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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Exploration in 2023

Daredevils of the Atlantic Ocean: Unusual Crossings in Unlikely Vessels by Firstbrook, Peter
Why Communism Failed by Becker, Jasper
Routledge Handbook on Sufism by
Imperial Powers and Humanitarian Interventions: The Zanzibar Sultanate, Britain, and France in the Indian Ocean, 1862-1905 by Cheriau, Raphaël
Exploring Desert Stone: John N. Macomb's 1859 Expedition to the Canyonlands of the Colorado by Madsen, Steven K.
On Savage Shores: How Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe by Pennock, Caroline Dodds
Finding Tutankhamen and His Tomb - The Great Discovery by Howard Carter & George Herbert by Smith, G. Elliot
Finding Tutankhamen and His Tomb - The Great Discovery by Howard Carter & George Herbert by Smith, G. Elliot
Vikingos -V2* by Price, Neil
The Evolution of Charles Darwin: The Epic Voyage of the Beagle That Forever Changed Our View of Life on Earth by Preston, Diana
The Rise and Fall of the British Empire: A Concise History by History, Thirty Minute
Wanderlust: An Eccentric Explorer, an Epic Journey, a Lost Age by Mitenbuler, Reid
Mapping Christopher Columbus: An Historical Geography of His Early Life to 1492 by Rocca, Al M.
Discovering the Charm of Italy: A Comprehensive Travel Guide by Winston, Debbie
The Ship Beneath the Ice: The Discovery of Shackleton's Endurance by Bound, Mensun
The Greatest Polar Exploration Stories Ever Told by
Asea: The incredible, true story of one man's harrowing survival at sea, in the Bermuda Triangle! by Hoffman, Thomas J.
The Challenger Expedition: Exploring the Ocean's Depths by Jones, Erika
Straits: Beyond the Myth of Magellan by Fernández-Armesto, Felipe
Straits: Beyond the Myth of Magellan by Fernández-Armesto, Felipe
The Road to Gondwana: In Search of the Lost Supercontinent by Morris, Bill
The Magnetism of Antarctica: The Ross Expedition 1839-1843 by Knight, John
Thor Heyerdahl: Voyages of the Sun: The Kon-Tiki Museum Archive by
20 Game Changers In History (Series 2); A Note on the Lives and Impact of these Great Minds & Historical Figures (Tesla, Jung, Napoleon, Anne Frank, D by Marcus, Patrick
20 Game Changers In History (Series 2); A Note on the Lives and Impact of these Great Minds & Historical Figures (Tesla, Jung, Napoleon, Anne Frank, D by Marcus, Patrick
Sir Francis Drake, a Pirate, a Gentleman, a Soldier, a Thief. by Hoyos, Juan Carlos
Eldorado Muisca, Origin of the Legend and Fall of the Chibcha Nation. by Hoyos, Juan Carlos
Finding Endurance: Shackleton, My Father and a World Without End by Bristow-Bovey, Darrel
Footsteps in the Snow by Dudeney, John
Croatia Through The Ages: A Cultural and Historical Overview by Daniel, Hart
Tlacaelel Remembered: Mastermind of the Aztec Empire by Schroeder, Susan
The Milestones of Science: How We Came to Understand the Universe by Stein, James D.
Tlacaelel Remembered: Mastermind of the Aztec Empire by Schroeder, Susan
Tales of an Unsung Sourdough: The Extraordinary Klondike Adventures of Johnny Lind by Lind, Phil, Brehl, Robert
Enslaved: The Sunken History of the Transatlantic Slave Trade by Jacobovici, Simcha, Kingsley, Sean
Estevanico: The First Black Man in America by Vicchio, Stephen J.
