• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

European Art in 2016

The Renaissance of Imagination: The Marriage of Heaven and Earth in Florentine Renaissance Art by Hilt, Sam
The Life, Times and Work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh by Sullivan, K. E.
Gustav Klimt: The Virgin (Foiled Journal) by
Espana negra by Verhaeren, Emile
Zinoviev - OPUS EST: Bilder und Zeichnungen aus 3 Jahrzehnten by Zinoviev, Polina
Gustave Caillebotte Coloring Book: 24 Masterpieces by Caillebotte by Durand, Frederic
Caravaggio Coloring Book: Masterpieces from the Master by Benjamin, Arthur
Happy Easter Color Doodle Sketch: Doodle Book for Teens and Kids of All Ages; Doodle Books in al; Doodle Books in Books; Coloring Books for Kids in al by Easter Activity Books for Kids, Strawberry Circle Tea Room
The Letters of Thomas Gainsborough by
Thomas Schütte: Watercolors for Robert Walser and Donald Young by
China and the Church: Chinoiserie in Global Context by Johns, Christopher M. S.
Education in Twelfth-Century Art and Architecture: Images of Learning in Europe, C.1100-1220 by Cleaver, Laura
A pencil on the heart: A love coloring book by Feral Chauveau, Maud
Art Altstetten Albisrieden: A Public Art Project by
Ars Viva 2016 by
France Coloring Book: Charming 19th Century France by Durand, Frederic
Color your Kimmidoll: In a whismical kingdom by Feral-Chauveau, Maud
50 Artists You Should Know by Koester, Thomas, Roeper, Lars
50 Paintings You Should Know by Pickeral, Tamsin, Lowis, Kristina
Women Who Read Are Dangerous by Bollmann, Stefan
Vitium by
Livres de Coloriage Pour Adultes: Éléphant Zen by Publishing, Chiquita
Raphael by Thoenes, Christof
Rencontre avec Vincent Van Gogh by Moiroux, Christine S.
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 15: Moi by Valéry, Paul
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 8: Leonardo, Poe, Mallarme by Valéry, Paul
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 1: Poems by Valéry, Paul
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 11: Occasions by Valéry, Paul
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 14: Analects by Valéry, Paul
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 2: Poems in the Rough by Valéry, Paul
Martin Neumaier by
Back to the sea by Feral-Chauveau, Maud
Ann Christopher by
Sorolla and the Paris Years by Lobstein, Dominique, Pons-Sorolla, Blanca, Gerard-Powell, Véronique
Renaissance in Italy: Italian Literature, in Two Parts, Volume 4, part 1 by Symonds, John Addington
Raphael by Knackfuss, Hermann
The Search for Europe: Contrasting Approaches by
Brücke by Lorenz, Ulrike
Rodin by Blanchetière, François
Brücke by Lorenz, Ulrike
Patrick Hennessy: de Profundis by
Art of Suppression: Confronting the Nazi Past in Histories of the Visual and Performing Arts Volume 50 by Potter, Pamela M.
The W.T. Horton Coloring Book: Elegant Art Nouveau Images from the Favorite Artist of W.B. Yeats by Bow, Frankie
Sicily: Culture and Conquest by Booms, Dirk, Higgs, Peter
Italy, the Magic Land by Whiting, Lilian
Durero by Wolf, Norbert
Dürer by Wolf, Norbert
Anthony Whishaw by Davey, Richard
The Encyclopedia of Ornament by Shaw, Henry
A Second Chance: "The Raising of Lazarus" by Michelangelo Caravaggio by Wilson, Elaine L.
European Painting and Sculpture After 1800: MFA Highlights by Cambareri, Marietta
Marie-Antoinette by Milavanovic, Nicolas, Delalex, Hélène, Maral, Alexandre
Marc by Partsch, Susanna
Marc by Partsch, Susanna
Transcending Time: The Magnetism of Mary Magdalene: Featuring "The Penitent Magdalene" by Georges da La Tour by Wilson, Elaine L.
Klimt. Poster Set by
Cross and Culture in Anglo-Norman England: Theology, Imagery, Devotion by Munns, John
David Hockney: 82 Portraits and 1 Still-Life by
Queen Anne and the Arts by
Dutch and Flemish Paintings: Dulwich Picture Gallery by Jonker, Michiel, Bergvelt, Ellinoor
The Fantastic Art of Vienna: Great and Timeless Paintings from a Realm of Laughter and Light, of Brooding, Darkness and Splendid Decadence by Comini, Alessandra
The Fantastic Art of Vienna: Great and Timeless Paintings from a Realm of Laughter and Light, of Brooding, Darkness and Splendid Decadence by Comini, Alessandra
Anthea Hamilton Reimagines Kettle's Yard by
Riou: Suez Remastered by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Keep Calm for Mental Health: Coloring Book for Adults and Children (Mandalas, Best Animals, Horse, Cats, Dog, Flowers, Butterfly, Garden, Forest an by Art, Fosten
Rowlandson: Death Remastered One by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Judgement Day: haiku, senryu, & other aimless utterances by Rosenstock, Gabriel
Rowlandson: Death Remastered Two by Kvamme, Gary Lee
The Printed Image in Early Modern London: Urban Space, Visual Representation, and Social Exchange by Monteyne, Joseph
Giacometti: Critical Essays by
Anarchism and the Advent of Paris Dada: Art and Criticism, 1914 1924 by Papanikolas, Theresa
Neo-Impressionism and Anarchism in Fin-de-Siècle France: Painting, Politics and Landscape by Roslak, Robyn
Michelangelo by Néret, Gilles
Joseph Clark: A Popular Victorian Artist and his World by Galvin, Eric
Art Nouveau Jewelry Designs by
Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and the Beginnings of Autonomia by Mansoor, Jaleh
Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and the Beginnings of Autonomia by Mansoor, Jaleh
Fieldwork: The Complete Reader by Gander, Ryan
Landscape and Vision in Nineteenth-Century Britain and France by Charlesworth, Michael
Renaissance by Wundram, Manfred
Renacimiento by Wundram, Manfred
Renaissance by Wundram, Manfred
El Greco de Cossio. Edicion ilustrada y actualizada (en color) by Cossio, Manuel Bartolome
El Greco de Cossio. Edicion ilustrada y actualizada by Cossio, Manuel Bartolome
Netherland Coloring the World: Sketch Coloring Book by Hutzler, Anthony
Albania Coloring the World: Sketch Coloring Book by Hutzler, Anthony
British Black Art: Debates on Western Art History by Orlando, Sophie
Memory, Masculinity and National Identity in British Visual Culture, 1914-1930: A Study of 'Unconquerable Manhood' by Koureas, Gabriel
El Parotet y otros asuntos: Comentarios sobre algunas obras de arte y otras cuestiones by Torres, Vicente
Devises Et Emblesmes d'Amour Moralisez . by Flamen, Albert
Bosch and Bruegel: From Enemy Painting to Everyday Life - Bollingen Series XXXV: 57 by Koerner, Joseph Leo
Anthony Caro: Sculpture Laid Bare by
La piccola Gioconda - Il lato oscuro by Samoggia, Pierpaolo
Acropolis by Joffe, Jasper
Gustav Klimt: New Edition by Comini, Alessandra
Rembrandt Coloring Book: 8 Masterpieces from the Master by Benjamin, Arthur