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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Etymology in 2021

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Morphology: 3-Volume Set by
Ventures Transitions Level 5 Workbook by Bitterlin, Gretchen, Johnson, Dennis, Price, Donna
Ventures Transitions Level 5 Student's Book by Bitterlin, Gretchen, Johnson, Dennis, Price, Donna
History of the Akkadian Language (2 Vols) by
Gaelic In Your Gob: Four Dozen English Words That Came from the Scottish Highlands by Newton, Michael Steven
Naming and Framing: Understanding the Power of Words across Disciplines, Domains, and Modalities by Smith, Viktor
The Hidden History of Coined Words by Keyes, Ralph
Santa Claus, Outlaws and Butlers: The Dutch, Viking and French Influence on English by Poppelaars, Antonius
Engaging Grammar: Practical Advice for Real Classrooms, 2nd Ed. by Benjamin, Amy
Gall, Spurzheim, and the Phrenological Movement: Insights and Perspectives by
España es palabra vasca: Está escrito en las rocas su origen y ADN. Toponimia Tomo 2 by Blanco, Juan Ramón Goitia
English Grammar: The Basics by McCarthy, Michael
English Grammar: The Basics by McCarthy, Michael
Worlds in Words: Essays in the History of Words by Burke, Brian Charles
The Dictionary of 1980s Slang by Carlile, Rick
The Dictionary of 1980s Slang: Stranger than Fiction! The Totally Awesome Guide to Rockin' '80s Lingo by Carlile, Rick
Strange Bedfellows - Fun with Etymology: Fun with Etymology by Anil
Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 20: Volume 20 by
Dictionary of Southern Appalachian English by
Homophones: Words that Sound Alike or One Reason English is Difficult to Learn by Smith, Charlotte
Homophones: Words that Sound Alike or One Reason English is Difficult to Learn by Smith, Charlotte
Azar-Hagen Grammar - (Ae) - 5th Edition - Workbook - Basic English Grammar by Azar, Betty, Hagen, Stacy
Dearly, Nearly, Insincerely, 20th Anniversary Edition: What Is an Adverb? by Cleary, Brian P.
A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink, 20th Anniversary Edition: What Is a Noun? by Cleary, Brian P.
Languages in Contact and Contrast: A Festschrift for Professor Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday by
Early Language Acquisition of Mandarin-Speaking Children by Zhang, Yunqiu
Strange to Say: Etymology as Serious Entertainment by Warren, Deborah
Blimey, I'm Knackered!: An American's Survival Guide to British English by Hall, Marshall
Blimey, I'm Knackered!: An American's Survival Guide to British English by Hall, Marshall
English for Everyone English Phrasal Verbs: Más de 1000 Verbos Compuestos del Inglés by DK
Exercises in Latin Prose [microform]: a Companion to Harkness's Latin Grammar, for the Use of Intermediate and University Classes by Seath, John 1844-1919
Modern Greek Grammar: for the Use of Classical Students by
Principia Latina [microform]: Part IV: an Introduction to Latin Prose Composition: Containing a Systematic Course of Exercises on the Syntax, With t by
Latin Prose Composition, Comprising: Pt. 1. Notes on Grammar, Style, and Idiom. Pt. 2. English Passages for Translation Into Latin by Hardie, William Ross 1862-1916
The Scholemaster; Written Between 1563-8. Posthumously Published. First Ed., 1570; Collated With the 2d Ed, 1572. Edited by Edward Arber by Ascham, Roger 1515-1568, Arber, Edward 1836-1912
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae / Editus Auctoritate Et Consilio Academiarum Quinque Germanicarum Berolinensis, Gottingensis, Lipsiensis, Monacensis, Vindob by
The Syntax of High School Latin: Statistics and Selected Examples Arranged Under Grammatical Headings and in Order of Occurrence by Fifty Collaborator by
Latin Terms of Endearment and of Family Relationship; a Lexicographical Study Based on Volume VI of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum by Harrod, Samuel Glenn
Exercises in the Composition of Greek Iambic Verse [microform], by Translation From English Dramatists; Kynaston, Herbert, by Kynaston, Herbert 1835-1910
An Open Door to Caesar.: the Beginner's Caesar; Being Mainly the Simplified Text of the Bellum Helveticum of the Commentaries by Caesar, Julius
A Short Handbook of Latin Accidence and Syntax, With Examples and Exercises and Notes on Latin Idiom [microform] by
The Latin Pronouns is, Hic, Iste, Ipse [microform]; a Semasiological Study by
Praxis Iambica [microform]: a Series of Elementary and Progressive Exercises in Greek Tragic Senarii; Collis, John Day, by Collis, John Day 1816-1879
The Limitations of the Predicative Position in Greek [microform]: a Dissertation Presented to the Board of University Studies of the John Hopkins Univ by
Primary Latin Book [microform]: Containing Introductory Lessons and Exercises in Latin Prose Composition, Based on Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic by Carruthers, Adam
Exercises in Greek Prose Composition, Adapted to the First Book of Xenophon's Anabasis by Boise, James R.
