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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Evolution in 2017

The Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
Entwicklungslehre und Darwinismus: Eine Kritische Darstellung der modernen Entwicklungslehre und ihrer Erklärungsversuche by Hamann, Otto
The Arc of Life: Evolution and Health Across the Life Course by
Flora Unveiled: The Discovery and Denial of Sex in Plants by Taiz, Lee, Taiz, Lincoln
Darwin and Women: A Selection of Letters by Darwin, Charles
Verbs, Bones, and Brains: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Nature by
Evolution from Start to Finish: In Fifty Paragraphs by Malden, Christopher
Les Preuves de la théorie de l'évolution en histoire naturelle by Martins, Charles
Darwin's Enigma by Harding, Fred
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 24, 1876 by Darwin, Charles
Darwinism and Pragmatism: William James on Evolution and Self-Transformation by McGranahan, Lucas
Inbreeding and Outbreeding: The Genetic and Sociological Significance by East, Edward M., Jones, Donald F.
Levels of Awareness: From Microbes to Humans by Westfall, Vern A.
Levels of Awareness: From Microbes to Humans by Westfall, Vern A.
Femina Sapiens: Tyranny, Patriarchy and the Origins of Sexual Psyche by Malden, Christopher a.
Pangaea Flood Mystery Solved by Grayson, Norman
A Student Guide to Man's Selection: Charles Darwin's Theory of Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design by Watson, Marc, Angle, Barbara
L'Origine de l'homme d'après Darwin by Radau, Rodolphe
La Invención de la Naturaleza: El Mundo Nuevo de Alexander Von Humboldt / The in Vention of Nature: Alexander Von Humboldt's New World by Wulf, Andrea
How Darwinism corrodes morality: Darwinism, immorality, abortion and the sexual revolution by Bergman, Jerry
Psychological Mechanisms in Animal Communication by
Schöpfung oder Entstehung: Aphorismen zur Entwicklung des organischen Lebens by Bastian, Adolf
Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte: Gemeinverständliche wissenschaftliche Vorträge über die Entwickelungslehre im Allgemeinen und diejenige von Darwin, G by Haeckel, Ernst
Man's Selection: Charles Darwin's Theory of Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design by Watson, Marc a.
Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte: Gemeinverständliche wissenschaftliche Vorträge über die Entwicklungslehre by Haeckel, Ernst
On the Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
Wissenschaft unzensiert: Die Wahrheit der Skeptiker by Bardel, Rainer
Rothmaler - Exkursionsflora Von Deutschland, Gefäßpflanzen: Atlasband by
Die Abstammungslehre und die Errichtung eines Institutes für Transformismus: Ein neuer experimenteller phylogenetischer Forschungsweg by Behla, Robert
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin, Peter
Ecology and Evolution of Cancer by
Brain Evolution by Design: From Neural Origin to Cognitive Architecture by
Predator-Prey Interactions: Co-Evolution Between Bats and Their Prey by Jacobs, David Steve, Bastian, Anna
On the Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection by Darwin, Charles
Evolution and the Fall by
Molecular Evolution of Pyroglutamylated RFamide Peptide and Orphan G Protein Coupled Receptor by Bakiu, Rigers
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Harari, Yuval Noah
The Ecology and Evolution of Heliconius Butterflies by Jiggins, Chris D.
Organic Evolution by Darwin, Leonard
Studien zur Descendenz-Theorie by Weismann, August
Algal and Cyanobacteria Symbioses by
The Evolution of Senescence in the Tree of Life by
Modern Scientific Views and Christian Doctrines Compared by Gmeiner, John
Darwin's Unfinished Symphony: How Culture Made the Human Mind by Lala, Kevin N.
Homo Erectus as a Man by Preston, Steve
Evolution Education in the American South: Culture, Politics, and Resources in and Around Alabama by
Evolution Driven by Organismal Behavior: A Unifying View of Life, Function, Form, Mismatches and Trends by Diogo, Rui
Sixty Years of Biology: Essays on Evolution and Development by Bonner, John Tyler
Sixty Years of Biology: Essays on Evolution and Development by Bonner, John Tyler
The Princeton Guide to Evolution by
Ecology and Evolution of Darwin's Finches (Princeton Science Library Edition): Princeton Science Library Edition by Grant, Peter R.
