• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

European Art in 2009

Anselm Feuerbachs Medea, Lucia Brunacci (1904) by Hartwig, Paul
Adriaen Van De Venne (1878) by Franken, Daniel
Life, Letters, and Poetry by Bull, George, Michelangelo
Lars Jonsson's Birds: Paintings from a Near Horizon by Jonsson, Lars
Chien-Caillou (1879) by Champfleury
Australian, British and Irish Artists: Signatures and Monograms From 1800 by Castagno, John
Meister Bertram: Tatig In Hamburg, 1367-1415 (1905) by Lichtwark, Alfred
Hans Memlinc (1901) by Weale, William Henry James
Symbolist Art in Context by Facos, Michelle
Jean-Louis Hamon: Peintre, 1821-1874 (1903) by Hoffmann, Eugene
Funeral Monuments in Post-Reformation England by Llewellyn, Nigel
Rembrandt: The Painter at Work by Van de Wetering, Ernst
Nicola Und Giovanni Pisano: Und Die Plastik Des XIV Jahrhunderts In Siena (1904) by Brach, Albert
Francesco Botticini (1906) by Kuhnel, Ernst
Manual Of Ancient Sculpture (1890) by Paris, Pierre
Sir Henry Raeburn (1904) by Pinnington, Edward
Monsieur Tringle: Avec Une Carte Du Theatre Des Evenements (1866) by Champfleury
The Life of J. M. W. Turner by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
Pierre And Joseph (1920) by Bazin, Rene
The Triple Mummy Case Of Aroeri-Ao: An Egyptian Priest, In Dr. Lee's Museum At Hartwell House (1858) by Sharpe, Samuel
Theophrast's Sitten-Gemalde (1791) by Theophrastus
Notizie Intorno Alla Vita E Alle Opere De' Pittori, Scultori E Intagliatori Dell A Citta De Bassano (1775) by Verci, Giambatista
The Essex Review V14: An Illustrated Quarterly Record Of Everything Of Permanent Interest In The County (1905) by
The Story Of A Summer Day (1875) by
William Holman Hunt (1907) by Schleinitz, Otto Von
Pinacoteca Veneta Ossia I Migliori Dipinti Delle Chiese Di Venezia (1867) by Zanotto, Francesco
Root's Military Topography And Sketching: Prepared For Use In The United States Infantry And Cavalry School (1902) by Root, Edwin Alvin
Wiener Fresken (1873) by Vacano, Emil Mario
Scenes Of Rural Life In Hampshire Among The Manors Of Bramshott (1901) by Capes, William Wolfe
The Head Of Medusa (1880) by Fleming, George
Trattato Dell' Epigrafia Latina Ed Italiana (1856) by Notari, Raffaele
Two Letters To An Amateur Or Young Artist, On Pictorial Color And Effect: And The Means Of Producing Them (1842) by Hendrie, Robert
Fashioning the City: Paris, Fashion and the Media by Rocamora, Agnès
Russian and Soviet Views of Modern Western Art, 1890s to Mid-1930s by
This Meager Nature by Ely, Christopher
Cours De Peinture Par Principes (1766) by de Piles, Roger
Cella Meinradi, Id Est Sacellum Deiparae Virginis Mariae Einsidlensis (1681) by Schwaller, Beda Johann Joseph
Ars Artium Sive De Regimine Sanctimonialium Diatribe (1640) by Mantels, Jan
Renaissance In Italy: The Fine Arts (1882) by Symonds, John Addington
Delle Porpore E Delle Materie Vestiarie Presso Gli Antichi (1786) by Rosa, Michele
Abrege de La Vie Des Peintres: Avec Des Reflexions Sur Leurs Ouvrages (1715) by de Piles, Roger
Antiquites D'Herculaneum V2 (1780) by David, Francois Anne
Adriani Scriecki Rodorni Monitorvm Secundorum, Libri 5 (1615) by Schrieck, Adriaen Van
Beautiful Wild Flowers Of America: From Original Watercolor Drawings After Nature (1885) by Sprague, Isaac, Hervey, Alpheus Baker
Gillray Observed: The Earliest Account of His Caricatures in London Und Paris by
Giacometti: Critical Essays by
The Dada Cyborg: Visions of the New Human in Weimar Berlin by Biro, Matthew
Im Frauwenzimmer Wirt Vermeldt Von Allerley Schonen Kleidungen Vnnd Trachten (1586) by Lemmer, Manfred, Amman, Jost
Early And Imperial Rome: Or Promenade Lectures On The Archaeology Of Rome (1884) by Westropp, Hodder Michael
