• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Exploration in 2017

Soldier Mountaineer: The Colonel who got Siachen Glacier for India by Kumar, Col N., Bhatia, Col N. N.
The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story (Large Print Edition) by Preston, Douglas
An Encounter With The Honey Island Swamp Monster by Blanchette, Vern
The Saturn Rocket and the Pegasus Missions, 1965 by Stakem, Patrick
The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story by Preston, Douglas
Deadly Fathoms: Now For The First Time Expedition Leader Mike Harris Gives A Behind-The-Scenes Look At How His Team of Divers And Film by Harris, Mike
Captain John Franklin's Lost Expedition: The History of the British Explorer's Arctic Voyage in Search of the Northwest Passage by Charles River
Expédition du capitaine Harris by Pavie, Théodore
And the Sea Shall Have Them All by Milmore, Art
Travel Writing in Dutch and German, 1790-1930: Modernity, Regionality, Mobility by
A Perfect Eden: Encounters by Early Explorers of Vancouver Island by Layland, Michael
Dr. David Livingstone: The Life and Legacy of the Victorian Era's Most Famous Explorer and Pioneer by Charles River
The Great Barrier Reef: The History of the World's Largest Coral Reef by Charles River
History's Greatest Mysteries: Easter Island by Charles River
The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the World's Oldest Bible by Tigay, Chanan
The Vikings in North America: The History and Legacy of the Norse Settlements in Greenland and Vinland by Charles River
From Antarctica to the Gold Rushes in the Wake of the Erebus by Ramsland, John
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and the Conquest of Florida: A New Manuscript by Solís de Merás, Gonzalo
Up the Mazaruni for Diamonds by La Varre, William
Explorers' Sketchbooks: The Art of Discovery & Adventure (Artist Sketchbook, Drawing Book for Adults and Kids, Exploration Sketchbook) by Lewis-Jones, Huw, Herbert, Kari
Imagining the Arctic: Heroism, Spectacle and Polar Exploration by Lewis-Jones, Huw
Measure of the Earth: The Enlightenment Expedition That Reshaped Our World by Ferreiro, Larrie D.
Jersey Gold: The Newark Overland Company's Trek to California, 1849 by Bowen, Margaret C., Hiles, Gwendolyn J.
The Lucayan Taîno: First People of the Bahamas by Riley, Sandra
Sir Ernest Shackleton: The Life and Legacy of the Legendary British Explorer and His Expeditions to Antarctica by Charles River
Sir Ernest Shackleton: The Life and Legacy of the Legendary British Explorer and His Expeditions to Antarctica by Charles River
Journeys Through Paradise: Pioneering Naturalists in the Southeast by Fishman, Gail
Voyager's Tales: From the Collections of Richard Hakluyt by Hakluyt, Richard
Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border: Comprising Descriptions of the Indian Nomads of the Plains.... by Marcy, Randolph Barnes
The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation: Madiera The Canaries Ancient Asia Africa etc.; Volume 6 by Hakluyt, Richard
The Principal Navigations Voyages Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation: Madiera The Canaries Ancient Asia Africa etc.; Volume 6 by Hakluyt, Richard
The Icelandic Discoverers of America by Brown, Marie A.
Corona and Coronet: Being a Narrative of the Amherst Eclipse Expedition to Japan... by Todd, Mabel Loomis
Naufragios by Lestar, Karl, Laster, Carlos Alberto, Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nunez
The Lost Island of Columbus: Solving the Mystery of Guanahani by Pickering, Keith A.
Arabia Felix: The Danish Expedition of 1761-1767 by Hansen, Thorkild
Frozen in Time: The Fate of the Franklin Expedition by Geiger, John, Beattie, Owen
The Voyage of François Leguat of Bresse,: to Rodriguez, Mauritius, Java, and the Cape of Good Hope. Vol. 2 by Oliver, Samuel Pasfield, Le Guat, Francois
Lost Islands: The Story of Islands That Have Vanished from Nautical Charts by Stommel, Henry
The Knights Templar: With an Introduction by Craig Murray by Burnes Frs, James
The Pampas and Andes: A thousand miles' walk across South America by Bishop, Nathaniel
Das wahre Geheimnis der Tempelritter: mit 30 Abbildungen by Knospe, Clemens
Cristobal Colon - Viajes a Las Indias (1492-1504) by Duviols, Jean Paul
La Historia de actualidad 1: Cromañón en Lascaux, Tutankhamon: el gran enigma, Vikingos en ... America?, En busca de la Santa Maria, La venganza de by Tome Gangas, Agustin
The Adventures of the Mountain Men: True Tales of Hunting, Trapping, Fighting, Adventure, and Survival by
El libro de las maravillas by Gijon, Francisco
Encountering Terra Australis: The Australian Voyages of Nicolas Baudin and Matthew Flinders by West-Sooby, John, Monteath, Peter, Fornasiero, Jean
The Eclipse in Myth, Legend, Science & Religion: An Illustrated Anthology by Bryant, Walter W., Wordsworth, William, Twain, Mark F.
