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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Evolution in 2015

Heredity and the Ascent of Man by Hurst, C. C.
From Aristotle's Teleology to Darwin's Genealogy: The Stamp of Inutility by Solinas, M.
Ecology and Conservation of North American Sea Ducks by
Photobiology: The Science of Light and Life by
Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior - Revised Edition by Low, Bobbi S.
Handbook of Evolutionary Biology: Volume I by
Handbook of Evolutionary Biology: Volume II by
Handbook of Evolutionary Biology: Volume III by
Mother Nature Is Trying to Kill You: A Lively Tour Through the Dark Side of the Natural World by Riskin, Dan
Classification of Genetic Variation in Animals by
What Is Truth? The Truth of the Bible by Pal, Ed
El Universo La Vida y El Humano by Benemelis, Juan F.
Comprehensive Study of Genetics: Volume I by
Comprehensive Study of Genetics: Volume II by
Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation by Price, George McCready
How Evolution Produced The Religious Mind by Vernyn, George
Hypsodonty in Mammals: Evolution, Geomorphology, and the Role of Earth Surface Processes by Madden, Richard H.
Evidence as to Man's Place In Nature by Huxley, Thomas H.
L'Origine des espèces by Darwin, Charles
The Science of Power by Kidd, Benjamin
Deus é quântico e está no DNA: Revelações by Santana, Eliude
Handbook of Paleoanthropology by
Evolutionary Biology Handbook by
Handbook of Paleoanthropology by
Handbook on Evolution and Society: Toward an Evolutionary Social Science by Machalek, Richard, Turner, Jonathan H., Maryanski, Alexandra
Between the Twilight and the Rim: Finding Happiness by Anderson, Sharon Lenore
Transformations of Lamarckism: From Subtle Fluids to Molecular Biology by
Lithic Technological Systems and Evolutionary Theory by
Our Beleaguered Species: Beyond Tribalism by Zelman, Elizabeth Crouch
The Greatest Story NEVER Told: The Assured Triumph of Human Inevitability and Superiority by Newman, Elvis
Symmetry and Collective Fluctuations in Evolutionary Games by Krishnamurthy, Supriya, Smith, Eric
The Paleobiology of Australopithecus by
Biochirality: Origins, Evolution and Molecular Recognition by
African Ecology and Human Evolution by
International Science Between the World Wars: The Case of Genetics by Krementsov, Nikolai
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Harari, Yuval Noah
The Evolution of Life by Bell, Graham
Consequences of Evolution and Cultural Bias: Cause and Consequence by Moreau, Thomas a.
Consequences of Evolution and Cultural Bias: Cause and Consequence by Moreau, Thomas a.
Handbook of Mutagenesis by
The Coming of Evolution by Judd, John W.
Current Perspectives on Sexual Selection: What's Left After Darwin? by
Bestimmungsschlüssel Zur Flora Der Schweiz Und Angrenzender Gebiete by Müller-Hirzel, Rosmarie, Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias
Balls of Fire: A Science of Life and Death by King, Judy Kay
The Flower and The Bee by Lovell, John H.
Muscular and Skeletal Anomalies in Human Trisomy in an Evo-Devo Context: Description of a T18 Cyclopic Fetus and Comparison Between Edwards (T18), Pat by Smith, Christopher M., Ziermann, Janine M., Diogo, Rui
Three Days Before the Sun by Johns, Warren LeRoi
And God Said: Let There Be Evolution: The Science and Politics of Evolution by Sanghera, Paul
In the Beginning: And Other Essays on Intelligent Design by Sewell, Granville
Being Well-Born: An Introduction to Eugenics by Guyer, Michael F.
Eternal Ephemera: Adaptation and the Origin of Species from the Nineteenth Century Through Punctuated Equilibria and Beyond by Eldredge, Niles
Plant Life: A Brief History by Essig, Frederick B.
