• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

European Art in 2018

The Painter's Touch: Boucher, Chardin, Fragonard by Lajer-Burcharth, Ewa
Cultural Mediation in Europe, 1800-1950 by
Our Native Antiquity: Archaeology and Aesthetics in the Culture of Russian Modernism by Kunichika, Michael
De l'Union des Arts et de l'Industrie by Planche, Gustave
Salon de 1857 by Planche, Gustave
Auguste Rodin: Mit 96 Vollbildern by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Frederic M. Thursz: 1930-1992 by
Le Salon de 1843 by Peisse, Louis
The Isenheim Altarpiece: History - Interpretation - Background by Schubert, Michael
Frans Floris (1519/20-1570): Imagining a Northern Renaissance by Wouk, Edward H.
David et l'école française by Delaborde, Henri
Touring and Publicizing England's Country Houses in the Long Eighteenth Century by Anderson, Jocelyn
Lampedusa: Image Stories from the Edge of Europe by
Agnetti: A Hundred Years from Now by
Collezione Giuseppe Iannaccone: A New Figurative Art and Narrative of the Self: Volume I, Italy 1920-1945 by
Pablo Picasso: Between Cubism and Neoclassicism: 1915-1925 by
Johan Maelwael by
Matthijs Maris by Bionda, Richard
Matthijs Maris at Work by
Chagall: The Breakthrough Years 1911-1919 by
Catalogue Des Tableaux, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins Par Gustave Jacquet, Composant Son Atelier by Sans Auteur
Galerie Du Palais-Royal Gravée. École Florentine, Romaine, Lombarde: D'Après Les Tableaux Des Différentes Écoles Qui La Composent, Avec Un Abrégé de l by de Fontenay-L-A
Constant Troyon by Hustin, Arthur
Dictionnaire Des Sculpteurs de l'École Française Au Dix-Huitième Siècle. Tome 1 by Lami, Stanislas
Album de Villard de Honnecourt: Architecte Du Xiiie Siècle: Manuscrit Publié En Fac-Similé: , Annoté, Précédé de Considérations Sur La Renaissance de by Villard de Honnecourt
Catalogue Des Estampes de J. Adam de Bartsch by Von Bartsch-F
La Peinture En 1863: Salon Des Refusés by Desnoyers-F
Modernism Versus Traditionalism: Art in Paris, 1888-1889 by Proctor, Nicolas W., McKay, Gretchen K., Marlais, Michael A.
Egon Schiele. the Complete Paintings 1909-1918 by
Thomas Rowlandson: Sus Grabados Eroticos by Escribano, Mar, Viernes, Julio
Before the Fall: German and Austrian Art in the 1930s by
Portrait of Philip IV by Arnaiz
The Vision of Death: Wax Sculpture in the Seventeenth Century by Stefanacci, Davide
From Anselm to Zilla: The Peter and Elisabeth Bosshard Collection of the Stiftung Kunst(zeug)Haus by
High Culture and Tall Chimneys: Art Institutions and Urban Society in Lancashire, 1780-1914 by Moore, James
Morrice: The A.K. Prakash Collection in Trust to the Nation by Atanassova, Katerina
Degas et l'impressionnisme by de la Sizeranne, Robert
Leonardo's Chessmen: Franco Rocco reveals that 49 of the 96 pages of the manuscript on the game of chess by famed renaissance mathematician by Rocco, Franco
Gli Scacchi di Leonardo da Vinci: Franco Rocco evidenzia che 49 delle 96 pagine del manoscritto sul gioco degli scacchi del grande matematico Luca Pac by Rocco, Franco
Enchanted Forest. Coloring book: Coloring Book for Adults by Lazareva, Alena
In a Cold Crater: Cultural and Intellectual Life in Berlin, 1945-1948 Volume 18 by Schivelbusch, Wolfgang
Paris in Architecture, Literature, and Art by Spangler, May
Paris in Architecture, Literature, and Art by Spangler, May
Sounds by Kandinsky, Vasily
Studies in Medievalism XXVII: Authenticity, Medievalism, Music by
Sounds by Kandinsky, Vasily
Looking at Manet by Zola, Émile
A Memoir of Vincent Van Gogh by Van Gogh-Bonger, Jo
50 Impressionist Paintings You Should Know by Engelmann, Ines Janet
Nuvolo and Post-War Materiality: 1950-1965 by
William Morris: The Story of Troilus and Criseyde (Foiled Journal) by
Le Salon de 1866 by Du Camp, Maxime
Writing History in the Anglo-Norman World: Manuscripts, Makers and Readers, C.1066-C.1250 by
Sketches of Europe by Van, Daniel
Peacocks and Palaces: Exploring the Art of India by Holland, Lucy
Der Cicerone: Malerei by Burckhardt, Jacob
Der Cicerone: Malerei by Burckhardt, Jacob
Der Cicerone: Eine Anleitung Zum Genuss Der Kunstwerke Italiens, Zweite Auflage by Burckhardt, Jacob
The beginning of the world: Coloring book by Burne-Jones, Edward
Neil Gall: The Studio by
Hartmut Böhm: Objects in Dialogue by
Jane Benson: Half-Truths by
Jeremy Moon: Free Flight by
Form Follows Meaning: Ctrlzak by
The Eye: An Insider's Memoir of Masterpieces, Money, and the Magnetism of Art by
14/18--Rupture or Continuity: Belgian Art Around World War I by
Paris and the Cliché of History: The City and Photographs, 1860-1970 by Clark, Catherine E.
