• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Exploration in 2014

Deliberate Intent Volume 2: Pre-Columbian Voyages to the New World by Hicks, Jeff L.
Reinterpreting Exploration: The West in the World by Kennedy, Dane
Tales From The Rivers by Altergott, Ken
Portobelo Chronicles by McGehee, Patricia a.
Perdu Sous La Banquise: L'Histoire Du HMS Investigator by Cohen, Andrew
Aeronautics and Astronautics: An American Chronology of Science and Technology in the Exploration of Space, 1915-1960 by Administration, National Aeronautics and
Crononautas: Los viajeros del tiempo y otras curiosidades sorprendentes by Polanco Masa, Alejandro
Heritage Lost: How half of the initial antiquities collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art was lost at sea and with it part of t by Scott, Robert
Egypt's African Empire: Samuel Baker, Charles Gordon & the Creation of Equatoria by Moore-Harell, Alice
Mysterious Places: Great Mysteries by Barreto, Rafael M.
The Dutch Founding of New York by Janvier, Thomas A.
Return To The Lost Adam's Diggings: The Paul A. Hale Story (Color Version) by French, Richard U.
Bellingshausen and the Russian Antarctic Expedition, 1819-21 by Bulkeley, R.
The Travels of Marco Polo by Polo, Marco, Of Pisa, Rustichello
Science, Voyages, and Encounters in Oceania, 1511-1850 by Douglas, Bronwen
Voyage of the Beagle: V29 Harvard Classics by Darwin, Charles
Daniel Boone: The Pioneer of Kentucky by Abbott, John S. C.
Class and Colonialism in Antarctic Exploration, 1750-1920 by Maddison, Ben
Atlantis: The ReNamed Island by Brady Ma, Joseph Daniel
Visoko: La Scienza occulta delle Piramidi by Mei, Armando, Osmanagich, Semir
Return To The Lost Adams Diggings: The Paul A. Hale Story (Black and White Version) by French, Richard U.
Impressions of Cape Breton by
The Chin People: A Selective History and Anthropology of the Chin People by Strait, Chester U.
The Chin People: A Selective History and Anthropology of the Chin People by Strait, Chester U.
The First T. rex #973 by McDonald, Marjorie J.
Legal Histories of the British Empire: Laws, Engagements and Legacies by
Frozen in Time: An Epic Story of Survival and a Modern Quest for Lost Heroes of World War II by Zuckoff, Mitchell
Historia del mayorazgo de Chasna en la Isla de Tenerife: La casa Soler de Padilla de Vilaflor by Machado, José Luis
The Indian and Pacific Correspondence of Sir Joseph Banks, 1768-1820, Volume 8 by Chambers, Neil
Trail of Snow-River of Ice by Franklin, Marte
Egyptian Language (Routledge Revivals): Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Del Mediterráneo hacia el Atlántico. La aventura colonizadora: La financiación de la conquista y colonización de las Islas Canarias como precedente a by Machado, Jose Luis
The Victorian Colonial Romance with the Antipodes by Blythe, H.
The Victorian Colonial Romance with the Antipodes by Blythe, H.
Key Facts for the Location of Sodom Student Edition: Navigating the Maze of Arguments by Graves, David Elton
Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery: Volume 6 by Young, Filson
History's Greatest Mysteries: The Unsolved Case of D.B. Cooper by Charles River
Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery: Volume 2 by Young, Filson
Gold: Firsthand Accounts From The Rush That Made The West by Stephens, John Richard
Lewis and Clark in Oregon 1805-1806 by Clark, William
Settlers and Expatriates: Britons Over the Seas by Bickers, Robert
The Land at the Edge of the World - Greenland and Our Future by Apollonio, Spencer
The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the Fram, 1910 1912 by Amundsen, Roald
The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition in the Fram, 1910 1912 by Amundsen, Roald
Snailing Round the South Seas: The Partula Story by Gerlach, Justin
A Canyon Voyage: The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition Down the Green-Colorado River from Wyoming, 1871-1872 by Dellenbaugh, Frederick S., Powell, John W.
