• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

European Art in 2012

Art, Ethnography and the Life of Objects: Paris, C.1925-35 by Kelly, Julia
Peasant Scenes and Landscapes: The Rise of Pictorial Genres in the Antwerp Art Market by Silver, Larry
Giorgio Vasari: Artistic and Emblematic Manifestations by Cheney, Liana De Girolami
Monet in Giverny: Landscapes of Reflection by
Michael Wilkinson: 1979 by Fisher, Mark
Moments of Extraordinary Violence and Intensity: Burning of Paris, the Palaces of St. Cloud and the Tuileries, and the Tragedies of Napoleon III, Empr by Becker, Nancy
Moments of Extraordinary Violence and Intensity: Burning of Paris, the Palaces of St. Cloud and the Tuileries, and the Tragedies of Napoleon III, Empr by Becker, Nancy
Renaissance In Italy: Italian Literature, Volume 4... by Symonds, John Addington
George Barbier: Master of Art Deco by Unno, Hiroshi
Portraits, Painters, and Publics in Provincial England 1540 - 1640 by Tittler, Robert
Drawing France: French Comics and the Republic by Vessels, Joel E.
Renaissance In Italy: The Age Of The Despots. V. 2. The Revival Of Learning. V. 3. The Fine Arts. V. 4. Italian Literature, Pt. 1-2... by Symonds, John Addington
Architectural Drawing: Perspective, Light And Shadow, Rendering by Morgan, Sherley W.
Magnificence & Grandeur of the Royal Houses in Europe by
Whatever Happened to Sex in Scandinavia? by
Théophile Chauvel: Catalogue Raisonné de Son Oeuvre Gravé Et Lithographié (Éd.1900) by Delteil, Loÿs
Voyage d'Italie, Ou Recueil de Notes Sur Les Ouvrages de Peinture & de Sculpture. T. 3 (Éd.1758) by Cochin, Charles-Nicolas
Album du Dauphine, Recueil de dessins les sites pittoresques 1835-1839 by Debelle, Alexandre
Album du Dauphine, ou Recueil de dessins representant les sites les plus pittoresques 1835-1839 by Debelle, Alexandre
Alfred Dehodencq: Histoire d'Un Coloriste (Éd.1885) by Séailles, Gabriel
Antiquités Et Monuments Du Département de l'Aisne. Partie 1 (Éd.1877-1882) by Fleury, Édouard
All City Writers: The Graffiti Diaspora by Caputo, Andrea
The American Image of the Old World by Strout, Cushing
Renaissance In Italy: . Italian Literature. Pt.1, 2nd Ed. by Symonds, John Addington
Aspects of Primitive Art by Redfield, Robert, Herskovits, Melville Jean, Ekholm, Gordon Frederick
Herbert Brandl by
Les Procédés Du Vernis Martin (Éd.1892) by Sans Auteur
Suite Aux Considérations Sur Les Arts Du Dessin En France, (Éd.1791) by Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine
Réflexions Sur La Peinture Et La Gravure (Éd.1786) by Joullain, C. -F Fils Aîné
Salon de 1864 (Éd.1864) by About, Edmond
Les Comptes Des Bâtiments Du Roi (1528-1571). T1 (Éd.1877-1880) by Sans Auteur
Les Comptes Des Bâtiments Du Roi (1528-1571). T2 (Éd.1877-1880) by Sans Auteur
Un Salon de Paris: 1824 À 1864 (Éd.1866) by Dubreuil, Alphonse
Salons. Tome II. 1872-1879 (Éd.1892) by Castagnary, Jules-Antoine
Album du Dauphine, ou Recueil de dessins representant les sites les plus pittoresques 1835-1839 by Debelle, Alexandre
Achillis Bocchii Symbolicarum Quaestionum de Universo Genere, Quas Serio Ludebat, Libri Quinque by Bocchi, Achille
Antiquités Et Monuments Du Département de l'Aisne. Partie 2 (Éd.1877-1882) by Fleury, Édouard
Histoire de la Sculpture Française (Éd.1853) by Émeric-David, Toussaint-Bernard
Catalogue Des Estampes Gravées d'Après Rubens (Éd.1751) by Hecquet, Robert
Livret Des Emblemes de Maistre André Alciat (Éd.1536) by Alciat, André
Les Moreau, (Éd.1893) by Moureau, Adrien
Raymond Gayrard, Graveur Et Statuaire: Biographies Aveyronnaises (Seconde Édition) (Éd.1866) by Duval, Jules
Charges Et Bustes de Dantan Jeune: Esquisse Biographique Dédiée À Méry (Éd.1863) by Andry, Félix
Catalogue de la Vente Qui Aura Lieu (Éd.1864) by Petit, Francis
Album Du Dauphiné, Ou Recueil de Dessins Représentant Les Sites. Année 4 (Éd.1835-1839) by Debelle, Alexandre
Voyage d'Italie, Ou Recueil de Notes Sur Les Ouvrages de Peinture & de Sculpture. T. 1 (Éd.1758) by Cochin, Charles-Nicolas
L'Affaire Dreyfus Et l'Image: 266 Caricatures Françaises Et Étrangères (Éd.1898) by Grand-Carteret, John
Dessins, Aquarelles Et Pastels Du Xviiième Siècle: Oeuvres de Baudoin, Boucher, Chardin.(Éd.1897) by Marx, Roger
Le Livre Des Peintres, de Carel Van Mander. T. 1 (Éd.1884-1885) by Van Mander, Karel
Le Livre Des Peintres, de Carel Van Mander. T. 2 (Éd.1884-1885) by Van Mander, Karel
Voyage Idéal En Italie: l'Art Ancien Et l'Art Moderne (Éd.1899) by Anet, Claude
L'Art Des Emblèmes, (Éd.1662) by Ménestrier, Claude-François
La Décadence Esthétique. l'Art Ochlocratique, Salons de 1882 Et 1883 (Éd.1888-1891) by Peladan, Joséphin
Allen Tucker: American Artists Series by Watson, Forbes