Ecology and Evolution of Darwin's Finches (Princeton Science Library Edition): Princeton Science Library Edition by Grant, Peter R.
The Past and Present Life of the Globe: Being a Sketch in Outline of the World's Lifesystem by Page, David
Evolutionary Biology by
Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution by Wells, Jonathan
Carnivore Minds: Who These Fearsome Animals Really Are by Bradshaw, G. A.
The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey by Wells, Spencer
Everything Has a History by Haldane, J. B. S.
The Cradle of Humanity: How the Changing Landscape of Africa Made Us So Smart by Maslin, Mark
Biological Control: Ecology and Applications by Mills, Nicholas J., Heimpel, George E.
For Whose Benefit?: The Biological and Cultural Evolution of Human Cooperation by Lindenfors, Patrik
The Story of Evolution (Large Print Edition) by McCabe, Joseph
On the Origin of Species: Or The Preservation Of Favoured Races In The Struggle For Life by Darwin, Charles
The Origin of Species: (Abridged Edition) by Darwin, Charles
Genetics, Evolution and Radiation: Crossing Borders, the Interdisciplinary Legacy of Nikolay W. Timofeeff-Ressovsky by
Collecting Evolution: The Galapagos Expedition That Vindicated Darwin by James, Matthew J.
Shattering the Myths of Darwinism by Milton, Richard
Geological biology: An introduction to the geological history of organisms by Williams, Henry Shaler
The Emerald Planet: How Plants Changed Earth's History by Beerling, David
Evolución humana y humanización del mundo: Antropologia, Prehistoria y Arqueología by Motos, Eloy Andrés Gómez
Our Cosmic Origins by Dejillas, Paul
Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies by
Modern Science and Modern Thought by Laing, Samuel
Fifty Years of Science: Being the address delivered at York to the British Association, August 1881 by Lubbock, John
Raised by Animals: The Surprising New Science of Animal Family Dynamics by Verdolin, Jennifer L.
L'École transformiste et ses derniers travaux by De Saporta, Gaston
La Paléontologie appliquée à l'étude des races humaines by De Saporta, Gaston
The Biology of the Avian Respiratory System: Evolution, Development, Structure and Function by
Kin: How We Came to Know Our Microbe Relatives by Ingraham, John L.
Evolution's Bite: A Story of Teeth, Diet, and Human Origins by Ungar, Peter
The Worst of Times: How Life on Earth Survived Eighty Million Years of Extinctions by Wignall, Paul B.
Creación y evolución: Una comparación entre evolucionismo teísta, darwinismo casualista y creacionismo - Ensayo by Pagliarino, Guido
Why Only Us: Language and Evolution by Chomsky, Noam, Berwick, Robert C.
The Invaders: How Humans and Their Dogs Drove Neanderthals to Extinction by Shipman, Pat
Processes in Human Evolution: The Journey from Early Hominins to Neanderthals and Modern Humans by Cela-Conde, Camilo J., Ayala, Francisco J.
Obligate Pollination Mutualism by
The Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
Fortress Plant: How to Survive When Everything Wants to Eat You by Walters, Dale
Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives by
Die Herleitung Biologischer Hauptsätze by Hopp, Vollrath
Reflections On Evolution by Sproull, Frederick
Natural Science and Religion: Two lectures delivered to the Theological school of Yale college by Gray, Asa
Plant Diversity in the Central Great Caucasus: A Quantitative Assessment by
Intracellulare Pangenesis by Vries, Hugo De
Human Variation: From the Laboratory to the Field by
Les Animaux disparus depuis les âges historiques by Blanchard, Émile
What Makes You So Special?: From the Big Bang to You by Rubicondior, Rosa
Evolutionary Genetics by
Analytische Theorie der organischen Entwicklung by Driesch, Hans
Evolution in the Dark: Darwin's Loss Without Selection by Wilkens, Horst, Strecker, Ulrike
The Nature of Life and Its Potential to Survive by Stevenson, David S.