First Steps in Latin [microform]: a Complete Course in Latin for One Year: Based on Material Drawn From Caesar's Commentaries, With Exercises for Sigh by
Second Latin Book [microform]: Consisting of Extracts From Nepos, Caesar, and Ovid, With Notes, and a Copious Vocabulary, Etc. by
A Brief Greek Syntax and Hints on Greek Accidence: With Some Reference to Comparative Philology, and With Illustrations From Various Modern Languages by
The Etruscans: Were They Celts? or, The Light of an Inductive Philology Thrown on Forty Etruscan Fossil Words Preserved to Us by Anci by
Schrevelius' Greek Lexicon [microform], Tr. Into English, With Many New Words Added; and a Copious English and Greek Lexicon.. by Schrevel, Cornelis 1608-1664
The Royal Road to Latin [microform]: a New Method of Teaching the Language by
A Series of First Lessons in Greek [microform]: Adapted to the 2nd Edition of Goodwin's Greek Grammar, and Designed as an Introduction Either to Goodw by White, John Williams 1849-1917
The Irregular Verbs of Attic Prose: Their Forms, Prominent Meanings, and Important Compounds; Together With Lists of Related Words and English Derivat by Hogue, Addison 1849-
Exercises in Latin Prose Composition: With References to the Grammars of Allen and Greenough, Andrews and Stoddard, Bartholomew, Bullions and Morris, by Jones, Elisha 1832-1888
The Vocabulary of High School Latin, Being the Vocabulary of: Caesar's Gallic War, Books I-V; Cicero Against Cataline, on Pompey's Command, for the Po by Lodge, Gonzalez 1863-1942
The Primitives and Leading Words of the Greek Language, so Explained... as to Fix Themselves Readily and Permanently on the Memory [microform] by
Ahn's Latin Vocabulary for Beginners, Methodical and Etymological. With a Collection of Latin Proverbs and Quotations by Henn, Peter
The Latin Grammar of Pharmacy: for the Use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Students: Including the Reading of Latin Prescriptions, Latin-English and En by Ince, Joseph
The Querolus [microform]: a Syntactical and Stylistic Study: a Dissertation in the John Hopkins University by
A First Greek Course [microform]: Comprehending Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise-book With Vocabularies: on the Plan of the Principia Latina by
The Etruscans: Were They Celts? or, The Light of an Inductive Philology Thrown on Forty Etruscan Fossil Words Preserved to Us by Anci by
Latin Prose Composition, Comprising: Pt. 1. Notes on Grammar, Style, and Idiom. Pt. 2. English Passages for Translation Into Latin by Hardie, William Ross 1862-1916
Principia Latina [microform]: Part IV: an Introduction to Latin Prose Composition: Containing a Systematic Course of Exercises on the Syntax, With t by
Selections From Urbis Romae Viri Inlustres: With Notes, Illustrations, Maps, Prose Exercises, Word Groups, and Vocabulary by
Praxis Primaria: Progressive Exercises in the Writing of Latin, With Introductory Notes on Syntax and Idiomatic Differences and an Appe by Burns, Islay 1817-1872
A Writer of Attic Prose: Models From Xenophon, Exercises and Guide, a Vocabulary of Attic Prose Usage by Flagg, Isaac 1843-1931
A Latin Reader [microform]: Intended as a Companion to the Author' S Latin Grammar: With References, Suggestions, Notes and Vocabulary by Harkness, Albert 1822-1907
Latin Exercises in Etymology [microform]. According to Prof. Lawrence Englmann by Englmann, Lorenz
A New Latin Reader: With Exercises in Latin Composition: Intended as a Companion to the Author's Latin Grammar: With References, Suggestio by Harkness, Albert 1822-1907
An Open Door to Caesar.: the Beginner's Caesar; Being Mainly the Simplified Text of the Bellum Helveticum of the Commentaries by Caesar, Julius
Etruria-celtica: Etruscan Literature Andantiquities Investigated, or, The Language of That Ancient and Illustriouspeople Compared and I by
Latin Pronunciation [microform], an Inquiry Into the Proper Sounds of the Latin Language During the Classical Period by Blair, Walter
