• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 1992

The Moki Snake Dance by Hough, Walter
Philosophy of Natural Magic by Agrippa, Henry Cornelius
Remizov's Fictions, 1900-1921 by Slobin, Greta
Livy: Book XXXVII by Walsh, Peter
Ovid: Metamorphoses Books V-VIII by
Plutarch: Malice of Herodotos by Bowen, A. J.
The Delta Function by Montero, Rosa
Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries by Jennings, Hargrave
Desire and Its Discontents by Goodheart, Eugene
New Stories from the South 1992: The Year's Best by
Essays of Virginia Woolf Vol 3 1919-1924: The Virginia Woolf Library Authorized Edition by Woolf, Virginia
The Poetics of Imitation: Anacreon and the Anacreontic Tradition by Rosenmeyer, Patricia A.
Uddat Al-Jalis of Ibn Bishri: An Anthology of Andalusian Arabic Muwashshat by
Great Law & Order Stories by Mortimer, John Clifford
Greek Orators VI: Apollodorus Against Neaira by Apollodorus
Conversations with Graham Greene by
The Trial and Death of Socrates: Four Dialogues by Plato
Plutarch: Lives of Pompey, Caesar and Cicero: A Companion to the Penguin Translation by Edwards, M. J.
One Hundred Years After Tomorrow: Brazilian Women's Fiction in the Twentieth Century by
Matilde Serao: 'The Conquest of Rome' by
Prize Stories 1992: The O. Henry Awards by Abrahams, William
Poetry and Civil War in Lucan's Bellum Civile by Masters, Jamie
Chinua Achebe by Innes, C. L.
Johann Gottfried Herder: Selected Early Works, 1764-1767: Addresses, Essays, and Drafts; Fragments on Recent German Literature by
Gregorius by
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Brontë, Anne
A Republic of Rivers: Three Centuries of Nature Writing from Alaska and the Yukon by
Studies in the Short Fiction of Mahfouz and Idris by Mikhail, Mona
The Intelligencer by Swift, Jonathan
Sororophobia: Differences Among Women in Literature and Culture by Michie, Helena
Verbal Violence in Contemporary Drama: From Handke to Shepard by Jeanette R., Malkin, Malkin, Jeanette R.
The Essential Margaret Fuller by Margaret Fuller by
The Collected Short Stories by Rhys, Jean
The Year's Best Science Fiction by
The New Treasury of Great Racing Stories by Francis, Dick
A Line Out for a Walk: Familiar Essays by Epstein, Joseph
Under the Influence of Water: Poems, Essays, and Stories by Delp, Michael
The Rainbow Stories by Vollmann, William T.
Walden & Emerson by Thoreau, Henry David
Studies in Medievalism IV: Medievalism in England by
Flash Fiction: 72 Very Short Stories by
African Novels and the Question of Orality by Julien, Eileen M.
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Bicentenary Essays Essays and Studies 1992 by
Law and Anthropology by
Best English Short Stories II by
Interviews with Writers of the Post-Colonial World by
Erotique Noire/Black Erotica by
Epic of Son-Jara: A West African Tradition by Johnson, John William
The Precious Pearl by Al-Jami, 'Abd Al-Rahman
Deconstructing the Nation: Immigration, Racism and Citizenship in Modern France by Silverman, Max
The Life of King Edward Who Rests at Westminster: Attributed to a Monk of Saint-Bertin by
Allegory and Philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sînâ): With a Translation of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad's Ascent to Heaven by Heath, Peter
The Gypsy-Bachelor of Manchester: The Life of Mrs. Gaskell's Demon by Bonaparte, Felicia
Whites by Rush, Norman
Walden and Other Writings by Thoreau, Henry David
The Other Voice by Paz, Octavio
Misplaced Ideas: Essays on Brazilian Culture by Schwarz, Roberto
Best English Short Stories III by
The Capers Papers by Capers, Charlotte
On the Beauty of Women by Firenzuola, Agnolo
Georgia Voices: Volume1: Fiction by
The Portable Curmudgeon by Various
Spoon River Anthology by Masters, Edgar Lee
The Strenuous Life by Roosevelt, Theodore
Author and Printer in Victorian England by Dooley, Allan C.
Dio Chrysostom Orations: 7, 12 and 36 by Dio, Chrysostom, Dio Chrysostom, Dio
Rough Road Home by
A Hammock Beneath the Mangoes: Stories from Latin America by
Sugar and Other Stories by Byatt, A. S.
The Book of Legends/Sefer Ha-Aggadah: Legends from the Talmud and Midrash by Bialik, Hayyim Nahman, Rawnitzky, Y. H.
Medieval English Prose for Women: Selections from the Katherine Group and Ancrene Wisse by
Charlotte Brontë and Defensive Conduct: The Author and the Body at Risk by Gezari, Janet
The Man to Send Rain Clouds: Contemporary Stories by American Indians by
The Statesman: by Sir Henry Taylor Revised Edition by
An Index of Themes and Motifs in Twelfth-Century French Arthurian Poetry by Ruck, E. H.
Western Icelandic Short Stories by
Return Trip Tango and Other Stories from Abroad by
de Gestis Concilii Basiliensis Commentariorum: Libri II by Piccolominus, Aeneas Sylvius
Poetische Werke, Band 1: Phantasiestücke in Callots Manier. Blätter Aus Dem Tagebuche Eines Reisenden Enthusiasten; Hoffman-B, Band 1 by