The Paleobiological Revolution: Essays on the Growth of Modern Paleontology by
Rereading the Fossil Record: The Growth of Paleobiology as an Evolutionary Discipline by Sepkoski, David
Engineering the Human: Human Enhancement Between Fiction and Fascination by
Life Cycles: Reflections of an Evolutionary Biologist by Bonner, John Tyler
Hybridization of Somatic Cells by Ephrussi, Boris
Alpha God: The Psychology of Religious Violence and Oppression by Garcia, Hector A.
Raciology: the Science of the Hereditary Traits of Peoples by Avdeyev, Vladimir
Phylogenetics and Phylogeography: Integrated Studies by
The Living Origin of Rocks and Minerals by Cloos, Walther
Darwin's Footprint: Cultural Perspectives on Evolution in Greece (1880-1930s) by Zarimis, Maria
Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection by Wallace, Alfred Russel
The Coming of Evolution by Judd, John W.
The Meaning of Evolution by Schmucker, Samuel Christian
Man And His Ancestor by Morris, Charles
Macroevolution: Explanation, Interpretation and Evidence by
A Theory of Creation by Bowen, Francis
The Vertebrate Integument Volume 2: Structure, Design and Function by Lingham-Soliar, Theagarten
Origins: The Origin of Matter, Space, Time, and Life. by Lawrence DC, Troy Edward
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation by Chambers, Robert
Novel Approach to Point Mutation by
Beyond the Brain: How Body and Environment Shape Animal and Human Minds by Barrett, Louise
Cells to Civilizations: The Principles of Change That Shape Life by Coen, Enrico
Extinction: How Life on Earth Nearly Ended 250 Million Years Ago - Updated Edition by Erwin, Douglas H.
Life on a Young Planet: The First Three Billion Years of Evolution on Earth - Updated Edition by Knoll, Andrew H.
Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes by Pääbo, Svante
Valerius Terminus - Interpretation of Nature by Bacon, Francis
Vergleichende Verhaltensforschung Und Phylogenetik by Wickler, Wolfgang
Memes, Societies and Human Evolution: How humans came to dominate the planet and then threaten its ecology by Heppleston, Roger W.
The Mechanism of Creative Evolution by Hurst, Charles Chamberlain
Evolution of Extracellular Matrix by
From Aristotle's Teleology to Darwin's Genealogy: The Stamp of Inutility by Solinas, M.
Everyone Is African: How Science Explodes the Myth of Race by Fairbanks, Daniel J.
Juguemos a los dados con el universo: Vida y futuro by Pagan, Gaspar
Evolutionary Transitions to Multicellular Life: Principles and Mechanisms by
Der globale Superorganismus: Eine neue Biologie by Zett, Jens
Creative Evolution by Bergson, Henri
The Politics of Evolution by Prindle, David
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin by
Lifestyles and Feeding Biology: Volume II by
Myxozoan Evolution, Ecology and Development by
Systematics and Evolution: Part B by
Biology and Evolution of Crocodylians by Grigg, Gordon, Kirshner, David
Intended Evolution: How Selection of Intelligence Guides Life Forward by Zhang, Dongxun, Zhang, Bob
Gestaltung und Vererbung.: Eine Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. by Haacke, Wilhelm
Even the Stones Cry Out: Science, the Bible and the Digital Nature of Reality by Smith, Juliann
DNA Information: Laws of Perception by Muskhelishvili, Georgi
The Politics of Evolution by Prindle, David
Genome Mapping and Genomics in Human and Non-Human Primates by
The Calculus of Life: Towards a Theory of Life by Moya, Andrés
Darwin in Atlantic Cultures: Evolutionary Visions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality by
Intelligent Design Theory by Laing, Robert
Snakes, Sunrises, and Shakespeare: How Evolution Shapes Our Loves and Fears by Orians, Gordon H.
Social Evolution and Inclusive Fitness Theory: An Introduction by Marshall, James A. R.
