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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Evolution in 2022

Communicating with Aliens by Mason, Jenny
On the Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
Common Chinese Materia Medica: Volume 6 by
Biosemiotics and Evolution: The Natural Foundations of Meaning and Symbolism by
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, October 21-23, 2021, by
The Smart Neanderthal: Bird Catching, Cave Art, and the Cognitive Revolution by Finlayson, Clive
Science Strategies to Increase Student Learning and Motivation in Biology and Life Science Grades 7 Through 12 by Butler, David
Illustrated Flora of Bambusoideae in China: Volume 2 by Zhou, de Qun, Shi, Jun Yi, Zhang, Yu Xiao
The Process of Animal Domestication by Sánchez-Villagra, Marcelo
The Process of Animal Domestication by Sánchez-Villagra, Marcelo
Fish Diversity of Japan: Evolution, Zoogeography, and Conservation by
The Genesis Conspiracy: A Religion of Rome by Talbot, Wayne
The Genesis Conspiracy: A Religion of Rome by Talbot, Wayne
Healing Plants of Nigeria: Ethnomedicine and Therapeutic Applications by Adodo, Anselm, Iwu, Maurice M.
Crossing a Chasm: In Small Steps? by Talbot, Wayne
Making and Unmaking of Puget Sound by Howard, Gary C., Kaser, Matthew R.
Making and Unmaking of Puget Sound by Kaser, Matthew R., Howard, Gary C.
Picturing the Mind: Consciousness Through the Lens of Evolution by Ginsburg, Simona, Jablonka, Eva
The Gastro-Archeologist: Revealing the Mysteries of the Intestine and Its Diseases by Woodward, Jeremy
Reverse Engineering God: Irreligious Answers to Fundamental Questions by Rothschild, Michael
Relativität Der Evolution by Knoflacher, Markus
Perspectives on the Marine Animal Forests of the World by
Evolution and the Scientific Method by Harkins, Thomas F., Jr.
Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas by Raff, Jennifer
Rereading Darwin's Origin of Species: The Hesitations of an Evolutionist by DeLisle, Richard G., Tierney, James
Paleogene Fossil Birds by Mayr, Gerald
The Stardust Revolution: The New Story of Our Origin in the Stars by Berkowitz, Jacob
Fifth Age of Man: An Adventure in Time and Space through the History of Humankind by Møller, Søren
Development Strategies and Biodiversity: Darwinian Fitness and Evolution in the Anthropocene by
Soil Grown Tall: The Epic Saga of Life from Earth by Retallack, Gregory J.
Tuco-Tucos: An Evolutionary Approach to the Diversity of a Neotropical Subterranean Rodent by
Le Grand livre du vivant by Lamy-M
Les horloges du vivant by Chaline-J
Earth's Wild Music: Celebrating and Defending the Songs of the Natural World by Moore, Kathleen Dean
Ecology and Conservation of Pinnipeds in Latin America by
Evo-Seti: Life Evolution Statistics on Earth and Exoplanets by Maccone, Claudio
Orchid Species from Himalaya and Southeast Asia Vol. 1 (a - E) by Teoh, Eng Soon
Regeneration by
Natural Selection: Revisiting Its Explanatory Role in Evolutionary Biology by
Understanding Evolutionary Biology by
Progress and Prospects in Evolutionary Biology by
Sounds Wild and Broken: Sonic Marvels, Evolution's Creativity, and the Crisis of Sensory Extinction by Haskell, David George
The Secret Perfume of Birds: Uncovering the Science of Avian Scent by Whittaker, Danielle J.
Evolution: A View from the 21st Century. Fortified. by Shapiro, James A.
Deeper Secrets of Human Evolution in Light of the Gospels: (Cw 117) by Steiner, Rudolf
The Voyage of the Beagle by Darwin, Charles
The Voyage of the Beagle by Darwin, Charles
Evolution: A View from the 21st Century. Fortified. by Shapiro, James A.
Our Unfinished Biological Revolution by Itzkoff, Seymour W.
