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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2025

Maritime Environmental Management: Principles and Practice by Gallagher, Anthony W., Morris, Anthony James
Maritime Environmental Management: Principles and Practice by Gallagher, Anthony W., Morris, Anthony James
Evolutionary Game Theory: Approaches and Applications in Evolutionary Biology by Bonsall, Michael
Ideal and Real Atmospheric Boundary Layers by Holtslag, Albert A. M., Rotach, Mathias W.
Fließgewässerrenaturierung Mit Strukturverbessernden Maßnahmen: Von Der Planung Bis Zur Erfolgskontrolle by Lüderitz, Volker, Reinstorf, Frido, Seidel, Michael
Tropical Cyclones and Associated Impacts: A Global Perspective by
Multi-Scale Precipitation Variability Over the Tropics: New Insights from Observations and Modelling by
Public Land and Democracy in America: Understanding Conflict Over Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by Brugger, Julie
Public Land and Democracy in America: Understanding Conflict Over Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by Brugger, Julie
Desert Entanglements: The Making of the Badiya by Sahrawi Refugees of Western Sahara by Volpato, Gabriele
Ecosocialism: An Introduction by Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore
Lithium: The Global Race for Battery Dominance and the New Energy Revolution by Bednarski, Lukasz
The Observatory Experiment: Meteorology in Britain and Its Empire by Naylor, Simon
Climate Activism, Digital Technologies, and Organizational Change by Hall, Nina, Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Mette
Climate Activism, Digital Technologies, and Organizational Change by Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Mette, Hall, Nina
North American Deserts: Ecology of Our Arid Lands by Graham, Sean P.
A Resurrection of Springs: Krause Ranch and the Frio River Hill Country by Van Dellen, Adrian F., Nesser, Cynthia, Sitton, Thad
A Poison Like No Other: How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies by Simon, Matt
The Destruction of Palestine Is the Destruction of the Earth by Malm, Andreas
True Bugs (Heteroptera) of the Middle-East by
The Vegetal Turn: History, Concepts, Applications by
Womanism Rising by
Environment and Development Challenges: The Imperative to ACT by
Australia -- The East: Traveller's Wildlife Guide by Beletsky, Les
The State of Conservation: Rural America and the Conservation-Industrial Complex since 1920 by Nygren, Joshua
On a Butterfly's Wing: Lessons from Nature on Embracing Change by Vargas, Astrid
The Earth and I by Firstenberg, Arthur
Bad Naturalist: One Woman's Ecological Education on a Wild Virginia Mountaintop by Whyman, Paula
The State of Conservation: Rural America and the Conservation-Industrial Complex since 1920 by Nygren, Joshua
Bob the Robin: A Love Letter to Britain's Favourite Bird by Putman, Tony
The World Atlas of Deserts and Drylands by
People the Planet Needs Now: Voices for Justice, Science, and a Future of Promise by Edmondson, Dudley
Innovation and Knowledge in Agri-Food and Environmental Systems: Proceedings of the LVIII Conference of the Italian Association of Agricultural Econom by
Lca and Consumption/Needs-Based Ghg Accounting for Climate Action: A Pathway to Carbon Neutrality by Kim, Kwi-Gon
Microbial Niche Nexus Sustaining Environmental Biological Wastewater and Water-Energy-Environment Nexus by
Dust, Aerosols and Heavy Haze Over China: Sources, Transformation, Transport, and Impact on the Regional and Global Environment by Zhuang, Guoshun
Tsunamis on the Pacific Coast of Canada: From Prehistoric Time to the Present by Rabinovich, Alexander B., Stephenson, Fred E., Yakovenko, Olga I.
Mangrove Carbon Trading in the Lower Gangetic Delta: Drawbacks and the Potential by Mitra, Abhijit, Zaman, Sufia, Pramanick, Prosenjit
China Mobile Source Environmental Management (2016--2020) by Ding, Yan, Yin, Hang, Wang, Junfang
Foundations of Environmental Economics: An Introduction to the Economic Analysis of National and International Environmental Challenges by Buchholz, Wolfgang, Reif, Christiane, Rübbelke, Dirk
Inclusive Cities and Global Urban Transformation: Infrastructures, Intersectionalities, and Sustainable Development by
Unlocking the Potential of Building Envelopes: Sustainable and People-Centered Approach to Reduce the Environmental Footprint of the Built Environment by Speroni, Alberto, Mainini, Andrea Giovanni, Poli, Tiziana
Handbuch Eisenbahninfrastruktur by
Atmosphärische Störungen in Der Drahtlosen Nachrichtenübermittlung by Koerts, A.
