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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2024

Save the Planet in Your Spare Time: A Climate Protection Handbook for the Busy Person by Mercado, Joyce
In the Country of the Kaw: A Personal Natural History of the American Plains by Locklear, James H.
At Every Depth: Our Growing Knowledge of the Changing Oceans by Hill, Tessa, Simons, Eric
At Every Depth: Our Growing Knowledge of the Changing Oceans by Hill, Tessa, Simons, Eric
Five Times Faster: Rethinking the Science, Economics, and Diplomacy of Climate Change by Sharpe, Simon
Five Times Faster: Rethinking the Science, Economics, and Diplomacy of Climate Change by Sharpe, Simon
The Fresh and the Salt: The Story of the Solway by Lingard, Ann
CO2 Refrigeration Cycle and Systems by
Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: Host Government Instruments for Sustainability in Oil and Gas Operations by
Climate Governance in International and Comparative Perspective: Issues and Experiences in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean by
Climate Governance in International and Comparative Perspective: Issues and Experiences in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean by
Deep-Sea Minerals Developments in the 20th Century by Cronan, David S.
Napatree Point: A Decade of Stewardship by Cole, Daniel T., August, Peter, Sassi, Janice
Applied Freshwater Biology by Richardson, John S.
The Ant Collective: Inside the World of an Ant Colony by Schieb, Armin
Nursery Earth: The Hidden World of Baby Animals and the Amazing Ingenuity of Life by Staaf, Danna
Ocean - The Secret of Planet Earth by Duarte, Carlos M.
A Sometimes Paradise: Reflections on Life in a Wyoming Ranch Family by Miller, Mark E.
Hiking Waterfalls Ohio by Reed, Mary
Field Guide to Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of the East Coast of North America by Ebert, David A., Dando, Marc
Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene: The New Nature by Keleman Saxena, Alder, Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt, Deger, Jennifer
Warming Up: How Climate Change Is Changing Sport - A Guardian Sports Book of the Year 2024 by Orr, Madeleine
A Sometimes Paradise: Reflections on Life in a Wyoming Ranch Family by Miller, Mark E.
Soil: The Story of a Black Mother's Garden by Dungy, Camille T.
The Redemption of Wolf 302: From Renegade to Yellowstone Alpha Male by McIntyre, Rick
The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth by Schlanger, Zoë
California Snakes and How to Find Them by Taylor, Emily
Coastal Life of the Pacific Coast: Discover Tidepools and Identify Beachcombing Finds and Iconic Wildlife by Panlasigui, Stephanie
Whale-Watching on the Pacific Coast: Easily Identify Whales, Dolphins, and Other Marine Mammals by Minasian, Stan
Nanotechnology-Based Sensors for Detection of Environmental Pollution by
Proceedings of the 2022 Eurasian Opensees Days by
Sustainable Development Goals in Northeast India: Challenges and Achievements by
Advances in Natural Hazards and Volcanic Risks: Shaping a Sustainable Future: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Hazards (Nathaz by
The Literary Beach: History and Aesthetics of a Modern Topos by
Charakterisierung historischer Veränderungen der Bodenbedeckung und Verständnis der Trends by Nzonda, Gcobani, Midgley, Guy, Nyereli, Zuziwe
Caractériser les changements historiques de l'occupation des sols et comprendre les tendances by Nzonda, Gcobani, Midgley, Guy, Nyereli, Zuziwe
Характеристика историч&# by Нзонда, Гк&#, Миджли, Га&#, Ньерели, З&#
Caratterizzare il cambiamento storico della copertura del suolo e comprenderne le tendenze by Nzonda, Gcobani, Midgley, Guy, Nyereli, Zuziwe
Dawn at Mineral King Valley: The Sierra Club, the Disney Company, and the Rise of Environmental Law by Selmi, Daniel P.
