• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 1988

Thucydides: History Book II by
Speculum Gy de Warewyke by Morrill
Hudson River in Literature: An Anthology by Adams, Arthur G.
Phoenissae by Euripides
A Southern Appalachian Reader by
Betrachtungen Über Die Bewegende Kraft Des Feuers: Und Die Zur Entwickelung Dieser Kraft Geeigneten Maschinen by Carnot, Sadi
Lopes: The English in Portugal 1383-1387 by Lomax, Derek W., Oakley, R. J.
Lopes: The English in Portugal 1383-1387 by Lomax, Derek W., Oakley, R. J.
Chukwuemeka Ike: A Critical Reader by
Hellenica Oxyrhynchia by Kern, Stephen J., McKechnie, Paul R.
Thucydides: History Book II by
Three Old English Elegies by
Literature of Modern Arabia by Jayyusi, Salma Khadra
Sultan Abdülhamid II. Im Spiegel Der Arabischen Dichtung Seiner Zeit: Eine Studie Zu Literatur U. Politik in D. Spätperiode D. Osman. Reiches by Mugheid, Turki
Deutsch-Amerikanische Sozialistische Literatur 1865-1900: Anthologie by
Literarische Texte Aus Babylon: Unter Einschluß Von Kopien Adam Falkensteins Zur Veröffentlichung Vorbereitet Von Werner R. Mayer by Dijk, Jan Van
Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine and Other Essays by Lawrence, D. H.
War's Other Voices: Women Writers on the Lebanese Civil War by Cooke, Miriam
How to Observe Morals and Manners by Martineau, Harriet
Faith and Knowledge by Hick, John
Selected Stories from the Southern Review by
An Autobiography: The Story of the Lord's Dealings with Mrs. Amanda Smith the Colored Evangelist by Smith, Amanda
The Journals of Charlotte Forten Grimké by Grimké, Charlotte L. Forten
Clarence and Corinne; Or God's Way by Johnson, A. E., Johnson, A. E.
Iola Leroy, or Shadows Uplifted by Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins
Four Girls at Cottage City by Kelley-Hawkins, Emma D.
Complete Poems of Frances E.W. Harper by Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins
Essays by Plato, Ann
The Works of Alice Dunbar-Nelson: Volume 1 by Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore
The Works of Alice Dunbar-Nelson: Volume 2 by Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore
The Works of Alice Dunbar-Nelson: Volume 3 by Dunbar-Nelson, Alice Moore
Collected Black Women's Poetry: Volume 1 by
Collected Black Women's Poetry: Volume 2 by
Collected Black Women's Poetry: Volume 3 by
Collected Black Women's Poetry: Volume 4 by
Collected Black Women's Narratives by Prince, Nancy, Picquet, Louisa, Barthelemy, Anthony Gerard
The Work of the Afro-American Woman by Mossell, N. F.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Jacobs, Harriet Ann
Megda by Kelley, Emma Dunham
The Hazeley Family by Johnson, A. E., Johnson, Amelia A.
Contending Forces: A Romance Illustrative of Negro Life North and South by Hopkins, Pauline E.
The Collected Works of Phillis Wheatley by Wheatley, Phillis
Six Women's Slave Narratives by Jackson, Mattie, Prince, Mary, Andrews, William L.
Culture and Irony: Studies in Joseph Conrad's Major Novels by Winner, Anthony
Alexander Pope: Selected Poetry and Prose by Pope, Alexander
Vanishing Lives: Style and Self in Tennyson, D. G. Rossetti, Swinburne, and Yeats by Richardson, James
The Public Papers of Governor Simeon Willis, 1943-1947 by Willis, Simeon
Plutarch: Life of Antony by Plutarch
Sayeh Yi Omr (Shadow of Life), Poems: Persian / Farsi Language by Moayeri, Rahi
Terence: The Self-Tormentor by
The Riches of Rhyme: Studies in French Verse by Scott, Clive
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Volume III: Bells and Pomegranates I-VI (Including Pippa Passes and Dramatic Lyrics) by Browning, Robert
Euripides: Phoenician Women by Craik, Elizabeth
German Romantic Stories: Eichendorff, Brentano, Chamisso, and Others by
George Crabbe: The Complete Poetical Works by Crabbe, George
Virgil: Georgics: Volume 1, Books I-II by Virgil
Prince Marko: The Hero of South Slavic Epics by Popovic, Tanya
Invented Lives: Narratives of Black Women 1860-1960 by Washington, Mary Helen
Virgil: Georgics: Volume 2, Books III-IV by Virgil
Flannery O'Connor: Collected Works (Loa #39): Wise Blood / A Good Man Is Hard to Find / The Violent Bear It Away / Everything That Rises Must Converge by O'Connor, Flannery
Italian Folktales in America: The Verbal Art of an Immigrant Woman by Mathias, Elizabeth, Raspa, Richard
Dried Millet Breaking: Time, Words, and Song in the Woi Epic of the Kpelle by Stone, Ruth M.
Modern Age: The First Twenty-Five Years: A Selection by
Modern Age: The First Twenty-Five Years: A Selection by
Joe Turner's Come and Gone: A Play in Two Acts by Wilson, August
More Stately Mansions: The Unexpurgated Edition by O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone
The Kate Chopin Companion: With Chopin's Translations from French Fiction by Bonner, Thomas
D. Martin Luthers Werke.Kritische Gesamtausgabe.Weimarer Ausgabe: Abteilung Schriften.Band 63: Personen- Und Zitatenregister Zur Abteilung Schriften B by
Briefwechsel II: (1840-1844) by