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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2024

Climate Crisis and Sustainable Solutions: Strategies for Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development by
Introduction to Functional Nanomaterials by
Emerging Technologies in Biological and Hybrid Wastewater Treatment: Lessons from Developed to Enhancing Practices in Developing Countries by
Financial Inclusion: In Pursuit of Un Sustainable Development Goal 8.10 by
Air Pollution, Air Quality, and Climate Change by
Hydrosystem Restoration Handbook: Streamflow Recharge and Lake Rehabilitation: Streamflow Recharge and Lake Rehabilitation by Eslamian, Saeid, Eslamian, Faezeh
Biorefinery of Industrial Effluents for a Sustainable Circular Economy by
Earth Observation for Monitoring and Modeling Land Use by
Environmental Economics: Concepts, Methods and Policies by Ruth, Matthias, Thampapillai, Dodo J.
Environmental Economics: Concepts, Methods and Policies by Thampapillai, Dodo J., Ruth, Matthias
Les conséquences des tirs nucléaires souterrains sur le dérèglement climatique: La Manipulation du climat depuis les années 1970 by Rouas, Christian
Algal Bioreactors: Vol 1: Science, Engineering and Technology of Upstream Processes by
Algal Bioreactors: Vol 2: Science, Engineering and Technology of Downstream Processes by
Wild Life: Memories of wildfowling and fishing around the Blackwater Estuary by Hoy, Jack
Ecological Reasonings by Jörg, Kilian
Una guía para recolectar agua de lluvia y supervivencia con agua: Estrategias esenciales de emergencia para obtener agua, autosuficiencia y habilidade by Rosser, Dion
Integrating Resiliency Into Future Sustainable Cities by
Emerging Developments in Constructed Wetlands by
The Politics and Governance of Decarbonization by
Controlling International Shipping and Aviation Emissions: Governing the Global Climate Crisis by Deese, David A.
Waste and Discards in the Asia Pacific Region: Social and Cultural Perspectives by
History of the Climate Change on the Coromandel Coast: Ninth-Nineteenth Centuries by Stephen, S. Jeyaseela
The European Green Deal in Education by
Community Food Initiatives: A Critical Reparative Approach by
The Soybean Through World History: Lessons for Sustainable Agrofood Systems by Baraibar Norberg, Matilda, Deutsch, Lisa
Advances in Ecological Research - Part 2: Volume 71 by
Parknapping Doesn't Pay: The History of Rescuing a Pacific Northwest Crown Jewel by Schanfald, Darlene
O impacto das estações de tratamento de águas residuais no ambiente by Ismail, Mohammed
L'impatto degli impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue sull'ambiente by Ismail, Mohammed
L'impact des stations d'épuration sur l'environnement by Ismail, Mohammed
Die Auswirkungen von Kläranlagen auf die Umwelt by Ismail, Mohammed
Intersecting Environmental Governance With Technological Advancements by
Intersecting Environmental Governance With Technological Advancements by
Sand Dunes of the Northern Hemisphere: Distribution, Formation, Migration and Management, Volume 1 by
Eco-Rational Education: An Educational Response to Environmental Crisis by Thornton, Simone
European Forest Policy and Governance: An Integrative Analytical Framework by Aggestam, Filip
Introduction to Municipal Water Quality Management by Haarhoff, Johannes
New Materialisms and Environmental Education by
Brazilian Rhodolith Beds: Oasis of Marine Biodiversity to Be Protected by
Soil, Water Pollution and Mitigation Strategies: A Spatial Approach by
More-Than-Human Design in Practice by
Sustainable Management of Agro-Food Waste: Fundamental Aspects and Practical Applications by
Brightening Tomorrow Together 2024: Proceedings of the Brightening Tomorrow Together 2024 Symposium and Industry Summit by
Innovating for the Circular Economy: Driving Sustainable Transformation by
Environmental Sustainability and Global Change: Forests, Agriculture, and Soils VIS À VIS Human Disturbance by
Introduction to Ocean Circulation and Modeling by Gangopadhyay, Avijit
Waste to Profit: Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Development by
Extinction and Memorial Culture: Reckoning with Species Loss in the Anthropocene by
The Carbon Chain in Carbon Dioxide Industrial Utilization Technologies: A Case Study by
Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management: Irrigation Case Studies by
EU Trade-Related Measures against Illegal Fishing: Policy Diffusion and Effectiveness in Thailand and Australia by Barclay, Kate, Song, Andrew M., Kadfak, Alin
Environmental and Food Virology: Impacts and Challenges in One Health Approach by
Chemical Process Industries: Environmental and Health Risk Calculations by DuPont, R. Ryan, Theodore, Louis
Urban Drainage and Storage Practices by Wang, Wenliang, Li, Junqi, Guo, James C. Y.