Biology of Subterranean Fishes by
Snake Venom Metalloproteinases by
Global Diversity and Ecological Function of Parasites of Euphausiids by Kawaguchi, So, Morales-Ávila, José Raúl, Gómez-Gutiérrez, Jaime
Evolve: The Ecology of Life and Mind by Holst, Kirk
Cracking the Aging Code by Mitteldorf, Josh
Meta-analysis and Combining Information in Genetics and Genomics by Goldstein, Darlene R., Guerra, Rudy
Biological Shape Analysis - Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Biological Shape Analysis (Isbsa) by
Biogeography of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis by
Phylogenomics: An Introduction by Bleidorn, Christoph
Die Lehre von der natürlichen Anpassung: In ihrer Entwickelung, Anwendung und Bedeutung by Münsterberg, Hugo
Viruses: Agents of Evolutionary Invention by Cordingley, Michael G.
UFO Case Files Of Scotland (Volume 1): Amazing Real Life Alien Encounters by Robinson, Malcolm
Evolutionary Biology by
Les Dégénérescences de l'espèce humaine by Maury, Alfred
Photographic and Descriptive Musculoskeletal Atlas of Bonobos: With Notes on the Weight, Attachments, Variations, and Innervation of the Muscles and C by Shearer, Brian, Potau, Josep M., Diogo, Rui
Comparative Ecology of Microorganisms and Macroorganisms by Andrews, John H.
The Curiosity Gene: On the Origin of Humankind by Means of Intrinsic Motivation by Kourt, Alexandros
Cross-breeding and hybridization: The philosophy of the crossing of plants, considered with reference to their improvement under cultivation by Bailey, Liberty Hyde
Sexual Selection in Homo Sapiens: Parental Control Over Mating and the Opportunity Cost of Free Mate Choice by Apostolou, Menelaos
Syllabus of Lectures in Theoretical Biology by Bigelow, Robert Payne
Geological Biology: An Introduction to the geological History of Organisms by Williams, Henry Shaler
The Theory of Evolution of living Things: And the Application of the principles of Evolution to Religion by Henslow, George
The Secret Life of Zika Virus (Large Print Edition) by Ratna, Kalpish
Crumbling Genome: The Impact of Deleterious Mutations on Humans by Kondrashov, Alexey S.
The Whence and the Whither of Man: A brief history of his origin and development through conformity to environment. Being the Morse lectures of 1895 by Tyler, John M.
Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man: The Darwinian Pivot by Campbell, Bernard
Old-Earth or Evolutionary Creation?: Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos by
Mate Choice: The Evolution of Sexual Decision Making from Microbes to Humans by Rosenthal, Gil
Ethnobotany of the Caucasus by
The theory of evolution of living things and the application of the principles of evolution to religion by Henslow, George
Erde Und Leben: Die Geschichte Einer Innigen Wechselbeziehung by Schwab, Jürgen, Welsch, Norbert, Liebmann, Claus Chr
In Denial: Darwin's Delusion by Gorman, Max
Genetics: Genes, Genomes, and Evolution by Dawes Hoang, Rachel, N. Okeke, Iruka, Meneely, Philip
The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom by Darwin, Charles
The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex: Vol. I by Darwin, Charles
CRC Handbook of Laboratory Model Systems for Microbial Ecosystems, Volume I by Wimpenny, Julian W. T.
The Evolution of Flight by Paulus, Hannes F., Nachtigall, Werner, Glaeser, Georg
Scientific papers of Asa Gray by Gray, Asa, Sargent, Charles Sprague
Macroevolutionary Systematics of Streptotrichaceae of the Bryophyta: And Application to Ecosystem Thermodynamic Stability by Zander, Richard H.
Scientific papers of Asa Gray by Sargent, Charles Sprague, Gray, Asa
Life 2.0 by Bera, Samrat
Modelling Protocells: The Emergent Synchronization of Reproduction and Molecular Replication by Serra, Roberto, Villani, Marco
Revolutionary Biology: The New, Gene-Centered View of Life by Barash, David
Life Through Time and Space by Arthur, Wallace
Neotropical Owls: Diversity and Conservation by
Human Biodiversity: Genes, Race, and History by Marks, Jonathan
Prehension: The Hand and the Emergence of Humanity by McGinn, Colin
The Dawn Angiosperms: Uncovering the Origin of Flowering Plants by Wang, Xin
Classification and Biology by Crowson, R. A.
