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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Guides & Reference in 2016

You've Got A Video Camera, Now Put It To Work: How To Make Money Filming Inexpensive Music Videos by Whitmore, T.
Screening Vienna: The City of Dreams in English-Language Cinema and Television by Conley, Timothy K.
Guida al cinema di Bud Spencer e Terence Hill by Gagliani Caputo, Marcello
Global Scriptwriting by Dancyger, Ken
The Movie Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 8: Laurel and Hardy in "Any Old Port" and Other Shorts by Hyatt, I. Joseph
A Gross of Zombies: Reviews of 144 Zombie Movies by McKinney, Andy
Eyes Wide Open 2015: The Year's Best (and Worst) Movies by Barsanti, Chris
The Films of Alistair MacLean by Palmer, Scott V.
Cine de terror: Guía 2016 by Mérida, Pablo
Grindhouse Nostalgia: Memory, Home Video and Exploitation Film Fandom by Church, David
Where we Came In: Seventy Years of the British Film Industry by Oakley, Charles Allen
The Decline of the Cinema: An Economist's Report by Spraos, John
The Cinema of Apartheid: Race and Class in South African Film by Tomaselli, Keyan
The Epic Film: Myth and History by Elley, Derek
American Political Movies: An Annotated Filmography of Feature Films by Combs, James
A Critical Guide to Horror Film Series by Hanke, Ken
Directors and Directions: Cinema for the Seventies by Taylor, John Russell
Film and Reform: John Grierson and the Documentary Film Movement by Aitken, Ian
Eisenstein: A Documentary Portrait by Swallow, Norman
Chicano Images: Refiguring Ethnicity in Mainstream Film by List, Christine
Greek Tragedy into Film by MacKinnon, Kenneth
At a Theater or Drive-In Near You: The History, Culture, and Politics of the American Exploitation Film by Clark, Randall
Celluloid Friends: Cinematic Quakers, Real and Imagined (1922-2012) by Butterworth, David N.
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 9: Laurel and Hardy in "Pack Up Your Troubles" by Hyatt, I. Joseph
An Encyclopedia of Japanese Horror Films by Ogata Jr, Nobuhiro
Duryea: The Movies (hardback) by Fusco, Joseph
The Incurable-Image: Curating Post-Mexican Film and Media Arts by Elhaik, Tarek
The Official Carry On Facts, Figures & Statistics by Snelgrove, Kevin
Horror Films of the 1940s by Hedberg, Rolland
Talkies, Road Movies and Chick Flicks: Gender, Genre and Film Sound in American Cinema by Wilkins, Heidi
Expressionism in the Cinema by
The 'War on Terror' and American Film: 9/11 Frames Per Second by McSweeney, Terence
Refocus: The Films of Amy Heckerling by
Film Noir by
International Noir by
Shakespeare on Silent Film: A Strange Eventful History by Ball, Robert Hamilton
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 10: Laurel and Hardy in "Nothing But Trouble" by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Off Screen: Women and Film in Italy: Seminar on Italian and American directions by
The British Board of Film Censors: Film Censorship in Britain, 1896-1950 by Robertson, James C.
Novel Images: Literature in Performance by
Swordsmen of the Screen: From Douglas Fairbanks to Michael York by Richards, Jeffrey
Great Mystery Films by Palmer, Scott V.
Real Lessons from Reel Life by Gulsara, Farouk
Beyond Hollywood: 21st Century International Film by Greenwald, Tom
The Routledge Dictionary of Turkish Cinema by Dönmez-Colin, Gönül
Bad Boys. I grandi cattivi del cinema: Dagli inizi agli anni '40 by Gagliani Caputo, Marcello
Real Lesson From Reel Life by Gulsara, Farouk
Special Affects: Cinema, Animation and the Translation of Consumer Culture by Jenkins, Eric
Collection Editions James Bond by Buckland, Damien M.
Flick and Flak: More Poison Capsule Reviews by St Blaise, E. Basil
Angel - Fünf Jahre mit dem Jäger der Finsternis: Der inoffizielle Guide zur Serie by Osteried, Peter
Buffy - Sieben Jahre mit der Vampir-Jägerin: Der inoffizielle Guide zur Serie by Osteried, Peter
30 TV-Klassiker - Von obskur bis populär: Phantastische Fernsehserien, die man kennen muss! by Osteried, Peter
Eurospy-Helden: Jerry Cotton / Kommissar X / Sumuru by Osteried, Peter
Prison Break - Vier Jahre Ausbruch und Flucht: Ein moderner TV-Klassiker by Osteried, Peter
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Tech Manual by Newell, Adam, Gosling, Sharon
Death by Umbrella! The 100 Weirdest Horror Movie Weapons (hardback) by Lombardo, Christopher, Kirschner, Jeff
Show Me Your Words by Haham, Connie
Universal Monsters: L'epopea dei mostri in bianco e nero by Gagliani Caputo, Marcello
Death by Umbrella! The 100 Weirdest Horror Movie Weapons by Kirschner, Jeff, Lombardo, Christopher
Horror Movie A Day: The Book by
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 11: Laurel and Hardy in "Block-Heads" by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Monster! #27: Lovecraftian Horrors, Vol. 1 by
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 12: Laurel and Hardy in "Great Guns" by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Spaghetti Westerns at the Crossroads: Studies in Relocation, Transition and Appropriation by
The Essential Mickey Rooney by Neibaur, James L.
