• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 1981

Persius: The Satires by Jenkinson, J. R.
Lucan: Civil War VIII by
Arthurian Literature I by
A Book of Masques: In Honour of Allardyce Nicoll by Jonson, Ben
Talking Medicine: America's Doctors Tell Their Stories by Rabinowitz, Peter Macgarr
Exercises in Style by Queneau, Raymond
Felix Holt, the Radical by Eliot, George
The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vital: Vol. 1. General Introduction, Books I and II (Summary and Extracts), Index Verborum by Ordericus, Vitalis
Now We Are Civilized: A Study of the World View of the Zapotec Indians of Mitla, Oaxaca by Anon, Leslie, Charles M.
Manchester, Fourteen Miles by Penn, Margaret, Penn
The Trouble with Nowadays: A Curmudgeon Strikes Back by Amory, Cleveland
Peace-Making and the Settlement with Japan by Dunn, Frederick Sherwood, Unknown
Seneca the Elder by Fairweather, Janet
Mexico City Reader by
Emperor of the Earth: Modes of Eccentric Vision by Milosz, Czeslaw
African Literature in French: A History of Creative Writing in French from West and Equatorial Africa by Blair, Dorothy S.
Preoccupations: Selected Prose, 1968-1978 by Heaney, Seamus
Indonesia's Economic Stabilization and Development by Unknown, Higgins, Benjamin Howard
Janet Flanner's World: Uncollected Writings 1932-1975 by Flanner, Janet
Nine Verse Sermons by Nicholas Bozon by Levy, Brian J.
Government and Science: Their Dynamic Relation in American Democracy by Price, Don Krasher
Literaturen Asiens Und Afrikas: Theoretische Probleme by
Vorlesungen Über Das Wesen Der Religion: Nebst Zusätzen Und Anmerkungen by