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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Fiction Anthologies in 2019

Textsorbet - Volume 1: Die Dichterwettstreit deluxe Anthologie by Stroh, Philipp, Raatz, Elias
Selected Short Stories - 19th Century: 1801-1900 by
Kamayani by Prasad, Jaishankar
Nayanon Ki Veethika by Jaiswal, R. K.
Atomic Fluorescence by Humphries, Matt
Caveman Potluck: Collected Wit and Wisdom Vol II by Brady, Will, Cross, Dave
Walking in Love: Wedding Vows for that Special Day: (Caminando en el amor: votos de boda para ese día especial) by McCrea, Terri L.
Appalachian Heritage - Winter 2019: Volume 47, Issue 1 by
Свистулькин . Гуттаперче by Григоров&#10, Grigorovich, Dmitry
Studies in Classic American Literature by Lawrence, D. H.
Purgings: Revised and Updated by Caldwell, Georgia a.
Formal Poetry Resurrected 2018: Volume IX by Toscano II, F.
Angelus: O Sacrifício by Castelo Branco, Fabiana
La Source Et Origine Des Cons Sauvages, Et La Maniere de Les Aprivoiser, Et Le Moyen de Prédire: Toutes Choses a Advenir Par Iceux. Cruelle Bataille d by Collectif
Alceste Ou Le Triomphe d'Alcide, Tragedie. Saint Germain En Laye, 1678 by Quinault, Philippe
Manuel Historique de Politique Étrangère. 2e Édition by Bourgeois, Émile
Histoire de la Censure Théâtrale En France by Hallays-Dabot, Victor
Arrests de la Cour Prononcez En Robbes Rouges: Depuis Le Parlement Commençant À La Sainct Martin 1580 Jusques À Noël 1621 by de Montholon, Jacques
Petali Di Sabbia: Aforismi by Santagati, Orazio Horace's
La curée by Zola, Émile, Jeanniot, Pierre-Georges
Quest for Enlightenment and Stuff by Watson, Willie
Traité Général de Photographie Comprenant Tous Les Procédés Connus Jusqu'à CE Jour: Suivi de la Théorie de la Photographie Et de Son Application Aux S by Van Monckhoven, Désiré
Le Pessimiste Ou l'Homme Mécontent de Tout, Comédie En Un Acte Et En Vers by Pigault-Lebrun
de l'Importance Des Opinions Religieuses by Necker, Jacques
The Master Plan by Williams, Andrea, And Company, Glow Girl Publication
Eugène Delacroix by Mauclair, Camille
Notice Historique Sur MM. Burnouf Père Et Fils: Rapport de la Commission Des Antiquités de la France Sur Les Ouvrages Envoyés Au Concours En 1854 by Naudet, Joseph, Guigniaut, Joseph-Daniel, Berger de Xivrey, Jules
Pasión Y Muerte del Cura Deusto: Augusto d'Halmar by Balderston, Daniel
My Name Was Never Frankenstein: And Other Classic Adventure Tales Remixed by Furuness, Bryan
Starving Writers Literary Journal - January 2019: Volume 1 by
Driftwood Press 6.1 by
Metaphorosis January 2019 by Magazine, Metaphorosis
The Aeneid by Vergil, Ovid
Best Poetry by
Spider Woman: A Story of Navajo Weavers and Chanters by Reichard, Gladys a.
Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution: Volume I by
My Name Was Never Frankenstein: And Other Classic Adventure Tales Remixed by Furuness, Bryan
Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution: Volume I by
Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution: Volume II by
Becoming America: An Exploration of American Literature from Precolonial to Post-Revolution: Volume II by
Imitations of Love Poems by Pickering, Dustin, Williams, Dory
Conversations with Jim Harrison by
O Homem da Cidade: Mais perto do Céu! by Arantes, Quito
Vita in B minore by Lalla, Michele
Sometimes I'm Suzanne: Blackwood Writer's Group by Massin Mr, Kain
Filmerzählungen II by Kaiser -. Kastaven, Karl Heinz
Roads, Mobility, and Violence in Indigenous Literature and Art from North America by Rymhs, Deena
Vientos Nuevos: Poesía Feminista Y Espiritual by Pitarch, Pilar Belles
Kitni Maayen Hain Meri by Painuly, Archana
Thoughts of a Broken Soul: Vol. II by Brown, Shont'a
Francisco Xavier de Meneses IV Conde da Ericeira: O raiar das "luzes" entre fastos barrocos by Urbano, Carlota Miranda, Monteiro, Ofélia Paiva
The Bare Bones of Me by Queen, Lion
2018 Collection: If I Had A Million Dollars: It's All Been Written by Stark, Samantha, Wetzel, Jerome, Sternberger, Erik
Is Elvis Still Alive? by Kent, Richard
Tales of Texas: Short Stories, Volume 1 by Writers House, Houston, House, Houston Writers
Les Fleurs Du Mal by Charles Baudelaire: A New Translation by Eric Gans by Baudelaire, Charles
Resquicios: Poesia by Soto Alvarez, Adela
Thistle Diaries: Flur na h-Alba by McGilvray, Ronald Charles
Filthy Minds Love Alike by Blades, Ottis
The Sci-Fi Dreams of a Little Girl: A Chapbook by Wickersham-McWhorter, Sandy
Un pèlerin d'Angkor by Loti, Pierre
Sonetti lussuriosi by Aretino, Pietro
The Twelfth Night: A Scandinavian Dark Advent novel set in Greenland by Petersen, Christoffer
Thoughts of an Old Soldier by Linebarger, R. Lee
BPY-01 Indian Philosophy: Part-I by Panel, Gullybaba Com
How Wide the Meadow: Poems by Phillips, Louis
Nirvanas Y Demonios by Luna, Deborah
Sometimes I'm Suzanne by Massin, Edited by Kain
Great Convict Stories: Dramatic and Moving Tales from Australia's Brutal Early Years by Seal, Graham
Ripples From A Darkling Pool by Shea, William Anthony
La Memoria Perdida: Libro Recopilatorio by Sánchez, Harold
Moon-Lit by Johnson, A. Mizilla
Purple Horizons: A Collection of Poems by Ubani, Oluwatomi
Mixtape: A Love Song Anthology by Sloane, Nikki, Simone, Sierra, Kennedy, Elle
The Wax Persona: by Yury Tynyanov. Translated by Colin Bearne by Bearne, Colin
Seven Deadly Sins: A YA Anthology (Lust) (Volume 7) by Stephens, K. T.
Escape from Taiwan: Legacy of Oppression by Hwang, Chiufang
Desiderato by Vinícius, Paulo
Gyroscope Review Issue 19-1 Winter 2019: Fine Poetry to Turn Your World Around by Gyroscope Review, Editors at
Break Free: A Poetry Compilation of a Broken Heritage Restored by Peoples, Doris, Peoples Jr, Leroy
A Glimpse: Poetry & Short Stories by Weber, Christine
Lines Against Vicissitudes: 100 Sonnets by Smith, Peter M.
Voz Interior: Poesía by Soto Alvarez, Adela
Stories Outside the Lines by Terry, Dana, Coppola, Adam, Greco, Cathy
Sonette: In der Übersetzung von Sophie Brands - Zwei Geschichten in Versen by Shakespeare, William
In the Stillness of Marble by Wilms Montt, Teresa
A Stab in the Dark by Bernal, Facundo
Amsterdam Noir by Pachter, Josh
Sydney Noir by Dale, John
Crossroads: An Anthology of Short Stories by
C. S. Lewis's Lost Aeneid: Arms and the Exile by Lewis, C. S.
Inmortal: Libro de Poemas by Ledesma, Jesica
Dance, Amputee by Turbeville, Brandon
Medicine for Stubbornness and The Return of Tradition by Idegu, Shadrach Ojonugwa
Beyond Positive Thinking: Putting Your Thoughts Into Action by Fox, Arnold
The Gyrlfriend Code: Volume 1 by Fontan, Cynthia a., Carnakie-Baker, Maureen, Blades, Marquita S.
The Gyrlfriend Code Journal by Fontan, Cynthia a., Blades, Marquita S., Carnakie-Baker, Maureen
Prophetic Translation: The Making of Modern Egyptian Literature by Kesrouany, Maya I.