A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History by Wade, Nicholas
Human Intelligence Gone Ape: 2015 Re-Print of a 1980s Classic by Greenberger, Josh
Nature's Nether Regions: What the Sex Lives of Bugs, Birds, and Beasts Tell Us About Evolution, Biodivers ity, and Ourselves by Schilthuizen, Menno
Biodiversity and Earth History by Boenigk, Jens, Wodniok, Sabina, Glücksman, Edvard
Flight of Mammals: From Terrestrial Limbs to Wings by Panyutina, Aleksandra A., Korzun, Leonid P., Kuznetsov, Alexander N.
The Grandeur of Evolution by Boone, Joseph C.
Perfect AStrology (Zodiac Sign): AStrology by Sao, Ram Babu
Adam's Nose, and the Making of Humankind by Stoddart, Michael
Adam's Nose, and the Making of Humankind by Stoddart, Michael
¿Está Usted de Broma Mr. Darwin?: La retórica en el corazón del darwinismo by Perez Galicia, Guillermo, Cervantes, Emilio
Perfect Astrology (Planet): You may learn, predict and creat your Horoscope by Sao, Ram Babu
Perception in Visual Communication. Evolution and Neurology of Vision by Valentin, Simon
Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection: A Series of Essays by Wallace, Alfred Russel
Evolution Family Reader by Magnuson, Eric F.
Darwin in the Twenty-First Century: Nature, Humanity, and God by
Learning Strategies and Cultural Evolution During the Palaeolithic by
The Social Direction of Evolution by Kellicott, William E.
A Centennial History of the Ecological Society of America by Egerton, Frank N.
Molybdenum Cofactors and Their Role in the Evolution of Metabolic Pathways by Presta, Luana, Fondi, Marco, Emiliani, Giovanni
Farbpräferenzen Bei Stachellosen Bienen Und Hummeln: Analyse Unter Berücksichtigung Einzelner Farbparameter by Bossems, Jessica
Elemente der exakten Erblichkeitslehre by Johannsen, Wilhelm
Domesticated: Evolution in a Man-Made World by Francis, Richard C.
The White River Badlands: Geology and Paleontology by Evanoff, Emmett, Benton, Rachel C., Terry, Dennis O.
Programming of Life by Johnson, Donald E.
Evolution: A Guide for the Perplexed by Mix, Dwight F.
Recent Discoveries and Perspectives in Human Evolution: Papers arising from 'Exploring Human Origins: Exciting Discoveries at the Start of the 21st Ce by
The ideoplastic evolution of living species by De Rosa, Pellegrino
L'Origine des espèces by Darwin, Charles
Cryptic Female Choice in Arthropods: Patterns, Mechanisms and Prospects by
Mikronährstoffe ALS Motor Der Evolution by Biesalski, Hans Konrad
Excellent Beauty: The Naturalness of Religion and the Unnaturalness of the World by Dietrich, Eric
The Battle for Genesis 1 and 2: Creationism vs. Theistic Evolution by King, C. Wesley, Hale, D. Curtis
The Genesis of Nature and the Nature of Genesis by Parker, Norman
Tierisch Kultiviert - Menschliches Verhalten Zwischen Kultur Und Evolution by Kühnen, Ulrich
Flowering Plants. Monocots: Poaceae by Kellogg, Elizabeth A.
Molecular Phylogeny, Biogeography and an E-Monograph of the Papaya Family (Caricaceae) as an Example of Taxonomy in the Electronic Age by Antunes Carvalho, Fernanda
Did God Make Us?: An investigation into the evidence for design in the human body and nature by Johnston, Iain
Scripture Versus Science: Reconciling God's Ancient Wisdom with a Modern World View by Harter, Robert D.
Meeting at Grand Central: Understanding the Social and Evolutionary Roots of Cooperation by Cronk, Lee, Leech, Beth L.
