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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 2004

The Urban Bizarre by
Strange Tales #8 (vol. 4, no. 1) by
Monkey Time by Nikolayev, Philip
The Urban Bizarre by
D.H. Lawrence, Travel and Cultural Difference by Roberts, N.
Storied Crossings by Jones, Tessa, Reynolds, Frank, Appell, Elizabeth Benton
Given by Greenberg, Arielle
Oral Literature of the Luo by Miruka, Okumba
Classifying the Zbuangzi Chapters by Liu, Xiaogan
John Bunyan by Spargo, Tamsin
The Yellow Hotel by Wald, Diane
How Small Brides Survive in Extreme Cold by Shavel, Steve
Satellite by Rohrer, Matthew
Something I Expected to Be Different by Beckman, Joshua
Hat on a Pond by Wier, Dara
A Beaker: New and Selected Poems by Knox, Caroline
Winter Sex by Lederer, Katy
Anti-Semitism and British Gothic Literature by Davison, C.
Oubliette by Richards, Peter
Terrain Vague by Meier, Richard
American Rebels by
Brown Sugar 3: When Opposites Attract by
The Complete Plays by Marlowe, Christopher
Sifting Through the Madness for the Word, the Line, the Way: New Poems by Bukowski, Charles
An Age Like This, 1920-1940 by Orwell, George
Dream Your Dreams by Park, Jennifer K.
Martial's Epigrams Book Two by Martial, Martial Williams, Craig A.
Coleridge's Notebooks: A Selection by
Nine Greek Dramas by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes: Part 8 Harvard Classics by Aeschylus
The Prince; Utopia; Ninety-Five Theses: Address to the German Nobility Concerning Christian Liberty: Part 36 Harvard Classics by Machiavelli
Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Part 20 Harvard Classics by Alighieri, Dante
Faust; Egmont; Hermann and Dorothea: Part 19 Harvard Classics by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
History of Christian Names by Yonge, Charlotte M.
Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages by Woodhouse, F. C.
History of the Devil and the Idea of Evil by Carus, Paul
Hermippus Redivivus Or The Sage's Triumph Over Old Age and the Grave by
Electional Astrology by Robson, Vivian E.
Essays English and American: Part 28 Harvard Classics by
Caesar's War Commentaries by Caesar, Gaius Julius
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom by White, Andrew Dickson
The Gael and Cymbri or an Inquiry into the Origin and History of the Irish Scoti, Britons, and Gauls by Betham, William
Of Anagrams: A Monograph Treating of Their History From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time by Wheatley, H. B.
A Short History of The English People Part 2 by Green, John Richard
Dorothy Wordsworth The Story of a Sister's Love by Lee, Edmund
A Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees of Iona by Jamieson, John
Thomas B. Reed: American Statesmen Series by McCall, Samuel W.
Lectures on the Harvard Classics by
Essays and English Traits: Part 5 Harvard Classics by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Birds of Shakespeare by Geikie, Archibald
Egyptian Scriptures Interpreted through the Language of Symbolism Present in all Inspired Writings by Gaskell, G. a.
French and English Philosophers: Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hobbes: Part 34 Harvard Classics by Descartes
Continental Drama: Calderon, Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Lessing, Schiller: Part 26 Harvard Classics by Moliere, Jean Baptiste
Poseidon: A Link Between Semite, Hamite, and Aryan by Brown, Robert
The Zodia or The Cherubim in the Bible and The Cherubim in the Sky by Smith, E. M.
Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft Part 1 by Lea, Henry C.
Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft Part 3 by Lea, Henry C.
Gitanjali: Song Offerings by Tagore, Rabindranath
Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft Part 2 by Lea, Henry C.
The Prince; Utopia; Ninety-Five Theses: Address to the German Nobility Concerning Christian Liberty: Part 36 Harvard Classics by Machiavelli
English Essays From Sir Philip Sidney to Macaulay: Part 27 Harvard Classics by
A Short History of The English People Part 1 by Green, John Richard
The Odyssey of Homer: Part 22 Harvard Classics by Homer
English Philosophers of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Locke, Berkeley, Hume: Part 37 Harvard Classics by Locke, John
Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books: Part 39 Harvard Classics by
Gitanjali: Song Offerings by Tagore, Rabindranath
Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian: Part 32 Harvard Classics by Montaigne
Essays, Civil and Moral; New Atlantis; Areopagitica; Tractate on Education; Religio Medici: Part 3 Harvard Classics by Bacon, Francis
English Essays From Sir Philip Sidney to Macaulay: Part 27 Harvard Classics by
Edmund Burke: Part 24 Harvard Classics by Burke, Edmund
Power Of Ideals In American History by Adams, Ephraim Douglass
Personality by Tagore, Rabindranath
Lectures on the Harvard Classics by
Essays and English Traits: Part 5 Harvard Classics by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Essays English and American: Part 28 Harvard Classics by
John Stuart Mill and Thomas Carlyle: Part 25 Harvard Classics by Mill, John Stuart
Makers of Civilization in Race and History by Waddell, L. Austine
John Stuart Mill and Thomas Carlyle: Part 25 Harvard Classics by Mill, John Stuart
Homer: The Iliad by Silk, Michael, Silk, M. S.
