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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 1991

Clark Blaise Papers: First Accession and Second Accession by University of Calgary
James Watson's Choice Collection of Comic and Serious Scots Poems: Volume II by
Aeschyli Agamemnon by Aeschylus
Calderon: The Painter of his Dishonour, El pintor de su deshonra by
Nigerian Female Writers: A Critical Perspective by
Jose de Espronceda: The Student of Salamanca by Cardwell, Richard a., Davis, C. K.
Lucian: A Selection by
Tirso de Molina: Don Gil of the Green Breeches by
Tirso de Molina: Don Gil of the Green Breeches by
Homer: Odyssey I and II by Jones, Peter
Ovid: Amores Book II by
Woven on the Loom of Time: Stories by Enrique Anderson-Imbert by Anderson-Imbert, Enrique
The Ice at the Bottom of the World: Stories by Richard, Mark
Die Kritik Der Prosa Bei Den Arabern: (Vom 3./9. Jahrhundert Bis Zum Ende Des 5./11. Jahrhunderts) by Darabseh, Mahmoud
Canterbury Tales by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Classical Literature: A Concise History by Rutherford, Richard
The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume 2: Books III and IV by Vitalis, Ordericus, Vitalis
Arthurian Literature X by
Japanese Women Writers: Twentieth Century Short Fiction: Twentieth Century Short Fiction by Lippit, Noriko Mizuta, Selden, Kyoko Iriye
Conversations with Reynolds Price by
Diana's Hunt (Caccia Di Diana): Boccaccio's First Fiction by
Something in Common: Contemporary Louisiana Stories by
Prize Stories 1991: The O. Henry Awards by Abrahams, William
The Oxford Book of Friendship by
Tah Basat by Saidi, Saidi- Sirjani, Ali-Akbar
The African Quest for Freedom and Identity: Cameroonian Writing and the National Experience by Bjornson, Richard
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by A. Jacobs, Harriet
The Ladder of High Designs by
Reimpaarsprüche und Lieder by Rosenplüt, Hans
Herzog Ernst D: (Wahrscheinlich Von Ulrich Von Etzenbach) by
"Diu urstende" by Konrad Von Heimesfurt
Bedouin Poetry from Sinai and the Negev: Mirror of a Culture by Bailey, Clinton
The Collected Works of Olivia Ward Bush-Banks by Guillaume, Bernice F., Bush-Banks, Olivia Ward
Selected Works of Angelina Weld Grimké by Grimké, Angelina Weld
A Hairdresser's Experience in High Life by Dean, Sharon, Potter, Elizabeth
The Selected Works of Ida B. Wells-Barnett by Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., Harris, Trudier, Wells-Barnett, Ida B.
Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Bondswoman of Olden Time, with a History of Her Labors and Correspondence Drawn from Her Book of Life by Gilbert, Olive, Stewart, James, Truth, Sojourner
The Works of Katherine Davis Chapman Tillman by Tillman, Katherine Davis Chapman
Two Biographies by African-American Women by Whiper, Rollin
The Collected Works of Effie Waller Smith by Smith, Effie Waller
Short Fiction by Black Women, 1900-1920 by Ammons, Elizabeth
The Pen Is Ours: A Listing of Writings by and about African-American Women Before 1910 with Secondary Bibliography to the Present by Yellin, Jean Fagan
Best English Short Stories I by Gordon, Giles
Valle Inclan: The Grotesque Farce of MR Punch the Cuckold by Warner, Robin, Keown, Dominic
Sarton Selected: An Anthology of the Journals, Novels, and Poetry of May Sarton by Sarton, May
The Beggar Maid: Stories of Flo and Rose by Munro, Alice
Working with Short Stories by Hamer, Ros, McCannon, Judith, Kilduff, Michael
The Victorian Serial by Hughes, Linda K., Lund, Michael
Sources of Dramatic Theory: Volume 1, Plato to Congreve by
Sophocles: Antigone and Oedipus the King: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by Wilkins, John, MacLeod, Matthew
Homer by Thorpe, Martin
Herodotus: Persian Wars: A Companion to the Penguin Translation of Histories V-IX by Herodotus
Greek Comprehensions for Schools by Hiner, Martin
Euripides: Hippolytus by Euripides
Virgil: Aeneid IX by Virgil
Xenophon: Fall of Athens: Selections from Hellenika I and II by Xenophon
Advanced Level Latin Prose Composition by Williams, A. H. Nash-
Virgil: Aeneid X by Virgil
Plautus: Pseudolus by Plautus
Nepos: Three Lives: Alcibiades, Dion and Atticus by Cornelius Nepos
Aristophanes: Frogs by Aristophanes
Thucydides: Book II by Thucydides
Euripides: Hecuba by Euripides
Virgil: Georgics I and IV by Virgil
Cicero: Verrine V by Cicero
New Latin Syntax by Woodcock, E. C.
