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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2018

Kicking Gas and Taking Charge!: How 8 Electric Vehicle Crusaders Set a Guinness World Record by Leffel, Duane A.
Energy, Environment, Ecology and Society by K, Sudhakar, Kumar, Anil
Disaster Communication and Early Warning Systems by Banzal, Preeti
Mangrove Microorganisms: Biodiversity ana Biotehcnology by Thatoi, Hrudayanath Et Al
Spatial Planning and Resilience Following Disasters: International and Comparative Perspectives by
Climate Events and Disaster Mitigation from Policy to Practice by
Environment as Capsule: All about Environment Education Informally by Nanda, S. K.
Biodigester: An Innovative Technology for on-board Disposal of Human Waste in Indian Railways by Singh, Lokendra
Biodiversity in Horticultural Crops Vol. 6 by
Environment and Forest by Deka, M. M.
Hydrogeochemical and Statistical Behaviour of Hill Springs by Joshi, Hemant Kumar
Metallic Contamination and its Toxicity by Gautam, Ashutosh
Drought Management and Desertification Control: Still Miles to Go by Dhir, R. P.
Energy Models in Emerging Economies by
Sustainable Development of Ecosystem, Wildlife and Heritage Conservation for Human Welfare by
Climate Generation: Awakening to Our Children's Future by Gold, Lorna
Disaster Risk and Impact Management: Some Ecohydrological and Strategic Issues by
Biodiversity: Monitoring Management and Utilization by
The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations You Won't Hear From Al Gore--And Others by Bastardi, Joe
Environmental Science by Miller, G., Spoolman, Scott
Challenges to Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development by Agarwal, Poonam
Blue Planet II: A New World of Hidden Depths by Brownlow, Mark, Honeyborne, James
Practical Meteorology: An Algebra-based Survey of Atmospheric Science by Stull, Roland
Bioremediation: Applications for Environmental Protection and Management by
Catch and Release: The Enduring Yet Vulnerable Horseshoe Crab by Moore, Lisa Jean
Environmental Engineering Dictionary by Spellman, Frank R.
The Climate Chronicles: Inconvenient Revelations You Won't Hear From Al Gore--And Others by Bastardi, Joe
Wine and Place: A Terroir Reader by
Catch and Release: The Enduring Yet Vulnerable Horseshoe Crab by Moore, Lisa Jean
Good Life on a Finite Earth: The Political Economy of Green Growth by Fiorino, Daniel J.
Walden and Civil Disobedience by Thoreau, Henry David
The Haze Problem in Southeast Asia: Palm Oil and Patronage by Varkkey, Helena
Chinese Environmental Aesthetics: Wangheng Chen, Wuhan University, China, translated by Feng Su, Hunan Normal University, China by
The Double Constraint Inversion Methodology: Equations and Applications in Forward and Inverse Modeling of Groundwater Flow by de Smedt, Florimond, El-Rawy, Mustafa, Zijl, Wouter
From Aardvarks to Zooxanthellae: The Definitive Lyrical Guide to Nature's Ways by Avise, John C.
Air Pollution and Control by
From Body Fuel to Universal Poison: Cultural History of Meat: 1900-The Present by Buscemi, Francesco
Agroecological Crop Protection by
Coal-Fired Electricity and Emissions Control: Efficiency and Effectiveness by Tillman, David A.
The Haunters of the Silences by Roberts, Charles G. D.
Landscapes of Power: Politics of Energy in the Navajo Nation by Powell, Dana E.
Landscapes of Power: Politics of Energy in the Navajo Nation by Powell, Dana E.
