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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2024

Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2022: Volume 4 by
Biopolymers in the Textile Industry: Opportunities and Limitations by
Advanced Strategies for Biodegradation of Plastic Polymers by
Umwelttechnik by Gholami, Hossein, Dehghan, Shahide, Marani-Barzani, Maryam
Ingénierie environnementale by Dehghan, Shahide, Marani-Barzani, Maryam, Gholami, Hossein
Ingegneria ambientale by Dehghan, Shahide, Marani-Barzani, Maryam, Gholami, Hossein
Engenharia do ambiente by Gholami, Hossein, Dehghan, Shahide, Marani-Barzani, Maryam
Экологическая инженери&# by Гхолами, Х&#, Марани-Ба&#1, Дехгхан, Ш&#
Potenzial der Art Chironomus xanthus als Umwelt-Bioindikator by Barbosa, Adriano, Sarmento, Rentao
Potential of the species Chironomus xanthus as an environmental bioindicator by Sarmento, Rentao, Barbosa, Adriano
Potentiel de l'espèce Chironomus xanthus en tant que bioindicateur environnemental by Barbosa, Adriano, Sarmento, Rentao
Potenziale della specie Chironomus xanthus come bioindicatore ambientale by Barbosa, Adriano, Sarmento, Rentao
Потенциал вида Chironomus xanthus как би&# by Барбоза, А&#, Сарменто, &#
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Umwelt by Srivastva, Rachna Prakash, Awasthi, Dk, Dixit, Arachna
Effets du changement climatique sur l'environnement by Awasthi, Dk, Dixit, Arachna, Srivastva, Rachna Prakash
Effetti del cambiamento climatico sull'ambiente by Awasthi, Dk, Dixit, Arachna, Srivastva, Rachna Prakash
Efeito das alterações climáticas no ambiente by Awasthi, Dk, Dixit, Arachna, Srivastva, Rachna Prakash
Влияние изменения клима& by Диксит, Ар&#, Сривастр&#10, Авасти, ДК
Влияние свалок твердых б by Огу, Огечи &
Auswirkungen von kommunalen Mülldeponien auf die Bodenqualität in Osisioma by Ogu, Ogechi Godson
Effet des décharges de déchets solides municipaux sur la qualité des sols à Osisioma by Ogu, Ogechi Godson
Effetto delle discariche di rifiuti solidi urbani sulla qualità del suolo a Osisioma by Ogu, Ogechi Godson
Efeito das lixeiras de resíduos sólidos municipais na qualidade do solo em Osisioma by Ogu, Ogechi Godson
Tropische Wälder und Fragmentierung by Kumar, Ashish, Marcot, Bruce G., Patel, Rohitkumar
Forêts tropicales et fragmentation by Kumar, Ashish, Marcot, Bruce G., Patel, Rohitkumar
Foreste tropicali e frammentazione by Kumar, Ashish, Marcot, Bruce G., Patel, Rohitkumar
Тропические леса и фрагм by Патель, Ро&#, Кумар, Аши&#, Маркот, Бр&#
Florestas Tropicais e Fragmentação by Kumar, Ashish, Marcot, Bruce G., Patel, Rohitkumar
Revising Smart Cities with Regenerative Design by Allam, Zaheer, Newman, Peter
Shelf Fluvial Paleo Structures: Seabed Seismic Acoustic View by Klyuev, Mikhail, Schreider, Anatoly, Zverev, Alexey
From Waste to Wealth by
Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development by R, Babitha Lincy, Haldorai, Anandakumar, Murugan, Suriya
Environmental Engineering for Ecosystem Restoration: Select Proceedings of Iacesd 2023 by
Geographies of New Caledonia-Kanaky: Environments, Politics and Cultures by
Biomass-Based Clean Technologies for Sustainable Development: Sustainable Resources of Energy Production and Utilization by
Tropical Marine Environments of Brazil: Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneities and Responses to Climate Changes by
Die multidimensionalen ökologischen Rollen von ätherischen Ölen by Yeddes, Walid, Aidi Wannes, Wissem, Saidani Tounsi, Moufida
The multidimensional ecological roles of essential oils by Yeddes, Walid, Aidi Wannes, Wissem, Saidani Tounsi, Moufida
I ruoli ecologici multidimensionali degli oli essenziali by Yeddes, Walid, Aidi Wannes, Wissem, Saidani Tounsi, Moufida
O papel ecológico multidimensional dos óleos essenciais by Saidani Tounsi, Moufida, Yeddes, Walid, Aidi Wannes, Wissem
Многомерные экологичес&# by АИДИ ВАНН&#1, Йеддес, Ва&#, Саидани Т&#1
Mega-Dams in World Literature: Literary Responses to Twentieth-Century Dam Building by Ziolkowski, Margaret
Ecological Money and Finance: Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems by
Integrated Waste Management: A Sustainable Approach from Waste to Wealth by
Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Design by
Charged!: The Dangerous And Misguided Promise Of The Electric Vehicle by Bucholtz, M. G.