The Latin Grammar of Pharmacy: for the Use of Medical and Pharmaceutical Students: Including the Reading of Latin Prescriptions, Latin-English and En by Ince, Joseph
The Unity of the Latin Subjunctive: a Quest ... a Paper Read in Abstract Before the Classical Association by
The Unity of the Latin Subjunctive: a Quest ... a Paper Read in Abstract Before the Classical Association by
Etruria-celtica: Etruscan Literature Andantiquities Investigated, or, The Language of That Ancient and Illustriouspeople Compared and I by
The Primitives and Leading Words of the Greek Language, so Explained... as to Fix Themselves Readily and Permanently on the Memory [microform] by
First Steps in Latin [microform]: a Complete Course in Latin for One Year: Based on Material Drawn From Caesar's Commentaries, With Exercises for Sigh by
Exercises in Latin Prose [microform]: a Companion to Harkness's Latin Grammar, for the Use of Intermediate and University Classes by Seath, John 1844-1919
Primary Latin Book [microform]: Containing Introductory Lessons and Exercises in Latin Prose Composition, Based on Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic by Carruthers, Adam
The Irregular Verbs of Attic Prose: Their Forms, Prominent Meanings, and Important Compounds; Together With Lists of Related Words and English Derivat by Hogue, Addison 1849-
The Schools of Christendom: II. The Decay of Greek and Latin: the Fruit of Pretence of Teaching, Long Employed in Private and Public Schools: the by Denison, George Anthony 1805-1896
Praxis Primaria: Progressive Exercises in the Writing of Latin, With Introductory Notes on Syntax and Idiomatic Differences and an Appe by Burns, Islay 1817-1872
A Writer of Attic Prose: Models From Xenophon, Exercises and Guide, a Vocabulary of Attic Prose Usage by Flagg, Isaac 1843-1931
A Complete Greek and English Lexicon for the Poems of Homer and the Homeridæ: Illustrating the Domestic, Religious, Political, and Military Condition by Arnold, Thomas Kerchever 1800-1853, Smith, Henry 1805-1879
Fasti Monastici Aevi Saxonici: or, an Alphabetical List of the Heads of Religious Houses in England Previous to the Norman Conquest: to Which is Pref by
Cornell Studies in Classical Philology; 1 pt. 2 by
First Greek Book: Comprising an Outline of the Forms and Inflections of the Language, a Complete Analytical Syntax, and an Introductory by Harkness, Albert 1822-1907
A Dictionary of Epithets, Classified According to Their English Meaning: Being an Appendix to the "Latin Gradus." by Yonge, Charles Duke 1812-1891
Latin I Work Book: Lessons and Exercises; Based on "Essential Latin" by Niddrie, John George
Latin Terms of Endearment and of Family Relationship by
The Elements of New Testament Greek: a Method of Studying the Greek New Testament With Exercises by
An Introduction to the Greek Language: Containing an Outline of the Grammar, With Appropriate Exercises by
Easy Selections Adapted From Xenophon: With a Vocabulary, Notes and Map by
Cornell Studies in Classical Philology; 31 by Anonymous
The Illusion of the Epoch: Marxism-Leninism as a Philosophical Creed by
Transactions of the American Philological Association; 86 by
Cornell Studies in Classical Philology; 24 by Anonymous
Cornell Studies in Classical Philology; 24 by Anonymous
Philological Studies in Ancient Glass by Trowbridge, Mary Luella 1894-
The Forms of Latin, a Descriptive and Historical Morphology by
The Forms of Latin, a Descriptive and Historical Morphology by
Greek Scholars in Venice; Studies in the Dissemination of Greek Learning From Byzantium to Western Europe by
The Making of Latin: an Introduction to Latin, Greek and English Etymology by Conway, Robert Seymour 1864-1933
Cornell Studies in Classical Philology; 30 by Anonymous
Easy Selections Adapted From Xenophon: With a Vocabulary, Notes and Map by
Greek and Latin in Scientific Terminology by Nybakken, Oscar Edward 1904-
Latin for Local History; an Introduction by Gooder, Eileen A.
