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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Evolution in 2023

The Autobiography Of Charles Darwin by Darwin, Charles
Human Evolution: Bones, Cultures, and Genes by Langdon, John H.
Viral Fitness and Evolution: Population Dynamics and Adaptive Mechanisms by
Urban Bats: Biology, Ecology, and Human Dimensions by
Biosemiotics and Evolution: The Natural Foundations of Meaning and Symbolism by
Common Chinese Materia Medica: Volume 6 by
What It's Really All About by Von Essen, Carl
Creative Evolution by Bergson, Henri
Creative Evolution by Bergson, Henri
Microbiomes and Their Functions: Why Organisms Need Microbes by Appanna, Vasu D.
Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook--Volume 2 by
Microbiomes and Their Functions: Why Organisms Need Microbes by Appanna, Vasu D.
From Evolutionary Biology to Economics and Back: Parallels and Crossings Between Economics and Evolution by André, Jean-Baptiste, Cozic, Mikael, de Monte, Silvia
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin, Peter
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin, Peter
Handbook on Evolution and Society: Toward an Evolutionary Social Science by Maryanski, Alexandra, Machalek, Richard, Turner, Jonathan H.
Climate Change and Environmental Impacts: Past, Present and Future Perspective by
A Sapiens Conundrum by Walter, David
Fish Diversity of Japan: Evolution, Zoogeography, and Conservation by
The Pattern Seekers: How Autism Drives Human Invention by Baron-Cohen, Simon
Understanding Life in the Universe by Arthur, Wallace
Understanding Life in the Universe by Arthur, Wallace
Understanding Natural Selection by Ruse, Michael
Understanding Natural Selection by Ruse, Michael
The Oxford Handbook of Human Mating by Buss, David M.
The Evolution of Everything by Villmoare, Brian
The Evolution of Everything by Villmoare, Brian
High School Biology: Questions & Explanations for Organismal Biology by Education, Sterling
Bioinformatics for Evolutionary Biologists: A Problems Approach by Haubold, Bernhard, Börsch-Haubold, Angelika
Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions by Graves, Joseph L., Goodman, Alan H.
Homo Sapiens Rediscovered: The Scientific Revolution Rewriting Our Origins by Pettitt, Paul
From That to This by Lavasani, Nemat Saidi
Readable Darwin: The Origin of Species Edited for Modern Readers by Pechenik, Jan A.
Paleogene Fossil Birds by Mayr, Gerald
Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas by Raff, Jennifer
Death: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Biology by Huneman, Philippe
Dragonflies and Damselflies: Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research by
Soil Grown Tall: The Epic Saga of Life from Earth by Retallack, Gregory J.
The Future of Humankind: Why We Should Be Optimistic by Hands, John
Evolution and Speciation in Protozoa by Pandian, T. J.
Corals and Reefs: From the Beginning to an Uncertain Future by Montaggioni, Lucien F., Martin-Garin, Bertrand
The Age of Simorgh: Planning for Human Convergence with Technology by Riaziat, Majid
The Age of Simorgh: Planning for Human Convergence with Technology by Riaziat, Majid
The Human Evolutionary Transition: From Animal Intelligence to Culture by Lind, Johan, Enquist, Magnus, Ghirlanda, Stefano
The Human Evolutionary Transition: From Animal Intelligence to Culture by Lind, Johan, Enquist, Magnus, Ghirlanda, Stefano
The World Before Us: The New Science Behind Our Human Origins by Higham, Tom
The Machines of Evolution and the Scope of Meaning by Tomlinson, Gary
Convergent Evolution: Animal Form and Function by
Sounds Wild and Broken: Sonic Marvels, Evolution's Creativity, and the Crisis of Sensory Extinction by Haskell, David George
Evolutionary Biology: Contemporary and Historical Reflections Upon Core Theory by
Structure and Function by Novick, Rose
Archean Evolution of the Pilbara Craton and Fortescue Basin by Hickman, Arthur H.