Wild Renaissance: Art in the Anthropocene by Logé, Guillaume
Wetland Restoration for Endangered Species Recovery: A Multidisciplinary Case Study of Big Meadow Bog, Brier Island, Nova Scotia by
User Experience Design Und Sustainability: Status Quo Verstehen - Zukunft Gestalten by
Knowledge Models and Dissemination for Sustainable Development: Italian UNESCO Chairs on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals by
Sustainable Finance and Business in Sub-Saharan Africa by
The Olive Landscapes of the Mediterranean: Key Challenges and Opportunities for Their Sustainability in the Early Xxist Century by
Africa's Threatened Rhinos: A History of Exploitation and Conservation by Somerville, Keith
American Oasis: Finding the Future in the Cities of the Southwest by Paoletta, Kyle
Encyclopedia of Green Materials by
Many Things Under a Rock Young Readers Edition: The Mysteries of Octopuses by Scheel, David
Artificial Intelligence in Microbiology: Scope and Challenges Volume-II: Volume 56 by
Ecology: The Economy of Nature by Relyea, Rick
Loose-Leaf Version for Ecology: The Economy of Nature by Relyea, Rick
Nature, Neoliberalism, and New Materialisms: Riding the Ungovernable by Pellizzoni, Luigi
Embracing the Future, Powering Growth: An Energy System Renewed for China by
Climate Engineering by Watson, Matthew
Swimming Upstream: One Man's Fight to Save the Atlantic Wild Salmon by Nuttall, Deirdre, Peril, Patsy
Future Wild: Nature Restoration in Ireland by Nairn, Richard
Marine Geography: Ocean Space and Sense of Place by Bischof, Barbara
Rhinos of the World: Ecology, Conservation and Management by
The Future of Amazonian Aquatic Biota by
Human and Aquatic Beings: Interactions in and Beyond the Eastern Mediterranean (3rd--1st Millennia Bce) by
River Health Assessment: A Study on Mahananda River, India by Mitra, Suman, Tamang, Lakpa, Kumar de, Sunil
Wild and Wonderful: An Ethnography of English Naturalists by Manceron, Vanessa
Neonicotinoids in the Environment: Emerging Concerns to the Human Health and Biodiversity by
Saving the Planet: Climate and Environmental Lessons from Malaysia and Beyond by Ahmad, Nik Nazmi Nik
Bassett's Environmental Health Procedures by Deveaux, Tim, Bassett, W. H.
Miami in the Anthropocene: Rising Seas and Urban Resilience by Wakefield, Stephanie
Miami in the Anthropocene: Rising Seas and Urban Resilience by Wakefield, Stephanie
Earthwards: Transformative Ecological Education by Burke, Katharine
Becoming an Ecologist: Career Pathways in Science by Wiens, John
Becoming an Ecologist: Career Pathways in Science by Wiens, John
Natural History of Silence by Sueur, Jérôme
Trajectories of Launch and Reentry Systems by Teofilatto, Paolo
The Octopus in the Parking Garage: A Call for Climate Resilience by Verchick, Rob
Biotectonics of Neotropical Transition Zones by Hermógenes de Mendonça, Lize, Michaux, Bernard, Ebach, Malte C.
The Language of Water: Ancient Techniques and Community Stories for a Water Secure Future by Jain, Minni, Franses, Philip
The Living Climate: Computer Modelling or Planetary Harmonics? Challenging Prevailing Climate Change Narratives by Morelli, Luigi
Dark Laboratory: On Columbus, the Caribbean, and the Origins of the Climate Crisis by Goffe, Tao Leigh
Mission Penguin: A Photographic Quest from the Galápagos to Antarctica by Franklin, Ursula Clare
Beach Politics: Social, Racial, and Environmental Injustice on the Shoreline by
Beach Politics: Social, Racial, and Environmental Injustice on the Shoreline by
Contested Environmentalisms: Trees and the Making of Modern China by Li, Cheng
Rohrleitungen 1: Grundlagen, Rohrwerkstoffe, Rohrherstellung, Komponenten by
The Three Poles of the Earth: Challenges to Sustainable Development in Fragile Environments by Li, Xin, Duan, Anmin, Shangguan, Donghui
Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulation: An Explanation of Earth's Climate Patterns by Henderson, Keith G., Rohli, Robert V., Vega, Anthony J.