Biblical Greek: Illustrated by Examples by Zerwick, Maximilian 1901-1975
Biblical Greek: Illustrated by Examples by Zerwick, Maximilian 1901-1975
Liturgical Latin, Its Origins and Character; Three Lectures by Mohrmann, Christine
Latin Pronounced for Altar Boys by Murphy, Edward Josephy 1871-
Philological Studies in Ancient Glass by Trowbridge, Mary Luella 1894-
'Bradley's Arnold": Latin Prose Composition by Arnold, Thomas Kerchever 1800-1853
Word-order in the Works of St. Augustine by
The Vocabulary Of The Greek Testament, Part 2 by Moulton, James Hope 1863-1917, Milligan, George 1860-1934
Ora Maritima: a Latin Story for Beginners, With Grammar and Exercises by
Ora Maritima: a Latin Story for Beginners, With Grammar and Exercises by
A Practical Introduction to Greek Accentuation by
Horae Latinae: Studies in Synonyms and Syntax by Souter, Alexander 1873-1949, Ogilvie, Robert 1833-1899, Ogilvie, Joseph 1832-
Quantity and Accent in the Pronunciation of Latin by
The Shorter Latin Primer ... by Kennedy, Benjamin Hall 1804-1889
A Grammar of the Latin Language: for the Use of Schools, With Exercises and Vocabularies by
An Introduction to the Rhythmic and Metric of Classical Languages [microform] by
The Difference Between the Genitive and Dative Used With [èpí] to Denote Superposition [microform] by Forman, Lewis Leaming
Sermo Latinus: a Short Guide to Latin Prose Composition by Postgate, John Percival 1853-1926
Latin Elegiac Verse; a Study of the Metrical Usages of Tibullus, Propertius & Ovid by Platnauer, Maurice
An Easy Mode of Teaching the Rudiments of Latin Grammar to Beginners [microform] by Robertson, Thomas Jaffray 1804-1866
Romaic and Modern Greek Compared With One Another, and With Ancient Greek [microform] by Clyde, James
Illustrations of the Affinity of the Latin Language to the Gaelic or Celtic of Scotland [microform] by Stratton, Thomas 1816-1886
Julian of Toledo 'De Vitiis Et Figuris' by
Selected Latin Vocabularies for Reading by Hurlbut, Stephen A.
Exercises for Translation Into Latin [microform], Chiefly on the Rules of Syntax by
Survey of Classical Roman Literature; v.1 by Lockwood, Dean Putnam
Contractions in Early Latin Minuscule Mss. by
Greek & Latin Versions by Shewring, Walter
Greek Particles; by Hoogeveen, Hendrik 1712-1791, Seager, John 1776-1849
Henry's First Latin Book [microform] by Arnold, Thomas Kerchever 1800-1853
Essential Latin by Dugit, Rosalie A., Thompson, Wilmot H.
New First Latin Book [microform] by
The Shorter Latin Primer ... by Kennedy, Benjamin Hall 1804-1889
Greek Metaphor: Studies in Theory and Practice by Stanford, William Bedell
A First Greek Reader, to Accompany A Short Grammar of Attic Greek by
Lectures and Essays: 2nd Series by Nettleship, Henry 1839-1893
Latin Lessons for Beginners [microform] by Carruthers, Adam 1857-1937
A Smaller Grammar of the Latin Language [microform] by
Lectures and Essays: 2nd Series by Nettleship, Henry 1839-1893
A Grammar of the Latin Language: for the Use of Schools, With Exercises and Vocabularies by
A School Grammar of Attic Greek by Goodell, Thomas Dwight 1854-1920
Latin Prose Composition [microform] by
A Latin Exercise-book: Especially Adapted to Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar by
Selected Latin Vocabularies for Reading by Hurlbut, Stephen A.
