• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film & Video Art in 2020

Therapeutic Aesthetics: Performative Encounters in Moving Image Artworks by Walsh, Maria
Indiscreet Fantasies: Iberian Queer Cinema by
Neorrealismo Y Cine En Cuba: Historia Y Discurso En Torno a la Primera Polémica de la Revolución, 1951-1962 by Valecce, Anastasia
Rambling Prose: Essays by Kellman, Steven G.
Disney the Disney Princess: A Celebration of Art and Creativity by Solomon, Charles
New Approaches to Contemporary Adaptation by
Scenes Issue 2: The Classic and Cult Movie Publication by Wade, Chris
New Approaches to Contemporary Adaptation by
The Sacred Cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky by Robinson, Jeremy
London's Arts Labs and the 60s Avant-Garde by Curtis, David
Avatar: The Last Airbender the Art of the Animated Series (Second Edition) by DiMartino, Michael Dante, Koneitzko, Bryan
Samir Cinema: The Journal of Modern Film, Television & Streaming by
The Philosophy of Werner Herzog by
Image-Making-India: Visual Culture, Technology, Politics by Favero, Paolo Silvio Harald
The Poetic Documentary: From Joris Ivens to Nonny de la Peña by Vlad, Alexandru
Christmas Edition With Mezzo Soprano Isobel Bartz by Sutton, Michael B., Boudjaoui, Anissa
366 Weird Movies 2020 Yearbook by Edwards, Giles, Fredel, Jake
So You Want To Do VO?: Working from home as a voiceover actor by Marley, Rob
Zwischen Illusion und Wirklichkeit: Wachowskis "Matrix als filmische Auseinandersetzung mit der digitalen Welt by Wolf, Christof
Deliberative Offenheit Durch Empathie: Eine Experimentelle Untersuchung Von Unterhaltung Im Politischen Kontext by Kloß, Andrea
VHS Nasty: The Video Nasties by Wilde, Barbie, Bond, David, Campbell, Ramsey
How to Make It from a No-To-Whoa Budget: A New Filmmakers Pocketbook Guide by Garcia, Tazito
Philosophical Issues in Indian Cinema: Approximate Terms and Concepts by Raghavendra, Mk
World's Greatest Movie Trivia: Disney Princess Edition by Olen, Catherine
Make Your Film: How we made a Feature Film for $7,000 on an iPhone and became a Film Director by Satheesh, Ashik Kumar
Sensing Justice Through Contemporary Spanish Cinema: Aesthetics, Politics, Law by López Lerma, Mónica
The South Never Plays Itself: A Film Buff's Journey Through the South on Screen by Beard, Ben
Michael Jackson On Black Space and Black Bodies 1987-1997 A Video Analysis by Y, Vk
Movies: Why We Love 'Em...and How They Change Us: The pervasive and sometimes subtle influence of an American pastime on American culture by Brown, D. Abraham
Industrial Networks and Cinemas of India: Shooting Stars, Shifting Geographies and Multiplying Media by
Industrial Networks and Cinemas of India: Shooting Stars, Shifting Geographies and Multiplying Media by
Makeup Artistry for Film and Television: Your Tools for Success On-Set and Behind-The-Scenes by Sciortino, Christine
The Euro-Western: Reframing Gender, Race and the 'Other' in Film by Broughton, Lee
Making Sense of Mind-Game Films: Narrative Complexity, Embodiment, and the Senses by Littschwager, Simin Nina
Sensing and Making Sense: Photosensitivity and Light-To-Sound Translations in Media Art by Lautenschlaeger, Graziele
Artists and Agents - Performance Art and Secret Services: Hmkv Ausstellungsmagazin 2019/2 by Sasse, Sylvia, Arns, Inke, Krasznahorkai, Kata
X-Mal Mensch Stuhl by Kaiser, Roland, Hiesl, Angie