A Study Guide for Baby Dinosaurs on the Ark? by Ray, Janet Kellogg
Species Tree Inference: A Guide to Methods and Applications by
Species Tree Inference: A Guide to Methods and Applications by
Gereimte Evolution: Eine Kurzfassung der Evolution in Versen by Vogg, Sissy
Radical by Nature: The Revolutionary Life of Alfred Russel Wallace by Costa, James T.
The Code Breaker -- Young Readers Edition: Jennifer Doudna and the Race to Understand Our Genetic Code by Isaacson, Walter
Causal Pluralism in the Life Sciences: A Journey Along the Frontiers of Conceptual Plurality by Ehrenstein, Kolja
Flora and Vegetation of the Pantanal Wetland by
The Diaries of a Bonedigger: Harold Rollin Wanless in the White River Badlands of South Dakota, 1920-1922 by Evanoff, Emmett, Wanless, Harold Rogers
Neotropical Gradients and Their Analysis by
The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars: Cheating and Deception in the Living World by Sun, Lixing
Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe by Meyer, Stephen C.
A (Very) Short History of Life on Earth: 4.6 Billion Years in 12 Pithy Chapters by Gee, Henry
Dominance Behavior: An Evolutive and Comparative Perspective by Colombo, Jorge A.
Solving Modern Problems with a Stone-Age Brain: Human Evolution and the Seven Fundamental Motives by
Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History by Gould, Stephen Jay
Solving Modern Problems with a Stone-Age Brain: Human Evolution and the Seven Fundamental Motives by
Hormones and Reality: Epigenetic Regulation of the Endocrine System by Torday, John S.
Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History by Gould, Stephen Jay
Worauf Ich Mich Verlassen Kann: Kognition Und Affekt in Schulereinstellungen Zu Schopfung Und Evolution by Hermisson, Sabine
A Dog's World: Imagining the Lives of Dogs in a World Without Humans by Pierce, Jessica, Bekoff, Marc
Understanding Species by Wilkins, John S.
Galileos Shadow: The Theory Evolution in the United States Courts by Sproull, Frederick
The Wrong Ape for Early Human Origins: The Chimpanzee as a Skewed Ancestral Model by Martin, M. Kay
Memoria Cósmica by Steiner, Rudolf
The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution by Laszlo, Ervin
The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution by Laszlo, Ervin
The Visible Truth: Creation Is Evolution by Lee, Sang J.
South American Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs: Record, Diversity and Evolution by
The Cat's Meow: How Cats Evolved from the Savanna to Your Sofa by Losos, Jonathan B.
The Staircase of Life: The Story of the Origin and Evolution of Life and Humankind by Willighagen, Gerard Alexander
On the Originality of Species: The Convergence of Evolutionary Science and Baha'i Teachings by Donaldson, Bryan
The Phanerozoic Geology and Natural Resources of Egypt by
Orchid Species from Himalaya and Southeast Asia Vol. 3 (R - Z) by Teoh, Eng Soon
The Maiden Voyage of Petrus Van Stijn by Tobias, Michael Charles
Ethischer Naturalismus: Ein Plädoyer by Brandhorst, Mario
Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden: Zweite Ausgabe by Mendel, Gregor
Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History by Gould, Stephen Jay
Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History by Gould, Stephen Jay
The Deadly Balance: Predators and People in a Crowded World by Hart, Adam
Sleeping Beauties: The Mystery of Dormant Innovations in Nature and Culture by Wagner, Andreas
Objections to Evolution by Sivanesan, Nirushan
Objections to Evolution by Sivanesan, Nirushan
El experimento genético que desencadenó la evolución humana by Díaz, Jairo
Homo Falsus - Lying Man: Physics, Consciousness, Language, Information, and I by Rusakov, Boris
Essays on the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Formalizations and Expansions by Wallace, Rodrick
The Ecphoras: Iconic Fossils of Eastern North America by Petuch, Edward J., Berschauer, David P.
Sleeping Beauties: The Mystery of Dormant Innovations in Nature and Culture by Wagner, Andreas
Sleeping Beauties: The Mystery of Dormant Innovations in Nature and Culture by Wagner, Andreas
Humans: Perspectives on Our Evolution from World Experts by Almécija, Sergio
Humans: Perspectives on Our Evolution from World Experts by Almécija, Sergio
Biotremology: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution by
Unraveling Epistemological Boundaries and Power-Knowledge in the Out of Africa Theory: Introducing Simultaneous Quantum Biogenesis Theory by J. N. S., Kali
Footprints from Fossils to Gallows by Tuttle, Russell H.
