• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 1996

Themistius: On Aristotle On the Soul by Todd, Robert B.
Africa Now: People, Policies and Institutions by
The Tavern Lamps Are Burning: Literary Journeys Through Six Regions and Four Centuries of New York State by Carmer, Carl
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved by Johnston, Mark D.
The Book of the Lover and the Beloved by Johnston, Mark D.
Livy: Book XL by Walsh, Peter
Livy: Book XL by Walsh, Peter
Critical Perspectives on J. M. Coetzee by
Pindar: Selected Odes by Instone, Stephen
A Legend of the Wars of Montrose by Scott, Walter
Keys to the Garden: New Israeli Writing by
An Apartment Called Freedom by Algosaibi, Ghazi A.
The Star and Other Korean Short Stories by Tennant, Agnita
Four Women Poets by
The Selected Poems of Nikki Giovanni by Giovanni, Nikki
Mondo James Dean: A Collection of Stories and Poems about James Dean by
The Oxford Frederick Douglass Reader by Douglass, Frederick
Love Letters by
Nothing Is Altogether Trivial: An Anthology of Writing from Edinburgh Review by MacDonald, Murdo
The Epic of Askia Mohammed by Hale, Thomas A.
Great Short Stories by American Women by
Coming to Light: Contemporary Translations of the Native Literatures of North America by Swann, Brian
The Great Fires: Poems, 1982-1992 by Gilbert, Jack
Chairman Mao Would Not Be Amused by
An Anthology of Russian Literature from Earliest Writings to Modern Fiction: Introduction to a Culture by Rzhevsky, Nicholas
The Emergence of Quaker Writing: Dissenting Literature in Seventeenth-Century England by
African Francophone Writing: A Critical Introduction by
African Francophone Writing: A Critical Introduction by
Israel: A Traveler's Literary Companion by
Wild Ride: Earthquakes, Sneezes and Other Thrills by Lowe, Bia
Prize Stories 1996: The O. Henry Awards by Abrahams, William
Kerouac: Selected Letters: Volume 1: 1940-1956 by Kerouac, Jack
Romancero Gitano by García Lorca, Federico
Knighton's Chronicle 1337-1396 by Knighton, Henry
More Political Babble: The Dumbest Things Politicians Ever Said by Olive, David
More Political Babble: The Dumbest Things Politicians Ever Said by Olive, David
The Poems of Emily Brontë by Brontë, Emily
Cicero: Letters of January to April 43 BC by
Euripides: Bacchae by
The Oxford Book of English Love Stories by
Reviewing Sex: Gender and the Reception of Victorian Novels by Thompson, N.
Best Short Stories: A Dual-Language Book by Maupassant, Guy De
The Oxford W. E. B. Du Bois Reader by Du Bois, W. E. B.
Law of the New Thought: A Study of Fundamental Principles and Their Application by Atkinson, William Walker
If I Could Write This in Fire by
Herotica 4: A New Collection of Erotic Writing by Women by Various
Nebula Awards 30: Sfwa's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year by
Heliand und Genesis by
Underground River and Other Stories by Arredondo, Ines
20 Under 30 by
Africa Wo/Man Palava: The Nigerian Novel by Women by Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo
Conversations with Anne Rice by Riley, Michael
The Schocken Book of Contemporary Jewish Fiction by Rapoport, Nessa, Solotaroff, Ted
Tradition and Modernity in Arabic Language And Literature by Smart, J. R.
Mother: Mother by O'Keefe, Claudia
The Oedipus Plays of Sophocles: Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone by Sophocle
The Novels and Selected Works of Mary Shelley Vol 7 by Crook, Nora, Clemit, Pamela, Bennett, Betty T.
Uncollected Works: Oscar Acosta by Acosta, Oscar Zeta
The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature by
Philosophical Studies C.1611-C.1619 by Bacon, Francis, Rees, Graham
The Seven Psalms by Hull, Eleanor
'What Happened to You?': Writing by Disabled Women by
A Oewhat Happened to You?⠝ by Keith, Lawrence Ed., Keith, Lois
Jane Eyre by Bronte, Charlotte
New Finnish Fiction by
Four Years with General Lee by Taylor, Walter
The Blue-Eyed Tarokaja: A Donald Keene Anthology by Keene, Donald
Babylonian Wisdom Literature by Lambert, Wilfred G.
Contemporary German Fiction: Hans Bender, Gerhard Köpf, Siegfried Lenz, and Others by
Sudden Fiction (Continued): 60 New Short-Short Stories (Revised) by
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Wollstonecraft, Mary
Reading Fin de Siècle Fictions by Pykett, Lyn
Latin Course for Schools Part 3 by Wilding, L. A.
Epithelial Transport: A Guide to Methods and Experimental Analysis by Lewis, S. a., Wills, N. K., Reuss, L.
The Lioness in Bloom: Modern Thai Fiction about Women Volume 9 by Kepner, Susan Fulop
An Anthology of German Novellas by
War's Other Voices: Women Writers on the Lebanese Civil War by Cooke, Miriam
Testaments Betrayed: Essay in Nine Parts, an by Kundera, Milan
Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll by Carroll, Lewis
Martial XIV: The Apophoreta by
Micro Fiction: An Anthology of Fifty Really Short Stories by
Planning Estuaries by Scheele, Reinier Jan, Van Westen, Cees-Jan
The Regulation of Cellular Systems by Schuster, Stefan, Heinrich, Reinhart
Euripides: Heracles by
Cynewulf`s Elene by
The Emergency Room: Lives Saved and Lost - Doctors Tell Their Stories by
Best American Gay Fiction by Bouldrey, Brian
The Examinations of Anne Askew by Askew, Anne
A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, William
The First Quarto of King Richard III by Shakespeare, William
Creating Literature Out of Life: The Making of Four Masterpieces by Alexander, Doris
The Story of My Life by Keller, Helen
Alexis: The Fragments by Alexis, Arnott, W. Geoffrey
Contemporary Latin American Short Stories by McNees, Pat
Weird Water and Fuzzy Logic by Gardner, Martin
Paul Metcalf: Collected Works, Volume I: 1956-1976 by Metcalf, Paul
Vietnam: A Traveler's Literary Companion by
Bloody York by Skene-Melvin, David
More Florida Stories by
Produced Water 2: Environmental Issues and Mitigation Technologies by
Cereal Grain Quality by
Biology of the Insect Midgut by
The Place Within: Portraits of the American Landscape by 20 Contemporary Writers by Daynard, Jodi
Los Siete Libros de la Diana by Arribas, Julián, Montemayor, Jorge de
The Wrath of Athena: Gods and Men in The Odyssey by Clay, Jenny Strauss
Restless Spirits: Ghost Stories by American Women, 1872-1926 by
Voces Femeninas de Hispanoamerica by
Statistical Methods for Plant Variety Evaluation by
Aristotle: On Sleep and Dreams by Aristotle
The Bible According to Mark Twain by McCullough, Joseph B.
A Commentary on Thucydides: Volume II: Books IV-V. 24 by Hornblower, Simon