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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2024

The Climate Change Debate: A Reference Handbook by Newton, David E.
From the Moon to Rhinos: Story of a Geologist, a Manager and a Conservationist by Michele, Sofisti, Giuliano, Compagno
The Climate Change Counter Movement: How the Fossil Fuel Industry Sought to Delay Climate Action by McKie, Ruth E.
Marine Biotechnology: Applications in Food, Drugs and Energy by
Wastewater Surveillance for Covid-19 Management by
Tourism, Travel, and Hospitality in a Smart and Sustainable World: 9th International Conference, Iacudit, Syros, Greece, 2022 - Vol. 1 by
Urban Informality: A Multidisciplinary Perspective by
Preserving Planet Earth: Changing Human Culture with Lessons from the Past by Martin, Jane Roland
Preserving Planet Earth: Changing Human Culture with Lessons from the Past by Martin, Jane Roland
Climate Change and Human Adaptation in India: Sustainability and Public Policy by
Advances in Hydraulic Research: 40th International School of Hydraulics by
Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022 Volume 3: Geotechnics: Learning, Evaluation, Analysis and Practice (Geoleap) by
Greening Our Cities: Sustainable Urbanism for a Greener Future: A Culmination of Selected Research Papers from the International Conferences on Green by
Predicting Natural Disasters With AI and Machine Learning by
Climate Security and the Military: Concepts, Strategies and Partnerships by
Elementare Ekstasen: Sondierungen der Technosphäre by Perraudin, Léa
Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals to Young Citizens (10-16 Years): A Focus on Teaching Hope, Respect, Empathy and Advocacy in Schools by
Teaching the Sustainable Development Goals to Young Citizens (10-16 Years): A Focus on Teaching Hope, Respect, Empathy and Advocacy in Schools by
Carbon-Neutral Architectural Design by La Roche, Pablo M.
Climate Perspectives from the Congo Basin by Inogwabini, Bila-Isia
High Cols and Deep Canyons: Ordinary Adventures in Extraordinary Places by Legault, Stephen
Climate Justice and Public Health: Realities, Responses, and Reimaginings for a Better Future by
Klimatologie: Klimaforschung Im 21. Jahrhundert - Herausforderung Für Natur- Und Sozialwissenschaften by Kappas, Martin
Tracing the Sources and Fate of Contaminants in Agroecosystems: Applications of Multi-Stable Isotopes by
Vegetation Fires and Pollution in Asia by
Environmental Radon: A Tracer for Hydrological Studies by S, Sukanya, Joseph, Sabu
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment: Proceedings of Wre2022 by
Food Security in a Developing World: Status, Challenges, and Opportunities by
Strategic Innovative Marketing and Tourism: Current Trends and Future Outlook--10th Icsimat, Ionian Islands, Greece, 2023 by
The Path to Sustainable Corporate Management: How to Take Responsibility for People, the Environment and the Economy by Kreutzer, Ralf T.
Sozial - Innovativ - Nachhaltig: Herausforderungen Und Perspektiven Für Die Sozialwirtschaft by
Ecosystem Modelling with EwE by Walters, Carl J., Christensen, Villy
Hydraulics in Civil Engineering: A Course with Experiments and Open-Source-Codes by Rapp, Christoph
Animals of the surface film by Guthrie, Marjorie
Secret Sounds of Ponds by Rothenberg, David
Where We Live: Environmental Activists' Fight to Save Their Communities by Cunningham, Randy
Texas Market Hunting: Stories of Waterfowl, Game Laws, and Outlaws by Sawyer, R. K.
What the River Knows: Essays from the Heart of Alaska by Engelhard, Michael
Framing Nature: The Creation of an American Icon at the Grand Canyon by Youngs, Yolonda
Turning Stones: Discovering the Life of Water by McCabe, Declan
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering and Structures, Cigos 2024, 4-5 April, Ho CHI Minh City, Vietnam: Ad by
The Global Politics of Local Conservation: Climate Change and Resource Governance in Namibia by Heffernan, Andrew
Complexity and Sustainability in Megaprojects: Merit Workshop 2022 by
Emergency Handling of the "5.12" Tangjiashan Barrier Lake by Yang, Wenjun, Yang, Qigui
Personal Comfort Systems for Improving Indoor Thermal Comfort and Air Quality by
Grounding God: Religious Responses to the Anthropocene by Conty, Arianne Françoise
Traces of the Ice Age: Landscape Forms in Central Europe by Fraedrich, Wolfgang
Waste Management in Developing Countries by
Climate Change Strategies: Handling the Challenges of Adapting to a Changing Climate by
Education Gone Wild: The Rise of Forest Schools around the World by Gayle, Julia
Environmental Health and Occupational Safety by Gupta, Pankaj
Gender and Environmental Education: Feminist and Other(ed) Perspectives: The Selected Works of Annette Gough by Gough, Annette
India's Energy Revolution: Insights Into the Becoming of a Global Power by
The 1972 Black Hills Flood by Christianson, Corey
Making Co₂ A Resource: The Interplay Between Research, Innovation and Industry by
Texas Market Hunting: Stories of Waterfowl, Game Laws, and Outlaws by Sawyer, R. K.
Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation by
Highway to Hell: Climate Change and Australia's Future; Quarterly Essay 94 by Gergis, Joëlle
Remote Sensing: Theory and Applications by Garg, P. K.
Ecological Quality Status of Marine Environment: Metal- Sulfide Models; Significance, Mobility, Mechanisms and Impacts by El Zokm, Gehan Mohamed
Biosensors for the Marine Environment: Present and Future Challenges by
Biomes of the Southern Hemisphere by Mucina, Ladislav
Smart Green Innovations in Industry 4.0 for Climate Change Risk Management by
State-Of-The-Art Indonesia Energy Transition: Empirical Analysis of Energy Programs Acceptance by Setyawati, Dinita
Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022 Volume 4: Geotechnics: Learning, Evaluation, Analysis and Practice (Geoleap) by
Low Carbon Transition: Sustainable Agriculture in the European Union by Balezentis, Tomas, Streimikiene, Dalia, Siksnelyte-Butkiene, Indre
Gender Aspects of Climate Change and Sustainable Development: A Global Overview by
The Influence of Ecological Factors on the Human Organism by Taumuratova, G. N.
Our Renewable Energy Future: The Remarkable Story of How Renewable Energy Will Become the Basis for Our Lives by Arent, Douglas
Lonesome for Wilderness: Tracking and Trailing in Forest, Desert, or Your Own Back Yard by Hunter, Linda Jo
Our Renewable Energy Future: The Remarkable Story of How Renewable Energy Will Become the Basis for Our Lives by Arent, Douglas
This Ordinary Stardust: A Scientist's Path from Grief to Wonder by Townsend, Alan
Sing Like Fish: How Sound Rules Life Under Water by Kingdon, Amorina
The Sixth Element: How Carbon Shapes Our World by Snow, Theodore P., Brownlee, Don
Blue Elegies: Poems by Ruggieri, Helen
The Devil's Element: Phosphorus and a World Out of Balance by Egan, Dan
Seashells of North Carolina, Revised and Expanded Edition by North Carolina Sea Grant
Disaster Management and Environmental Sustainability by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment and Humanosphere Science: Increase 2023, 2 by
Routledge Handbook of Private Law and Sustainability by
Smart Cities: Innovations, Challenges and Future Perspectives by
Fostering an Ecological Shift Through Effective Environmental Education by
Fostering an Ecological Shift Through Effective Environmental Education by
Climate Change by Mathew, Dinu
Ecologia e Monitoramento Ambiental by Sotirov, Anton
Ökologie und Umweltüberwachung by Sotirov, Anton
Écologie et surveillance environnementale by Sotirov, Anton
Ecologia e Monitoraggio Ambientale by Sotirov, Anton
Экология и экологически& by Сотиров, А&#
Lebendiger Wald, starke Gemeinschaft by Tumitângua, Sebastião, Chitata, Daniel, Muacahila, Alfredo
Living Forest, Strong Community by Chitata, Daniel, Muacahila, Alfredo, Tumitângua, Sebastião
Forêt vivante, communauté forte by Muacahila, Alfredo, Tumitângua, Sebastião, Chitata, Daniel
Foresta viva, comunità forte by Muacahila, Alfredo, Tumitângua, Sebastião, Chitata, Daniel
Живой лес, сильное сообщ&#1077 by Тумитâнгу&#1, Читата, Да&#, Муацахил&#10
Analyzing Education, Sustainability, and Innovation: Multidisciplinary Research Perspectives by
Tir: The Story of the Welsh Landscape by Graves, Carwyn
Sustainable and Cleaner Technologies for Environmental Remediation: Avenues in Nano and Biotechnology by
Historians Will Not Look Back On Us Kindly by del Bel, Julian
World Atlas of Freshwater Macrophytes: Dicotyledonous Species I (Acanthaceae - Menyanthaceae) - Volume 1 by Murphy, Kevin, Otte, Marinus L., Lobato-de Magalhães, Tatiana
Biomonitoring of Pollutants in the Global South by
Surface Modifications of Nanocellulose: Strategies, Methods, and Applications by
Nanotechnology to Monitor, Remedy, and Prevent Pollution by
Practical Aspects of Electroorganic Synthesis by Alizadeh, Saber, Amani, Ameneh, Nematollahi, Davood
Principles of Soundscape Ecology: Discovering Our Sonic World by Pijanowski, Bryan C.