The Social Leap: The New Evolutionary Science of Who We Are, Where We Come From, and What Makes Us Happy by Von Hippel, William
The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy: What Animals on Earth Reveal about Aliens--And Ourselves by Kershenbaum, Arik
A Paradoxical Life: Where Did We Come From? by Mompoint, Diondre
Man The Unknown by Carrel, Alexis
On Creation and the Origins of Life: An Exploration of Intelligent Design by Yari, Bob
On Creation and the Origins of Life: An Exploration of Intelligent Design by Yari, Bob
Causal Pluralism in the Life Sciences: A Journey Along the Frontiers of Conceptual Plurality by Ehrenstein, Kolja
The Liverworts and Hornworts of Colombia and Ecuador by Gradstein, S. Robbert
Ethnobiology of Mountain Communities in Asia by
The Three Pillars of Evolution Demolished: Why Darwin Was Wrong by Bergman, Jerry
A Series of Fortunate Events: Chance and the Making of the Planet, Life, and You by Carroll, Sean B.
Flora and Vegetation of the Pantanal Wetland by
Biological Invasions in the South American Anthropocene: Global Causes and Local Impacts by Jaksic, Fabián M., Castro, Sergio A.
Dominance Behavior: An Evolutive and Comparative Perspective by Colombo, Jorge A.
Origins & Evolution: Evolution of Our Universe and Planet, and the Origins of Life and Meaning by Laukien, Frank H.
Active Biological Evolution: Feedback-Driven, Actively Accelerated Organismal and Cancer Evolution by Laukien, Frank H.
Floral Diagrams: An Aid to Understanding Flower Morphology and Evolution by Ronse de Craene, Louis P.
Hormones and Reality: Epigenetic Regulation of the Endocrine System by Torday, John S.
Climate, Planetary and Evolutionary Sciences: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview by
Biogenic Sedimentary Rocks in a Cold, Cenozoic Ocean: Neritic Southern Australia by James, Noel P., Bone, Yvonne
From Evolution to God: An Integration of Faith and Science by DePaolo, Robert
Adorning Bodies: Meaning, Evolution, and Beauty in Humans and Animals by Johnson, Marilynn
A Paradoxical Life: Where Did We Come From? by Mompoint, Diondre
How the Biosphere Works: Fresh Views Discovered While Growing Peppers by Spier, Fred
South American Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs: Record, Diversity and Evolution by
The Individual in the Animal Kingdom by Huxley, Julian S.
What's Sex Got to Do with It?: Darwin, Love, Lust, and the Anthropocene by Remoff, Heather
Evolving Neural Crest Cells by
Cellular Dialogues in the Holobiont by
Ideology and Evolution in Nineteenth Century Britain: Embryos, Monsters, and Racial and Gendered Others in the Making of Evolutionary Theory and Cultu by Richards, Evelleen
Future Superhuman: Our transhuman lives in a make-or-break century by Bohan, Elise
The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race by Isaacson, Walter
Orchid Species from Himalaya and Southeast Asia Vol. 3 (R - Z) by Teoh, Eng Soon
The Maiden Voyage of Petrus Van Stijn by Tobias, Michael Charles
How the Biosphere Works: Fresh Views Discovered While Growing Peppers by Spier, Fred
Empirically Engaged Evolutionary Ethics by
Evolution of Neurosensory Cells and Systems: Gene Regulation and Cellular Networks and Processes by
Story of Our Lives, The: Homo Sapiens' Secrets of Success by David, Liat Ben
Story of Our Lives, The: Homo Sapiens' Secrets of Success by David, Liat Ben
The Notochord: Development, Evolution and contributions to the vertebral column by Hall, Brian K., Witten, P. Eckhard
Race, Monogamy, and Other Lies They Told You, Second Edition: Busting Myths about Human Nature by Fuentes, Agustín
The Failures of Mathematical Anti-Evolutionism by Rosenhouse, Jason
The Failures of Mathematical Anti-Evolutionism by Rosenhouse, Jason
The Last Pillars of Darwinian Evolution Falsified: Further Evidence Proving Darwinian Evolution Wrong by Bergman, Jerry
Evolutionary Analysis by Grillo, Sinclair
The Great Eagles: Their Evolution, Ecology and Conservation by Campbell, Michael O'Neal
On the Nature of Ecological Paradox by Morrison, Jane Gray, Tobias, Michael Charles
Goldfish Development and Evolution by Ota, Kinya G.