The Tree of Life and The Origin of The Species by Heywood, Philip Bruce
Mega-Dams in World Literature: Literary Responses to Twentieth-Century Dam Building by Ziolkowski, Margaret
Fokus auf die Habitat-Agenda des Commonwealth by Morris, Eleanor
Focus sur le programme d'action du Commonwealth en matière d'habitat by Morris, Eleanor
Focus sull'Agenda Habitat del Commonwealth by Morris, Eleanor
Foco na Agenda Habitat da Commonwealth by Morris, Eleanor
Акцент на повестке дня Х&#1072 by Моррис, Эл&#
Regenerating Essential Goods and Services in Urban Landscapes: Sustainability Through Ecological Design by Kent, Douglas
Regenerating Essential Goods and Services in Urban Landscapes: Sustainability Through Ecological Design by Kent, Douglas
Hidden World Revealed: Musings of a Maine Naturalist by Seymour, Tom
Urban Biodiversity: The Natural History of the New Jersey Meadowlands by Kiviat, Erik, MacDonald, Kristi
On Ecology and the Environment by Sison, Jose Maria, Lima, Julie de
Advanced Materials Based Thermally Enhanced Phase Change Materials: Fundamentals and Applications by
Food for the Future: Stories from the Alternative Agro-food Movement by Brueggemann, John
A Farmer's Almanac - Stories about Land, Food, and Life by Wulsin, Drausin
Big Box USA: The Environmental Impact of America's Biggest Retail Stores by
The Colorado Trail in Crisis: A Naturalist's Field Report on Climate Change in Mountain Ecosystems by Ford, Karl
Altamaha River User's Guide by Cook, Joe
Ecologizing Education: Nature-Centered Teaching for Cultural Change by Blenkinsop, Sean, Kuchta, Estella C.
Big Box USA: The Environmental Impact of America's Biggest Retail Stores by
The Colorado Trail in Crisis: A Naturalist's Field Report on Climate Change in Mountain Ecosystems by Ford, Karl
The Empire of Climate: A History of an Idea by Livingstone, David N., Smith, David Livingstone
The Empire of Climate: A History of an Idea by Livingstone, David N., Smith, David Livingstone
Technology for Environmentally Friendly Livestock Production by
Hierarchical Control and Optimization Strategies Applied to Solar Membrane Distillation Facilities by Gil, Juan D.
Saving Ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action by Fisher, Dana R.
Urban Slums and Circular Economy Synergies in the Global South: Theoretical and Policy Imperatives for Sustainable Communities by
Sustainable Clean Energy Production Using Waste Biomass: Sustainable Energy Production and Utilization by
The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: The Pacific by
The Nature of Politics: State Building and the Conservation Estate in Postcolonial Botswana by Larocco, Annette A.
The Nature of Politics: State Building and the Conservation Estate in Postcolonial Botswana by Larocco, Annette A.
Crushed: How a Changing Climate Is Altering the Way We Drink by Freedman, Brian
Saving Ourselves: From Climate Shocks to Climate Action by Fisher, Dana R.
Called by the Wild: The Dogs Trained to Protect Wildlife by Rosner, Conraad
Loose of Earth: A Memoir by Blackburn, Kathleen Dorothy
Loose of Earth: A Memoir by Blackburn, Kathleen Dorothy
Bekommert God Zich om Ossen?: Over het herstel van de Bijbelse doctrine van rentmeesterschap by Alvarado, Ruben
Natura Urbana: Ecological Constellations in Urban Space by Gandy, Matthew
What Bears Teach Us by Elmeligi, Sarah
Building Green Software: A Sustainable Approach to Software Development and Operations by Currie, Anne, Hsu, Sarah, Bergman, Sara
Gaia's Web: How Digital Environmentalism Can Combat Climate Change, Restore Biodiversity, Cultivate Empathy, and Regenerate the Earth by Bakker, Karen
The Empire of Climate: A History of an Idea by Livingstone, David N.
Earth's Emergency Room: Saving Species as the Planet and Politics Get Hotter by Baier, Lowell E.
Poisoning the Pacific: The Us Military's Secret Dumping of Plutonium, Chemical Weapons, and Agent Orange by Mitchell, Jon
Imperfect Environmentalist: How to Reduce Waste and Create Change for a Better Planet by Morovati, Sheila M.