Eco-Concepts: Critical Reflections in Emerging Ecocritical Theory and Ecological Thought by
Principles of Soundscape Ecology: Discovering Our Sonic World by Pijanowski, Bryan C.
3 Degrees More: The Impending Hot Season and How Nature Can Help Us Prevent It by
Agrometeorological Applications for Climate Resilient Agriculture by
Environmental Sociology and Social Transformation: Key Issues by Boström, Magnus, Lidskog, Rolf
Zero-Wasted by Johnson, Hunter C.
I See... A Lot of Weeds by Mary Barth
Environmental Sociology and Social Transformation: Key Issues by Boström, Magnus, Lidskog, Rolf
Assessing Risk to National Critical Functions as a Result of Climate Change by Resetar, Susan A., Lauland, Andrew, Miro, Michelle E.
Queer Ecology: Exploring the Intersections of Nature Identity and Activism by Dennis, Megan
Avaliação de Risco da Qualidade da Água para Consumo Humano by Sofia Silva, Ana
Reclaiming Eden: Responsible Living, Engineering, and Architectures by
Religious Horror and the Ecogothic by
Incorporating Climate Change and Climate Policy Into Macroeconomic Modeling: Proceedings of a Workshop by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Policy and Global Affairs, National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine
Rainwater Harvesting: Techniques for Eco-Friendly Water Management by Brears, Robert C.
Disaster, Governance and Development: Perspectives from Bangladesh by Islam, Mohammad Tarikul
An Introduction to Severe Storms and Hazardous Weather by Halverson, Jeffrey B.
Ummeed ka Beej: (Science Essays) by Qamar Mehdi
Renewable Futures: The Transition to Clean Energy by Stonebridge, Maxwell
The First Incarnation: Hope in Reality by Ulanowicz, Robert E.
Bewertung von Blei und Cadmium im Wasser der Zayandehroud und in Forellenfischen by Moradi, Sahar, Nowzari, Haniyeh
Évaluation du plomb et du cadmium dans l'eau et les truites de Zayandehroud by Moradi, Sahar, Nowzari, Haniyeh
Valutazione del piombo e del cadmio nell'acqua e nei pesci trota di Zayandehroud by Nowzari, Haniyeh, Moradi, Sahar
Оценка содержания свинц& by Навзари, Х&#, Моради, Са&#
Avaliação do chumbo e do cádmio na água de Zayandehroud e no peixe truta by Moradi, Sahar, Nowzari, Haniyeh
Globale und Umweltstudien: Eine südafrikanische Erzählung by Onaneye- Babajide, Omotola
Études mondiales et environnementales: Un récit sud-africain by Onaneye- Babajide, Omotola
Estudos globais e ambientais: Uma Narrativa Sul-Africana by Onaneye- Babajide, Omotola
Глобальные и экологичес& by Онанейе-Б&#1
The First Incarnation: Hope in Reality by Ulanowicz, Robert E.
Cultivating During Wartime: Knowledge and Resilience of the World by Du Monde, Vergers
The Role of Fuels in Transforming Energy End-Use in Buildings and Industrial Processes by Gluesenkamp, Kyle, Kowalski, Stephen, Cheekatamarla, Praveen
Disaster Resilience and Human Settlements: Emerging Perspectives in the Anthropocene by
Current Trends in Economics, Business and Sustainability: Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business and Sustainability (Icebs by
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Management: Sustainable Development of Water Resource and Environme by
Heard Island: Two Centuries of Change, and More Coming by Schmieder, Robert William
Plant Diversity in Biocultural Landscapes by
Environmental Migration in the Face of Emerging Risks: Historical Case Studies, New Paradigms and Future Directions by
Comunidad en evolución: Tejido social, facilitadores y acción colectiva by Hernández, José Adrián Figueroa
The Great River: The Making and Unmaking of the Mississippi by Upholt, Boyce
Digital Sustainability: Inclusion and Transformation: Proceedings of Ispgaya Congress 2023 by
Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 1, 2024 by
The Natural Environment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: A Case Study of the Potential Mining Site by
The Gospel of Jesus Green: Home for All, Not Just for Humans by Whitehouse, Neil J.