Venomous by Wilcox, Christie
Who You Are and How You Came to Be by Martin, Stephen Hawley
The Emergence and Evolution of Religion: By Means of Natural Selection by Petersen, Anders Klostergaard, Turner, Jonathan H., Maryanski, Alexandra
Cataclysms: A New Geology for the Twenty-First Century by Rampino, Michael
Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters by Prothero, Donald R.
Contra Darwin: Requisitoria contra el darwinismo by Sermonti, Rutilio, Mila, Ernesto
Darwin's Challenge Answered: Darwin's theory as Darwin stated, "absolutely breaks down" by Rigney, O. D. J. Jan
The Acceleration of Cultural Change: From Ancestors to Algorithms by O'Brien, Michael J., Bentley, R. Alexander
Evolutionary Biology: Self/Nonself Evolution, Species and Complex Traits Evolution, Methods and Concepts by
Evolutionary Community Ecology by McPeek, Mark A.
Darwin's Walk and The Last Wave: Disappearing Landscapes, Declining Species by Krooth, Richard
People in the Americas Before the Last Ice Age Glaciation Concluded by Matthews, Bonnye
Les Plantes Insectivores by Darwin, Charles
Kierkegaard After the Genome: Science, Existence and Belief in This World by Jaarsma, Ada S.
Big Brains and the Human Superorganism: Why Special Brains Appear in Hominids and Other Social Animals by Caldararo, Niccolo Leo
Coyote America: A Natural and Supernatural History by Flores, Dan
The World of the United Humanity of the Universe and Its Fundamental Doctrines by Messenger of the Absolute Creator of the
Edible Wild Plants: An Alternative Approach to Food Security by Ahmad, Mushtaq, Haroon, Nidaa, Shaheen, Shabnum
gENESIS: From Nothing to Now, and Beyond. by Tallarico, Robert A.
The Biology of Lungfishes by
Games of Life: Explorations in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior by Sigmund, Karl
Diversity and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns: An Integrative Approach by
Photographic and Descriptive Musculoskeletal Atlas of Gorilla: With Notes on the Attachments, Variations, Innervation, Synonymy and Weight of the Musc by
Anziehungskraft: Anziehung und Ausstrahlung: In 15 Schritten lernen by Maier, Rene
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin, Peter
The Functional and Evolutionary Biology of Primates by Tuttle, Russell
Understanding Population Genetics by Bengtsson, Bengt O., Säll, Torbjörn
Barbaren, Geister, Gotteskrieger: Die Evolution Der Religionen - Entschlüsselt by Wunn, Ina
The Birth of Homo, the Marine Chimpanzee: When the Tool Becomes the Master by Odent, Michel
Contested Bones by Rupe, Christopher, Sanford, John
Cancer Evolution by
Evolution: A Very Short Introduction by Charlesworth, Deborah, Charlesworth, Brian
The Origins of Creativity by Wilson, Edward O.
Origins of Darwin's Evolution: Solving the Species Puzzle Through Time and Place by Archibald, J. David
The Vegetation of the Iberian Peninsula: Volume 1 by
Genetic Diversity and Human Behavior by Spuhler, J. N.
Group Selection by Williams, George C.
Infanticide: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives by Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, Hausfater, Glenn
Beyond Sex Differences: Genes, Brains and Matrilineal Evolution by Keverne, Eric B.
The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter by Henrich, Joseph
Evolutionary History of the Robust Australopithecines by Grine, Frederick E.
The Evolution of Human Wisdom by
Heredity: A Very Short Introduction by Waller, John
A Foot in the River: Why Our Lives Change -- And the Limits of Evolution by Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe
Systems Biology of Marine Ecosystems by
Bionik / Brückenbau: Skript zur Unterrichtseinheit by Rueff, A.
Reproduction in Mammals: The Female Perspective by Orr, Teri J., Hayssen, Virginia
Standing on the Shoulders of Darwin and Mendel: Early Views of Inheritance by Galton, David J.
Modern Humans: Their African Origin and Global Dispersal by Hoffecker, John
Story of Genetics, Development and Evolution, The: A Historical Dialogue by Jekely, Gaspar
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