Advanced Technologies for Solid, Liquid, and Gas Waste Treatment by
Aquatic Ecosystems Monitoring: Conventional Assessment to Advanced Remote Sensing by
Handbook of Environmental Engineering by Spellman, Frank R.
Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management: Irrigation Fundamentals by
Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management: Irrigation Methods by
Microplastics in Human Consumption by Ramasamy, E. V., Harit, Ajay Kumar
Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems: A Computation Approach by
Bioprospection of Co-products and Agro-industrial Wastes: A Sustainable Biotechnological Approach by
Managing the Health Risks of Climate Change by
Managing the Health Risks of Climate Change by
Critical Zone and Ecosystem Dynamics by
Routledge Handbook of Climate Law and Governance: Courage, Contributions and Compliance by
European Forest Policy and Governance: An Integrative Analytical Framework by Aggestam, Filip
Hydraulic & Hydrologic Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications by Samani, Zohrab A.
Diatomáceas planctónicas como indicadores da qualidade da água by Otieno, Anna, Kitur, Esther
Le diatomee planctoniche come indicatori della qualità dell'acqua by Otieno, Anna, Kitur, Esther
Les diatomées planctoniques comme indicateurs de la qualité de l'eau by Kitur, Esther, Otieno, Anna
Planktonische Kieselalgen als Indikatoren für die Wasserqualität by Otieno, Anna, Kitur, Esther
Plastics, Environment, Culture and the Politics of Waste by
Climate Justice: Five Angles on the Crisis and the Movement by Derman, Brandon Barclay
Ecotourism Impacts on Indigenous Peoples by
Renewables in the Circular Economy and Business by
Consumer Behavior in the Sharing Economy: Adoption, Engagement, and Post-Usage Dynamics by Grieco, Cecilia
Application of Microbial Technology in Wastewater Treatment and Bioenergy Recovery by
Pathogens and Environmental Impact on Life Forms: Understanding Pathogens and Host Defence Mechanisms by
Pollutants and Recent Trends in Wastewater Treatment by
Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: A Short History by Ärlemalm-Hagsér, Eva, Davis, Julie M., Elliott, Sue
Risky Futures: Climate, Geopolitics and Local Realities in the Uncertain Circumpolar North by
Gaia and Philosophy by Margulis, Lynn, Sagan, Dorion
Transition Pathways Towards a Low Emission Air Transport System of the Future - A System Level Analysis by Talwar, Chetan
Water and Environment, Volume 1: Proceedings of Icwroee 2024 by
Charophytes of Europe by
Transformation Towards Circular Food Systems: Sustainable, Smart and Resilient Citrus Supply Chains in Mediterranean Areas by
Air Quality Management and Research in Southeast Asia by Retama, Armando, Stratoulias, Dimitris, Velasco, Erik
Hydrology and Hydrologic Modelling: Proceedings of Hydro 2023 by
Soft Computing and Geospatial Techniques in Water Resources Engineering: Select Proceedings of Hydro 2023 by
Erzählungen Und Wirklichkeit Unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit: Konflikte in Der Messung Und Steuerung Der Ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit Von Unternehmen by Matt, Hannes
Den Ozean Forschend Entdecken: Experimente Aus Dem Lehr- Und Lern-Labor Wattenmeer Der Universität Oldenburg by Winkler, Holger, Wübben, Anja, Hößle, Corinna
The Need for Sustainable Tourism in an Era of Global Climate Change: Pathway to a Greener Future by
Methods for Enhancing Biogas Production by Montusiewicz, Agnieszka
Positive Duties to Wild Animals by
Pollution Control for Clean Environment -- Volume 2: Proceedings of Icpcce 2023 by
Technological Advancements for Deep Sea Ecosystem Conservation and Exploration by
Technological Advancements for Deep Sea Ecosystem Conservation and Exploration by
Plankton in a Changing World: The Impact of Global Change on Marine Ecosystems by Calbet, Albert
A Compendium of Collaborations on the Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs: National and International Events and Reports from 1996 Through 2023 by Tanacredi, John
Landscape Ecology: A Task-Oriented Perspective by Urban, Dean L.