Expedition Ark of the Covenant: The Young Messiah's Meeting at The Throne by Rankin, Jim
Christopher Columbus The Hero: Defending Columbus From Modern Day Revisionism by Rafael
Patrons of Paleontology: How Government Support Shaped a Science by Davidson, Jane P.
Expedition Ark of the Covenant: The Young Messiah's Meeting at The Throne by Rankin, Jim
Celebrated Travels and Travellers: The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century - Part 3 (World Classics, Unabridged) by Verne, Jules
Visiting the NASA Centers: and Locations of Historic Rockets & Spacecraft by Stakem, Patrick
The Solstice Connection: Amazing New Discoveries In Hidden History by Hoquist, Dan
Our Fur-father's of Southwest Alaska: Kalmakoff, Kameroff, Kamkoff by Zitnik, Dianne, Sims, Bev
The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story by Preston, Douglas
The Voyage of Francois Leguat of Bresse,: to Rodriguez, Mauritius, Java, and the Cape of Good Hope by Oliver, Samuel Pasfield, Le Guat, François
The Pampas and the Andes: A thousand miles' walk across South America by Bishop, Nathaniel
Sir John Franklin's Erebus and Terror Expedition: Lost and Found by Hutchinson, Gillian
Discovering Cabrillo by Kelsey, Harry
Corona and Coronet: Being a narrative of the Amherst eclipse expedition to Japan, in Mr. James's schooner-yacht Coronet, to observe the su by Todd, Mabel Loomis
Neanderthal Journeys book 4: New Directions by Argyle, Keith
The Sierra Indigenous Neolithic Plateau Rock Formations: Wilderness Hiking & Survival-Geology-Archaeology-Native American Indian History-Symbolism-Met by Conley, Peggy Leyva
Minik: The New York Eskimo: An Arctic Explorer, a Museum, and the Betrayal of the Inuit People by Harper, Kenn
The Hunt for the Dragon, 2nd Edition: A startling solution for the mysteries of the Age of Discovery by Chien, Chao C.
Journey to Lhasa: The Diary of a Spy by Das, Sarat Chandra
Ya Ha Tinda: A Home Place - Celebrating 100 Years of the Canadian Government's Only Working Horse Ranch by Calvert, Kathy
Relacion del primer viaje de D. Cristobal Colon: para el descubrimiento de las Indias by de Las Casas, Bartolome
Quest for Adventure: Remarkable feats of exploration and adventure by Bonington, Chris
Dionisio Alcalá Galiano by Cerrato, Rafael
A Brother Asks - Volume 1: Uncommon Discussions about Hiram by Nagy, John S.
The Story of Innovation: How Yesterday's Discoveries Lead to Tomorrow's Breakthroughs by Trefil, James
Across Mongolian Plains: A Naturalist's Account of China's 'Great Northwest' by Andrews, Roy Chapman
Four Degrees Celsius: A Story of Arctic Peril (Large Print 16 Pt Edition) by Karram, Kerry
Die Entdeckung des Erdballs - Die Reisen des Marco Polo, Christoph Kolumbus, Vasco da Gama, Fernando Cortez, Francis Drake, James Cook, Die Eroberung by Cremer, Wilhelm
Island of the Blue Foxes: Disaster and Triumph on the World's Greatest Scientific Expedition by Bown, Stephen R.
Six Months in Mexico by Bly, Nellie
Zanzibar: The History of the International Trade Center off the Coast of Africa by Charles River
Himalayan Dreaming: Australian mountaineering in the great ranges of Asia, 1922-1990 by Steffen, Will
The Kingdom of Speech by Wolfe, Tom
Legendary Explorers: The Life and Legacy of Captain John Smith by Charles River
Legendary Explorers: The Life and Legacy of Christopher Columbus by Charles River
Legendary Explorers: The Life and Legacy of Ferdinand Magellan by Charles River
Legendary Explorers: The Life and Legacy of Francisco Pizarro by Charles River
Legendary Explorers: The Life and Legacy of Hernan Cortes by Charles River
Legendary Explorers: The Life and Legacy of Marco Polo by Charles River