Virus-Like Particles: A Comprehensive Guide by Pumpens, Paul, Pushko, Peter
Sapiens. Una Historia Gráfica. Vol. 2: Los Pilares de la Civilización / Sapiens: A Graphic History, Volume 2: The Pillars of Civilization by Casanave, Daniel, Harari, Yuval Noah, Vandermeulen, David
Biotremology: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution by
The Patchwork Human: Two Billion Years of Evolution by Luykx, Peter
Evolutionary Gerontology and Geriatrics: Why and How We Age by Corbi, Graziamaria, Conti, Valeria, Libertini, Giacinto
Evolution of the Human Genome II: Human Evolution Viewed from Genomes by
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin by Darwin, Charles
The Coming Of Evolution: The Story Of A Great Revolution In Science by Judd, John Wesley
Multicellularity: Origins and Evolution by
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us by Brusatte, Steve
The Evolution of Multicellularity by
Towards Revealing the Origin of Life: Presenting the Gadv Hypothesis by Ikehara, Kenji
Origin of Chirality in the Molecules of Life: From Awareness to the Current Theories and Perspectives of This Unsolved Problem by Guijarro, Albert
The Parrot in the Mirror: How Evolving to Be Like Birds Makes Us Human by Martinho-Truswell, Antone
The Ascent of Information: How Data Rules the World by Scharf, Caleb
Imagining the Darwinian Revolution: Historical Narratives of Evolution from the Nineteenth Century to the Present by
Bitch: On the Female of the Species by Cooke, Lucy
On the Origin of Evolution: Tracing 'Darwin's Dangerous Idea' from Aristotle to DNA by Gribbin, John, Gribbin, Mary
Species Problems and Beyond: Contemporary Issues in Philosophy and Practice by
Species Problems and Beyond: Contemporary Issues in Philosophy and Practice by
Heredity Before Mendel: Festetics and the Question of Sheep's Wool in Central Europe by Poczai, Péter
Heredity Before Mendel: Festetics and the Question of Sheep's Wool in Central Europe by Poczai, Péter
Milestones in the Evolving Theory of Evolution by Wool, David
Altern: Biologie Und Chancen: Alter Und Altern Individuell, Kollektiv Und Die Folgen by
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us (Large Print Edition) by Brusatte, Steve
The Neanderthals Rediscovered: How Modern Science Is Rewriting Their Story by Morse, Michael A., Papagianni, Dimitra
Freedom in Science and Teaching. from the German of Ernst Haeckel by Haeckel T. H. Huxley, Ernst
On the Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection by Darwin, Charles
Understanding Body Shapes of Animals: Shapes as Mechanical Constructions and Systems Moving on Minimal Energy Level by Preuschoft, Holger
Homo projector: Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Empreendedorismo Evolutivo by Iipc, Instituto Internacional de Proj
Intelligence - Theories and Applications by
Nar Madi te Stree Purush by Watve, Milind
Updating Neanderthals: Understanding Behavioural Complexity in the Late Middle Palaeolithic by
Human Origins by Hainesworth, Don
Charles Darwin, the Copley Medal, and the Rise of Naturalism, 1861-1864 by Siems, Dann, Driscoll, Marsha, Dunn, Elizabeth E.
We Are All Apes by Ra, Aron
Treasure Your Exceptions: The Science and Life of William Bateson by Cock, Alan G., Forsdyke, Donald R.
Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology: From Theory to Applied Cases in the Tree of Life by
What We Are: The Evolutionary Roots of Our Future by Aarssen, Lonnie
Extreme Habitable Environments: A Bridge between Astrophysics and Astrobiology by Shekhar, Usha, Jagadeesh, Madhu Kashyap
Energy and Evolutionary Conflict: The Metabolic Roots of Cooperation by Blackstone, Neil W.
The Dynamics of Cultural Evolution: The Central Role of Purposive Behaviors by Rosenberg, Michael
Bayesian Phylogenetics: Methods, Algorithms, and Applications by
How Evolution Explains Everything about Life by New Scientist
Seven Papers: A collection of investigative papers on the creation of the modern brain by Mrejeru, Dan M.
Euphorbia in Southern Africa: Volume 2 by Bruyns, Peter V.
Common Chinese Materia Medica: Volume 1 by
Euphorbia in Southern Africa: Volume 1 by Bruyns, Peter V.
The Earth: Biography of Life: The Story of Life on Our Planet Through 50 Creatures by Panciroli, Elsa
Human Origins by Hainesworth, Don
From Observations to Optimal Phylogenetic Trees: Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data: Volume 1 by Goloboff, Pablo A.
Refining Phylogenetic Analyses: Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data: Volume 2 by Goloboff, Pablo A.
Positive Evolutionary Psychology: Darwin's Guide to Living a Richer Life by Wedberg, Nicole, Geher, Glenn
The Social Impulse: The Evolution and Neuroscience of What Brings Us Together by Pineda Ph. D., Jaime A.