Descrizione Delle Pitture Sculture Architetture Ed Altre Cose Rare Della Insigne Citta Di Ascoli (1790) by Orsini, Baldassarre
Entwurf Einer Landlichen Charfreytagsprocession Samt Einem Gar Lustigen Und Geistlichen Vorsviel (1782) by Bucher, Anton Von
Due Ragionamenti Del Dottore Lodovico Coltellini Agli Accademici Etruschi Di Cortona Sopra Quattro Superbi Bronzi Antichi (1750) by Coltellini, Lodovico
Galleria Di Pitture Dell' Emo, E Rmo Principe Signor Cardinale Tommaso Ruffo, Vescovo Di Palestrina, E Di Ferrara, Rime E Prose (1734) by Agnelli, Jacopo, Ruffo, Tommaso
Die Grazien (1770) by Wieland, Christoph Martin
Ideale Fur Alle Stande Oder Moral In Bildern (1819) by Keller, Georg Victor
Historia S. Crucis Cranenburgensis, Ofte Grondelyke Beschryvinge Van't Oude Miraculeuse Kruys-Beelt Tot Cranenborg (1666) by Wanray, Joannes Van
Pictorial History Of King Philips War: Comprising A Full And Minute Account Of All The Massacres Battles, Conflagrations (1850) by Strock, Daniel
Early Chinese Painting (1916) by Gates, William E.
Discours Sur L'Architecture (1754) by Patte, Pierre
The Modern Poster (1895) by Bunner, Henry Cuyler, Alexandre, Arsene, Spielmann, Marion Harry
De Tribus Statuis In Romano Capitolio Erectis Anno 1720, Ecphrasis Iconographica (1724) by Braschi, Giovanni Battista
Costumen Der Stede Midtsgaeders De Heuuer Ende Neder Casselryen Van Audenaerde (1615) by Oudenaarde, Stad
Bartolozzi And His Works (1885) by Tuer, Andrew White
De Vriend Der Nederlandsche Kinderen Of Vaderlandsche Avonden: Met Plaaten (1787) by Sansom, F., Roosing, H., Buys, Jacques
The Shakespeare Tapestry Woven In Verse (1881) by Hawkey, Charlotte
Le Opere Di Giovanni D'Antonio (1788) by D'Antonio, Giovanni
Art And Crafts In Our Schools by Gaitskell, C. D.
The Dresden Gallery by Menz, Henner
Williamsburg, Old And New by Hawthorne, Hilldegarde
Madame Letizia: A Portrait of Napoleon's Mother by Stirling, Monica
Rome: An Illustrated Selective Guide To All Important Art Treasures In Rome And Its Environs by Curtius, Ludwig
Vado Mori, Sive Via Omnis Carnis, Morte Duce, Mortalibus In Processione Mortuorum (1748) by Steinhauer, Antonius
Il Granchio; Laspina; La Tancia (1750) by Salviati, Lionardo, Giunta, Cosimo, Buonarroti, Michelangelo
The Early Age Of Greece V1 (1901) by Ridgeway, William
La Citta Diletta Di Maria, Ovvero Notizie Istoriche Appartenenti All'Antica Denominazione (1716) by Francesco Gonzago Publisher
Archaologische Untersuchungen (1778) by Rambach, Johann Jacob
Prospectus Van Den Lydenden Cappucin Verbeeld In Het Zeldsaem En Wonderlyk (1791) by Vervisch, Pieter Francis Dominiq
Kunst Allzeit Frolich Zu Seyn (1696) by De Sarasa, Alfonsus Antonius
Helvetia Sancta, H. Schweitzer Land, Seu Paradisus Sanctorum Helvetiae Florum (1750) by Murer, Heinrich
Robert Ramble's Scenes In The Country (1844) by Frost, John
Ragguaglio Delle Antichita E Rarita Che Si Conservano Nella Galleria Mediceo Imperiale Di Firenze, Part 1 (1759) by Bianchi, Giuseppe, Riccardi, Bernardino
Portraits Des Rois De France V2 (1783) by Mercier, Louis Sebastien
Primaria Quaedam Documenta De Origine Typographiae (1740) by Schwarz, Christian Gottlieb
Le Mausolee De La Toison D'Or: Ou Les Tombeaux Des Chefs Et Des Chevaliers Du Noble Ordre De La Toison D'Or (1689) by Anonymous
Practical Directions In Monochromatic Painting (1847) by Wood, Silas
Tableau General De L'Empire Othoman V4, Partie 1 (1791) by D'Ohsson, Ignatius Mouradgea
Renoir. Peintre Du Bonheur by Néret, Gilles
Renoir. Painter of Happiness by Néret, Gilles
Embattled Avant-Gardes: Modernism's Resistance to Commodity Culture in Europe by Adamson, Walter L.
