturalistic and Semi-Naturalistic Settings by
Progress in Theoretical Vegetation Science by
Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Communities by Kempton, R. a., Digby, P. G. N.
Transport Processes in the Middle Atmosphere by
Applied Manure and Nutrient Chemistry for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment by
Practical Guide to Geo-Engineering: With Equations, Tables, Graphs and Check Lists by Srbulov, Milutin
The Poetic Species: A Conversation with Edward O. Wilson and Robert Hass by Hass, Robert, Wilson, Edward O.
Still in a Daze at the Cottage by Ross, James
Stress in Mammals: The Potential Influence of Fishery- Induced Stress on Dolphins in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean by U. S. Department of Commerce
Animal Architecture: Photographs of Natural Habitats by Arndt, Ingo
Forestry Applications of Airborne Laser Scanning: Concepts and Case Studies by
Energetische Optimierungsmöglichkeiten im Altbau: Fallbeispiel by Hage, Sonja
Toxins and Biologically Active Compounds from Microalgae, Volume 2: Biological Effects and Risk Management by
Intensive Variable and Its Application by Zheng, Xinqi, Xue, Chunlu, Yuan, Zhiyuan
International Governance of the Arctic Marine Environment: With Particular Emphasis on High Seas Fisheries by Weidemann, Lilly
Environmental Transformations: A Geography of the Anthropocene by Whitehead, Mark
Autecology: Organisms, Interactions and Environmental Dynamics by Walter, Gimme H., Hengeveld, Rob
Arctic Zoology by Pennant, Thomas
Ecological Risk Assessment for Chlorpyrifos in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems in the United States by
Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity by
Flooded Area and Plant Zonation in Isolated Wetlands in Well Fields in the Northern Tampa Bay Region, Florida, Following Reductions in Groundwater-Wit by U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey, Pfeiffer, William R.
Relations between Precipitation, Groundwater Withdrawals, and Changes in Hydrologic Conditions at Selected Monitoring Sites in Volusia County, Florida by U. S. Department of the Interior, U S Geological Survey, Murray Jr, Louis C.
Geochronologic and Geochemical Data from Mesozoic Rocks in the Black Mountain Area Northeast of Victorville, San Bernardino County, California by Barth, Andrew P., Wooden, Joseph L., Fohey-Breting, Nicole K.
Quantifying Components of the Hydrologic Cycle in Virginia Using Chemical Hydrograph Separation and Multiple Regression Analysis by Pope, Jason P., Selnick, David L., Nelms, David L.
Undeniable: Dialogues on Global Warming by Keating, Christopher
Redesigning the Planet: Local Systems: Reshaping the Constructs of Civilizations through the Use of Ecological Design & Other Conceptual & Pra by
Civil Society Organization and Disaster Risk Reduction: The Asian Dilemma by
Electrospun Nanofibers for Energy and Environmental Applications by
Disaster and Development: Examining Global Issues and Cases by
Bioregionalism and Global Ethics: A Transactional Approach to Achieving Ecological Sustainability, Social Justice, and Human Well-Being by Evanoff, Richard
Hydrologic, Water-Quality, and Biological Characteristics of the North Fork Flathead River, Montana, Water Years 2007?2008 by U. S. Department of the Interior
Assessment of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Selected Surface Water of the National Park Service Northern Colorado Plateau Network, Colorado, by U. S. Department of the Interior
Low Flow of Streams in the Susquehanna River Basin of New York by U. S. Department of the Interior
Evaluating Effects of Potential Changes in Streamflow Regime on Fish and Aquatic-Invertebrate Assemblages in the New Jersey Pinelands by U. S. Department of the Interior
Groundwater Quality in the Upper Hudson River Basin, New York, 2007 by U. S. Department of the Interior
Hurricane Gustav: Observations and Analysis of Coastal Change by Iiu S. Department of the Interior
Water Levels and Selected Water-Quality Conditions in the Sparta-Memphis Aquifer (Middle Claiborne Aquifer) in Arkansas, Spring?Summer 2007 by U. S. Department of the Interior
The SAFRR (Science Application for Risk Reduction) Tsunami Scenario by U. S. Department of the Interior
Surface-Water and Groundwater Interactions along the Withlacoochee River, West-Central Florida by U. S. Department of the Interior
The Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator: A decision-support tool to assess by U. S. Department of the Interior
Performance of Physical Structures in Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita: A Reconnaissance Report by U. S. Department of Commerce
Groundwater Quality in the Delaware and St. Lawrence River Basins, New York, 2010 by U. S. Department of the Interior
Böden Der Welt: Ein Bildatlas by Schad, Peter, Hintermaier-Erhard, Gerd, Zech, Wolfgang
Adapting to an Uncertain Climate: Lessons from Practice by
Double-Crested Cormorant: Plight of a Feathered Pariah by Wires, Linda R.
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology by Ware, George W.
The Energy of Slaves by Nikiforuk, Andrew
The Incidental Steward: Reflections on Citizen Science by Busch, Akiko
Agrimonde - Scenarios and Challenges for Feeding the World in 2050 by
Gondwana Landscapes in Southern South America: Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil by
Impounded Water Bodies Modelling and Simulation by Shamsudin, Supiah, Dan'azumi, Salisu
Impounded Water Bodies Modelling and Simulation by Shamsudin, Supiah, Dan'azumi, Salisu
The Short Guide to Environmental Policy by Snell, Carolyn, Haq, Gary
Global Water: Issues and Insights by
Climate Change Education: Knowing, Doing and Being by Chew Hung, Chang
An Electronic Silent Spring: Facing the Dangers and Creating Safe Limits by Singer, Katie
Redesigning the Planet: Foundations: Reshaping the Constructs of Civilizations by Wittbecker, Alan
Wild Life on the Rockies by Mills, Enos A.