Human Experiment: Origins and Evolution of Humanity by
The Human Experiment: Origins and Evolution of Humanity by
Sometimes Things Just Happen by Arnold, K.
Evolution Fact or Fable?: The Case Against Darwin's Big Idea by Kirk J. D., J. Robert
Einführung in Die Bioinformatik: Eine Anleitung Für Einsteiger by Lohrer, Horst D.
Cognitive Evolution: From Single Cells to the Human Mind by Boles, David B.
Cognitive Evolution: From Single Cells to the Human Mind by Boles, David B.
Darwinian Social Evolution and Social Change: The Evolution of Nationalisms by Kerr, William
Evolution and Speciation in Plants by Pandian, T. J.
Constitution of Organs of the Higher Plants: The Multiple Secondary Axis Theory by Yen, Chi
The Five-Million-Year Odyssey: The Human Journey from Ape to Agriculture by Bellwood, Peter
Game-Theoretical Models in Biology by Rychtář, Jan, Broom, Mark
Vorurteile: Haben Immer Nur Die Anderen by Degner, Juliane
Platypus Matters: The Extraordinary Story of Australian Mammals by Ashby, Jack
Evolutionary Systems Biology: Advances, Questions, and Opportunities by
The Human Lineage by Smith, Fred H., Cartmill, Matt
Plants and Palynomorphs Around the Permian-Triassic Boundary of South China by
Being a Human: Adventures in Forty Thousand Years of Consciousness by Foster, Charles
Origins: Speak to the Earth by Booher, Larry D.
Origins: Speak to the Earth by Booher, Larry D.
Flowers in Amber by Poinar, George
Biosystematics of Triticeae: Volume V. Genera: Campeiostachys, Elymus, Pascopyrum, Lophopyrum, Trichopyrum, Hordelymus, Festucopsis, Peridictyon, a by Yen, Chi, Yang, Junliang
Between Ape and Human: An Anthropologist on the Trail of a Hidden Hominoid by Forth, Gregory
Between Ape and Human: An Anthropologist on the Trail of a Hidden Hominoid by Forth, Gregory
The History of Fossils Over Centuries: From Folklore to Science by Forli, Maurizio, Guerrini, Andrea
Vida, La Gran Historia by Arsuaga, Juan Luis
Life in the Universe, 5th Edition by Bennett, Jeffrey, Schneider, Nicholas, Shostak, Seth
Life in the Universe, 5th Edition by Shostak, Seth, Bennett, Jeffrey, Schneider, Nicholas
Narrative Persuasion. a Cognitive Perspective on Language Evolution by Ferretti, Francesco
The Extraordinary Biology of the Naked Mole-Rat by
Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion Models with the Taxis Mechanism by Li, Jing, Wang, Yifu, Ke, Yuanyuan
Analysis of Reaction-Diffusion Models with the Taxis Mechanism by Li, Jing, Wang, Yifu, Ke, Yuanyuan
Parasitology: A Conceptual Approach by Hofkin, Bruce V., Loker, Eric S.
Ancient Hydrocarbon Seeps by
Parasitology: A Conceptual Approach by Hofkin, Bruce V., Loker, Eric S.
Nature in Silico: Population Genetic Simulation and Its Evolutionary Interpretation Using C++ and R by Haasl, Ryan J.
Sovereignty Blockchain 2.0: New Forces Changing the World of Future by Yuming, Lian
The Evolution of Agency: Behavioral Organization from Lizards to Humans by Tomasello, Michael
Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R by Harmon, Luke J., Revell, Liam J.
Phylogenetic Comparative Methods in R by Harmon, Luke J., Revell, Liam J.
Cryptic Species by
Common Sense vs Evolution by Anderson, Shane
A Voice in the Wilderness: A Pioneering Biologist Explains How Evolution Can Help Us Solve Our Biggest Problems by Graves, Joseph L.
European Hair, Eye, and Skin Color: Solving the Puzzle by Frost, Peter
Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam: A Defined Redux of Human Evolution by Kundu, Subir Ranjan
Exploring Genome's Junkyard: In the Labyrinth of Evolution by Kundu, Subir Ranjan
The Invention of Tomorrow: A Natural History of Foresight by Suddendorf, Thomas, Bulley, Adam, Redshaw, Jonathan
The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries: The Evidence and the People Who Found It by Prothero, Donald R.
Biodiversity: Maintenance, Function, Origin, and Self-Organisation Into Life-Support Systems by Lekevičius, Edmundas
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