Scaling Up One Health Approaches in the Greater Mekong Subregion by Asian Development Bank
Global Changes and Sustainable Development in Asian Emerging Market Economies: Volume 2: Proceedings of Edesus 2023 by
Nature and Empire in Ottoman Egypt: An Environmental History by Mikhail, Alan
No Matter What: Crisis and the Spirit of Planetary Possibility by Keller, Catherine
The Middle by Collis, Stephen
Diesel's Final Chapter? by Psaila, Etienne
Clinging to the Edge: A Year in the Life of a Little Tern Colony by Boon, Richard
Amor Radical / Radical Love: de la Separación a la Conexión Con La Tierra, Con Nosotros Y Los Demás / From Separation to Connection with the Earth, by Kumar, Satish
Climate Change in an Aging Society by Moody, Harry R.
Climate Change in an Aging Society by Moody, Harry R.
Biosensors Based on Graphene, Graphene Oxide and Graphynes for Early Detection of Cancer by
Environmental Intimacies from India's North East: Psycho-Social Implications for Pro-Environment Behaviour by
A Just Transition for All: Workers and Communities for a Carbon-Free Future by Cha, J. Mijin
30 Years of Urban Change in China's 10 Core Cities by Tang, Tian, Cheshmehzangi, Ali
Under Alien Skies: Environment, Suffering, and the Defeat of the British Military in Revolutionary America by Scribner, Vaughn
Under Alien Skies: Environment, Suffering, and the Defeat of the British Military in Revolutionary America by Scribner, Vaughn
Quotes for All Seasons: Over 150 Quotations for Year-Round Inspiration by Corley, Jackie
Silent Spring Revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the Great Environmental Awakening by Brinkley, Douglas
No Matter What: Crisis and the Spirit of Planetary Possibility by Keller, Catherine
Into the Great Emptiness: Peril and Survival on the Greenland Ice Cap by Roberts, David
Cabin: Off the Grid Adventures with a Clueless Craftsman by Hutchison, Patrick
Wilding Ecologies, Walking-With Glacier: An Educational Novella by Blenkinsop, Sean, Jickling, Bob, Morse, Marcus
Environmental Hazards in the Arabian Gulf Region: Assessments and Solutions by
Restoring the pillars of life by Fitzsimmons, Ananda
Ecological Interconnections: Critical Readings on Ethics, Sustainability, and Interspecies Communication in Literature and Culture by
Umweltpsychologie: Mensch-Umwelt-Systeme Verstehen by Ernst, Andreas, Reese, Gerhard, Henn, Laura
Urban Forests, Climate Change and Environmental Pollution: Physio-Biochemical and Molecular Perspectives to Enhance Urban Resilience by
After Ice: Cold Humanities for a Warming Planet by
Teaching Children About Climate Change: Fun and Easy Ways to Teach Kids About Global Warming, Sustainability, and Protecting Our Planet Through Engagi by Press, Tree Do
Lessons from Leopold: Learning from the Land by Nelle, Stephan A.
Tapirs of the World: Ecology, Conservation and Management by
Sustainable Strategies for Air Pollution Mitigation: Development, Economics, and Technologies by
The Sustainability Handbook, Volume 1: The Body of Knowledge Around Substantial Sustainability Innovation by
Biodiversity and Business: Bio Prospecting and Benefit Sharing by
The Politics of Bathroom Access and Exclusion in the United States by Chatfield, Sara
Public Banks and Public Water in the Global South: Financing Options for Sustainable Development by
Grassland Degradation, Restoration, and Sustainable Management of Global Alpine Areas by
Implementing Climate Change Policy by
Adapt Now or Perish: Essential Strategies for Climate Change Resilience by Boateng, Yaw
An Introduction to Coastal Engineering by Isaacson, Michael
The Politics of Bathroom Access and Exclusion in the United States by Chatfield, Sara
Wild Science: Unexpected Encounters When Working in Nature by
Impact of High Night Temperature on Plant Biology: Toward Sustainable Plant Adaptation to Climate Change by
Of Drought and Fire: Two Natural Disasters in Australia by Prem, Frank
Hello Planet Earth: Invention & Logic by Dean Neff, Richard
Resilience and Sustainability for Energy and Water: New Advancements, Opportunities, and Framework by
Emerging Trends and Technologies in Water Management and Conservation by
Arctic Marine Ecotoxicology: Climate Change, Pollutants, and Their Far-Reaching Effects by
Energieerzeugung Durch Den Biogasprozess by Ahcène, Akni, Manel, Bidi
Production d'Énergie Par Le Procédé Processus Du Biogaz by Ahcène, Akni, Manel, Bidi
Generazione Di Energia Dal Processo Di Biogas by Manel, Bidi, Ahcène, Akni
Produção de Energia Através Do Processo de Biogás by Ahcène, Akni, Manel, Bidi
