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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2016

The Dilemma of Wilderness by McDonald, Corry
Textbook of Applied Aquatic Biology by Hosetti, B. B. &. Kumar Arvind
40 Years from the Brink of Extinction by Chaney, John D.
Phytoremediation: A Strategy to clean up Environment by H. C. Lakshman
Environmental Biotechnology: A New Approach by Rajan Kumar Gupta
Bio-hydrogen Energy and Sustainable Development by Deepak Vyas
Practical Problem with Solution in Waste Water Engineering Vol. 5 by D. R. Saini
Waste Treatment Processes in Environmental Engineering Vol. 4 by B. N. Rai
Biotechnology: Progress and Applications by Saif Hameed
Sustainable Energy for All: Transforming Commitments to Action Lessons Learned and Actions for the Future by Nam &. Center
Practical Problem with Solution in Waste Water Engineering Vol. 1 by D. R. Saini
Practical Problem with Solution in Waste Water Engineering Vol. 2 by D. R. Saini
Practical Problem with Solution in Waste Water Engineering Vol. 3 by D. R. Saini
Practical Problem with Solution in Waste Water Engineering Vol. 4 by D. R. Saini
Practical Problem with Solution in Waste Water Engineering Vol. 6 by D. R. Saini
Waste Treatment Processes in Environmental Engineering Vol. 1 by B. N. Rai
Waste Treatment Processes in Environmental Engineering Vol. 3 by B. N. Rai
Agrometeorological Approach to Sustainable Agriculture by R. S. Mishra
Biodiversity in India Vol. 8 by T.
M51 Air Valves: Air Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination, Second Edition by Awwa
The Country House: Material Culture and Consumption by
Managing the Unknown: Essays on Environmental Ignorance by
Twilight of the Anthropocene Idols by Colebrook, Claire, Cohen, Tom, Miller, J. Hillis
Survival: Prepper's Survival Guide - Hunting, Fishing, Canning, and Foraging by Campbell, Jack
Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World by
Year of the Fire: The Story of the Great Fires of 1910 by Pyne, Stephen J.
Ecology of Similipal Biosphere Reserve by Mishra, Rabindra Kumar
Horse Ownership Responsible Sustainable Ethical: The Equicentral System Series Book 1 by Myers, Jane, Myers, Stuart
Advanced Oxidation Handbook, First Edition by James Collins, James R. Bolton
Forest Coloring Book For Adults: An Adult Coloring Book of 40 Woodland Designs and Wild Aniamls by a Variety of Artists by World, Adult Coloring
Is It Better to Burn Garbage or to Turn It into Unhealthy Products? Incineration versus Chemical Recycling by Juma, Husravi
Algae and Environmental Sustainability by
Quantitative Viral Ecology: Dynamics of Viruses and Their Microbial Hosts by Weitz, Joshua S.
Markets and the Environment, Second Edition by Keohane, Nathaniel O., Olmstead, Sheila M.
It's All About the Chirp, Snap and Quack by Rollins, Nancy M.
Standing Up for the Environment: Trade for a Greener World by United States Department of State
Sabbath and the Common Good by Browning, George Victor
Humpback Dolphins (Sousa Spp.): Current Status and Conservation, Part 2: Volume 73 by
Armleuchteralgen: Die Characeen Deutschlands by
Indigenous Peoples' Governance of Land and Protected Territories in the Arctic by
Whales and Elephants in International Conservation Law and Politics: A Comparative Study by Couzens, Ed
Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change Assessed by Neural Network and Analytical Hierarchy Process by Roy, Uttam, Majumder, Mrinmoy
Experiences from Surface Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in the Catalan River Basin District (Part I) by
The Monsoons and Climate Change: Observations and Modeling by
Ethnobiology of Corals and Coral Reefs by
The Air Pollution in the United States by Jones, Jared M.