Increase: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century - Increase 2017 by
Building Bottom-Up Health and Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes by Chan, Emily Ying Yang
Sustainable Technologies for the Management of Agricultural Wastes by
Biology and Ecology of Pike by
Die Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels auf den Weinbau: Adaptionsmaßnahmen und das Fallbeispiel England by Lochschmidt, Tim
Applied Tree Biology by Thomas, Peter A., Hirons, Andrew
Plant-Microbe Interactions in Agro-Ecological Perspectives: Volume 2: Microbial Interactions and Agro-Ecological Impacts by
Landscape Perspectives: The Holistic Nature of Landscape by Antrop, Marc, Van Eetvelde, Veerle
Quality of Life in Urban Landscapes: In Search of a Decision Support System by Sargolini, Massimo, D'Onofrio, Rosalba, Grifoni, Roberta Cocci
Environmental Disaster in the Gulf South: Two Centuries of Catastrophe, Risk, and Resilience by
Environmental Pollution: Select Proceedings of Icwees-2016 by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea by
Space Coloring Book for Kids: Midnight Edition: Galactic Doodles and Astronauts in Outer Space with Aliens, Rocket Ships, Spaceships and All the Pla (Large Print Edition) by Clemens, Annie
Sustainable Risk Management by
Autoethnographies on the Environment and Human Health by Zolnikov, Tara Rava
Urban Water Sustainability: Constructing Infrastructure for Cities and Nature by Bell, Sarah
Forest Pathology and Plant Health by
Space Coloring Book for Kids: Galactic Doodles and Astronauts in Outer Space with Aliens, Rocket Ships, Spaceships and All the Planets of the Solar (Large Print Edition) by Clemens, Annie
The Theoretical Individual: Imagination, Ethics and the Future of Humanity by Morrison, Jane Gray, Tobias, Michael Charles
Survival Guide: TOP 20 Ideas How To Survive Natural Disaster In Your Home: (Survival Book, Natural Disasters Survival, How to Survive by Lewis, Lambert
The Indian Rivers: Scientific and Socio-Economic Aspects by
Deliberating Environmental Policy in India: Participation and the Role of Advocacy by Ganguly, Sunayana
The Italian Water Industry: Cases of Excellence by
Stiff Extrusion Briquetting in Metallurgy by Kurunov, Ivan, Bizhanov, Aitber
Klimawirksame Kennzahlen Für Afrika: Statusreport Und Empfehlungen Für Die Energiewirtschaft by Crastan, Valentin
Arsenic Mitigation in Rural Bangladesh: A Policy-Mix for Supplying Safe Water in Badly Affected Areas of Meherpur District by Akmam, Wardatul
The Development of Russian Environmental Thought: Scientific and Geographical Perspectives on the Natural Environment by Oldfield, Jonathan, Shaw, Denis J. B.
Waste to Wealth by
Ecological Risks and Disasters - New Experiences in China and Europe by
Water Quality Management: Select Proceedings of Icwees-2016 by
The Elephants Are Asking by Neuberg, Karen
Sustainable Abundance for All by Nunez, Ted
Sustainable Abundance for All by Nunez, Ted
Brewing and Distilling Yeasts by Stewart, Graham G.
Klimawirksame Kennzahlen Für Amerika: Statusreport Und Empfehlungen Für Die Energiewirtschaft by Crastan, Valentin
Enger, Environmental Science, 2019, 15e, Student Edition by Enger, Eldon, Smith, Bradley T.
The Application of Science in Environmental Impact Assessment by MacKinnon, Aaron J., Duinker, Peter N., Walker, Tony R.
Urban Channel Design and Flow Analysis by Guo, James C. y., Guo, Yuan
Disaster Management by
Water: More or Less 2018: An anthology of history, art and essay by Sudman, Rita Schmidt, Taylor, Stephanie
Groundwater: Select Proceedings of Icwees-2016 by
El Niño in World History by Grove, Richard, Adamson, George
Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective by Vanloon, Gary W., Duffy, Stephen J.
My First Summer in Sierra by Muir, John
Open Spaces, Open Rebellions: The War over America's Public Lands by Makley, Michael J.
Healthcare Facilities in Emerging Countries: The Challenge for India by
Nachhaltige Betriebliche Umweltinformationssysteme: Konferenzband Zu Den 9. Buis-Tagen by
Wireless Sensor Networks: Deployment Strategies for Outdoor Monitoring by Al-Turjman, Fadi
Rainwater Harvesting: Quantity, Quality, Economics and State Regulations by
Cassava by
Aid Effectiveness for Environmental Sustainability by
Green Japan: Environmental Technologies, Innovation Policy, and the Pursuit of Green Growth by Holroyd, Carin
Social Ecology and Social Change by
Rural Development and Urban-Bound Migration in Mexico by Crosson, Pierre, Silvers, Arthur
Statistical Downscaling and Bias Correction for Climate Research by Maraun, Douglas, Widmann, Martin
Handbuch Elektrofilter: Physik, Hochspannungsversorgung, Erdung Und Auslegung by Von Stackelberg, Josef, Schmoch, Manfred
Dolphin Girl by Bedwell, Stephen, Jr.
Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung Natürlicher Ressourcen: Erfolgsfaktoren in Komplexen Sozial-Ökologischen Systemen by Frey, Ulrich
Caatinga: The Largest Tropical Dry Forest Region in South America by
Tsunami Propagation in Tidal Rivers by Tolkova, Elena
Geoinformation from the Past: Computational Retrieval and Retrospective Monitoring of Historical Land Use by Herold, Hendrik
Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 3: Case Studies in Climate Change Communication by
Challenges in Modelling and Simulation of Shale Gas Reservoirs by Galal Hassan, Mohamed, Gholinezhad, Jebraeel, Fianu, John Senam
Beyond Politics by Gilligan, Jonathan M., Vandenbergh, Michael P.
Get Well Earth! by Henderson, Bridgett
Rainwater-Smart Agriculture in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas: Fostering the Use of Rainwater for Food Security, Poverty Alleviation, Landscape Restoration by
Winsor Consult Group - Disaster Recovery Guide: A Best Practice Guide for Disaster Recovery Programs by Kuehn, Michael, Sohn, James D.
Manual de Energia Fotovoltaica by Trippi, Daniel
Design AIDS of Offshore Structures Under Special Environmental Loads Including Fire Resistance by Chandrasekaran, Srinivasan, Srivastava, Gaurav
Urban Transformations: Sustainable Urban Development Through Resource Efficiency, Quality of Life and Resilience by
Emerging Trends of Nanotechnology in Environment and Sustainability: A Review-Based Approach by
Urban Transformations: Sustainable Urban Development Through Resource Efficiency, Quality of Life and Resilience by
Evolution of South American Mammalian Predators During the Cenozoic: Paleobiogeographic and Paleoenvironmental Contingencies by Forasiepi, Analía M., Prevosti, Francisco J.
Volcanic Landscapes and Associated Wetlands of Lowland Patagonia by
Organic Pollutants in the Geosphere by Jovančicevic, Branimir, Schwarzbauer, Jan
Imaging the Rupture Processes of Earthquakes Using the Relative Back-Projection Method: Theory and Applications by Zhang, Hao
Biodiversity and Biogeographic Patterns in Asia-Pacific Region I: Statistical Methods and Case Studies by Chen, Youhua
Domestication of Radiata Pine by Burdon, Rowland, Libby, William, Brown, Alan
Mercury Pollution in Minamata by Yokoyama, Hisashi
Climate Literacy and Innovations in Climate Change Education: Distance Learning for Sustainable Development by
Ökologie Mitteleuropäischer Flussauen by Meyer, Thomas
Earth Science: A Study of the Wonders of Hashem's Physical World by Brody, Moshe
Application of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems in Japan by
Water Management in New Zealand's Canterbury Region: A Sustainability Framework by Jenkins, Bryan R.
Aqua Apocalypses: Case studies based on disasters related to water resource management by Bhandari, Sonali
The World's Water Volume 9: The Report on Freshwater Resources by Donnelly, Kristina, Cohen, Michael, Cooley, Heather
The Sun-Climate Connection over the Last Millennium: facts and questions by Veretenenko, Svetlana, Jalkanen, Risto, Lindholm, Markus
Instruments of Land Policy: Dealing with Scarcity of Land by
Hydrologic Modeling: Select Proceedings of Icwees-2016 by
Industrial Policy and Sustainable Growth by
Field Guide to Banff National Park: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Plants & Animals by Waterford Press, Kavanagh, James
Routledge Handbook of the Environment in Southeast Asia by
To Catch the Rain: Inspiring stories of communities coming together to harvest their own rain, and how you can do it too by Grafman, Lonny
Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue with Nature by Stengers, Isabelle, Prigogine, Ilya
Industrial Policy and Sustainable Growth by
Carrion Ecology, Evolution, and Their Applications by
Routledge Handbook of Ocean Resources and Management by
Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology by
Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries: The Lithorec Way by
Environmental Adaptation and Eco-cultural Habitats: A coevolutionary approach to society and nature by Schubert, Johannes
Climate Change in Human History: Prehistory to the Present by Lieberman, Benjamin, Gordon, Elizabeth
Landslide Dynamics: Isdr-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools: Volume 1: Fundamentals, Mapping and Monitoring by
Soil Components and Human Health by Reichl, Franz X., Nieder, Rolf, Benbi, Dinesh K.