Latin Exercises Extended by Howard, Nathaniel
Contraction in the Case Forms of the Latin Io- and Ia Stems, and of Deus, is, and Idem ... by
Latin Prose Composition [microform] by
Companion to Caesar by Pearl, Joseph
On the Sublime; the Greek Text Edited After the Paris Manuscript by Roberts, William Rhys 1858-1929
A Second Latin Reader by
Parallel Rules of Greek and Latin Syntax [microform]. For Use in Classical Schools by Whiton, James Morris 1833-1920
Greek Exercise Book; Comprising Translation and Reading Exercises by Kaegi, Adolf 1849-1923
Demetrius On Style . The Greek Text of Demetrius De Elocutione. by
A Short Syntax of Attic Greek by
Syntax of the Greek Language, Especially of the Attic Dialect: for the Use of Schools by Browne, Henry 1804-1875, Arnold, Thomas Kerchever 1800-1853
Allen and Greenough's Shorter Latin Grammar for Schools and Academies [microform] by Howard, Albert Andrew 1858-1925, Allen, Joseph Henry 1820-1898
Oxford Lectures on Classical Subjects, 1909-1920 by Anonymous
The Correct Pronunciation of Latin According to Roman Usage by
The Illusion of the Epoch: Marxism-Leninism as a Philosophical Creed by
First Greek Book: Comprising an Outline of the Forms and Inflections of the Language, a Complete Analytical Syntax, and an Introductory by Harkness, Albert 1822-1907
Cornell Studies in Classical Philology; 32 by Anonymous
Transactions of the American Philological Association; 86 by
An Introduction to the Greek Language: Containing an Outline of the Grammar, With Appropriate Exercises by
Latin Terms of Endearment and of Family Relationship; a Lexicographical Study Based on Volume VI of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum by Harrod, Samuel Glenn
A First Greek Course [microform]: Comprehending Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise-book With Vocabularies: on the Plan of the Principia Latina by
Essays Philological and Critical: Selected From the Papers by Hadley, James 1821-1872
Cornell Studies in Classical Philology; 32 by Anonymous
Cornell Studies in Classical Philology; 31 by Anonymous
Greek Through Reading by Nairn, John Arbuthnot 1874-
An Elementary Greek Grammar [microform] by
The Greek Conditional Sentences [microform] by
Ontario High School Latin Book: Latin Lessons for Beginners by Robertson, John Charles 1864-1956
Roman Home Life and Religion: a Reader by
A New Latin Syntax by Woodcock, Eric Charles
Greek Syntax [microform], With a Rationale of the Constructions by Clyde, James
Latin Lessons for Beginners [microform] by Carruthers, Adam 1857-1937
Homeric Repetitions by Calhoun, George Miller 1886-1942
Latin Pronounced for Singing; Complete Vespers for the Feasts of the B. V. M. by Murphy, Edward Josephy 1871-
Composition and Characteristics of the Agricultural Population in California; B630 by Peterson, George Martin 1897-1940
Stonyhurst Latin Grammar, by Gerard, John 1840-1912
A Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges: Founded on Comparative Grammar by Allen, Joseph Henry 1820-1898
New First Latin Book [microform] by
Recent Developments in Textual Criticism by Clark, Albert Curtis 1859-1937
Introduction to Greek Prose Composition: With Exercises by Sidgwick, Arthur 1840-1920
Our Renaissance: Essays on the Reform and Revival of Classical Studies by Browne, Henry 1853-
Concise Greek Course by Bullick, William James
Ancient Book Illumination by Weitzmann, Kurt 1904-
Ordinary Latin by Vellacott, Philip Humphrey
The Pronunciation of Greek, With Suggestions for a Reform in Teaching That Language by
An Introduction to Latin Prose [microform] by
Homeric Repetitions by Calhoun, George Miller 1886-1942
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