Ecological Developmental Biology: The Environmental Regulation of Development, Health, and Evolution by Gilbert, Scott F., Epel, David
The Biology of Hover Wasps by Turillazzi, Stefano
Debating Darwin's Doubt: A Scientific Controversy that Can No Longer Be Denied by Klinghoffer, David
Dispersing Primate Females: Life History and Social Strategies in Male-Philopatric Species by
Do We Need Midwives? by Odent, Michel
Debunking Darwin: Natural Selection Is Not Science by Anderson, Joseph
Facts and Arguments for Darwin by Muller, Fritz
Approaches to Plant Evolutionary Ecology by Cheplick, G. P.
Hunter-Gatherers: Archaeological and Evolutionary Theory by Garvey, Raven, Tushingham, Shannon, Bettinger, Robert L.
It's About Time: Science meets Religion by Pearcy, Bill
Evolution of Lightweight Structures: Analyses and Technical Applications by
Vindication of Cosmic Biology: Tribute to Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) by
Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology by Buckland, William
The Indispensable Excess of the Aesthetic: Evolution of Sensibility in Nature by Mandoki, Katya
Subversive Seduction: Darwin, Sexual Selection, and the Spanish Novel by Landry, Travis
The Long Evolution of Brains and Minds by Roth, Gerhard
Great Transformations in Vertebrate Evolution by
Reticulate Evolution: Symbiogenesis, Lateral Gene Transfer, Hybridization and Infectious Heredity by
Evolutionary Biology: Biodiversification from Genotype to Phenotype by
Biomimetic Management: building a bridge between people and nature by Bogatyreva, Olga a., Shillerov, Alexandr E.
Biological Shape Analysis - Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium by
Nature's Oracle: The Life and Work of W.D. Hamilton by Segerstrale, Ullica
The Drake Equation by
Ammonoid Paleobiology: From Anatomy to Ecology by
Ammonoid Paleobiology: From Macroevolution to Paleogeography by
Ammonoid Paleobiology: From Anatomy to Ecology, and from Macroevolution to Paleogeography by
Evolution of the Rodents: Volume 5: Advances in Phylogeny, Functional Morphology and Development by
Lateral Gene Transfer in Evolution by
Stephen J. Gould: The Scientific Legacy by
Evolutionary Biology: Exobiology and Evolutionary Mechanisms by
Dictyostelids: Evolution, Genomics and Cell Biology by
The origin of species: (low cost). limited edition by Darwin, Charles
Modelos y simulaciones biologicas: Ecologia y Evolucion by De Vladar, Harold P.
Closing Human Evolution: Life in the Ultimate Age by Kováč, Ladislav
A New Theory of Organic Evolution by Barclay, James W.
Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics by
Primates, Pathogens, and Evolution by
Designer Biology: The Ethics of Intensively Engineering Biological and Ecological Systems by
Odd Couples: Extraordinary Differences Between the Sexes in the Animal Kingdom by Fairbairn, Daphne J.
The Story of Life in 25 Fossils: Tales of Intrepid Fossil Hunters and the Wonders of Evolution by Prothero, Donald R.
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 1: Introduction, Non-Bilateria, Acoelomorpha, Xenoturbellida, Chaetognatha by
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 3: Ecdysozoa I: Non-Tetraconata by
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 2: Lophotrochozoa (Spiralia) by
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 4: Ecdysozoa II: Crustacea by
Dio è Quantico ed è nel DNA - Rivelazioni by Santana, Eliude
God Is Real! by Gale, E.
The Two Great Questions: The Existence of God and the Immortality of the Soul by Hill, Lysander
The Three Barriers: Notes On Mr. Darwin's 'origin of Species' by Rorison, Gilbert
Syllabus of Lectures in Theoretical Biology by Bigelow, Robert Payne
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection by Poulton, Edward Bagnall
The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution by Romanes, George John
Everything Has a History by Haldane, J. B. S.
The Problem of Pain in Nature by Newall, Charles F.
List of Infusorial Objects Found Chiefly in the Neighborhood of Salem, Mass, Etc by Cole, Thomas
Darwin and After Darwin: An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions, Volume 1 by Morgan, Conwy Lloyd, Romanes, George John
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