Notes Of A Lost Angel: Scratching The Surface Poetry Edition by Jackson, Alishanickole
Terence: Andria by Goldberg, Sander M.
"L'aldil^  un soppalco" - uno sguardo teologico - e non solo - sull'opera di Paolo Sorrentino fino a "The young Pope" by Tenaglia, Alessandro
Big Hammer 20 by Roskos, Dave
Over Coffee 2018: The Northside Writers Anthology by May, Deborah, Beahan, Larry, Lee, Helene Rose
A Scribe's Sentiments by Spades, Queen Of
Alessia: Mi hijo es una mujer trans by Alegria, Cecilia
Aristophanes: Peace by Storey, Ian C.
Plautus: Casina by Christenson, David
The Selected Works of Yussef El Guindi: Back of the Throat / Our Enemies: Lively Scenes of Love and Combat / Language Rooms / Pilgrims Musa and Sheri by Guindi, Yussef El
Aristophanes: Peace by Storey, Ian C.
Two X Chromosomes with an Extra Shot of Melanin by Kalima, Dara
Un Amore Primaverile: Inediti Di Luigi Pirandello E Jenny by Faustini, Giuseppe
BESE-131 Open And Distance Education by Panel, Gullybaba Com
Almost Three Dozen Poems for All Hearts, Minds, and Imaginations by Byrd, Austin P.
Three Fortunes by Nicoli, Tesia
The Education of Children: From the standpoint of Theosophy by Steiner, Rudolf
The Literary Connection Volume IV: an anthology of poems and stories by
A Flash of Words: 49 Flash Fiction Stories by Paone, Brian
Death of the Guitar: Dave Bricker: Collected Stories, Poems, and Sketches by Bricker, Dave
Tales of Texas: Short Stories Volume 3 by House, Houston Writers
De viaje por el mundo by Abrego, J. D.
The Glass Palace: Tales: The Glass Palace - A Love Tale The Death of the Giants - Sheep Tale by Cakmakkaya, Ilker, Ali, Sabahattin
Song Of The Sea: poetry by Lagreca, Jody R.
Extrapolatopia by Goodrich, William
Luzzara.: Un paese, una metafora by Gasthaus, Collettivo
Nanoracconti - I cinque sensi: Storie da 250 battute, spazi inclusi - AA.VV. by Indomita, Opera, Damiano, Pietro
The Cabin in the Woods: Collected Poems For Various Occasions, III by Duerksen, Paul
Silverback and Friends presents Tales from the City of JARC by Silverback
Twisted: A Collection of Stories by Olson, Matthew J.
Alinea by Mars, Betsy
Rainbow: Colours of Feelings by Mukherjee, Arundhati
The Filipino American Journey by Elizes Pub, Tatay Jobo, Ziman, Josie Moralidad
Pop the Clutch: Thrilling Tales of Rockabilly, Monsters, and Hot Rod Horror by Guignard, Eric J.
Pop the Clutch: Thrilling Tales of Rockabilly, Monsters, and Hot Rod Horror by Guignard, Eric J.
Pope Innocent III and His Times by Campbell, Phillip, Clayton, Joseph
The Best American Crime Reporting by Toobin, Jeffrey, Penzler, Otto, Cook, Thomas H.
The Oxford Handbook of Demosthenes by
Cthulhu: Land of the Long White Cloud: by
Jesus Christ Heals by Fillmore, Charles
Christ's Object Lessons by White, Ellen G.
Christ's Object Lessons by White, Ellen G.
Woman's Body, Woman's Word: Gender and Discourse in Arabo-Islamic Writing by Malti-Douglas, Fedwa
Woman's Body, Woman's Word: Gender and Discourse in Arabo-Islamic Writing by Malti-Douglas, Fedwa
Baffling Gravity by Sant, Andrew
La Putrefacción del Alma by Nater, Miguel Angel, Osuna, Miguel
Poems and Stories: That I Had Written in Standard Creative Writing My Senior Year of High School by Bower, Trevor
Wish Machine: Storybook by Rock, Serge
Jesus Christ Heals by Fillmore, Charles
The Art Collector of Le Marais by Ardalan, Ahmad
Incurable: The Haunted Writings of Lionel Johnson, the Decadent Era's Dark Angel by Johnson, Lionel P.