Minute Movies by Snyder, Byron
Granta 84 by
Gas Lamps and Cobblestones by Middleton, Andrew
Women's Writing by Zilboorg, Caroline
The Age of Chaucer by Allen, Valerie
My Sherlock Holmes: Untold Stories of the Great Detective by
Outsiders Looking in: The Rossettis Then and Now by
Outsiders Looking in: The Rossettis Then and Now by
The Miracles of Saint ÆBbe of Coldingham and Saint Margaret of Scotland by
Lucretius on Creation and Evolution: A Commentary on de Rerum Natura, Book Five, Lines 772-1104 by Campbell, Gordon
Narrators and Focalizers: The Presentation of the Story in the Iliad by Jong, Irene De
Sophocles: Plays: Philoctetes by Sophocles
Finding Myself in Thee: Short Stories & Poetry by Kennedy-Steen, Jacqueline Faye
An Anthology of Interracial Literature: Black-White Contacts in the Old World and the New by
An Anthology of Interracial Literature: Black-White Contacts in the Old World and the New by
Writing Still - New stories from Zimbabwe by
Fire and Other Images by Sen, Paritosh
Selected Letters of Libanius: From the Age of Constantius and Julian by
Mending the World: Stories of Family by Contemporary Black Writers by
Scottish Girls about Town: And Sixteen Other Scottish Women Authors by Gray, Muriel, Colgan, Jenny, Dewar, Isla
Darkest Secrets- Book I by Milord, Catherine
Essays, Speeches & Public Letters by Faulkner, William
The Collected Essays of A. K. Ramanujan by Ramanujan, A. K.
Henry VI, Part One by Shakespeare, William
relic of a heart by Ho, Wayne W.
Always the Bridesmaid by Webb, Sarah
Ebony Rising: Short Fiction of the Greater Harlem Renaissance Era by Gable, Craig
Magical Realism in West African Fiction: Seeing with a Third Eye by Cooper, Brenda
The Silvae of Statius by
Interviews with John Kenneth Galbraith by
Charlie Chan Is Dead 2: At Home in the World: An Anthology of Contemporary Asian American Fiction by
The Communignostica by Coppedge, Christopher
The Communignostica by Coppedge, Christopher
My Experiences at Nan Shan and Port Arthur by Lieut -Gen N. a. Tretyakov, Tretyakov, N. a.
Battle and Battle Description in Homer: A Contribution to the History of War by Albracht, Franz
Telling Tragedy: Narrative Technique in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides by Goward, Barbara
Plato by Rowe, C. J.
Sophocles: Plays: Trachiniae by Sophocles
Sophocles: Plays: Oedipus Tyrannus by Sophocles
Sophocles: Plays: Antigone by Sophocles
Ordinary Enchantments: Peer Programs for People with Mental Illness by Faris, Wendy B.
Verse in English from Tudor and Stuart Ireland by
Black Words White Page: Aboriginal Literature 1929-1988 by Shoemaker, Adam
Death in the Age of Steam by Bradshaw, Mel
The Blueline Anthology by
Childhood by Leo Tolstoy, Literary Collections, Biography & Autobiography by Tolstoy, Leo
Carl Sandburg Collection of Works: Smoke and Steel, Slabs of the Sunburnt West, and Good Morning, America by Sandburg, Carl
Reading Seattle: The City in Prose by Donahue, Peter, Trombold, John
Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century by
Freedom of the Mind In History by Taylor, Henry Osborn
A Book of Folklore by Baring-Gould, S.