The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History and Future by McCrory, Wayne
Life as We Know It (Can Be): Stories of People, Climate, and Hope in a Changing World by Weir, Bill
Loose of Earth: A Memoir by Blackburn, Kathleen Dorothy
The Sixth Extinction (10th Anniversary Edition): An Unnatural History by Kolbert, Elizabeth
The Conservative Environmentalist: Common Sense Solutions for a Sustainable Future by Backer, Benji
The Pipestone Wolves: The Rise and Fall of a Wolf Family by Bloch, Günther
Riscaldamento Globale: Strategie, Soluzioni e Sforzi Collettivi per Combattere il Cambiamento Climatico e Promuovere la Sostenibilità Globale by Futuro E Presente Edizioni
Riscaldamento Globale: Un Piano d'Azione per il Pianeta: Strategie, Soluzioni e Sforzi Collettivi per Combattere il Cambiamento Climatico e P by Futuro E Presente Edizioni
Entwicklung von Technologien zur Aufbereitung von Trinkwasser by Fathy, Mahmoud
Développement de technologies de traitement de l'eau potable by Fathy, Mahmoud
Sviluppo di tecnologie per il trattamento dell'acqua potabile by Fathy, Mahmoud
Desenvolvimento de tecnologias de tratamento de água potável by Fathy, Mahmoud
Разработка технологий о& by Фатхи, Мах&#
EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems II by
Risk Management for Water Professionals: Technical, Psychological and Sociological Underpinnings by Kosovac, Anna
Bouquet for Earth by Brown, Warren
The Blue Nile by Moorehead, Alan
Earth Day 2024: Navigating the Challenges of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss (Earth in Balance) by Reynolds, Sophia
The Ionosphere with Gnss Sdr: Specialized Software-Defined Radio for In-Depth Ionospheric Research by Petrovski II, Ivan G.
Auf Dem Weg Zu Netto-Null-Zielen: Nutzung Von Data Science Für Langzeit-Nachhaltigkeitswege by de, Prithwis Kumar, Sharma, Neha
Sustainability in Creative Industries: Innovations in Fashion and Visual Media--Volume 3 by
Serviceability Limit States of Underground Structures by Japaridze, Levan
Society and the Environment: Pragmatic Solutions to Ecological Issues by Carolan, Michael S.
Society and the Environment: Pragmatic Solutions to Ecological Issues by Carolan, Michael S.
The Costs of Climate Change Mitigation Innovations: A Pragmatic Outlook by
Resilient Planning and Design for Sustainable Cities by
Building financial resilience to climate change: Preparing for the storms ahead by Smith, Kenneth
Environmental Affectivity: Aesthetics of Inhabiting by Giraldo, Omar Felipe, Toro, Ingrid Fernanda
Natural Science and Indigenous Knowledge by
Hedgelands [Us Edition]: A Wild Wander Around Britain's Greatest Habitat by Hart, Christopher
Great Salt Lake: A Perspective from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by Waddell, W. Christopher
Water in Circular Economy by
Climate Change and Urban Environment Sustainability by
Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Africa's Biological Resources and Environment by
Future=life?!: A Solution for Climate Change and World Peace by Dittrich, Ernő
Renewable Energy, Green Computing, and Sustainable Development: First International Conference, Regs 2023, Hyderabad, India, December 22-23, 2023, Pro by
India's Water Future in a Changing Climate by Palanisami, Kuppannan, Nagothu, Udaya Sekhar
Navigating Sustainable Seas - A Comprehensive Guide to Carbon Markets and Trading by Bhimani, Chirag
Экологическая устойчив&# by Офриа, Люд&#
Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit durch Biofiltration by Ofria, Ludovico
Environmental sustainability through biofiltration by Ofria, Ludovico
Durabilité environnementale grâce à la biofiltration by Ofria, Ludovico
The Reesor Siding Tragedy: Canada's Bloodiest Labour Conflict by Beaudoin, Charles A.
The Reesor Siding Tragedy: Canada's Bloodiest Labour Conflict by Beaudoin, Charles A.