Born to Be Hanged: The Epic Story of the Gentlemen Pirates Who Raided the South Seas, Rescued a Princess, and Stole a Fortune by Thomson, Keith
Life on the Mississippi: An Epic American Adventure by Buck, Rinker
John Franklin: A Brief Biography by Wilson, John
Journeys Through Time: Exploring the Unknown by Mishra, Smruti Ranjan, Mishra, Smruti
River of the Gods: Genius, Courage, and Betrayal in the Search for the Source of the Nile by Millard, Candice
Russian Sources on Iran, 1719-1748 by Floor, Willem
Seventeenth Century Practical Mathematics: Navigation by Greenvill Collins by Hughes, Paul
The Navigator and the Explorer by Rogers, Adrian
Expedition Relics from High Arctic Greenland: Eight Decades of Exploration History, Told Through 102 Objects by Dawes, Peter R.
Battle of Ink and Ice: A Sensational Story of News Barons, North Pole Explorers, and the Making of Modern Media by Hartman, Darrell
Unsettled: Lord Selkirk's Scottish Colonists and the Battle for Canada's West, 1813-1816 by Lower, Robert
The Age of Discovery by Kovacs, Charles
Mission to Madagascar: The Sergeant, the King, and the Slave Trade by Mould, David H.
Relation originale du voyage de Jacques Cartier au Canada en 1534 by Cartier, Jacques
Neither Hee Nor Any of His Companie Did Return Againe: Failed Colonies in the Caribbean and Latin America, 1492-1865 by Waters, Raine, MacDonald, David
The Vanished Depths: Unraveling the Mystery of the Missing Submarine by Clerk, Emily
Theobroma cacao: An Illustrated Guide to All Things Chocolate by Borges-Gillette, Mena
Texas and Her Fifty-Nine Flags by Williams, Lawrence Drake
Texas and Her Fifty-Nine Flags by Williams, Lawrence Drake
Lines Drawn Across the Globe: Reading Richard Hakluyt's "Principal Navigations" Volume 90 by Fuller, Mary C.
Heróis ocultos Constelação crescente: Um breve ensaio sobre a FEB by de Assuncao, Samuel Vieira
Journal De La Navigation Autour Du Globe De La Frégate "la Thétis" Et De La Corvette "l'espérance" Pendant Les Années 1824, 1825 Et 1826... by Bougainville, Hyacinthe-Yves-Philippe
The Theory And Practice Of Finding The Longitude At Sea Or Land by MacKay, Andrew
[Journal of an Expedition to the Molucca Islands Under the Command of Admiral Rainier: With Some Account of Those Islands at the Time of Their Falling by Lennon, Walter Caulfield
Days of the Discoverers by Lamprey, L.
The Greely Arctic Expedition As Fully Narrated By Lieut. Greely, U.s.a., And Other Survivors: Full Account Of The Terrible Sufferings On The Ice by Barclay, George Lippard
Hakluytus Posthumus, Or Purchas His Pilgrimes: Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and Others; Volume 10 by Purchas, Samuel
Nansen in the Frozen World by Nansen, Fridtjof, Astrup, Eivind Peary's Journey Acr, Berens, S.
The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century by Verne, Jules
Geographical and Mathematical Discussion of Plutarch's Account of Ancient Voyages to the New World by Colvin, Verplanck
The "fram" Expedition: Nansen In The Frozen World. Preceded By A Biography Of The Great Explorer And Copious Extracts From Nansen's "first Cr by Astrup, Eivind
The Voyage of Hanno: Translated, and Accompanied With the Greek Text, Explained From the Accounts of Modern Travellers, Defended Against th by Falconer, Thomas, Hanno, Thomas
Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition: During the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842; v. 2 by Wilkes, Charles 1798-1877
The "fram" Expedition: Nansen In The Frozen World. Preceded By A Biography Of The Great Explorer And Copious Extracts From Nansen's "first Cr by Astrup, Eivind
Voyages De Benjamin De Tudelle Autour Du Monde Commenncés L'an 1173, De Jean Du Plan Carpin, En Tartarie, Du Frère Ascelin Et De Ses Compagnons Vers L by Tudèle, Benjamin de
The Voyages of Captain James Cook; Volume 2 by Cook, James
Relation Du Second Voyage Fait À La Recherche D'un Passage Au Nord-ouest Par Sir John Ross Et De Sa Résidence Dans Les Régions Arctiques Pendant Les A by Defauconpret, Auguste-Jean-Baptiste, Ross, John
The Cartography and Observations of Bering's First Voyage by Greely, A. W.