The Royal Image: Representations of Charles I by
Vermeer, Rembrandt and the Golden Age of Dutch Art: Masterpieces from the Rijksmuseum by Priem, Ruud
Madonna Sixtina (1908) by Lessing, Theodor
Michael Pachers St. Wolfganger Altar (1919) by Stiassny, Robert
Le Fond Du Sac V2: Ou Restant Des Babioles De M. X... (1780) by Nogaret, Francois Felix
Le Glorie Maestose Del Santvario Di Loreto (1696) by Bartoli, Baldassare
Mon Oisivete (1779) by Remi, Ch
The Principal Objects Of Art In The National Museum Of Naples (1877) by Monaco, Domenico
Coustumes Generales Du Pays Et Duche De Bourgongne (1665) by Depringles, Jean, Begat, Jean Baptiste Agneau
Paris In Its Splendour V1 (1900) by Reynolds-Ball, Eustace Alfred
Monumenta Selecta Conventus S. Dominici Venetiarum (1729) by Armano, Giovanni D.
Monumenta Sepulcralia Et Inscriptiones Publicae Privataeque Ducatus Brabantiae (1613) by Sweerts, Pierre Francis
Notizia Delle Pitture, Sculture, Ed Architetture V1 (1776) by Bartoli, Francesco
Versailles Immortalise V1: Versaliarum Consecrata Memoria V1 (1720) by De Monicart, Jean-Baptiste
Virgo Maria Mystica Sub Solis Imagine Emblematice Expressa (1681) by Leenheer, Jan De
Tractatus De Pileo, Coeterisque Capitis Tegminibus Tam Sacris Quam Profanis (1655) by Raynaud, Theophile
Pitture Delle Chiese Di Rimino Descritte, Con Nuove Aggiunte Di Altre Cose (1754) by Marcheselli, Carlo Francesco
Vita Di Cosimo Medici: Primo Gran Duca Di Toscana (1578) by Baldini, Baccio
Modern Spanish Painting: Being A Review Of Some Of The Chief Painters And Paintings Of The Spanish School Since The Time Of Goya (1908) by Temple, Alfred George
Versuch Einer Brandenburgischen Pinacothek, Oder Bildergallerie Der Beyden Nunmehr Koeniglich-Preussischen Furstenthumer In Franken (1792) by
Le Pubbliche Pitture Di Piacenza (1780) by Carasi, Carlo
Le Bellezze Della Citta Di Firenze (1677) by Bocchi, Francesco, Cinelli, Giovanni
Graecomania: Der Europäische Philhellenismus by
Moscow: Splendor of the Romanovs by de Montclos, Brigitte
Ferrara, Ravenna, Firenze (1907) by Pekar, Gyula
Alexander Winterberger: Seine Werke, Sein Leben (1905) by Forster, Otto
Amtliche Berichte Aus Den Koniglichen Kunstsammlungen: 29 Jahrgang (1908) by Staatliche Museen Zu Berlin
A Delsartean Scrapbook: Health, Personality, Beauty, House Decoration, Dress, Etc. (1891) by
Dante G. Rossetti (1916) by Urech-Daysh, Charles
Fiori Manzoniani (1875) by Manzoni, Alessandro
Earthly Paradise, Part 2 (1873) by Morris, William
Hawaiian Sketches (1898) by Vergne, George H. De La
Bacchus Wonder-Wercken (1628) by Pers, Dirck Pietersz
Chinese Printing-Types Founded In The Netherlands: A New Synopsis, With The Addition Of All The Recently Acquired Characters (1864) by Hoffmann, Johann Joseph
Brazil At The Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904 (1904) by Aguiar, F. M. De Souza
