• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 1986

Walker Percy: A Bibliography by Wright, Stuart
The Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour by Sir Gilbert Hay: Volume II by Cartwright, John
The Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour by Sir Gilbert Hay: Volume III by
Cicero: Verrines II.1 by Cicero
Joseph of Exeter: Trojan War I-III by Bate, A. K.
Middle English Verse Romances by
Tirso de Molina: The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest by
The Best Maine Stories by Phippen, Sanford
Digenis Akritas: The Two-Blood Border Lord-The Grottaferrata Version by Hull, Denison B.
Sand & Other Poems by Darweesh, Mahmoud
The Essays by Bacon, Francis
Seven Viking Romances by Various
The Letters of Robert Burns: 1780-1789 by Burns, Robert
Island Cross-Talk by O'Crohan, Tom S., O'Crohan, Tomas, O'Crohan, Thomas
The Romantic School and Other Essays: Heinrich Heine by
The Africans: A Reader by Levine, Toby Kleban, Mazrui, Ali a.
The Africans: A Reader by Levine, Toby Kleban
Blank Darkness: Africanist Discourse in French by Miller, Christopher L.
Plays by James Robinson Planche: The Vampire, the Garrick Fever, Beauty and the Beast, Foutunio and His Seven Gifted Servants, the Golden Fleece, the by Planche, J. R.
Where Water Comes Together with Other Water by Carver, Raymond
Poetry in a Divided World: The Clark Lectures 1985 by Gifford, Henry
South by Southwest: 24 Stories from Modern Texas by
To Build a Fire and Other Stories by London, Jack
Annales Gandenses: Annals of Ghent by
Prose Works Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke Ed Gouws by Gouws, Greville, Fulke
Mississippi Writers: Reflections of Childhood and Youth: Volume II: Nonfiction by
Greasy Lake & Other Stories by Boyle, T. C.
The Historia Pontificalis of John of Salisbury by John of Salisbury
Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature by Wa Thiong'o, Ngugi
Arabic Authors by Arbuthnot, Forster Fitzgerald
Makamat of Al Hariri of Basra by Al Hariri, Abu Mohammed Al-Qasim Ali
Prize Stories 1986: The O. Henry Awards by
Walker Percy: A Southern Wayfarer by Allen, William Rodney
The Changing Face of Arthurian Romance: Essays on Arthurian Prose Romances in Memory of Cedric E. Pickford by
West African Poetry: A Critical History by Fraser, Robert
On Writing and Politics, 1967-1983 by Grass, Gunter
Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke, Rainer Maria, Rilke, Ranier Maria
Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Euripides: Trojan Women by
The Collected Plays of Neil Simon by Simon, Neil
The Collected Plays of Neil Simon by Simon, Neil
Don't Bet on the Prince: Contemporary Feminist Fairy Tales in North America and England by Zipes, Jack
Arthurian Literature VI by
Plays by Charles Reade: Masks and Faces, the Courier of Lyons, It Is Never Too Late to Mend by Reade, Charles
Faulkner and Women by
Plautus: Bacchides by Barsby, John A.
Tirso de Molina: Damned for Despair by
Cicero: Philippics II by Cicero
Selected Poems by Ashbery, John
Studies in the Textual Tradition of Terence by Grant, John N.
Dreiser-Mencken Letters, Volume 2: The Correspondence of Theodore Dreiser and H. L. Mencken, 197-1945 by Dreiser, Theodore, Mencken, H. L.
The Hugh MacLennan Papers by University of Calgary
D. Martin Luthers Werke.Kritische Gesamtausgabe.Weimarer Ausgabe: Abteilung Schriften.Band 62: Ortsregister Zur Abteilung Schriften Band 1 - 60 Einsch by