With Stefansson in the Arctic by Noice, Harold
Voyages & Adventures of Fernand Mendez Pinto by Pinto, Mendes
Nansen in the Frozen World by Berens, S., Nansen, Fridtjof, Astrup, Eivind Peary's Journey Acr
Meeting the Sun: A Journey All Round the World Through Egypt, China, Japan and California, Including an Account of the Marriage Ceremon by Simpson, William
Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate du roi La Boudeuse, et la flûte L'Étoile; en 1766, 1767, 1768 & 1769 by
The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James, in His Intended Discovery of the Northwest Passage Into the South Sea [microform]: Wherein by Gellibrand, Henry 1597-1636
The Flag-Ship: Or, A Voyage Around the World in the United States Frigate Columbia by Taylor, Fitch Waterman
The British Search for the Northwest Passage in the Eighteenth Century by Williams, Glyndwr
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Voyage Fait Par Ordre Du Roi En 1750 Et 1751: Dans L'amérique Septientrionale, Pour Rectifier Les Cartes Des Côtes De L'acadie, De L'isle Royale & De by Chabert, Joseph Bernard
Nouveau Voyage Autour Du Monde; Volume 3 by Wood, John, Wafer, Lionel, Dampier, William
Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society; Volume 1 by
Sensuyt Le Nouveau Monde & Navigations Faictes Par Emeric Vespuce Florentin: Dez Pays & Isles Nouvellement Trouvez Auparavant a Nous Inconneuz Tant En by Da Montalboddo, Fracanzano
Round the World for Gold: A Search for Minerals From Kansas to Cathay by Way, Herbert W. L.
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Artic Ocean; Volume 2 by King, Richard
Hakluytus Posthumus, Or Purchas His Pilgrimes: Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and Others; Volume 10 by Purchas, Samuel
Mendaña Et La Découverte Des Îles Marquises by Marcel, Gabriel
The Romance of Discovery: Being an Account of the Earliest Navigators and the Discovery of America by Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
Marine World Chart Of Nicolo De Canerio Januensis 1502 Circa A Critical Study by Stevenson, Edward Luther
The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor: During the Summer of 1885 by Sterrett, John Robert Sitlington
The Cruise of Her Majesty's Ship 'challenger' by Spry, William James J.
Relation Du Second Voyage Fait À La Recherche D'un Passage Au Nord-Ouest; Volume 1 by Ross, James Clark, Ross, John
Toscanelli and Columbus: Letters to Sir Clements R. Markham...and toC. Raymond Beazley, M. A by Vignaud, Henry
[Journal of an Expedition to the Molucca Islands Under the Command of Admiral Rainier: With Some Account of Those Islands at the Time of Their Falling by Lennon, Walter Caulfield
Meeting the Sun: A Journey All Round the World Through Egypt, China, Japan and California, Including an Account of the Marriage Ceremon by Simpson, William
The Narrative of Captain David Woodard and Four Seamen, Who ... Surrendered Themselves Up to the Malays, in the Island of Celebes [&c. Ed. by W. Vaugh by Woodard, David
Die Metamorphosen Des Polareises by Tegetthoff Expedition, 1872-1874, Weyprecht, Karl
Narrative of the Recent Voyage of Captain Ross to the Arctic Regions in the Years 1829-30-31-32-33 by Williams, Edwin
Days of the Discoverers by Lamprey, L.
