• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Evolution in 2002

How Leaves Change Color by Figorito, Christine
Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?: Why Much of What We Teach about Evolution is Wrong by Wells, Jonathan
Molecular Systematics and Evolution: Theory and Practice by
Darwin's Audubon: Science and the Liberal Imagination by Weissmann, Gerald
Die Mutationen Und Die Mutationsperioden Bei Der Entstehung Der Arten: Vortrag, Gehalten in Der Allgemeinen Sitzung Der Naturwissenschaftlichen Hauptg by Vries, Hugo De
Microevolution Rate, Pattern, Process by
Fossils, Phylogeny, and Form: An Analytical Approach by
Parasites and the Behavior of Animals by Moore, Janice
Nature's Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe by Denton, Michael
Narrow Roads of Gene Land: The Collected Papers of W. D. Hamilton Volume 2: Evolution of Sex by Hamilton, W. D.
Morphology, Shape and Phylogeny by
The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism, and Environment by Lewontin, Richard
Human Evolutionary Psychology by Dunbar, Robin, Lycett, John, Barrett, Louise
All Apes Great and Small: Volume 1: African Apes by
Acarid Phylogeny and Evolution: Adaptation in Mites and Ticks: Proceedings of the IV Symposium of the European Association of Acarologists by
The Ghosts of Evolution Nonsensical Fruit, Missing Partners, and Other Ecological Anachronisms by Martin, Paul, Barlow, Connie
The Dawn of Human Culture by Klein, Richard G.
Snakes: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology by
The Cichlid Fishes: Nature's Grand Experiment in Evolution by Barlow, George W.
Infant Chimpanzee and Human Child: A Classic 1935 Comparative Study of Ape Emotions and Intelligence by Ladygina-Kohts, N. N.
Evolutionary Catastrophes: The Science of Mass Extinction by Courtillot, Vincent, Allegre, Claude, Courtillot, V.
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory by Gould, Stephen Jay
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis by Lange, Kenneth
Evolutionary Ecology of Birds: Life Histories, Mating Systems, and Extinction by Bennett, Peter M., Owens, Ian P. F.
Systematics in Prehistory by Dunnell, Robert C.
Evolution's Workshop by Larson, Edward J.
Encyclopedia of Evolution by
Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids: 65 Million Years of Mammalian Evolution in Europe by Agustí, Jordi, Antón, Mauricio
Genetic Catastrophe! Sneaking Doomsday?: with by Oeijord, Nils K.
The Evolution of Begging: Competition, Cooperation and Communication by
The Darwin Awards: Evolution in Action by Northcutt, Wendy
Evolutionists by Morris, Richard
Quantum Evolution: How Physics' Weirdest Theory Explains Life's Biggest Mystery by McFadden, Johnjoe
Life Everywhere by Darling, David
The Nature of Diversity: An Evolutionary Voyage of Discovery by McLennan, Deborah A., Brooks, Daniel R.
Why We Run: A Natural History by Heinrich, Bernd
Imaginal Discs by Held, Lewis I., Jr.
The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry by Sykes, Bryan
Busqueda de Vida En Otros Planetas by Jakosky, Bruce
Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics by
Journey Back to Eternity: The Story of Creation by Cobleigh, Jack
Gene Avatars: The Neo-Darwinian Theory of Evolution by Arnould, Jacques, Gouyon, Pierre-Henri, Henry, Jean-Pierre
Denying Evolution: Creationism, Scientism, and the Nature of Science by Pigliucci, Massimo
A Mind So Rare: The Evolution of Human Consciousness by Donald, Merlin
When Culture and Biology Collide: Why We Are Stressed, Depressed, and Self-Obsessed by Smith, E. O.
New Principles of Origins and Evolution: Revolutionary Paradigms of Beauty, Power and Precision by Scarborough, Alexander A.
Xylem Structure and the Ascent of SAP by Tyree, Melvin T., Zimmermann, Martin H.
Die Dreifachhelix: Gen, Organismus Und Umwelt by Lewontin, Richard
The Evolution Controversy in America by Webb, George
Explaining Human Origins: Myth, Imagination and Conjecture by Stoczkowski, Wiktor
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Clonal Plants: Proceedings of Clone-2000. an International Workshop Held in Obergurgl, Austria, 20-25 August 2000 by
The Evolution Explosion: How Humans Cause Rapid Evolutionary Change by Palumbi, Stephen R.
Likelihood, Bayesian, and MCMC Methods in Quantitative Genetics by Gianola, Daniel, Sorensen, Daniel
A History of the Life Sciences, Revised and Expanded by Magner, Lois N.
Integration of Ecosystem Theories: A Pattern by Jørgensen, Sven Erik
Perfect Planet, Clever Species: How Unique Are We? by Burger, William C.
Natural Selection and Social Theory: Selected Papers of Robert Trivers by Trivers, Robert
On the Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
Phylogenetische Systematik: Eine Einführung by Henke, Winfried, Wiesemüller, Bernhard, Rothe, Hartmut
Investigations by Kauffman, Stuart
A Red Bird in a Brown Bag: The Function and Evolution of Colorful Plumage in the House Finch by Hill, Geoffrey E.
The Science of Romance: Secrets of the Sexual Brain by Barber, Nigel
History, Humanity and Evolution: Essays for John C. Greene by
Fly: The Unsung Hero of Twentieth-Century Science by Brookes, Martin
What Evolution Is by Mayr, Ernst
Sparks of Life: Darwinism and the Victorian Debates Over Spontaneous Generation by Strick, James E.
Tree of Origin: What Primate Behavior Can Tell Us about Human Social Evolution by
Chaos in Ecology: Experimental Nonlinear Dynamics Volume 1 by Dennis, Brian, Cushing, J. M., Costantino, Robert F.
In Search of Human Nature: Who Do We Think We Are? by Clark, Mary E.
Life Evolving: Molecules, Mind and Meaning by De Duve, Christian R.
Life's Origin: The Beginnings of Biological Evolution by
What Does a Martian Look Like?: The Science of Extraterrestrial Life by Stewart, Ian, Cohen, Jack
Evolutionary Theory and Victorian Culture by Fichman, Martin
Signs of Life: A Report Based on the April 2000 Workshop on Life Detection Techniques by Board on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Darwins Demise by Joe, White, White, Joe
From Complexity to Life: On the Emergence of Life and Meaning by
Extinction: Evolution and the End of Man by Boulter, Michael
Living in Groups by Ruxton, Graeme, Krause, Jens
Oxford Series in Ecology and Evolution by Krause, Jens, Ruxton, Graeme
Macroevolutionary Theory on Macroecological Patterns by Price, Peter W.
Macroevolutionary Theory on Macroecological Patterns by Peter W., Price, Price, Peter, Price, Peter W.
Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays by Huxley, Thomas H.