Our Tribal Future: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts Into a Force for Good by Samson, David R.
What, If Anything, Are Species? by Mishler, Brent D.
Human Adaptive Strategies: An Ecological Introduction to Anthropology by Lozny, Ludomir, Bates, Daniel, Tucker, Judith
Human Adaptive Strategies: An Ecological Introduction to Anthropology by Lozny, Ludomir, Bates, Daniel, Tucker, Judith
The Evolution of Evolution by Mivart, St George Jackson
Understanding the Christianity-Evolution Relationship by Ruse, Michael
The Science Of God Volume 3: Day Five and Day Six - The Creatures - Revolution or Evolution by Lindemann, R.
The Language of Living Matter: How Molecules Acquire Meaning by Küppers, Bernd-Olaf
Science After Babel by Berlinski, David
The Physics of Evolution by Roth, Michael W.
The Physics of Evolution by Roth, Michael W.
The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History by Gould, Stephen Jay
The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History by Gould, Stephen Jay
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us by Brusatte, Steve
¿Dónde Está La Realidad? by Fantauzzi, Angel
Battle for the Truth: Creation Versus Evolution by Chiou, H. D.
Life and Mind: New Directions in the Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences by
God After Darwin 1e by Haught, John
Geoheritage of the Middle Atlas (Morocco) by
Key to the Diversity and History of Life by Shipunov, Alexey
Microbiota from the Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeocene Boundary Transition in the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Central India: Systematics and Palaeoecol by Khosla, Ashu, Verma, Omkar, Kania, Sachin
Cognition-Based Evolution: Natural Cellular Engineering and the Intelligent Cell by Miller, William B.
Extinction and Memorial Culture: Reckoning with Species Loss in the Anthropocene by
Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines: Problems and Perspectives in Generalized Darwinism by
Evolvability: A Unifying Concept in Evolutionary Biology? by
Purpose and Desire by Turner, J. Scott
Baobab: The Hadza of Tanzania and the Baobab as Humanity's Tree of Life by Rashford, John
Organisms Amplify Diversity: An Autocatalytic Hypothesis by Seaborg, David
Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution by Kropotkin, Peter
Intelligence - Theories and Applications by
Ediacaran-Paleozoic Rock Units of Egypt: Their Correlation with Adjacent Countries and Their Depositional Environments by Khalifa, Mohamed Abdel Ghany
Treasure Your Exceptions: The Science and Life of William Bateson by Cock, Alan G., Forsdyke, Donald R.
What We Are: The Evolutionary Roots of Our Future by Aarssen, Lonnie
Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology: From Theory to Applied Cases in the Tree of Life by
Development of Sensory and Neurosecretory Cell Types: Vertebrate Cranial Placodes, Volume 1 by Schlosser, Gerhard
Evolutionary Origin of Sensory and Neurosecretory Cell Types: Vertebrate Cranial Placodes, Volume 2 by Schlosser, Gerhard
Energy and Evolutionary Conflict: The Metabolic Roots of Cooperation by Blackstone, Neil W.
Chickasaurus by Williams, David
Ethnobotany of the Mountain Regions of Brazil by
The Dynamics of Cultural Evolution: The Central Role of Purposive Behaviors by Rosenberg, Michael
Evolution and the Machinery of Chance: Philosophy, Probability, and Scientific Practice in Biology by Abrams, Marshall
Conceptual Breakthroughs in the Evolutionary Biology of Aging by Rose, Michael R., Arnold, Kenneth R.
American and Australasian Marsupials: An Evolutionary, Biogeographical, and Ecological Approach by
Euphorbia in Southern Africa: Volume 2 by Bruyns, Peter V.