The Greek And Macedonian Art Of War by Adcock, Frank Ezra
Der Cicerone: Eine Anleitung Zum Genuss Der Kunstwerke Italiens, Volume 3 by Burckhardt, Jacob
Renoir Drawings by
Renaissance in Italy: The Revival of Learning, Part 2 by Symonds, John Addington
Kenwood: Paintings in the Iveagh Bequest by Bryant, Julius
The Leading Lights of the French School of Etching by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
The Dutch and German School of Etching - Biographies of the Finest Etchers with Selected Prints and Descriptions by Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
Jeremy Deller: Joy in People by
Jordaens: Genius of Grand Scale by
Léopold Robert, Sa Vie, Ses Oeuvres Et Sa Correspondance (Éd.1848) by Feuillet de Conches, Félix-Sébastien
Reflexions Sur Quelques Causes de l'État Présent de la Peinture En France (Éd.1747) by La Font de Saint-Yenne, Étienne
Album Du Grand Journal (Éd.1865) by Yriarte, Charles
Alexandre Lenoir, Son Journal Et Le Musée Des Monuments Français (Éd.1878-1887) by Lenoir, Alexandre
La Capitale de l'Art (2è Éd.) (Éd.1886) by Wolff, Albert
Catalogue Raisonné de Toutes Les Estampes Qui Forment l'Oeuvre d'Israel Silvestre (Éd.1857) by Faucheux, L. -E
Histoire de la Caricature Sous La République, l'Empire Et La Restauration (2e Éd. Augm) (Éd.1877) by Champfleury
Catalogue de Beaux Dessins Anciens Des Maîtres Français Du Xviiie Siècle (Éd.1887) by Féral, Eugène
Alexandre Lenoir, Son Journal Et Le Musée Des Monuments Français (Éd.1878-1887) by Lenoir, Alexandre
Les Beaux-Arts À l'Exposition Universelle Et Aux Salons de 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866 Et 1867 (Éd.1867) by Du Camp, Maxime
Canova Et Ses Ouvrages (Éd.1834) by Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine
La Peinture Italienne (Éd.18..) by Lafenestre, Georges
Italian Gothic Painting by Valentiner, Wilhelm Reinhold
New Frontiers in American Painting by Kootz, Samuel Melvin
Benezit Dictionary of British Graphic Artists and Illustrators: 2-Volume Set by
The Permanent Palette: National Art Series by Fischer, Martin
Bacchiacca And His Friends: Florentine Paintings And Drawings Of The Sixteenth Century by Baltimore Museum of Art
The Drawings Of Van Gogh by
The Vienna Treasures: An Art News Picture Book For The Exhibition Lent From The Vienna Collections By The Austrian Government by Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Watercolor Drawings Of Thomas Rowlandson: From The Albert H. Wiggin Collection In The Boston Public Library by Heintzelman, Arthur William, Rowlandson, Thomas
The Robert Lehman Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Volume XV: Decorative Arts by Le Corbeiller, Clare, Rieder, William, Koeppe, Wolfram
Perugino by Knapp, Fritz
How to Draw the Figure: Female Fashion by Foster, Walter Thomas
How To Design Greeting Cards by Sprague, Curtiss, Sprague, Elizabeth
Vienna Actionism by
Swan Lake Ballerina Album by Adrian, Iacob
A History of Sienese Painting by Edgell, George Harold
Van Gogh. l'Oeuvre Complet - Peinture by Metzger, Rainer
Visions of Blake: William Blake in the Art World 1830-1930 by Trodd, Colin
Text and Image in Modern European Culture by
Paintings Of The Old West by Berke, Ernest
Fashion in Impressionist Paris by Mancoff, Debra N.
Masters of French Painting, 1290-1920: At the Wadsworth Atheneum by Zafran, Eric M.
Dante's Inferno Illustrations by Adrian, Iacob
Ancient Mediterranean Art: The William D. and Jane Walsh Collection at Fordham University by
Art Situations: A Prospective Look by
Spirit of Ukraine: Ukrainian Contributions to World's Culture by Snowyd, D.
Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession, and How Leonardo Created the World in His Own Image by Lester, Toby
Rome: A Cultural, Visual, and Personal History by Hughes, Robert
New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies: The Arts and History by
The Arts of Collecting: Padre Sebastiano Resta and the Market for Drawings in Early Modern Europe by Warwick, Genevieve
Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel: A Publishing History by Dugan, Sally
Fables of La Fontaine by La Fontaine, Jean
Lexikon Deutscher Maler in Frankreich: 1793-1843 by
Creative Ireland: The Visual Arts by
Cezanne, Murder, and Modern Life: Volume 3 by Dombrowski, André
Pottery Types And Their Sequence In El Salvador: Indian Notes And Monographs, V1, No. 4 by Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland
Circular Kivas Near Hawikuh, New Mexico: Contributions From The Museum Of The American Indian, Heye Foundation, V7, No. 1 by Hodge, Frederick Webb
Fellow Men: Fantin-LaTour and the Problem of the Group in Nineteenth-Century French Painting by Alsdorf, Bridget
Hopes and Fears for Art (1882) by Morris, William