• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

European Art in 2021

Ann Wolff: The Early Drawings (1981-1988) by
The Dialectics of Art by Molyneux, John
The Ghost of Galileo: In a Forgotten Painting from the English Civil War by Heilbron, J. L.
antinferno: antitesi del manifesto by
Jan Muche: Agora by Tannert, Christoph, Guenter, Baumann
Maximilian I: Tiroler Ausstellungsstrasse by Madersbacher, Lukas, Kohler, Alfred
Rembrandt's Orient: West Meets East in Dutch Art of the 17th Century by
Goering's Man in Paris: The Story of a Nazi Art Plunderer and His World by Petropoulos, Jonathan
Auguste Rodin: Translated By Jessie Lemont And Hans Trausil. by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Zagreb Colors by Ornicevic, Rob
Leonardo da Vinci Geologic Representations in the Virgin and Child with St. Anne by Pizzorusso, Ann C.
Historische Promenade von Garmisch Malbuch: Ein kurzer Rundgang durch die lebendige Freiluft-Kunstgalerie der Lüftlmalereien von Garmisch-Partenkirche by Vazquez, Justin
The Complete Guide to Romanesque Art and Architecture in Spain by Elvin, Patrick
MFA Highlights: European Painting and Sculpture Before 1800 by
The Most Offensive Book You Will Ever Read On Slavery and Racism: A Fictional Account of Why We are Here by Hathor, M. S. Isis Amon
Henry of Blois: New Interpretations by
Armenia: Kingdom of Eternity by Gfoeller, Michael
Genius, Power and Magic: A Cultural History of Germany from Goethe to Wagner by Cavaliero, Roderick
Armenia: Kingdom of Eternity by Gfoeller, Michael
The Stifled Ballerina: The Degas they wouldn't accept by Joseph, Troy
European Paintings and Sculpture from Joslyn Art Museum by
Rarities of These Lands: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Dutch Republic by Swan, Claudia
The Georgian London Town House: Building, Collecting and Display by
Gender, Orientalism and the Jewish Nation: Women in the Work of Ephraim Moses Lilien at the German Fin de Siècle by Swarts, Lynne M.
Machinic Assemblages of Desire: Deleuze and Artistic Research by
Pedro by Ibañez, Pere
Francis Bacon: Revelations by Swan, Annalyn, Stevens, Mark
Napoli: watercolor digital painting by Jaszke, Justyna
The Re-identification of Pop Art: its Reception from an Italian Perspective by Addis, Ginevra
Monet by Wildenstein, Daniel
Monet by Wildenstein, Daniel
The Hermitage: Masterpieces of the Painting Collection by Shestakov, Alexey
Restoration: An Art Restorer's Journey through Communist Poland by de Borchgrave, Helen
Fragonard: Désir, Séduction et Erotisme: Regard contemporain sur un siècle de sensualité by Mehouvin, Lisa
Danner Prize 2020: 100 Years of Support to Bavaria's Outstanding Arts and Crafts by the Danner Foundation by
Genio by Berman, Morris
Could Have Taught Stones to Draw Correctly: The Humble and Colossal Pissarro by Kvamme, Gary Lee
An Inner World: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting by Brisman, Shira, Jorink, Eric, Yeager-Crasselt, Lara
The Salon of 1846 by Baudelaire, Charles
Messerschmidt's Character Heads: Maddening Sculpture and the Writing of Art History by Yonan, Michael
William Hunter and His Eighteenth-Century Cultural Worlds: The Anatomist and the Fine Arts by McCormack, Helen
English Cathedrals Illustrated by Bond, Francis
Art of Botanical Illustration by Stearn, William T., Blunt, Wilfrid
Leif Trenkler: Beauty by
British Art and the Environment: Changes, Challenges, and Responses Since the Industrial Revolution by
Alphabet by Petiot, Pierre, Moechel, Evi
Le Grand Masturbateur de Salvador Dalí: Sexe et Mort, la représentation du phallus dans la peinture surréaliste by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Homoerotic Art: The Renaissance Full-Color Edition by Hone, Michael
Omschrijf een Kunstenaar by Engelen, Kim
Time, Media, and Visuality in Post-Revolutionary France by
Republics and Empires: Italian and American Art in Transnational Perspective, 1840-1970 by
Venice Art City: A Quick Visit by Massetti, Enrico
Cold Revolution: Central and Eastern European Societies in Times of Socialist Realism, 1948-1959 by
Masterpieces of D. G. Rossetti (1828-1882): Sixty Reproductions of Photographs From the Original Oil-paintings by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 1828-1882
Eduard von Grützner: Master of the Laugh Below the Surface by Kvamme, Gary Lee
A Companion to Impressionism by
Mass-Observation and Visual Culture: Depicting Everyday Lives in Britain by Curzon, Lucy D.
Loss in French Romantic Art, Literature, and Politics by Ribner, Jonathan P.
Looking Out: Welsh Painting, Social Class and International Context by Lord, Peter
Faithful and Fearless: Portraits of Dogs by Bray, Xavier
Remembering Women Artists - Julie de Graag by Press, Casual Grownups
Neo-Avant-Gardes: Post-War Literary Experiments Across Borders by
Illustrationen by Farkas-Dorner, Ushie
Frisson: The Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis Collection by
Claude Monet: The Truth of Nature by
The Bloomsbury Group by
Lost Horizons: Udo Rein by
The Emil Bührle Collection: History, Full Catalogue and 70 Masterpieces by Gloor, Lukas
Vincent van Gogh Planner 2022: Starry Night Planner Organizer January-December 2022 (12 Months) Post-Impressionism Art by Press, Shy Panda
Oscar Muñoz: Invisibilia by
Irish Treasures: The Diary of Irish Treasures by Cosgrave, Pat
Ivan Shishkin Studies of Nature by Books, Burst
Italian women's fashion by Zanella, Paolo Roberto
The Art of Society 1900-1945 by Yeats, Johanna, Steinkamp, Maike
Responses / Kafka's Prague by Kolar, Jiri
Ewa Partum's Artistic Practice: An Atlas of Continuity in Different Locations by Majewska-Güde, Karolina
A Royal Renaissance Treasure and Its Afterlives: The Royal Clock Salt by
Modigliani: The Primitivist Revolution by
Sickert: The Theatre of Life by