Bricciche (1892) by Mainelli, Giovanni
Chicago: Past, Present, Future (1870) by Wright, John Stephen
A Sketch Of Old Utica (1913) by Miller, Blandina Dudley
A Collection Of Works Illustrative Of The Dance Of Death: La Danse Macabre, Imagines Mortes, Icones Mortes, Les Images De La Mort (1649) by Sears, George Edward
Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae Elegantissimis Eiconibus Veras Animalui Species Ad Viuu Adumbrantes (1570) by Aesop
A Picture Story Book Of London: Or City Scenes (1866) by Gilbert, John
Grandville (1855) by Blanc, Charles
Spectacles Donnes A Fontainebleau Pendant Le Sejour De Leurs Majestes En L'Annee 1762 (1762) by D'Aumont, Louis-Marie-Augustin
Jean Philippe Dutoit (1865) by Chavannes, Jules
Istar (1888) by Peladan, Josephin
Janicke Woltmann: Interieurer, 1749-1801 (1905) by Koren-Wiberg, Christian
Cezanne's Other: The Portraits of Hortense by Sidlauskas, Susan
Art of Renaissance Florence, 1400-1600 by Partridge, Loren
The Appearance of Witchcraft: Print and Visual Culture in Sixteenth-Century Europe by Zika, Charles
Etude Sur Hoksai (1896) by Revon, Michel
Etudes Sur La Peinture Venitienne (1867) by De Pontes, Lucien Davesies
Le Poussin Sa Vie Et Son Oeuvre (1858) by Bouchitte, Louis Firmin Herve
Deutsche Kunst Ausstellung Dresden, 1899: Abteilung Cranach Ausstellung Wissenschaftliches Verzeichnis Der Ausgestellten Werke (1899) by Woermann, Karl
Debuts De L'Imprimerie: A Mayence Et A Bamberg (1840) by De Laborde, Leon
Le Salon De 1857 (1857) by Du Camp, Maxime
Galerie Nationale L'Abbe Francois Pilote Cure De St. Augustin (1885) by Bechard, Auguste
Die Madonnendarstellung In Der Altniederlandischen Kunst Von Jan Van Eyck Bis Zu Den Manieristen (1906) by Siebert, Margarete
Mona Lisa Gioconda Die Gunderode (1920) by Peter, Eva Hermine
Porsgrund, 1807-1907 (1907) by Lund, Carl
Dove Cottage, Grasmere: From 1800 To 1900 (1900) by Knight, William Angus
Half Hours At Rouen Cathedral: A Short Account Of Its History, Chapels, Tombs, Sculpture, And Painted Windows (1897) by Cleveland, C. M.
Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1905) by Standing, Percy Cross
Ewald Hartenbach's Kunst Ein Vorzugliches Gedachtnik Zu Erlangen (1882) by Hartenbach, Ewald
David Teniers The Younger (1907) by Teniers, David
Rome As An Art City (1905) by Zacher, Albert
Picturesque Illustrations Of Buenos Aires And Monte Video (1820) by Vidal, Emeric Essex
Peter Greenaway: Goltzius by
Albert Oehlen by Kertess, Klaus, Ohrt, Roberto, Werner Holzwarth, Hans
The Invention of Art History in Ancient Greece: Religion, Society and Artistic Rationalisation by Tanner, Jeremy
Porsgrund, 1807-1907 (1907) by Lund, Carl
The Crypt Of Canterbury Cathedral: Its Architecture, Its History, And Its Frescoes (1880) by Robertson, William Archibald Scott