The Hydrocene: Eco-Aesthetics in the Age of Water by Bailey-Charteris, Bronwyn
The Hydrocene: Eco-Aesthetics in the Age of Water by Bailey-Charteris, Bronwyn
Predicting Storms: The Adventure Begins by Ellis, Robert
Making the Rural Urban: Inter-Class Dynamics to Protect the Environment in a Gentrifying Rural Town in Colombia by Villamizar-Santamaría, Sebastián Felipe
Climate Crisis Changed: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are deliberate science fiction. by White
Exploring Environmental Violence by
Gaslight: The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Fight for America's Energy Future by Mingle, Jonathan
Spatial Observation of Giant Panda Habitat: Techniques and Methods by Zhen, Jing, Meng, Qingkai, Wang, Xinyuan
Women and Finance in Africa: Inclusion and Transformation by
4th International Conference Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience & Midterm Conference of Circularb "Implementation of Circular by
Choisir la Terre: Le voyage initiatique de l'humanité à travers la rupture et l'effondrement, vers une communauté plan by Elgin, Duane
Биономические исследов&# by Якубу Дан&#1
Bionomische Studien über latexproduzierende Pflanzen in der Savannenregion von Nigeria by Yakubu Danladi, Papi
Études bionomiques des plantes productrices de latex dans la région de la savane du Nigeria by Yakubu Danladi, Papi
Estudos Bionómicos de Plantas Produtoras de Látex na Região de Savana da Nigéria by Yakubu Danladi, Papi
Studi bionomici sulle piante produttrici di lattice nella regione della Savana in Nigeria by Yakubu Danladi, Papi
Geologic Life: Inhuman Intimacies and the Geophysics of Race by Yusoff, Kathryn
Escolha a Terra: Jornada de Iniciação da Humanidade Através da Ruptura e Colapso para Uma Comunidade Planetária Madura by Elgin, Duane, Weller, Francis
Geologic Life: Inhuman Intimacies and the Geophysics of Race by Yusoff, Kathryn
Island Ecosystems: Challenges to Sustainability by
Man and Place: Creative Design Transformations by
Modern River Science for Watershed Management: GIS and Hydrogeological Application by
Impacts anthropiques sur les fragments de forêt urbaine restants by Brito Da Costa, Reginaldo, Figueiredo, Helder Pereira de, Henrique de Souza Barros, João
Impatti antropici sui frammenti di foresta urbana rimanenti by Brito Da Costa, Reginaldo, Figueiredo, Helder Pereira de, Henrique de Souza Barros, João
Impactos antrópicos nos fragmentos florestais urbanos remanescentes by Henrique de Souza Barros, João, Brito Da Costa, Reginaldo, Figueiredo, Helder Pereira de
Антропогенное воздейст&# by Энрике де &#, Брито да К&#, Фигейред&#10
Applied Biotechnology for Emerging Pollutants Remediation and Energy Conversion by
Plant Disease Forecasting Systems: Procedure, Application and Prospect by Chakrabarti, Dilip Kumar, Mittal, Prabhat
Xenobiotics in Aquatic Animals: Reproductive and Developmental Impacts by
Infrastructure and Built Environment for Sustainable and Resilient Societies: Proceedings of Ibsr 2023 by
Anthropische Einflüsse auf verbleibende städtische Waldfragmente by Brito Da Costa, Reginaldo, Figueiredo, Helder Pereira de, Henrique de Souza Barros, João
Soziale Ökologie: Umweltaktivismus in der Lyrik von Judith Wright by Shanthi, Christi
Écologie sociale: L'activisme environnemental dans la poésie de Judith Wright by Shanthi, Christi
Ecologia sociale: L'attivismo ambientale nella poesia di Judith Wright by Shanthi, Christi
Социальная экология: Эко by Шанти, Кри&#
Social Ecology: Ativismo Ambiental na Poesia de Judith Wright by Shanthi, Christi
The Harvesting Rainwater and Water Survival Guide: Essential Prepping Strategies for Water Abundance, Self-Sufficiency, and Survival Skills in a World by Rosser, Dion
An Introduction to Large-Scale Tropical Meteorology by Misra, Vasubandhu
Emerging Sustainable Aquaculture Innovations in Africa by
Ecological Ethics and the Philosophy of Simone Weil: Decreation for the Anthropocene by Lawson, Kathryn
High Cols and Deep Canyons: Ordinary Adventures in Extraordinary Places by Legault, Stephen
Gunflint Falling: Blowdown in the Boundary Waters by Griffith, Cary J.