Examen Critique De L'histoire De La Géographie Du Nouveau Continent: Et Des Progrès De L'astronomie Nautique Aux 15 Me Et 16 Me Siècles; Volume 3 by Anonymous
Nordostpassagens Historia, Eller, Vega-Expeditionens Föregångare: Efter Bästa Källor by Stuxberg, Anton
The Voyage of Robert Dudley, Afterwards Styled Earl of Warwick and Leicester by Abram Kendall, George F. Wa
Journael Van De Wonderlijcke Vooyagie Door De Straet Magalanes, Ende Voorts Den Gantschen Kloot Des Aerdtbodems Om by Van Noort, Olivier
The Last Voyage of Capt. Sir John Ross, R.N. to the Arctic Regions: For the Discovery of a North West Passage; Performed in the Years 1829-30-31-32 an by Huish, Robert
The Theory And Practice Of Finding The Longitude At Sea Or Land by MacKay, Andrew
Geschichte Der Entdeckungsreisen Und Schifffahrten Zur Magellan's-Strasse Und Zu Den Ihr Benachbarten Ländern Und Meeren by Kohl, Johann Georg
Du Tonkin Au Havre: Chine--Japon--Îles Hawaii--Amérique by Albrey, Jean D'
The Voyage of the Jeannette. The Ship and ice Journals of George W. De Long, Lieutenant-commander U.S.N. and Commander of the Polar Expedition of 1879 by
Early English and French Voyages: Chiefly From Hakluyt, 1534-1648 by Burrage, Henry Sweetser, Hakluyt, Richard
The Voyages of Captain Luke Foxe of Hull, and Captain Thomas James of Bristol, in Search of a Northwest Passage, in 1631-32 by Foxe, Luke
Christopher Columbus and how he Recieved and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery by Winsor, Justin
An Expedition to Mount St. Elias, Alaska by
In the Lena Delta, a Narrative of the Search for De Long and His Companions, Followed by an Account of the Greely Relief Expedition, Ed. by M. Philips by Melville, George Wallace
Voyages of Discoveries Around the World: Successively Undertaken by the Hon. Commodore Byron in 1764, Captains Wallis and Carteret in 1766, and Captai by Wallis, Samuel 1728-1795
Voyage of the U.S. Exploring Squadron: Commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes, of the United States Navy, in 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842: Together W by Wilkes, Charles
Mendaña Et La Découverte Des Îles Marquises by Marcel, Gabriel
Narrative Of A Second Voyage In Search Of A North-west Passage: And Of A Residence In The Arctic Regions During The Years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, by Ross, John
First Over Everest The Houston-Mount Everest Expedition 1933 by Kavan, Anna
The Original Journal Of General Solomon Lovell: Kept During The Penobscot Expedition, 1779 by Nash, Gilbert
The Three Voyages of Captain James Cook Around the World by Anonymous
Souvenir of the Harriman Alaska Expedition, May-August, 1899, Volume 1, New York to Cook Inlet by
Narrative Of The Proceedings Of Pedrarias Davila: In The Provinces Of Tierra Firme, Or Catilla Del Oro And Of The Discovery Of The South Sea And The C by Andagoya, Pascual De, Society, Hakluyt
Early English and French Voyages: Chiefly From Hakluyt, 1534-1608 by Hakluyt, Richard, Burrage, Henry Sweetser
Proceedings ...; Volume 11 by Galton, Francis, Markham, Clements Robert
The Arctic Dispatches [microform]: Containing an Account of the Discovery of the North-West Passage by
Supplement to Captain Sir John Ross's Narrative of a Second Voyage in the Victory in Search of a North-west Passage: Containing the Suppressed Facts N by Braithwaite, John
The Search For Franklin: A Suggestion Submitted To The British Public by Petermann, August Heinrich
Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, Including an Introductory View of the Earlier Di by Anonymous
Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of Samuel Patterson [microform]: Experienced in the Pacific Ocean, and Many Other Parts of the World, With by
A Sequel to the North-West Passage, and the Plans for the Search for Sir John Franklin: A Review by Anonymous
A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean; Illustrated With Charts: V.1 by Burney, James
A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, for Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, Under the Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore, 1776-1780; Vo by Cook, James, King, James
Narrative Of A Second Voyage In Search Of A North-west Passage: And Of A Residence In The Arctic Regions During The Years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, by Ross, John
The Original Robinson Crusoe, A Narrative Of The Adventures Of A. Selkirk And Others by Adams, Henry Cadwallader, Selkirk, Alexander
The Voyage of the 'fox' in the Arctic Seas: A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and His Companions by M'Clintock, Francis Leopold
Narrative Of A Second Voyage In Search Of A North-west Passage, And Of A Residence In The Arctic Regions During The Years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833 by Ross, John
Voyage Fait Autour Du Monde Par Le Capitaine Woodes Rogers, Tome Troisième by Rogers, Woodes
A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and Round the World: In Which the Coast of North-West America Has Been Carefully Examined and Accura by Vancouver, George
The Original Robinson Crusoe, A Narrative Of The Adventures Of A. Selkirk And Others by Selkirk, Alexander, Adams, Henry Cadwallader
The Eventful Voyage Of H. M. Discovery Ship "resolute" To The Arctic Regions In Search Of Sir John Franklin And The Missing Crews Of H. M. Discovery S by McDougall, George F.