Fragrances in the Environment by
Thermal Safety Margins in Nuclear Reactors by Anglart, Henryk
Sustainability Challenges in the Fashion Industry: Civilization Crisis, Decolonization, Cultural Legacy, and Transitions by
Petroturfing: Refining Canadian Oil Through Social Media by Kinder, Jordan B.
Studi globali e ambientali: Una narrazione sudafricana by Onaneye- Babajide, Omotola
Spoleczne zrozumienie zmian klimatycznych w miejskim Bangladeszu by Hasan, Zaheed
Понимание общественнос&# by Хасан, Зах&#
The Malay Archipelago: (Facsimile Edition) by Wallace, Alfred Russel
The Gospel of Jesus Green: Home for All, Not Just for Humans by Whitehouse, Neil J.
Petroturfing: Refining Canadian Oil Through Social Media by Kinder, Jordan B.
Unsettled (Updated and Expanded Edition): What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters by Koonin, Steven E.
The Science of Garden Biodiversity: The Living Garden by Doberski, Julian
The Parrot and the Igloo: Climate and the Science of Denial by Lipsky, David
Garden to Save the World: Grow Your Own, Save Money and Help the Planet by Clark, Joe
Cull of the Wild: Killing in the Name of Conservation by Warwick, Hugh
Solvable: How We Healed the Earth, and How We Can Do It Again by Solomon, Susan
The Great River: The Making and Unmaking of the Mississippi by Upholt, Boyce
Fire Weather: On the Front Lines of a Burning World by Vaillant, John
Climate Crisis: Understanding the Science and Solutions by Sinclair, Marlowe
Spelunking: Underground Vermont by Power, Will
Aligning the Energy Transition with the Sustainable Development Goals: Key Insights from Energy System Modelling by
Preserving Health, Preserving Earth: The Path to Sustainable Healthcare by
Frontier Thinking and Human-Nature Relations: We Were Never Western by Keskitalo, E. C. H.
Integrative Approaches in Environmental Health and Exposome Research: Epistemological and Practical Issues by
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology: 7icees 2023--Volume 2 by
The Ionosphere with Gnss Sdr: Specialized Software-Defined Radio for In-Depth Ionospheric Research by Petrovski II, Ivan G.
Air Conditioning with Natural Energy: Applications, Case Studies, and Energy Savings Potential by
Applied Cognitive Ecostylistics: From Ego to Eco by
Essentials of Water: Water in the Earth's Physical and Biological Environments by Blanken, Peter
Environment, Resources and Sustainable Tourism: Goa as a Case Study by Dessai, Ashoka G.
Ecology of Wild Bird Diseases by
Die AwSV: ein wichtiger Teil zum Umweltschutz by W, H.
Eco-Adventures: Exploring the World's Natural Wonders by Evergreen, Tristan
Roof Water Disaster in Coal Mining in Ecologically Fragile Mining Areas: Formation Mechanism and Prevention and Control Measures by Wu, Qiang, Zeng, Yifan, Pang, Zhenzhong
Ecology, Biodiversity and Systematics by
Evolution and Trends of Sustainable Approaches: Latest Development and Innovations in Science and Technology Applications by
Making It Sustainable: Techniques and Applications by Gloukhovtsev, Mikhail
Meso and Microplastic Risk Assessment in Marine Environments: New Threats and Challenges by
Land Carbon Cycle Modeling: Matrix Approach, Data Assimilation, Ecological Forecasting, and Machine Learning by
Solar Cooling: Basics and Advances by Baiju, V., Kaushik, S. C., Tyagi, S. K.
Routledge Handbook of Insect Conservation by
Big Game of Botswana: The Tragic History of a Once Great Southern African Fauna by Spinage, Clive
Water and Ecosystems by
Environmental Pollution Governance and Ecological Remediation Technology by
Transportation Energy and Dynamics by
Advances in Geoengineering, Geotechnologies, and Geoenvironment for Earth Systems and Sustainable Georesources Management: Proceedings of the 1st Conf by
Ecological Restoration: Moving Forward Using Lessons Learned by
The Lightning Rod as a Danger by Meppelink, Jan
Media, Politics and Environment: Analyzing Experiences from Europe and Asia by
Bio-Based Building Materials: Proceedings of Icbbm 2023 by
Progress in Sustainable Manufacturing by
Making Nature Social: Towards a Relationship with Nature by Zegers, Rembrandt
See More