Gunflint Falling: Blowdown in the Boundary Waters by Griffith, Cary J.
Threats to Our Ocean Heritage: Bottom Trawling by
Geographies of New Caledonia-Kanaky: Environments, Politics and Cultures by
The Geopolitics of Melting Mountains: An International Political Ecology of the Himalaya by Davis, Alexander E.
Technical and Technological Solutions Towards a Sustainable Society and Circular Economy by
Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022 Volume 1: Geotechnics: Learning, Evaluation, Analysis and Practice (Geoleap) by
Biomimetics, Biodesign and Bionics: Technological Advances Toward Sustainable Development by
Waste Management in Climate Change and Sustainability Perspectives: Organic and Medical Waste by
Using 137cs Resampling Method to Estimate Mean Soil Erosion Rates for Selected Time Windows by
A Review of Landfill Leachate: Characterization Leachate Environment Impacts and Sustainable Treatment Methods by
Microbial Applications for Environmental Sustainability by
Hedges by Wolton, Robert
One Moment on Earth by Tippashetti, Pramod M.
Futures After Progress: Hope and Doubt in Late Industrial Baltimore by Ahmann, Chloe
Mosquito Lagoon by Chew, Bob
Eine Bewertung der Rolle von Ökosystemleistungen bei der Verbesserung der Widerstandsfähigkeit by Katondo, Richard, Nyomora, Agnes
Évaluation du rôle des services écosystémiques dans l'amélioration de la résilience by Nyomora, Agnes, Katondo, Richard
Una valutazione del ruolo dei servizi ecosistemici nel potenziamento della resilienza by Katondo, Richard, Nyomora, Agnes
Uma avaliação do papel dos serviços ecossistémicos no aumento da resiliência by Katondo, Richard, Nyomora, Agnes
Оценка роли экосистемны& by Катондо, Р&#, Ньомора, А&#
The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators: How to Teach in a Burning World by Ray, Sarah Jaquette, Atkinson, Jennifer
The Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators: How to Teach in a Burning World by Atkinson, Jennifer, Ray, Sarah Jaquette
The Living Great Lakes: Searching for the Heart of the Inland Seas, Revised Edition by Dennis, Jerry
Mythographic Color and Discover: Wild Summer: An Artist's Coloring Book of Mesmerizing Animals by Catimbang, Joseph
The Japanese Art of Living Seasonally: An Invitation to Celebrate Every Day by Leon, Natalie
Everest 24: New Views on the 1924 Mount Everest Expedition by
The Waste-Free World: How the Circular Economy Will Take Less, Make More, and Save the Planet by Gonen, Ron
The Great White Shark Handbook: The Definitive Guide to the Most Extraordinary Shark in the Sea by Skomal, Greg
Opening Windows: Embracing New Perspectives and Practices in Natural Resource Social Sciences by
America's Water Crises: The Impact of Drought and Climate Change by Swenson, Carl R., McNabb, David E.
Future Urban Energy System for Buildings: The Pathway Towards Flexibility, Resilience and Optimization by
Ballast Water Treatment and Exchange for Ships by Olsen, Alexander, Rossi Ciampolini, Pamela
Geospatial Technology for Sustainable Oil Palm Industry by Yu, Le, Kanniah, Kasturi
Landslide: Susceptibility, Risk Assessment and Sustainability: Application of Geostatistical and Geospatial Modeling by
An Introduction to Severe Storms and Hazardous Weather by Halverson, Jeffrey B.