Redemption Ground: Essays and Adventures by Goodison, Lorna
The Spirit World by Larkin, Clarence
The Spirit World by Larkin, Clarence
BEGAE-182 English Communication Skills by Panel, Gullybaba Com
Harpo Speaks! by Marx, Harpo, Barber, Rowland
The Conquest of Happiness by Russell, Bertrand
Riders of the Purple Sage by Grey, Zane
No Time to Spare: Thinking about What Matters by Le Guin, Ursula K.
An Ancient Tale New Told - Volume 2: The Stories of Shakespeare - Histories by Missall, John
A Politics of the Id: From Social Illusion to Symbolic Reality by Holl, Jeffrey B.
Moody Gardens: A Collection of Travel Poems (full color edition) by Zenker, Susan Lynn
Poèmes et Contes: Deuxième Tome des Îles d'Or by Mistral, Frédéric
Roberto & Alejandro: A true love story... All started in Internet by Jarquin, Vinicio
Fetichism: A contribution to anthropology and the history of religion by Schultze, Fritz
The History of My Writing by Borgford, Brian
The Deep Night Sky: Story Book of Unobangal by Amin, Shamim Al
Rhyming Job by Chalm, T. H.
The religion of a literary man by Le Gallienne, Richard
Voices: A Collection of Poems by Merrill Guillory by Guillory, Merrill
The Grotesque by Thomson, Philip
The greater diseases of the liver: Jaundice, gall-stones, enlargements, tumours, and cancer: And their treatment by Burnett, James Compton
Our New Alaska by Hallock, Charles
Timée by Platon
The analogy of religion,: Natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature by Butler, Joseph
The Confirming Worke of Religion: In its Necessity and Use Briefly Held Forth by Fleming, Robert
Three stories and ten poems by Hemingway, Ernest
American grape growing and wine making by Husmann, George
All for Christ: A sketch of the life and labors of the Rev. Charles H. Payson by Payson, George Shipman
The earthly footprints of our risen Lord illumined: A continuous narrative of the four Gospels according to the Revised version by MacKay, George D.
Inquiry Into Currency Prin Lse by Tooke, Thomas
Inscribed Identities: Life Writing as Self-Realization by
Views in the White Mountains by Sweetser, Moses Foster
Moody Gardens: A Collection of Travel Poems (black and white edition) by Zenker, Susan Lynn
Longevity and climate: Relations of climatic conditions to longevity, history, and religion: relations of climate to national and personal ha by Remondino, Peter Charles
List of books received by the American antiquarian society from the sale of the first part of the Brinley library by Paine, Nathaniel, Brinley, George
Cards;: Their significance and proper uses, as governed by the usages of New York society by Longstreet, Abby Buchanan
The Short Story by Reid, Ian
A sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: At their anniversary meeting in the parish churc by Ewer, John
A harmony of the four gospels in English: According to the common version by Robinson, Edward
Written Under the Skin: Blood and Intergenerational Memory in South Africa by Coetzee, Carli
Jokes Review: Winter 2018-19 by Clarke, Peter
The Rabbit Dies First by Singh, Nidhi, Kane, Sera
Grit and Grace: A Women Writing Anthology by Easterday, Shanda Blue
Grit and Grace: A Women Writing Anthology by Easterday, Shanda Blue
Adelaide: Independent Monthly Literary Magazine, No.20, January 2019 by Nikolic, Stevan V.
Expressive Beauty: Creativity in its purest form becomes by Wallace, Kamilah
Delírios Da Mente: Poesias de Uma Vida! by Campos Da Silva Junior, Felicio Pantoja
The Medieval Romance of Alexander: The Deeds and Conquests of Alexander the Great by Wauquelin, Jehan
Prescription of Civilization by Kim, Wansoo
Chaotic Enjoyment by M, J. Michelle
The Ink Romance Series: The Entire Series by Taylor, Bridget
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