Homelessness to Hope: Research, Policy and Global Perspectives by
Climate, Land-Use Change and Hydrology of the Beas River Basin, Western Himalayas by Rani, Seema
Assessing Progress in Decarbonizing Spain's Building Stock: Indicators and Data Availability by
Recent Technologies for Waste to Clean Energy and Its Utilization by
Climate Change Impacts on Nigeria: Environment and Sustainable Development by
Advances in Environmental Sustainability: Proceedings of 2022 8th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research by
Agroforestry for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Asia and Africa by
From Land Disputes to Sustainable Environmental Development: A Near East Perspective by Mehmet, Ozay, Yorucu, Vedat
Kernelglättung von Niederschlagsdaten im Nordosten by Fialho Morais Barbosa, Nyedja
Kernel Smoothing of Rainfall Data in the Northeast by Fialho Morais Barbosa, Nyedja
Lissage par noyau des données pluviométriques dans le Nord-Est by Fialho Morais Barbosa, Nyedja
Smussamento kernel dei dati pluviometrici nel Nordest by Fialho Morais Barbosa, Nyedja
Ядерное сглаживание дан& by Фиалхо Мо&#1
Populationsanalyse von Sciaenidae in der Garnelenfischerei, SC BRAZIL by Monteiro, Herbert
Population analysis of Sciaenidae in the shrimp fishery, SC BRAZIL by Monteiro, Herbert
Analyse de la population de Sciaenidae dans la pêche à la crevette, SC BRAZIL by Monteiro, Herbert
Analisi della popolazione di Sciaenidae nella pesca dei gamberi, SC BRASILE by Monteiro, Herbert
Анализ популяции Sciaenidae в кре&#1 by Монтейро, &#
Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops by
Insect Decline and Conservation in the Neotropics by
Conservation Leadership: A Practical Guide by Black, Simon
Conservation Leadership: A Practical Guide by Black, Simon
What We Leave Behind by Sheeley, Matthew
Indigenous Perspective to Climate and Environment by Parry, Darren
Religion Science and Human Society: Religion and Science helps to Build, Peace, Prosperity and Happiness in Human Society. by Mohammad (Chem ). LL M., Akram
Religion Science and Human Society: Religion and Science helps to Build, Peace, Prosperity and Happiness in Human Society. by Mohammad (Chem ). LL M., Akram
Solar Decathlon: Building a Renewable Future by King, Richard James, King, Melissa Digennaro
Organischer Dünger für Familienbetriebe by Oliveira, Lucio José
Organic fertilization for family farming by Oliveira, Lucio José
Engrais organiques pour l'agriculture familiale by Oliveira, Lucio José
Fertilizzanti organici per l'agricoltura familiare by Oliveira, Lucio José
Органические удобрения & by Оливейра, &#
Safeguarding Arctic Marine Ecosystems: Toxicology, Climate Change Impacts and Restoration Strategies by
Intentional - Workbook by Ullyott, Jessica
What Happened Was by Haake, Katharine
Ecological Modelling and Ecophysics (Second Edition): Agricultural and environmental applications by Fort, Hugo
Lone Druid: Chronicles of a Reluctant Wilderness Activist by Bailey, Ric
Sustainability for the Forgotten by Machlis, Gary E.
Intentional - A holistic approach to building and maintaining a sustainable lifestyle by Ullyott, Jessica
Climate Change: The Hoax of CO2 Revealed by Marx, Robert E.
Tutti a Scuola di Rifiuti Zero: Domande e risposte sulle 5 R di Riciclare, Riusare, Ridurre, Riprogettare e Rifiutare by Compagno, Filomena
Air Navigation: Fundamentals, Systems, and Flight Trajectory Management by Pleter, Octavian Thor
The Soils of Brazil by
Reframing Human Endeavors: Design and Technology for Livability and Sustainability by Wiryomartono, Bagoes
Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation: Contributions in the Honour of Late Professor D. K. Paul by
Bavarität: Krisenbewältigung Im Baukulturellen Raum by Kammerbauer, Mark
Microplastic Pollution by
Sustainable and Green Technologies for Water and Environmental Management by
Environmental Technology and Sustainability: Physical, Chemical and Biological Technologies for Environmental Protection by
Plant Mutagenesis: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Landscapes by
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (Thmc) Processes in Bentonite Barrier Systems by
The Plant Power Diet: Transform Your Health with Nature's Bounty by Vincent, B.
Eco-Conscious Living: Making Choices that Benefit the Earth by Evergreen, Tristan
Critical Plant Studies in Taiwan by
Blockchain in the Energy Sector: An Advancing Technology to Tackle Global Climate Change? by Freier, Alexander
The Ghosts of Iraq's Marshes: A History of Conflict, Tragedy, and Restoration by Al-Asadi, Jassim, Holmes, Keith, Lonergan, Steve
We Stay the Same: Subsistence, Logging, and Enduring Hopes for Development in Papua New Guinea by Roberts, Jason
Wissensstand über invasive gebietsfremde Arten in Indien by Razvi, Sajad
État des connaissances sur les espèces exotiques envahissantes en Inde by Razvi, Sajad
Stato delle conoscenze sulle specie aliene invasive dell'India by Razvi, Sajad
Estado do conhecimento sobre as espécies exóticas invasoras da Índia by Razvi, Sajad
Состояние знаний об инва by Разви, Сад&#
Silicon Valley and the Environmental Inequalities of High-Tech Urbanism: Volume 9 by Heppler, Jason A.
Half-Earth Socialism: A Plan to Save the Future from Extinction, Climate Change, and Pandemics by Vettese, Troy, Pendergrass, Drew
Field Guide to Oregon Rivers by Palmer, Tim
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