Geoengineering Discourse Confronting Climate Change: The Move from Margins to Mainstream in Science, News Media, and Politics by Jacobson, Brynna
Ecopoetics of Reenchantment: Liminal Realism and Poetic Echoes of the Earth by Meillon, Bénédicte
Through Pine Shadows by Sunde, Carol R.
Contemporary Ecocritical Methods by
Observing Nature by Canoe and Kayak by Runtz, Michael
Opening Windows: Embracing New Perspectives and Practices in Natural Resource Social Sciences by
Borne by the River: Canoeing the Delaware from Headwaters to Home by Van Noy, Rick
Sorry for the Inconvenience But This Is an Emergency: The Nonviolent Struggle for Our Planet's Future by Jones, Lynne
The Little Green Book: Sustainability Dictionary by Chaves, Luis, Experience, Green My
Shot-Earth for an Eco-Friendly and Human-Comfortable Construction Industry by
Climate Change and Safety in High-Risk Industries by
Ecology and Environmental Monitoring by Sotirov, Anton
Climate Crisis: Finding Hope in a Changing World by Winters, Aurora
Air Quality and Human Health by
Water Resources in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin: Impact of Climate Change and Human Interventions by
Green Buildings and the Circular Economy: Future-Proofing Urban Liveability Through Sustainable Construction and Innovation by Brears, Robert C.
Environmental Science and Technology: Sustainable Development: International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology by
Sustainable Energy Generation and Storage: Proceedings of Nerc 2022 by
Environmental, Social and Governance and Sustainable Development in Healthcare by Chiu, Wang-Kin, You, Cindy Shi-Xiang, Leung, Tiffany Cheng Han
Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology by Tahir, Muhammad Bilal, Tahir, Muhammad Suleman, Sagir, Muhammad
Ocean Coloring Book: Adult Coloring Pages with Beautiful and Realistic Sea Life Designs for Relaxation and Stress Relief by Page, Happy
Beaches, Bays, and Barrens: A Natural History of the Jersey Shore by Bolen, Eric G.
The Other Jersey Shore: Life on the Delaware River by Rockland, Michael Aaron
At the Glacier's Edge: A Natural History of Long Island from the Narrows to Montauk Point by McCully, Betsy
Delivering a Climate Neutral Europe by
The Age of Fear and Hate in a Warming World by Byrum, Robert
Advances in Solid and Hazardous Waste Management by
Children in Tourism Communities: Sustainability and Social Justice by Kosčak, Marko, Knezevic, Mladen, O'Rourke, Tony
Children in Tourism Communities: Sustainability and Social Justice by Knezevic, Mladen, O'Rourke, Tony, Kosčak, Marko
Загрязнение окружающей & by Патхак, Хе&#
Umweltverschmutzung by Pathak, Hemant
Pollution de l'environnement by Pathak, Hemant
Poluição ambiental by Pathak, Hemant
Inquinamento ambientale by Pathak, Hemant
Delivering a Climate Neutral Europe by
Beaches, Bays, and Barrens: A Natural History of the Jersey Shore by Bolen, Eric G.
