• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 1977

James Watson's Choice Collection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems: Volume I by Wood, Harriet Harvey
All Our Secrets Are the Same: New Fiction from Esquire by
Le Court d'Amours de Mahieu Le Poirier: La Suite Anonyme de la Court d'Amours by Scully, Terence
Vom Buchstaben Zum Laut: Maschinelle Erzeugung Und Erprobung Von Umsetzautomaten Am Beispiel Schriftenglisch -- Phonologisches Englisch by Wolf, Eckhard
Deor by
Heaven and Other Poems by Kerouac, Jack
The Alliterative Revival by Turville-Petre, Thorlac
Das Nibelungenlied nach der Handschrift C by
Osip Mandelstam: Selected Essays by
Ein Deutscher Chansonnier: Aus Dem Schaffen Adolf Lepps by Lepp, Adolf
African Crossroads by Unknown, Dundas, Charles
The Portable William Blake by Blake, William
New Viewpoints in American History. by Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Jr., Unknown, Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Sr.
Samson Agonistes, Sonnets, and c. by Milton, John
Emperor of the Earth: Modes of Eccentric Vision by Milosz, Czeslaw
Erwin Piscator's Political Theatre: The Development of Modern German Drama by Innes, C. D.
Virgil: Eclogues by Virgil
Salvation in New England: Selections from the Sermons of the First Preachers by
Italian Hours. by Unknown, James, Henry, Jr.
Paul Valery: An Anthology by Valéry, Paul
Uhuru's Fire: African Literature East to South by Roscoe, Adrian A.
Yankee Eloquence by Mead, C. David, Unknown, Mead
The Complete Poems: Second Edition by Keats, John
The Portable Chekhov by Chekhov, Anton
Two Chinese Poets: Vignettes of Han Life and Thought by Hughes, E. R.
The Portable Greek Historians: The Essence of Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Polybius by
Mother Is Gold: A Study in West African Literature by Roscoe, Adrian, Roscoe, Adrian A.
The Prisoners of Perote by Stapp, William Preston
The Battle Cry of Freedom: The New England Emigrant Aid Company in the Kansas Crusade by Johnson, Samuel A., Unknown
Elektra, Helena, Iphigenie Im Lande Der Taurer, Ion by Euripides
Afrikanische Literatur Und Nationale Befreiung: Menschenbild Und Gesellschaftskonzeption Im Prosawerk Shaaban Roberts by Arnold, Rainer
Verteidigungsrede: Blütenlese by Apuleius