Creación Y Evolución... by Spencer, Herbert
Handbuch der Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. by Valentin, Gabriel
The Darwinian Theory of the Transmutation of Species by Beverley, Robert MacKenzie
Outlines of Natural Theology: For the use of the Canadian Student by Bovell, James
Evolution, the Master-key: A Discussion of the Principle of Evolution as Illustrated in Atoms by Saleeby, Caleb Williams
An Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin by
On the North American Species of the Genus Agnostus by Wayne, Vogdes Anthony
Creación Y Evolución... by Spencer, Herbert
Paleontology of Missouri by Keyes, Charles Rollin
The Origin of Life, its Physical Basis and Definition by Burke, John Benjamin Butler
The Recapitulation Theory and Human Infancy by Davidson, Percy E.
Caliban: The Missing Link by Wilson, Daniel
Of The Plurality Of Worlds: An Essay. Also A Dialogue On The Same Subject by Whewell, William
Human Animals by Hamel, Frank
Evolution; Its Nature, Its Evidences, and Its Relation to Religious Thought by Joseph, LeConte
Herbert Spencer and Animal Evolution by Bourne, Gilbert Charles
Úber die Richtung der Haare Bei Den Affenembryonen by Schwalbe, G.
A Bibliography of Fossil Insects by Hubbard, Scudder Samuel
Darwinism Illustrated: Wood-engravings Explanatory of the Theory of Evolution by Romanes, George John
Palæontology, Invertebrate by Henry, Woods
The Development of the Animal Kingdom: a Paper Read at the Fourth Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Woman by Lewis, Graceanna 1821-1912
Palaeontology: Or, a Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals and Their Geological Relations by Owen, Richard
Evolution, Racial and Habitual, Controlled by Segregation by Gulick, John Thomas
The Doctrine of the Unity of the Human Race Examined On the Principles of Science by Bachman, John
Human Animals by Hamel, Frank
The History of Creation, Or, the Development of the Earth and Its Inhabitants by the Action of Natural Causes: A Popular Exposition of the Doctrine of by Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August, Lankester, Edwin Ray
Physical Anthropology; its Scope and Aims; its History and Present Status in the United States by Hrdlicka, Ales
Principles and Methods of Physical Anthropology by Roy, Sarat Chandra
The Evolution of Man; a Popular Exposition of the Principal Points of Human Ontogney Phylogeny; Volume 2 by Haecker, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August
Analytische Theorie Der Organischen Entwicklung by Driesch, Hans
Notes On a Fauna of the Vigo Group and Its Bearing On the Evolution of Marine Molluscan Faunas by Dickerson, Roy Ernest
Studien Zur Descendenz-Theorie: I. Ueber Den Saison-Dimorphismus Der Schmetterlinge by Weismann, August
Charles Darwin's Works; Volume 18 by Darwin, Francis, Darwin, Charles
Discourses; Biological & Geological: Essays by Anonymous
An Introduction to a Biology and Other Papers by Darbishire, A. D.
Studien zur Gastraea-theorie by Haeckel, Ernst
The Pedigree of Man, and Other Essays, Tr. by E.B. Aveling by Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich P. a.
The Origin of Life; Being an Account of Experiments With Certain Superheated Saline Solutions in Hermetically Sealed Vessels by Bastian, H. Charlton
Evolution by Jevons, Frank B.
The Coal Measures Amphibia of North America by Moodie, Roy Lee
A Monograph of the British Fossil Sponges. Sponges of Palæozoic and Jurassic Strata by Hinde, George Jennings
Herbert Spencer and Animal Evolution by Bourne, Gilbert Charles
Criticism Of Darwinism by Everts, Otto
Du Perfectionnement Graduel Des Êtres Organisés... by Serres, Marcel de
Der Grunsand Von Aachen Und Seine Molluskenfauna by Böhm, Johannes
De L'espèce Et Des Races Dans Les Êtres Organisés Et Spécialement De L'unité De L'espèce Humaine... by Godron, Dominique-Alexandre
On the Law Which has Regulated the Introduction of New Species by Anonymous
La Variabilité des Espèces by Faivre, Ernest
Controverses Transformistes by Giard, Alfred Mathieu
Evolution, Racial and Habitual, Controlled by Segregation by Gulick, John Thomas
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