The Other Jersey Shore: Life on the Delaware River by Rockland, Michael Aaron
At the Glacier's Edge: A Natural History of Long Island from the Narrows to Montauk Point by McCully, Betsy
Woody Bog Plants: A Field Guide for New England and Adjacent Canada by Hyland, Fay, Chadde, Steve, Hoisington, Barbara
Threats to Our Ocean Heritage: Potentially Polluting Wrecks by
Circular Economy for Renewable Energy by
Urban Transformational Landscapes in the City-Hinterlands of Asia: Challenges and Approaches by
Community Energy and Sustainable Energy Transitions: Experiences from Ethiopia, Malawi and Mozambique by
María and the Secrets of the Sea by Anita, V. Sanders
The Urban Soil Guide: A Field and Lab Manual by Paltseva, Anna
Forged by Fire: The Cultural Tending of Trees and Forests in Big Sur and Beyond by Klinger, Lee
Le puceron doré du pistachier de l'Atlas de Laghouat by Kouidri, Mohammed, Nedjma, Mohamed Amine
Dynamic Image Analysis of Granular Materials: Particle Granulometry for Geotechnical, Material, and Geological Applications by Iskander, Magued, Li, Linzhu
Community Emergency Management, Disaster Recovery and Resilience by Skiba, Richard
Climate Emergency in the Philippines: Impacts and Imperatives for Urgent Policy Action by
Proceedings of I4sdg Workshop 2023: Iftomm for Sustainable Development Goals by
Hazard-Causing System and Assessment of Water and Mud Inrush in Tunnel by Huang, Xin, Li, Shucai, Xu, Zhenhao
Biolubricants: Feedstocks, Catalysts, and Nanotechnology by
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Analytics in Climate Change Research: For Sustainable Development Goals by
Microbial Metagenomics in Effluent Treatment Plant by
The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: The Pacific by
Культура водорослей (Catenella nipae) &#10 by Уддин, Мох&#
Algenkultur (Catenella nipae) an der Küste von Chittagong, Bangladesch by Uddin, Mohammad Rokan
Culture d'algues (Catenella nipae) sur la côte de Chittagong, Bangladesh by Uddin, Mohammad Rokan
Coltura di alghe (Catenella nipae) nella costa di Chittagong, Bangladesh by Uddin, Mohammad Rokan
Cultura de algas (Catenella nipae) na costa de Chittagong, Bangladesh by Uddin, Mohammad Rokan
Climate Change as Political Catastrophe: Before Collapse by Mittiga, Ross
Historic Storms of Cape Cod by Wilding, Don
The Caledonian Canal by Cameron, A. D.
Surface and Groundwater Resources Development and Management in Semi-Arid Region: Strategies and Solutions for Sustainable Water Management by
Climate Change, Agriculture and Society: Approaches Toward Sustainability by
Nanoelectrocatalysts for Energy and Water Treatment by
Complexity and Sustainability in Megaprojects: Merit Workshop 2023 by
Water Management in Developing Countries and Sustainable Development by
Responses of Plants to Soil Flooding by
Frugal Engineering: Advent, Design and Production of Frugal Products by Rao, Balkrishna C.
The Rescue Effect: The Key to Saving Life on Earth by Mehta Webster, Michael
Probability, Statistics and Life Cycle Assessment: Guidance for Dealing with Uncertainty and Sensitivity by Heijungs, Reinout
Fish Structural Proteins and Its Derivatives: Functionality and Applications by
Net Zero Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Value Creation: Exploring Strategies, Drivers, and Challenges by
Pokot Pastoralism: Environmental Change and Socio-Economic Transformation in North-West Kenya by Vehrs, Hauke-Peter
Сжигание и совместное сж by Мартын, Ва&#, Нимчук, Бо&#
Verbrennung und Mitverbrennung von krautiger und holziger Biomasse by Martyn, Waldemar, Niemczuk, Bożena
Brûlage et cocombustion de la biomasse herbacée et de la biomasse ligneuse by Niemczuk, Bożena, Martyn, Waldemar
Combustione e co-combustione di biomasse erbacee e legnose by Martyn, Waldemar, Niemczuk, Bożena
Queima e co-combustão de biomassa herbácea e lenhosa by Niemczuk, Bożena, Martyn, Waldemar
Vegetation and Landscape Dynamics of the Iberian Pyrenees During the Last 3000 Years: The Montcortès Palynological Record by Rull, Valentí, Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa
The Petroleum Papers: Inside the Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate Change by Dembicki, Geoff
A Book of Balance: Kogi Wisdom for a Good Life and Thriving Earth by Buchholz, Lucas
See More