Environmental Impacts on Underground Power Distribution by Gouda, Osama El-Sayed
Vertical Agriculture by Charria, Orlando
Experiences from Ground, Coastal and Transitional Water Quality Monitoring: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in the Catalan River Basin by
Renewable Energy in the Service of Mankind Vol II: Selected Topics from the World Renewable Energy Congress Wrec 2014 by
Hydrologic Analysis and Design by McCuen, Richard
Dead End Path: How Industrial Agriculture Has Stolen Our Future by Brown, David L.
Green Fashion: Volume 1 by
Earth Observation for Water Resource Management in Africa by
The End of the Mountains by Clabough, Casey
The Climate Nexus: Water, Food, Energy and Biodiversity by O'Riordan, Jon, Sandford, Robert William, Harford, Deborah
The Age of Consequences: A Chronicle of Concern and Hope by White, Courtney
Prepping: The Survivalist Guide to Natural Calamities, Wars and Economic Turmoil by Faunillan, Fhilcar
Reinterpreting Sub-Saharan Cities Through the Concept of Adaptive Capacity: An Analysis of Autonomous Adaptation in Response to Environmental Changes by Ricci, Liana
Four Fields by Dee, Tim
Wild Mammals of Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park by Buskirk, Steven W.
Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming by Malm, Andreas
Principles of Applied Remote Sensing by Koch, Frank H., Khorram, Siamak, Van Der Wiele, Cynthia F.
Value of Information in the Earth Sciences by Bhattacharjya, Debarun, Eidsvik, Jo, Mukerji, Tapan
A Walk in the Wilderness Stress Relieving Adult Coloring Book Sketch Pad: Animals and Nature Stress Relieving Patterns for Calm Coloring; Adult Colori by The Quilted Garden Shoppe, Pencil Me In! Adult Coloring Books and D., Vincento, Gabriella Alise
Corporate Social Responsibility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Sustainable Development in Its Embryonic Form by
The Contribution of Social Sciences to Sustainable Development at Universities by
A Lawn Chair Gardener's Guide: To a Balanced Life and World by Pape, Dawn V.
Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply by Shiva, Vandana
Empowering Climate-Change Strategies with Bernard Lonergan's Method by Raymaker, John
WALDEN or Life in the Woods (Wisehouse Classics Edition) by Thoreau, Henry David
Global Warming - Time Stories: Seeds of Sorrow - Seeds of Hope by Ray, Martin, Blue Light Series
Global Warming - Social Story-Poems: Seeds of Needs - The Urgency of Now in an Age of Change by Ray, Martin, Blue Light Series
Evolution of the Sensor Fish Device for Measuring Physical Conditions in Server Hydraulic Environments (Fish Stories) by U. S. Department of Energy
Elwha River Fish Restoration Plan (Fish Stories) by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis
National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (Fish Stories) by U S Fish & Wildlife Service
West Coast Recreational Fisheries for Salmon (Fish Stories) by National Oceanic Atmospheric Administrat
Non-native Fish Control in Tributaries: Grand Canyon National Park (Fish Stories) by National Park Service
Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University Level by
Neo-Thinking on Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin Geomorphology by
Superstorm Sandy: The Inevitable Destruction and Reconstruction of the Jersey Shore by Bates, Diane C.
Superstorm Sandy: The Inevitable Destruction and Reconstruction of the Jersey Shore by Bates, Diane C.
Preliminary Assessment of Fish Entrainment at Hydropower Projects (Fish Stories) by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Waldökologie: Einführung Für Mitteleuropa by Bartsch, Norbert, Röhrig, Ernst
Radiological Issues for Fukushima's Revitalized Future by
Fracking America: Sacrificing Health and the Environment for Short-Term Economic Benefit by Brasch, Walter M.
Indian Water Policy at the Crossroads: Resources, Technology and Reforms by
Ecosystems of California by
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 135 by
Development and Evaluation of High Resolution Climate System Models by Zhou, Tianjun, Wu, Tongwen, Yu, Rucong
From Biomolecules to Chemofossils by Jovan I. Evi, Branimir, Schwarzbauer, Jan
Plants, Pollutants and Remediation by
Geo Spirit: For Environment & Earth Leadership by Nakka, Sai Bhaskar Reddy
Kritische Metalle in Der Großen Transformation by
A Critique of the Moral Defense of Vegetarianism by Smith, Andrew F.
Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates: Keys to Nearctic Fauna by
Uncertainty in Policy Making: Values and Evidence in Complex Decisions by Heazle, Michael
Safeguarding, Child Protection and Abuse in Sport: International Perspectives in Research, Policy and Practice by
Cruise Tourism in Polar Regions: Promoting Environmental and Social Sustainability? by
Biofuels for Transport: Global Potential and Implications for Sustainable Energy and Agriculture by Worldwatch Institute
Contested Common Land: Environmental Governance Past and Present by
Ecosystems and Integrated Water Resources Management in South Asia by
Remote Sensing Advances for Earth System Science: The ESA Changing Earth Science Network: Projects 2011-2013 by
Climate Change and Agriculture in India: Studies from Selected River Basins by Palanisami, K., Ranganathan, C. R., Nagothu, Udaya Sekhar
Process and Form in Geomorphology by
The Ecology of Oneness: A Preparation and Guide to Awakening in a Free World by Sachs, Robert
Soil Remediation: Applications and New Technologies by
Environmental Plant Physiology by Willey, Neil
The Urban Transport Crisis in Europe and North America by Pucher, J., Lefevre, C.
Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation by
Phoney Phorestry: A Forestry Insider Blows the Whistle on the Forestry Profession by Birkemeier, Jim
Tell Your Own Weather by Bowen, David, Beswetherick, Hugh
Pv Technical Sales: Preparation for the Nabcep Technical Sales Certification by White, Sean
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 136 by
Meteorologie: Eine Interdisziplinäre Einführung in Die Physik Der Atmosphäre by Klose, Brigitte
Ecosystem Services: From Biodiversity to Society, Part 2: Volume 54 by
The Intrinsic Value of Endangered Species by Smith, Ian A.
If 'all the world's a stage', it's on fire: A Sense of Global Warming by Ray, Martin
Ice Age 2050s Certainty: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Framing Environmental Disaster: Environmental Advocacy and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill by Merry, Melissa K.
Modeling of Tropospheric Delays Using Anfis by Suparta, Wayan, Alhasa, Kemal Maulana
Green Fashion: Volume 2 by
Exotic Brome-Grasses in Arid and Semiarid Ecosystems of the Western Us: Causes, Consequences, and Management Implications by
Absolute Climate Change: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Plasma Versus the Big Bang: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Historic and Modern Plasma Evidence: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
How to Know the Truth Absolutely: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Dark Matter Discovered: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Seeing the True Sun: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Humanity versus Empire: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Glass Steagall versus Economic Collapse: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Plasma Solar, Spiritual Human: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Oregon City Floods by Clackamas County Historical Society
New Ice Age Near: 58-Part Evidence: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
The Environmental Impact of War by Bradshaw, Marc
Photovoltaics for Professionals: Solar Electric Systems Marketing, Design and Installation by Falk, Antony, Durschner, Christian, Remmers, Karl-Heinz
Transactions with the World: Ecocriticism and the Environmental Sensibility of New Hollywood by O'Brien Adam
Oceans Past: Management Insights from the History of Marine Animal Populations by
Analysis of Oceanic Waters and Sediments by Crompton, Thomas Roy
Agricultural Markets Instability: Revisiting the Recent Food Crises by
Remanufactured Fashion by Dissanayake, Geetha, Muthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan, Sinha, Pammi
Seaweed Phylogeography: Adaptation and Evolution of Seaweeds Under Environmental Change by
Electric Galaxies and Solar Systems: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Climate Change and Microbial Ecology: Current Research and Future Trends by
Introducing Groundwater by Price, Michael
Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software by
Anti-Entropy versus Entropy: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
This River Beneath the Sky: A Year on the Platte by Pfost, Doreen
The Biology of Wonder: Aliveness, Feeling and the Metamorphosis of Science by Weber, Andreas
Wild Whispers by Maehr, Theo
Baptized in PCBs: Race, Pollution, and Justice in an All-American Town by Spears, Ellen Griffith
Under a Flaming Sky: The Great Hinckley Firestorm of 1894 by Brown, Daniel
Storm Warning: Water and Climate Security in a Changing World by Sandford, Robert William
The Digital Ice Age: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
From Human Dawn to Politics: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
The Greatest Science Challenge in the History of Civilization: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Climate Change Action and Cosmic Dynamics: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Climate Change in the Sunlight: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Michael Muller. Requins by Kock, Alison, Cousteau Jr, Philippe, Nelson, Arty
Orbits and Climate Oscillations: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Environment in Crisis: Selected Essays on Somali Environment by Awale, Ahmed Ibrahim
The Primer Fields: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Michael Muller. Sharks by Kock, Alison, Cousteau Jr, Philippe, Nelson, Arty
A Sun is NOT a Gas Sphere: Illustrated Science by Witzsche, Rolf A. F.