Antimicrobial Resistance in Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments by
Decolonizing Environmentalism: Alternative Visions and Practices of Environmental Action by Kashwan, Prakash, Hasnain, Aseem
The Ecology of Sandy Shores by McLachlan, Anton, Defeo, Omar
Research and Innovation in Renewable Energy and Environment: Proceedings for 1st International Congress on Research and Innovation in Renewable Energy by
Decolonizing Environmentalism: Alternative Visions and Practices of Environmental Action by Kashwan, Prakash, Hasnain, Aseem
Decolonize Ecomodernism! by Salleh, Ariel
Decolonize Ecomodernism! by Salleh, Ariel
Carbon Nanotubes in Agriculture: Specifications and Applications by
Fluidodinamica Dell'oceano E Dell'atmosfera by Pierini, Stefano
Süßwasser- Und Meeresökologie by Sommer, Ulrich
Coastal Sustainability: Insights from Southeast Asia and Beyond by
Role of Science and Technology for Sustainable Future: Volume 2- Applied Sciences and Technologies by
Demanding a Radical Constitution: Environmentalism, Resilience, and Participation in Chile's 2022 Reform Efforts by
Elements of Pelagos Biology: With Focus on the Mediterranean Sea by Belmonte, Genuario
Climate Change Resilience in Rural Southern Africa: Dynamics, Prospects and Challenges by
Sozialökologische Transformationen Durch Bildung?: Analysen Pädagogischer Praktiken by
Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology by
Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology by
Handbook of Geography Education by
Of Climate and Gender: An Ecofeminist Hegemony Analysis of the Indian and EU Climate Policy Discourses and Identities by Zürn, Anja
Mining Impacts and Their Environmental Problems by
Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment by
Functionalized Cellulose Materials: Sustainable Manufacturing and Applications by
Gilbert T. Walker's Enduring Studies of Climate Variability by Wallace, John Michael
New Engagement Strategies for Energy Justice: Perspectives from the Next Generation by
Aerosols and Precipitation Over Africa: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects Volume 7 by
Conservation Aquaculture: An Evolution-Based Approach for the Production of Fish for Aquaculture-Assisted Fisheries Programs by Tave, Douglas
Guarding with Cork: A Sustainable Solution for Protection by
Achieving Sustainability in Ukraine Through Military Brownfields Redevelopment by
Key Drivers and Indicators of Soil Health Management: Transitioning from Conventional to Regenerative Agriculture by
Eco-Types: Five Ways of Caring about the Environment by Kennedy, Emily Huddart
At the Foot of the Himalayas: Paleontology and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Siwalik Record by
Icowefs 2024 Sustainability Proceedings by
Circular Economy in Sustainable Supply Chains: A Global Perspective on Challenges, Concepts and Cases by
Environmental Resilience in the Pandemic Years 2020-2021: Covid-19 and Environmental Ecosystem by
Financing the Race to Space: How to Value, Invest, and Explore the Universe by Papazian, Armen V.
Climate Change and Natural Resources: Environmental Management and Sustainable Development by
Designing Futures: Bridging Creativity, Sustainability, and Technology in Education and Industry by
Energy Citizenship Across Europe: Contexts and Conditions for an Emerging Energy Transition by
Natural History of Silence by Sueur, Jérôme
Rachel Carson and the Power of Queer Love by Maxwell, Lida
Blight: Fungi and the Coming Pandemic by Monosson, Emily
The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific: East and Southeast Asia by
Aqua Vitae: Unraveling the Story of Water in Latin America by
Advances in Energy and Sustainability: Select Proceedings of Incom 2024 by
The Changing Geography of National Parks and Protected Areas by
The Wool Industry a Global History: Covering Two Thousand Years by Burton, Anthony
Rethinking and Relearning Disaster Adaptations from and Within Indigenous Land-Based Perspectives by Hurlbert, Margot, Kibria, Arifatul, Datta, Ranjan
Mexico's Fuel Trafficking Phenomenon: Analysing an Emerging Black Market by León Sáez, Samuel
Nordic Coastal Tourism: Sustainability, Trends, Practices, and Opportunities by
Generation of Energy from Municipal Solid Waste: Circular Economy and Sustainability by
Global Land Cover Validation: Methodology, Tools, and Practices by
Bauern, Plaggen, Neue Böden: 1000 Jahre Plaggenwirtschaft in Nordwestdeutschland by Mueller, Klaus
Future Cities Making: Mission-Oriented Research for Urban Sustainability Transitions in Australia by
Severe Storms: Anatomy, Early Warning Systems and Aftermath in Changing Climate Scenarios by
Freshwater Inflows to Texas Bays and Estuaries: A Regional-Scale Review, Synthesis, and Recommendations by
Ocean Governance (Beyond) Borders by
Threatened Medicinal Plants in the Indian Himalayan Region: Sustainability Challenges and Conservation Strategies by
Klimaturbulenzen: Modellierung Der Erde Und Die Illusion Von Klimakontrolle by Dethloff, Klaus
Ethical Omnivores: Better Eating for Everyone by Noll, Samantha
Ethical Omnivores: Better Eating for Everyone by Noll, Samantha
Process Integration for Resource Conservation by Foo, Dominic C. Y.