Climate Guardians: Thoughts and Actions for People of Faith by Cain, David
Socio-Metabolic Perspectives on the Sustainability of Local Food Systems: Insights for Science, Policy and Practice by
Strategies for Bioremediation of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants by
Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L. by
Combatting Climate Change in the Pacific: The Role of Regional Organizations by McDuie-Ra, Duncan, Williams, Marc
High Resolution Palaeoclimatic Changes in Selected Sectors of the Indian Himalaya by Using Speleothems: Past Climatic Changes Using Cave Structures by Singh, Anoop Kumar
Klimawirksame Kennzahlen Für Den Nahen Osten Und Südasien: Statusreport Und Empfehlungen Für Die Energiewirtschaft by Crastan, Valentin
Klimawirksame Kennzahlen Für Ostasien Und Ozeanien: Statusreport Und Empfehlungen Für Die Energiewirtschaft by Crastan, Valentin
Ocean Remote Sensing with Synthetic Aperture Radar by
Energieeffizienz in Der Industrie by Kessler, Alois, Blesl, Markus
Twenty Years of Research and Development on Soil Pollution and Remediation in China by
Thermische Seewassernutzung in Deutschland: Bestandsanalyse, Potential Und Hemmnisse Seewasserbetriebener Wärmepumpen by Kammer, Henriette
The Myth of Silent Spring: Rethinking the Origins of American Environmentalism by Montrie, Chad
Weather & Climate Services for the Energy Industry by
Barrier Dynamics and Response to Changing Climate by
Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 1: Multiple Light Scattering, Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing by
REDD+ Crossroads Post Paris: Politics, Lessons and Interplays by
Gletscher Im Wandel: 125 Jahre Gletschermessdienst Des Alpenvereins by Fischer, Andrea, Patzelt, Gernot, Achrainer, Martin
Co--Creating Sustainable Urban Futures: A Primer on Applying Transition Management in Cities by
Pesticides, a Love Story: America's Enduring Embrace of Dangerous Chemicals by Mart, Michelle
The Myth of Silent Spring: Rethinking the Origins of American Environmentalism by Montrie, Chad
Harry: A Wilderness Dog Saga by Czajkowski, Chris
Biology and Conservation of Musteloids by
Global Climatic Changes & Weather Modification Technologies by Manickam, Valli, Krishna, I. V. Murali
Impact of Long-Period Ground Motions on Structural Design: A Case Study for Bucharest, Romania by Pavel, Florin, Popa, Viorel, Vacareanu, Radu
Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in Iran: Tradition, Modernity, and the Production of 'Space-In-Between' by Shirazi, M. Reza
Literature and Ecofeminism: Intersectional and International Voices by
The Austin Dam Disaster of 1900 by Clare, Elizabeth H.
Assessing Global Water Megatrends by
An der Nahe by Bauch, Bettina
Water Remediation by
Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean by
Ecological Responses at Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 Years After the 1980 Eruption by
Spatial Ecology: Patterns and Processes by Rai, Vikas
Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources: With Modeling Techniques and Case Studies by Srinivasa Raju, Komaragiri, Nagesh Kumar, Dasika
A Study of India's Textile Exports and Environmental Regulations by
Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Cyclohexane and Its Mono-Alkylated Derivatives Combustion by Wang, Zhandong
Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa by Mucina, Ladislav
The Hydraulic Transport and Storage of Extractive Waste: Guidelines to European Practice by
Mycoremediation and Environmental Sustainability: Volume 1 by
Climate Change and Storytelling: Narratives and Cultural Meaning in Environmental Communication by Arnold, Annika
Interdisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Development Goals: Economic Growth, Social Inclusion and Environmental Protection by
Free Surface Flows and Transport Processes: 36th International School of Hydraulics by
Ethics and Politics of the Built Environment: Gardens of the Anthropocene by Di Paola, Marcello
Detoxification of Chemical Warfare Agents: From Wwi to Multifunctional Nanocomposite Approaches by Bandosz, Teresa J., Giannakoudakis, Dimitrios A.
Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 2: Light Scattering, Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing by
Flood Risk Management Strategies and Governance by
Use of Extraterrestrial Resources for Human Space Missions to Moon or Mars by Rapp, Donald
Emerging Issues in Fish Larvae Research by
Food and Cooking Skills Education: Why Teach People How to Cook? by Tull, Anita
Emerging Energetic Materials: Synthesis, Physicochemical, and Detonation Properties by Viswanath, Dabir S., Boddu, Veera M., Ghosh, Tushar K.
International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2017 by
A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Desalination by
Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: Principles, Challenges and Perspectives by
Monotonic, Cyclic and Postcyclic Shear Behavior of Low-Plasticity Silt by Wang, Shuying
See More