Virgil: Aeneid VII-VIII by Virgil
Sallust: Catiline by Sallust
Caesar's Expeditions to Britain, 55 & 54 BC by Caesar, Julius
Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles
Cicero: Pro Milone: 'Pro Milone' by Cicero
Xenophon: The Persian Expedition: Anabasis by Thucydides
Livy: Hannibal, Scourge of Rome: Selections from Book XXI by Livy
Horace in His Odes by Harrison, James Alexander
Caesar: Gallic War V by Caesar, Julius
Catullus: Poems by Catullus, Gaius Valerius
Euripides: Scenes from Iphigenia in Aulis and Iphigenia in Tauris by Euripides
Sophocles: Ajax by Sophocles
Homer: Iliad VI by Homer
Caesar: Gallic War I by Caesar, Julius
Aristophanes and His Theatre of the Absurd by Cartledge, Paul
Sallust: Bellum Catilinae by Sallust
Convergences by Paz, Paz, Octavio
The Aeneid of Virgil by Williams, Robert Deryck
Ovid: Metamorphoses I by Ovid
Caesar: Gallic War VI by Caesar, Julius
Seneca: Select Letters by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Greek Through Reading by Nairn, G. a., Nairn, J. A.
Ovid: Amores I by Ovid
Thucydides: Book I by Thucydides
Homer: Iliad I by Homer
Lucretius: de Rerum Natura I by Lucretius Carus, Titus
Ovid: Metamorphoses XI by Ovid
Ovid: Metamorphoses III by Ovid
Latin Sentence and Idiom by Colebourn, R.
Gorgias: Encomium of Helen by Gorgias
Tales from Herodotus by Herodotus
Linear B: An Introduction by Hooker, J. T.
Apollonius of Tyre: Medieval and Renaissance Themes and Variations by Archibald, Elizabeth
Nunca pensé en un libro etc., etc. by Curis, Antonio
Ncs: Second Part of King Henry VI by Shakespeare, William
The Second Part of King Henry VI by
Fictional Akkadian Autobiography: A Generic & Comparative Study by Longman III, Tremper
Mississippi Writers: Reflections of Childhood and Youth: Volume IV: Drama by
In the Realms of the Unreal: Insane Writings by
American Indian Literature: An Anthology, Revised Edition by
Montaigne by Friedrich, Hugo
The Wonderful Book Of Short Stories Poems & Plays: The Wonderful Book by Pinder, Avery R.
Black Writers in Britain 1760-1890 by
Worlds of Modern Chinese Fiction: Short Stories and Novellas from the People's Republic, Taiwan and Hong Kong by Duke, Michael S.
Profiles in Canadian Literature 8: Volume 8 by
Profiles in Canadian Literature 7: Volume 7 by
Arthurian Poets: Charles Williams by
America and I: Short Stories by American Jewish Women Writers by
Talking Leaves: Contemporary Native American Short Stories by Lesley, Craig
Seven Types of Adventure Tale: An Etiology of a Major Genre by Green, Martin
Lorenzo De' Medici: Selected Poems and Prose by
Modified Rapture: Comedy in W. S. Gilbert's Savoy Operas by Fischler, Alan
Terence: Eunuch, Phormio, the Brothers: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by Barsby, John
Best of the West 4: New Stories from the Wide Side of Missouri by
Richard Wright: Later Works (Loa #56): Black Boy (American Hunger) / The Outsider by Wright, Richard
Classical Japanese Prose: An Anthology by
Fools, Knaves and Heroes: Great Political Short Stories by
Richard Wright: Early Works (Loa #55): Lawd Today! / Uncle Tom's Children / Native Son by Wright, Richard
The Feeling Intellect: Selected Writings by Rieff, Philip
Aeschylus: Persians by Aeschylus
Green Cane and Juicy Flotsam: Short Stories by Caribbean Women by
Norton Book of Friendship by
The Life of Mary as Seen by the Mystics by Brown, Raphael
Great Speeches by Lincoln, Abraham
Livy: Book XXXVI by Walsh, Peter
Cicero: On Stoic Good and Evil: de Finibus Bonorum Et Malorum Liber III and Parodoxa Stoicorum by
Cicero: On Stoic Good and Evil: de Finibus Bonorum Et Malorum Liber III and Parodoxa Stoicorum by
Journal of Emily Shore by
Last Tales by Dinesen, Isak
Modern Arabic Poetry: An Anthology by
Cicero: On Fate: & Boethius: The Consolation of Philosophyiv.5-7 and V by Boethius, Cicero
Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural by
Lord Byron: The Complete Miscellaneous Prose by Byron
Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth Century England, Volume One: Texts by Hunt, Tony
Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth Century England, Volume Three: Indexes by Hunt, Tony