Process Integration for Resource Conservation by Foo, Dominic C. Y.
Politics and Resistance of Coal in Australia and India: Climate Justice Activism in the Global North and South by Talukdar, Ruchira
Cinema Of/For the Anthropocene: Affect, Ecology, and More-Than-Human Kinship by
Microplastic Pollution: Occurrence, Health Risk and Challenges by
Vegetationsgeschichte Der Landschaften in Deutschland by
From Crops and Wastes to Bioenergy: Current Status and Challenges by
Biochar as a Multipurpose Platform: With Applications in Energy, Environment, and Materials by
Descriptive Physical Oceanography: An Introduction by Emery, William J., Talley, Lynne D., Pickard, George L.
Case Studies in Disaster Preparedness: A Volume in the Disaster and Emergency Management: Case Studies in Adaptation and Innovation Series by
Wild Galloway: From the Hilltops to the Solway, a Portrait of a Glen by Carter, Ian
Environmental Remediation in Agri-Food Industry Using Nanotechnology and Sustainable Strategies by
The Russian Cold: Histories of Ice, Frost, and Snow by
Sentient Ecologies: Xenophobic Imaginaries of Landscape by
Representations of "Japanese Nature": A Historical Overview by Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko
Representations of "Japanese Nature": A Historical Overview by Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko
The Sustainability Handbook, Volume 2: The Body of Knowledge Around Radical Sustainability Innovation by
Smart Infrastructures in the Iot Era by
Chirale Umweltschadstoffe: Analytische Methoden, Umweltauswirkungen Und Toxikologie by Hühnerfuss, Heinrich, Aboul-Enein, Hassan Y., Kallenborn, Roland
Technological and Innovative Progress in Renewable Energy Systems: Proceedings of the 2024 International Renewable Energy Days (Iren Days'2024). by
Ecology of Tropical Cities: Biodiversity, People & Places by
Proceedings of Mpcpe 2024: Selected Papers by
Status of Decline and Conservation of Amphibians of the Middle East: Amphibian Biology, Volume 11, Part 8 Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphib by
Environmental Hazards of Plastic Wastes: Bioremediation Approaches for Environmental Clean-Up by
Climate Change and Environmental Degradation in the Mena Region by
Enzyme Catalysis Today and the Chemistry of the 21st Century by Likhtenshtein, Gertz I.
Disinfection By-Products in Water by
Fluorides in Drinking Water: Source, Issue, and Mitigation Strategies by
The Palgrave Handbook of Ubuntu, Inequality and Sustainable Development by
Law and Economics of Corporate Governance: Shareholders, Stakeholders, and Beyond by
Business and Biodiversity: Reciprocal Connections in the Context of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (Sepls) by
Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality in China: Theory and Practice by Xu, Dingming, Li, Jinliang, Sheng, Chunguang
Antisemitismus in Der Klimabewegung: Zur Bedeutung Und Zum Diskurs Um Antisemitismus in Deutschen Klimagruppen by Renz, Kathrin
Digitale Nachhaltigkeit ALS Leitmotiv Für Kommunikationsplattformen by Kollien, Jeanette
Smokescreen: Debunking Wildfire Myths to Save Our Forests and Our Climate by Hanson, Chad T.
Power Up: An Engineer's Adventures Into Sustainable Energy by Ali, Yasmin
The Universal Timekeepers: Reconstructing History Atom by Atom by Helfand, David
Rspb Bird Tales: Traditional Stories, Folklore and Activities by Casey, Dawn
The Art of the National Parks Undated Planner by Fifty-Nine Parks
Mountains & Wilderness Coloring Book: Color Incredible Outdoor Scenes by Editors of Chartwell Books
Total Garbage: How We Can Fix Our Waste and Heal Our World by Humes, Edward
Anthropocide: An Essay in Green Cultural Criminology by McGregor, Rafe
Sustainable Urban Development in the European Arctic by Luszczuk, Michal, Radzik-Maruszak, Katarzyna, Wehrmann, Dorothea
Sustainable Transformation and Well-Being: The Role of Business for Individual and Collective Flourishing by
Sustainable and Resilient Businesses in the Global Economy: 4th International Conference on Modern Trends in Business, Hospitality and Tourism, Cluj-N by
Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science by
Advances in Environmental Sustainability: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (Icaer 2023) by
Agriculture and Water Management Under Climate Change by
Ends of the Earth: Journeys to the Polar Regions in Search of Life, the Cosmos, and Our Future by Shubin, Neil
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