Effects of Climate Change on Forests: An Evidence-Based Primer for Sustainable Management of Temperate and Mediterranean Forests by D'Aprile, Fabrizio
Researching Institutions in Natural Resource Governance: Methods and Frameworks by
Bioremediation of Environmental Toxicants: Toxicants, Sources, Mechanism, Impact on Human Health, and Bioremediation Approaches by
Innovation and Technological Advances for Sustainability: Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation and Technological Advances for Sus by
Continuous Cover Forestry in Boreal Nordic Countries by
Sustainable Synergy: A Digital Framework for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Project Delivery in Developing Economies by Nwulu, Nnamdi, David, Love Opeyemi, Aigbavboa, Clinton
Orangutans: Their History, Natural History and Conservation by Orenstein, Ronald
Medicinal Marine Microbiota by
Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches by
Emerging Trends and Technologies in Water Management and Conservation by
Mammals of North America - Volume 2: Systematics and Taxonomy by Álvarez-Castañeda, Sergio Ticul
Diversity as Catalyst: Economic Growth and Urban Resilience in Global Cityscapes by
Across the Edge: Pushing the Limits Across Oceans and Continents by Clutterbuck, Peter
Environments of Exile: Nature, Refugees, and Representations by
Wildlife Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities by Suresh Chandra Sharma
Orphan by Ernestine, Lynn
Viable Ecologies: Conservation and Coexistence on the Galápagos Islands by Bocci, Paolo
The Enchanted Earth: Embracing the Power of Nature to Discover the Wild in You (Connecting with Mother Nature, Outdoor Energy Healing) by Calamia, Maureen
Shifting Cultivation Systems: From Indigenous Practices to Soil Fertility in North-East India by
Economically Important Trees: Origin, Evolution, Genetic Diversity and Ecology by
Sustainable Additive Technologies and Innovative Manufacturing Techniques by
Saltwater Cure: True Stories of the Transformative Power of the Ocean by Gripper, Ali
Climate Justice and the University: Shaping a Hopeful Future for All by Stephens, Jennie C.
Reversing Deforestation: How Market Forces and Local Ownership Are Saving Forests in Latin America by Sohngen, Brent, Southgate, Douglas
Birds of Arizona and New Mexico by Fratello, Melissa, Prager, Steven
Reversing Deforestation: How Market Forces and Local Ownership Are Saving Forests in Latin America by Sohngen, Brent, Southgate, Douglas
Marxism and Earth's Habitability Crisis: From the Metabolic Rift to the Anthropocene by Soriano Clemente, Carles
The Natural History of Crime: Studies in Death and the Clues Nature Leaves Behind (Real Crime Stories, Forensic Science) by Wiltshire, Patricia
Viable Ecologies: Conservation and Coexistence on the Galápagos Islands by Bocci, Paolo
Exploring Pillars of Sustainability for Modern Age Improvements by
Exploring Pillars of Sustainability for Modern Age Improvements by
A Cultural History of Waste Disposal: Environmental Policy and Park Redevelopments by Lawson, Benjamin A.
Radioactive Pollutant: Sources, Issues and Remediation by
Story of Methane: Five Atoms That Changed the World by Ozin, Geoffrey A., Ye, Jessica
Coral, Conservation, & Careers: 50 Ways To Save The Reefs! by Lawrence, Amber, Gonnello, Scott W.
Oil Spill Science and Technology by
Alert! 10-8 Respond! 10-49: The Life Of A Wildland Firefighter by Marriott, Donald H.
Decolonizing African Agriculture: Food Security, Agroecology and the Need for Radical Transformation by Moseley, William G.
Apocalyptic Conspiracism: American Evangelicalism in an Age of Climate Crisis by Albrecht, Tom, Sturm, Tristan
The Ultimate Ocean Facts for Kids, Teens, & Adults: Dive Into Underwater Wonders, Discover Mind-Blowing Creatures, Phenomena, Records, Inventions, and by Ray, Ethereal
Oak Origins: From Acorns to Species and the Tree of Life by Hipp, Andrew L.
Coastal Dolphins and Porpoises: Ridgway and Harrison's Handbook of Marine Mammals, Volume 1 by Jefferson, Thomas Allen
Apocalyptic Conspiracism: American Evangelicalism in an Age of Climate Crisis by Sturm, Tristan, Albrecht, Tom
Integrating the Un Sdgs Into Wto Law by Zhao, Xinyan
Sustainable Nanoremediation: Modern Technologies for a Clean Environment by
Urban Water Ecosystems in Africa and Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for Conservation and Restoration by
Cities of Tomorrow: Urban Resilience and Climate Change Preparedness by
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