• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film & Video Art in 2012

Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance by
White Gypsies: Race and Stardom in Spanish Musicals by Woods Peiró, Eva
World Cinema and the Visual Arts by
Film, Mobility and Urban Space: A Cinematic Geography of Liverpool by Roberts, Les
The Meaning of Life in Movies by Lister, Michael
World Cinema, Theology, and the Human: Humanity in Deep Focus by Sison, Antonio
Indie Film Production & Publicity: A Complete Guide To Success by Ewen, David K.
Slater Bradley & Ed Lachman: Look Up and Stay in Touch by
The Meaning of Life in Movies by Lister, Michael
Film and Risk by
A Practical Manual Of Screen Playwriting For Theater And Television Films by Herman, Lewis Helmar
The (Moving) Pictures Generation: The Cinematic Impulse in Downtown New York Art and Film by Dika, V.
The (Moving) Pictures Generation: The Cinematic Impulse in Downtown New York Art and Film by Dika, V.
Where the Movies Played in Downtown Pittsburg(h) by Kastner, James W.
Where the Movies Played in Downtown Pittsburg(h) by Kastner, James W.
The Magic of Motion Pictures by Gelman, Yulia
Cinephilia: assorted film criticism, 2009-2010 by Kerstein, Benjamin
Transition Cinema: Political Filmmaking and the Argentine Left since 1968 by Stites Mor, Jessica
Contemporary Black American Cinema: Race, Gender and Sexuality at the Movies by
Truth and Fiction: Notes on (Exceptional) Faith in Art by Martin, Adrian, Manchevski, Milcho
Stardom and the Aesthetics of Neorealism: Ingrid Bergman in Rossellini's Italy by Gelley, Ora
Jack Rosenthal by Vice, Sue
The After Life by Peterson, A, V.
American Popcorn: Hollywood and the War on Common Sense by Willis, Dennis
Theorizing Film Acting by
Trash or Treasure: Censorship and the Changing Meanings of the Video Nasties by Egan, Kate
Between the Frames: The Forum (1983-93) by Benichou, Anne, Baenichou, Anne, Muntadas, Antoni
Lukácsian Film Theory and Cinema: A Study of Georg Lukács' Writing on Film 1913-1971 by Aitken, Ian
Hidden Ways of Filmmaking: An introduction to cultural environment, aesthetic sensation, and media production methods. by Gutenko, Gregory
Pictorial Continuity: How to Shoot a Movie Story by Englander, David A., Gaskill, Arthur L.
Twistern: 50 Twisted Western Movie Reviews by Knight, Kelly
Screenplay Form and Structure: Excerpts from Private Workshop Discussions led by industry pros in Hollywood, Seattle, London, and Canada by
Cinema and Inter-American Relations: Tracking Transnational Affect by Pérez Melgosa, Adrián
Theory Of Film: The Redemption Of Physical Reality by Kracauer, Siegfried
Oliver Husain: Spoiler Alert by
The Basque Nation On-Screen: Cinema, Nationalism, and Political Violence by Pablo, Santiago de
The Basque Nation On-Screen: Cinema, Nationalism, and Political Violence by Pablo, Santiago de
Echo: everybody wants to be loved by Jemi Alade, Tunji, III
European Civil War Films: Memory, Conflict, and Nostalgia by Kosmidou, Eleftheria Rania
Ecocinema Theory and Practice by
Ecocinema Theory and Practice by
Pilvi Takala by
Simon Denny: Full Participation by
You Killed Me First: The Cinema of Transgression by
Anna Jermolaewa: Step Aside by
Quay Brothers: On Deciphering the Pharmacist's Prescription for Lip-Reading Puppets by
Zbigniew Rybczyski & Gábor Body: State of Images: Media Pioneers by
Resonance and Silence: Goetz Collection in the Haus Der Kunst by
Daria Martin: Sensorium Tests by
Alien: The Illustrated Story by Goodwin, Archie
The Beauty Is Relentless: The Short Movies of Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby by Vey Duke, Emily, Battersby, Cooper
Sint: Het Originele Script by Maas, Dick
The Simpsons, Satire, and American Culture by Henry, M.
The Simpsons, Satire, and American Culture by Henry, M.
Marian Ilmestys: The Annunciation by Bal, Mieke
Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium: Sites, Sounds, and Screens by
Algerian National Cinema CB by Austin, Guy
101 tips for the on set extra: A roadmap for the background artist by Arindaeng, Jamie
Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance by
Slavica Perkovic: Vertigo by
Appetites and Anxieties: Food, Film, and the Politics of Representation by Bernard, Mark, Baron, Cynthia, Carson, Diane
Films Remastered Posters by Adrian, Iacob
The Politics of Age and Disability in Contemporary Spanish Film: Plus Ultra Pluralism by Marr, Matthew J.
Locating Science Fiction by Milner, Andrew
Marc Scialom. Impasse du cinema: Esilio, memoria, utopia / Exil, memoire, utopie by Lazic, Mila
Le ombre cantano e parlano: Il passaggio dal muto al sonoro nel cinema italiano attraverso i periodici d?epoca (1927-1932) by Carpiceci, Stefania
El eco de un susurro 1/2 silencioso: Películas en cuentos por sus protagonistas by Valencia, Juan Sebastian
Aziz + Cucher: Some People by
The War That Won't Die: The Spanish Civil War in Cinema by Archibald, David
John Cohen: The High and Lonesome Sound by
装点《红楼梦》 Decorate A Dream In Red Mansions by Yang Shuyun
From Light to Byte: Toward an Ethics of Digital Cinema by Hadjioannou, Markos
Baby Bongo by Hygaard, Ruscita, Hygaard, K. L.
Love Lost in a Boat: A Director's Script by Angelo, Michael
Bugsy and the Little Man: a screenplay by Kerstein, Benjamin
A Philosophy of the Screenplay by Nannicelli, Ted
Basic Instinct by Simkin, Stevie
Resolutions 3: Global Networks of Video by
Digital Memory and the Archive: Volume 39 by Ernst, Wolfgang
Il mio Zavattini: Incontri percorsi sopralluoghi by Pellizzari, Lorenzo
South Africa's Renegade Reels: The Making and Public Lives of Black-Centered Films by Modisane, L.
South Africa's Renegade Reels: The Making and Public Lives of Black-Centered Films by Modisane, L.