Thor Heyerdahl Aku Aku by Tiki, Kon
American Explorers: Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages From Montreal by Anonymous
Narrative Of A Journey To The Shores Of The Polar Sea: In The Years 1819, 20, 21, & 22 by Franklin, John
The Voyage of the Discovery Volume; Volume 2 by Scott, Robert Falcon
Narrative of the Recent Voyage of Captain Ross to the Arctic Regions in the Years 1829-30-31-32-33 by Williams, Edwin
Northward Over The "great Ice": A Narrative Of Life And Work Along The Shores And Upon The Interior Ice-cap Of Northern Greenland In The Years 1886 An by Peary, Robert Edwin
The Life, Voyages, and Discoveries, of Captain James Cook. [Followed By] Pitcairn's Island and the Mutineers of the Bounty by Cook, James
Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, Including an Introductory View of the Earlier Di by Anonymous
Explorations in Alaska for an All-American Overland Route From Cook Inlet, Pacific Ocean, to the Yukon, March 1901 by
Miscellaneous Works of William Marsden by Marsden, William
The British Search for the Northwest Passage in the Eighteenth Century by Williams, Glyndwr
Voyage Autour Du Monde Sur ... L'endeavour Tr. Par Le C. Henri 2 Tom by Parkinson, Sydney
The Arctic Regions: Being an Account of the American Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin by
The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century by Verne, Jules 1828-1905
Voyages & Adventures of Fernand Mendez Pinto by Pinto, Mendes
Challenger-Briefe, 1872-1875 by Willemoes-Suhm, Rudolf Von
Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen; Volume 2 by Anonymous
Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition: During the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842; v. 2 by Wilkes, Charles 1798-1877
The Journal of a Voyage Undertaken by Order of His Present Majesty, for Making Discoveries Towards the North Pole [microform]: by the Hon. Commodore P by Lutwidge, Skiffington, Phipps, Constantine John 1744-1792
Atlantic and Transatlantic: Sketches Afloat and Ashore by
The World's Wonders, as Seen by the Great Tropical and Polar Explorers. Being an Encyclopedia of Exploration, Discovery and Adventure in all Parts of by Buel, J. Q. 1849-1920
Pero Tafur I Suoi Viaggi E Il Suo Incontro Col Veneziano Nicòlo De' Conti... by Desimoni, Cornelio
A New Voyage Round the World by a Course Never Sailed Before by Aitken, George Atherton, Defoe, Daniel
Narrative of a Passage From Bombay to England: Describing the Author's Shipwreck in the Nautilus, in the Red Sea by Bourchier, W.