Renaturierung Von Ökosystemen in Mitteleuropa by
Global Ethics and Climate Change by Harris, Paul G.
Oil and Water: An Oilman's Quest to Save the Source of America's Most Endangered River by Grace, Stephen
Canadian Countercultures and the Environment by
Biological Economies: Experimentation and the Politics of Agri-Food Frontiers by
Marketing National Parks for Sustainable Tourism by Tower, John, Wearing, Stephen L., Schweinsberg, Stephen
Marketing National Parks for Sustainable Tourism by Tower, John, Wearing, Stephen L., Schweinsberg, Stephen
Icebergs: Their Science and Links to Global Change by Bigg, Grant R.
Food Security, Gender and Resilience: Improving Smallholder and Subsistence Farming by
Pro-Environmental Behaviors by Kurisu, Kiyo
Petroleum Company Operations and Agreements in the Developing Countries by Mikesell, Raymond F.
Why Redd Will Fail by Pandey, Chandra, Smith, Zachary A., Deshazo, Jessica
Philosophy of Nature: Rethinking Naturalness by Lie, Svein Anders
Information Technology in Environmental Engineering: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Technologies in Environmental Engi by
Inventing Atmospheric Science: Bjerknes, Rossby, Wexler, and the Foundations of Modern Meteorology by Fleming, James Rodger
Qaylodhaan Deegaan: Qoraallo Xul Ah by Cawaale, Axmed Ibraahin
Hydrodynamic and Mass Transport at Freshwater Aquatic Interfaces: 34th International School of Hydraulics by
Circle It, National Parks from A to Z Facts, Word Search, Puzzle Book by Schumacher, Maria, Lowry Global Media LLC
Environmental Science for Environmental Management by
Land and Limits: Interpreting Sustainability in the Planning Process by Owens, Susan, Cowell, Richard
Climate Change in Cyprus: Review of the Impacts and Outline of an Adaptation Strategy by Zachariadis, Theodoros
Corporate Carbon and Climate Accounting by
Legal Methods of Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in Chinese Water Management by He, Xiangbai
Kitchen Table Sustainability: Practical Recipes for Community Engagement with Sustainability by Sarkissian, Wendy, Shore, Yollana, Hofer, Nancy
Tatort Wald: Georg Meister und sein Kampf für unsere Wälder by Lieckfeld, Claus-Peter
Life's Poetry by Giles, Dean R.
From a Limestone Ledge: Some Essays and Other Ruminations about Country Life in Texas by Graves, John
Hard Scrabble: Observations on a Patch of Land by Graves, John
Microsensing Networks for Sustainable Cities by Lambrechts, Johannes, Sinha, Saurabh
Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture by
Basics of Marine and Estuarine Ecology by Zaman, Sufia, Mitra, Abhijit
It Solutions for the Smart Grid: Theory, Application, and Economic Assessment by Brandt, Tobias
Invertebrates: Experimental Models in Toxicity Screening by
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XXIV by
Natural Fibres: Advances in Science and Technology Towards Industrial Applications: From Science to Market by
Living with Biodiversity in an Island Ecosystem: Cultural Adaptation in the Solomon Islands by Furusawa, Takuo
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