The Forgotten Expedition, 1804-1805: The Louisiana Purchase Journals of Dunbar and Hunter by
Lies My Teacher Told Me about Christopher Columbus: What Your History Books Got Wrong by Loewen, James W.
A Deep Map of Western Grand Canyon and Upper Lake Mead Country: History and Memories of the Land of Long Shadows by McBee, Mary Richardson
Nena the Fairy and the Iron Rose by Najera, Joseph Edward
The Karluk's Last Voyage: An Epic of Death and Survival in the Arctic by Bartlett, Robert A.
Christopher Columbus by Bradford, Ernle
Drake: England's Greatest Seafarer by Bradford, Ernle
The Aeneid by Virgil: Annotated with short biography by Virgil
Through Arctic Lapland by Hyne, John Cutcliffe Wright
Le Dernier Journal de Livingstone: 1866-1873 by Livingstone, David
The Wilderness Westwards: American Trappers & the Oregon Expeditions of the Early 19th Century-Journal of a Trapper or Nine Years in the Rocky M by Russell, Osborne, Wyeth, Nathaniel J.
The Wilderness Westwards: American Trappers & the Oregon Expeditions of the Early 19th Century-Journal of a Trapper or Nine Years in the Rocky M by Russell, Osborne, Wyeth, Nathaniel J.
Aeronautics and Astronautics: A Chronology: 2010 by Administration, National Aeronautics and
Albert Von Le Coq (1860-1930) - Der Erwecker Manis: Im Spiegel Seiner Briefe an Willi Bang Kaup Aus Den Jahren 1909-1914 by Von Tongerloo, Alois, Knüppel, Michael
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Dans Les Deux Indes. Tome 2 by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Dans Les Deux Indes by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Voyages: De La Mecque aux steppes russes (tome 2) by
Voyages: De l'Afrique du Nord à la Mecque (tome 1) by
Voyages: Inde, Extrême-Orient, Espagne & Soudan (tome 3) by
Card's-town (Cardston) - 1887: Logan, Cach Valley to Lee's Creek via Fort Benton - Macleod Trail into Canada. Home at last. by Innes, David L., Lowry, H. Dale
Rainbow Warriors: Legendary Stories from Greenpeace Ships by Mompo, Maite
The Mayflower by Caffrey, Kate
A Voyage to the South Sea by Bligh, William
Andrée's Balloon Expedition in Search of the North Pole by Lachambre, Henri, Machuron, Alexis
An Account of a Voyage in Search of La Pérouse 2 Volume Set: Undertaken by Order of the Constituent Assembly of France, and Performed in the Years 179 by Labillardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de
An Account of a Voyage in Search Ofla Perouse: Undertaken by Order of the Constituent Assembly of France, and Performed in the Years 1791, 1792, and by La Billardiere, Jacques-Julien Houtou de
An Account of a Voyage in Search of La Perouse: Volume 3, Plates: Undertaken by Order of the Constituent Assembly of France, and Performed in the Yea by La Billardiere, Jacques-Julien Houtou de
An Account of a Voyage in Search Ofla Perouse: Undertaken by Order of the Constituent Assembly of France, and Performed in the Years 1791, 1792, and by La Billardiere, Jacques-Julien Houtou de
Stories of the Red Soil Immigrants by Scherf Vanstrien, Valeria
Die Vertextung der Welt by Görbert, Johannes
History of Hernando Cortez by Abbott, John S. C.
A Turkey Thanksgiving by Kleinschmidt, Adrienne
Marco Polo: The Journey That Changed the World by Man, John
Mutiny on the Bounty - A Most Merry and Illustrated History by Cooper, Charles F.
North Russia Expedition Summer 1919: A Diary Written By Mr R A Jowett by Haddon, Victoria
Who Discovered America?: The Untold History of the Peopling of the Americas by Hudson, Ian, Menzies, Gavin
Pioneers of France in the New World by Parkman, Francis
A Seafarer's Decoding of the Irish Symbols: The Oldest Testament: 3200 BCE to 2500 BCE by McMahon, Donald J.
Thomas Michael's Affliction by Perez III, Johnny R.