The Sketch Book by Irving, Washington
The Crayon Papers; Wolfert's Roost and Miscellanies by Crayon, Geoffrey Gent, Irving, Washington
Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey; Spanish Voyages of Discovery by Irving, Washington
Salmagundi and Tour of the Prairies by Irving, Washington
The Drama its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization by
My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard by Cooper, Elizabeth
The Kathakoca or a Treasury of Stories by
Poems of the Rod and Gun: Sports by Flood and Field by McLellan, Isaac
History of Friedrich the Second Called Frederick the Great: The Works of Thomas Carlyle by Carlyle, Thomas
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches with Elucidations; The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works: The Works of Thoma by Carlyle, Thomas
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches with Elucidations: The Works of Thomas Carlyle Part Two by Carlyle, Thomas
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches with Elucidations: The Works of Thomas Carlyle Part Three by Carlyle, Thomas
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays: The Works of Thomas Carlyle Part One by Carlyle, Thomas
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays: The Works of Thomas Carlyle Part Two by Carlyle, Thomas
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays: The Works of Thomas Carlyle Part Three by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Dancing from the Earliest Ages to Our Own Times by Vuillier, Gaston
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, Part Two by White, Andrew Dickson
Victorian Demons: Medicine, Masculinity, and the Gothic at the Fin-De-Siècle by Smith, Andrew
The White Wall by Landriscina, Joe
The Me Nobody Knows: Children's Voices from the Ghetto by Joseph, Stephen M.
The Subjection of Women by Mill, John Stuart
Eastern Tales by Many Story Tellers Compiled and Edited from Ancient and Modern Authors by
Manual of Mythology: Greek and Roman, Norse and Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian Mythology by Murray, Alexander S.
The Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations: A Comparative Research Based on a Study of the Ancient Mexican Religious, Sociological by Nuttall, Zelia
'' 'Tis..." by Griffin, Alto, Jr.
The Postcolonial Jane Austen by
Poetic Gems and Short Stories by Woo, X. L.
The Trial of the Catonsville Nine by Berrigan, Daniel
The New Lovecraft Circle: Stories by
New and Selected Poems 1974-2004 by Dennis, Carl
The Opening Question by Sharma, Prageeta
Desilicious: Sexy. Subversive. South Asian by
The Novel and the Rural Imaginary in Egypt, 1880-1985 by Selim, Samah
The to Sound by Baus, Eric
When Flesh Becomes Word: An Anthology of Early Eighteenth-Century Libertine Literature by
The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers, Volume One: 17th Through 19th Centuries by
Tantric Treasures: Three Collections of Mystical Verse from Buddhist India by
Macular Hole by Wagner, Catherine
Your Time Has Come by Beckman, Joshua
Reading Africa Into American Literature: Epics, Fables, and Gothic Tales by Cartwright, Keith
Back to Basics by
Abriß der vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft by Achelis, Thomas
Edward Boehmer: Spanish Reformers of Two Centuries from 1520. Volume 3 by Boehmer, Edward
Shakespeare's Books: A Dissertation on Shakespeare's Reading and the Immediate Sources of His Works by Anders, Henry R. D.
The History of the Popes from the Foundations of the See of Rome to the Present Time Part Two by Bower, Archibald
Studies in the Arthurian Legend by Rhys, John
A History of the Precious Metals from the Earliest Times to the Present by Del Mar, Alexander
A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages Part One by Lea, Henry C.
A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages Part Two by Lea, Henry C.
The Races of the Old Testament by Sayce, A. H.
The History of the Religious Movement of the Eighteenth Century Called Methodism Part One by Stevens, Abel
The Art of Projecting: A Manual of Experimentation in Physics, Chemistry and Natural History with the Porte Lumiere and Magic Lantern by Dolbear, A. E.
Color Music the Art of Mobile Color by Rimington, A. Wallace
A Historical Memoir of Fra Dolcino and His Times by Mariotti, L.
West Irish Folk Tales and Romances by
Tristram of Lyonesse by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
On the Study of Character Including An Estimate of Phrenology by Bain, Alexander
The Afghan Wars by Forbes, Archibald
The History of the Popes from the Foundations of the See of Rome to the Present Time Part One by Bower, Archibald
The West Indies and the Spanish Main by Trollope, Anthony
Tristram of Lyonesse by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
West Irish Folk Tales and Romances by
The Knights of Aristophanes by Aristophanes
Ghost Girl by Gerstler, Amy
Three Alliterative Saints' Hymns: Late Middle English Stanzaic Poems by
Nagelprobe 21 by
Granta 85 by
How We Think by Dewey, John
Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue and Arms by Smith, Adam
A Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the British Museum by Smith, A. H.
Mark Twain and The Happy Island by Wallace, Elizabeth
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