• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 1987

Lorca: Mariana Pineda by
Lorca: Yerma by Lyon, John E., Minett, J.
Terence: The Brothers by Gratwick, Adrian S.
The Poem of My Cid by Hodgkinson, J.
The Army and Industrial Manpower by Grossman, Jonathan, Unknown, Fairchild, Byron
Spanish Ballads by Wright, Roger
The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe by Marlowe, Christopher
The White Peacock by Lawrence, D. H.
Die Lieder Oswalds Von Wolkenstein by
Celestina by Fernando Rojas (C. 1465-1541) by Mabbe, James, Severin, Dorothy Sherman
Miscellaneous Poems in English and Latin by Smart, Christopher
Plays by Harley Granville Barker: The Marrying of Ann Leete, the Voysey Inheritance, Waste by Granville-Barker, Harley, Barker, Harley Granville, Harley, Granville-Barker
The Beach of Falesa by Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Origin of the Communist Autocracy: Political Opposition in the Soviet State First Phase - 1917-1922 by Schapiro, Leonard
Rewards and Punishments in the Arthurian Romances and Lyric Poetry of Medieval France by
Spanish Stories/Cuentos Espanoles: A Dual-Language Book by
Theatetus by Plato
Prize Stories 1987: The O'Henry Awards by Abrahams, William
Studies in the Age of Chaucer: Proceedings No 2, 1986: Fifth International Congress by
Last Laughs: The 1986 Mystery Writers of America Anthology by
Early Christian Writings: The Apostolic Fathers by Various
The Metamorphosis of Persephone: Ovid and the Self-Conscious Muse by Stephen, Hinds, Hinds, Stephen
The Theme of Government in Piers Plowman by Baldwin, Anna P.
Welty: A Life in Literature by
Image and Other Stories by Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Traditionality and Genre in Middle English Romance by Fewster, Carol
The Plays of George Chapman: The Tragedies with Sir Gyles Goosecappe: A Critical Edition by
The New Generation: Fiction for Our Time from America's Writing Programs by Kaufman, Alan
Selected Poems II: 1976 - 1986 by Atwood, Margaret
Memorials of the Book Trade in Medieval London: The Archives of Old London Bridge by Christianson, C. Paul
Arthurian Literature VII by
Cambridge, Pembroke College, MS 25: A Carolingian Sermonary Used by Anglo-Saxon Preachers by
22 Jamaican Short Stories: A Selection of Prizewinning Short Stories by Lmh Publishing
The Plumed Serpent by Lawrence, D. H.
Constant: Adolphe by Wood, Dennis
Altgriechische Liebesgeschichten, Historien Und Schwänke by
Kambodschanische Volksmärchen by