Is a Little Pollution Good for You?: Incorporating Societal Values in Environmental Research by Elliott, Kevin C.
Let Creation Rejoice: Biblical Hope and Ecological Crisis by Moo, Jonathan A., White, Robert S.
Mauvaise graine: roman by Beatrice, Deparpe
Hudson River: A Scenic and Historic Natural Treasure by Bernardo, John
The Intellectual Journey of Thomas Berry: Imagining the Earth Community by
The Elephant Letters: The Story of Billy and Kani by Bradshaw, G. A.
Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception Into the Dreaming of Earth by Buhner, Stephen Harrod
Environmental Noise Pollution: Noise Mapping, Public Health, and Policy by King, Eoin A., Murphy, Enda
Impacts of Selenium on the Biogeochemical Cycles of Mercury in Terrestrial Ecosystems in Mercury Mining Areas by Zhang, Hua
Adapting to Climate Change: Lessons from Natural Hazards Planning by
Hands-On Urbanism 1850-2012: The Right to Green by
Landscapes and Landforms of Spain by
Reducing the Vulnerability of Armenia's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change: Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options by Neumann, James E., Srivastava, Jitendra P., Ahouissoussi, Nicolas
INNOVACIÓN. Energías renovables para conservar la casa común by Lafferriere, Ricardo
Spare Us Some Carcasses - An Appeal From The Vultures by Dasa, Sahadeva
Keeping the Bees by Packer, Laurence
Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth? by Weisman, Alan
Ecotoxicology: Effects of Pollutants on the Natural Environment by Walker, Colin
The European Commission's Energy and Climate Policy: A Climate for Expertise? by Dreger, J.
Water and Life by Belhassan, Kaltoum
Environmental Transformations: A Geography of the Anthropocene by Whitehead, Mark
Ecologist-Developed Spatially-Explicit Dynamic Landscape Models by
Stochastic Medical Reasoning and Environmental Health Exposure by Wu, Jiaping, Christakos, George, Wang, Jinfeng
Introdução à Gestão Sustentável de TI: Estudo de Caso by Ferreira, Caio Cesar
Organic Farming, Prototype for Sustainable Agricultures by
Nematode-Trapping Fungi by
Improving Societal Resilience to Disasters: A Case Study of London's Transportation System by Atun, Funda
Contaminant Geochemistry: Interactions and Transport in the Subsurface Environment by Berkowitz, Brian, Dror, Ishai, Yaron, Bruno
The Human Auditory Cortex by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 218 by
Critiquing Sustainability, Changing Philosophy by Parker, Jenneth
Oil and Natural Gas Sector Liquids Unloading Processes by U S Environmental Protection Agency
Oil and Natural Gas Sector Pneumatic Devices by U S Environmental Protection Agency
Oil and Natural Gas Sector Compressors by U. S. Epa Office
Oil and Natural Gas Sector Hydraulically Fractured Oil Well Completions and Associated Gas during Ongoing Production by U S Environmental Protection Agency
Oil and Natural Gas Sector Leaks by U S Environmental Protection Agency
River Plants of Western Europe: The Macrophytic Vegetation of Watercourses of the European Economic Community by Haslam, S. M., Wolseley, P. A.
Loch Leven: 40 Years of Scientific Research: Understanding the Links Between Pollution, Climate Change and Ecological Response by
Permafrost Hydrology by Woo, Ming-Ko
Emerging Organic Contaminants and Human Health by
Protection of the Three Poles by
Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2011: Special Edition of Jointed Symposium of Kyoto University Global Coe Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming and Aj by
Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation by
Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Systems by Thiede, Sebastian
Science Communication in the World: Practices, Theories and Trends by
The Plant Family Brassicaceae: Contribution Towards Phytoremediation by
Sustainability in the Chemical Industry by Johnson, Eric
Living in a Seasonal World: Thermoregulatory and Metabolic Adaptations by
Climate Impacts on the Baltic Sea: From Science to Policy: School of Environmental Research - Organized by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht by Reckermann, Marcus
Reducing the Vulnerability of Azerbaijan's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change: Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options by Okan, Cuneyt, Ahouissoussi, Nicolas, Neumann, James E.
Passerine Migration: Stopovers and Flight by Chernetsov, Nikita
A Smarter, Greener Grid: Forging Environmental Progress through Smart Energy Policies and Technologies by Zoppo, David, Jones, Kevin
An Illustrated Guide to British Upland Vegetation by Averis, Alison, Averis, Ben, Birks, John
Water Resilience for Human Prosperity by Folke, Carl, Rockström, Johan, Falkenmark, Malin
Coastal Conservation by
Coastal Conservation by
Environmental Markets by Libecap, Gary D., Anderson, Terry L.
Environmental Markets by Anderson, Terry L., Libecap, Gary D.
Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Research by
Permaculture: A Step by Step Guide For Home Permaculture: How to Become an Expert in Home Gardening Techniques by Dios, Wesley
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