The World Displayed; Or, a Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels, Selected From the Writers of All Nations: In Which the Conjectures And Interpola by Johnson, Samuel, Smart, Christopher, Goldsmith, Oliver
A Voyage Round the World, in the Years 1740, 41, 42, 43, 44 by Robins, Benjamin, Walter, Richard, Anson, George Anson
Narrative of the Discoveries On the North Coast of America: Effected by the Officers of the Hudson's Bay Company During the Years 1836-39 by Simpson, Thomas
Rear Admiral Sir John Franklin ...: A Narrative Of The Circumstances And Causes Which Led To The Failure Of The Searching Expeditions Sent By Governme by Ross, John
Voyage Au Pole Sud Et Dans L'océanie Sur Les Corvettes L'astrolabe Et La Zélée ... Pendant 1837-1840, Sous Le Commandement De J. Dumont D'urville. Zoo by Ship, Astrolabe, D'Urville, Jules Sébastien C. Dumont
With Nansen in the North; a Record of the Fram Expedition in 1893-96 by Johansen, Hjalmar, Brækstad, H. L. 1845-1915
Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border: Comprising Descriptions of the Indian Nomads of the Plains by Marcy, Randolph Barnes
The Conquest of the Sea, a Book About Divers and Diving by Siebe, Henry, Murray, Hugh, Nicol, James
Thor Heyerdahl Aku Aku by Tiki, Kon
Voyage Au Pole Sud Et Dans L'océanie Sur Les Corvettes L'astrolabe Et La Zélée ... Pendant 1837-1840, Sous Le Commandement De J. Dumont D'urville. His by D'Urville, Jules Sébastien C. Dumont, Ship, Astrolabe
A Grail Quest by Ball, Kathleen
A Narrative of the Voyages Round the World Performed by Captain James Cook by Kippis, Andrew
Shetch Of The Life Of Jan August Miertsching, Interpreter Of The Esquimaure Language To The Artic Expedition On Board H.m.s by Benham, Daniel
Report On the Dominion Government Expedition to Hudson Bay and the Arctic Islands On Board the D.G.S. Neptune 1903-1904 by Low, Albert Peter
Journal Du Voyage En 1497 by Gama, Vasco Da
An Address Delivered Before the St. Louis Historical Society, December 10, 1868, and Repeated by Request Before the Mercantile Library Association, Ja by Bent, Silas 1820-1887
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, Volumes 7-8 by
Great Explorers Before Columbus by John, Reade
Bref récit et succincte narration de la navigation faite en MDXXXV et MDXXXVI by Cartier, Jacques
Zweite Reise zur Entdeckung einer nordwestlichen Durchfahrt aus dem atlantischen in das stille Meer, 1822 by Parry, William Edward
Travels Round the World, in the Years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771; Volume 1 by
Narrative Of The Proceedings Of Pedrarias Davila: In The Provinces Of Tierra Firme, Or Catilla Del Oro And Of The Discovery Of The South Sea And The C by Andagoya, Pascual De, Society, Hakluyt
North-pole Voyages Embracing Sketches of the Important Facts and Incidents in the Latest American Efforts to Reach the North Pole From the Second Grin by Mudge, Zachariah Atwell
Histoire De Tous Les Voyages Autour Du Monde, Depuis Magellan Jusqu'à D'urville Et Laplage (1519 À 1832)... by Sainson, M., Garnier, E.
Neuere Geschichten der See- und Land-Reisen, Fünfter Band, J. Long's, westindischen Dollmetschers und Kaufmanns, Reisen, enthaltend eine Beschreibung by
Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to Africa and Arabia: Performed in His Majesty's Ships, Leven and Baracouta From L821 to L826, Under the Command of by Boteler, Thomas
Mac Clure'S Entdeckung der nordwestlichen Durchfahrt in den Jahren 1850-1854: Nebst Einem Blick Auf Die Früheren Entdeckungsreisen Nach Dem Hohen Nord by Kutzner, Johann Gottlieb
A Gallop to the Antipodes: Returning Overland Through India by Shaw, John
Les Grandes Voies Du Progrès: Suez Et Honduras ...... by Suckau, Henri De
Cruise of the 'alert', 4 Years in Patagonian, Polynesian, and Mascarene Waters, 1878-82 by Coppinger, Richard William
Journal Historique Du Voyage: Depius L'instant Oú Il A Quitté Les Frégates Françoises Au Port Saint-pierre & Saint-paul Du Kamtschatka, ...... by Lesseps, Jean-Baptiste-Barthélemy de
Down The Great River: Embracing An Account Of The Discovery Of The True Source Of The Mississippi: Together With Views, Descriptive And Pict by Glazier, Willard W.
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