Starry Night: Van Gogh at the Asylum by Bailey, Martin
Dark & Fetish Art by
Fantasy Dragon Mosaics Hexagon Coloring Books: Color by Number for Adults Stress Relieving Design by Rocket Publishing
Franco Angeli: The 60s by
Rome: The Eternal Beauty: Pop-Up by Cestaro, Dario
Guide to the Art in Père-Lachaise Cemetery by Soper, Steve
Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge by
Catalogue Des Tableaux Modernes, Composant La Collection de M. Paul Helleu by Collectif
Exposition d'Art Ancien Espagnol. Hôtel Jean Charpentier, Paris, 6 Juin-6 Juillet 1925 by La Demeure Historique
L'Art Français, XIXe Siècle. Du Classicisme Davidien Au Romantisme by Schneider, René
A Victorian Flower Album by Terry, Henry
100 Papers with Classical Floral Patterns by
Share Frama by Frama
The Art of Reading: An Illustrated History of Books in Paint by Camplin, Jamie, Ranauro, Maria
Franz Marc and August Macke: 1909-1914 by
The Peter Paul Rubens Atlas: The Great Atlas of the Old Flemish Masters by Hauspie, Gunter, Balis, Arnout
Iconic: The Masters of Italian Fashion by Hess, Megan
Art and Political Thought in Medieval England, C.1150-1350 by Slater, Laura
Des Hughes: I Want to Be Adored by
Francesco Azopardi (1748-1809): Maltese Classical Composer and Theorist by Buhagiar, Dion
Chaim Goldberg: Exploring Modernism Vol 3 by Goldberg, Shalom
Bernhard Heisig and the Fight for Modern Art in East Germany by Eisman, April A.
Almost Nothing: The 20th-Century Art and Life of Józef Czapski by Karpeles, Eric
North Italian Painters of the Renaissance by Berenson, Bernard
North Italian Painters of the Renaissance by Berenson, Bernard
Restoration: The Fall of Napoleon in the Course of European Art, 1812-1820 by Crow, Thomas
Anders Zorn, 101 Etchings by Zorn, Anders
Guide to the Art in Montparnasse, Montmartre and Passy Cemeteries by Soper, Steve
La Création d'Adam: PIC de la Mirandole, Le Statut de l'Homme Face À Dieu, Et Le Néoplatonisme de Michel-Ange Dans Ses Fresques Pour La Chapelle Sixti by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Autour du "point gris" de Paul Klee by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
La question iconographique de La Vierge a l'oeuf chez Piero della Francesca by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
La mort de Marat de David: une inflexion vers la création d'un discours national dans le cadre révolutionnaire by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Le Cri d'Edvard Munch: un cas paradigmatique de mise en scène des codes iconiques propres à une époque by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
La Chute D' Icare de Brueghel L' Ancien: Une Allégorie Du Péché Originel? by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Le Chevalier, la Mort et le Diable d'Albrecht Dürer: analyse "oliverienne" d'un cas d'école by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Octavio Ocampo: Colomba (Blank Sketch Book) by
Alhambra Tile (Blank Sketch Book) by
Le parcours de l'humanité dans l'oeuvre de Jérôme Bosch; de l'eschatologie au Péché originel: l'exemple du Chariot de Foin by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Le Plaisir - Jeune fille mangeant un oiseau de René Magritte: Analyse génétique du thème de l'oiseau mort, dans les arts et dans la littérature, de Bo by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Le Cuirassier blessé, quittant le feu et l'apologie patriotique chez Géricault by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Delirious Naples: A Cultural History of the City of the Sun by
Delirious Naples: A Cultural History of the City of the Sun by
Gauguin: A Spiritual Journey by Hellmich, Christina, Clausen Pedersen, Line
Histoire des mentalités de la modernité L'Ordre du Religieux, L'Ordre du Laïque Vers un ressurgissement de l'iconologie panofskienne by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
De Giotto à Dürer et l'émergence des Renaissances en Europe: Le cas paradigmatique de la gravure Der traum des doktors (1498) -Une réinterprétation ic by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
La Dame à la Licorne lue dans son époque: Expression morale de l'amour d'après le symbolisme mystique des sens dans les Bestiaires, les contes populai by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
La Dama con el Unicornio by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
La calomnie d'Apelle considérée comme thème iconographique: Vers une rationalisation de l'interprétation de l'Allégorie des Vices de Mantegna Tome I T by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Le Grand Verre de Marcel Duchamp: UN MODÈLE ANALYTIQUE POUR LES ÉTUDES SUR L'ART ABSTRAIT Tome I Texte by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
La calomnie d'Apelle considérée comme thème iconographique: Vers une rationalisation de l'interprétation de l'Allégorie des Vices de Mantegna Tome II by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Isis Au Moyen Âge - Mutations, Permutations - Essai Sur Le Syncrétisme Dans La Mythologie de la Renaissance by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Gainsborough's Family Album by
The Complete Etchings of Rembrandt by Rembrandt
Le Déjeuner Sur l'Herbe de Manet Et Les Enfants de Vénus, Une Allégorie de l'Art Du Peintre by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Les Chevaux de Marly d'Antoine Coustou Et l'Apparition Des Dioscures Au Lac Régille by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Le Grand Verre de Marcel Duchamp: UN MODÈLE ANALYTIQUE POUR LES ÉTUDES SUR L'ART ABSTRAIT Tome II Planches by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Faux Van Gogh, PR by Landais, Benoit