An Annotated Bibliography for Taiwan Film Studies by
Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians on Film & TV by Palmer, Scott V.
On The Buses: The Complete Story by Walker, Craig
Border Crossing: Russian Literature Into Film by
Contemporary Russian Cinema: Symbols of a New Era by Strukov, Vlad
In Secrecy's Shadow: The OSS and CIA in Hollywood Cinema 1941-1979 by Willmetts, Simon
Movie Gals Guide to Classic Film: Getting Started with Classic Films from the Silent Era Through the 1950s by Farley, Cheryl
General Explanation of Tax Legislation Enacted in 2015 by
World Affairs in Foreign Films, 2nd edition by Seret, Roberta
The Essentials: 52 Must-See Movies and Why They Matter by Turner Classic Movies, Arnold, Jeremy
366 Weird Movies 2015 Yearbook by Staff, 366 Weird Movies
Video Tonfa by
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 13: Laurel and Hardy in "The Bohemian Girl" by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 14: Laurel and Hardy in "A-Haunting We Will Go" by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Refocus: The Films of Delmer Daves by
Screen Presence: Cinema Culture and the Art of Warhol, Rauschenberg, Hatoum and Gordon by Monteiro, Stephen
Mass-Observation at the Movies by
The Hollywood Feature Film in Postwar Britain by Swann, Paul
The Laughing Dead: The Horror-Comedy Film from Bride of Frankenstein to Zombieland by
The Major Realist Film Theorists: A Critical Anthology by
Risky Business: Rock in Film by Romanowski, William D.
Monster! #28/29 (HPL cover): Super Spring Special - Lovecraftian Vampires & more by Fenton, Steve, Paxton, Tim
Monster! #28/29 (Vampire cover): Super Spring Special - Lovecraftian Vampires & more by
Reality TV: An Insider's Guide to Tv's Hottest Market -2nd Edition by Devolld, Troy
America's First Movie Theater: Louisiana's Vitascope Hall by Poole, Susan, Poole, Ed
American Film Exhibition and an Analysis of the Motion Picture Industry's Market Structure 1963-1980 by Edgerton, Gary
The Alfred Hitchcock Encyclopedia by Whitty, Stephen
Great Adventure Films by Palmer, Scott V.
Extreme Cinema: Affective Strategies in Transnational Media by Knapp, Jonathan, Kerner, Aaron
French and Spanish Queer Film: Audiences, Communities and Cultural Exchange by Waldron, Darren, Perriam, Chris
French-Language Road Cinema: Borders, Diasporas, Migration and 'New Europe' by Gott, Michael
Star of India: The Life and Films of Sabu (hardback) by Leibfried, Philip
Attack of the Killer B's!: Your Guide to the Best of the Worst Films Ever Made by Bradley, Seth, Bradley, Dax
Creeping Crawling Cinema by Brock, Edward
Road to Box Office - The Seven Film Comedies of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour, 1940-1962 (hardback) by Mielke, Randall G.
Italian Horror Cinema by
Italian Horror Cinema by
Crowdfunding for Filmmakers: The Way to a Successful Film Campaign by Trigonis, John T.
THE JAMES BOND MOVIES OF THE 1980s by Christie, Thomas A.
America Goes to the Movies: The 1980s by Laurie, Wes
A Question of Carry On by Ball, Stuart
World War II Films of the 1940s by Palmer, Scott V.
Monster! #30: June-July 2016 by Gaur, Kinshuk, Capicik, Dennis
The 50 Greatest Westerns by Stone, Barry
Weng's Chop #9: Standard Edition by Strauss, Tony, Paxton, Tim
British Horror Films of the 1950s by Palmer, Scott V.
The Hollywood Beauties by Parish, James Roberet
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 16: Laurel and Hardy in "A Chump at Oxford" by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Better Location Shooting: Techniques for Video Production by Martingell, Paul
From the Headlines to Hollywood: The Birth and Boom of Warner Bros. by Yogerst, Chris
Horror and Mystery Photoplay Editions and Magazine Fictionizations, Volume II (hardback) by Mann, Thomas
Hocus Pocus in Focus: The Thinking Fan's Guide to Disney's Halloween Classic by Wallace, Aaron
Reading the Silver Screen: A Film Lover's Guide to Decoding the Art Form That Moves by Foster, Thomas C.
The Films of Miss Marple by Palmer, Scott V.
Mondo Mr. Satanism Volume 1 by Mr Satanism
Guida al cinema degli zombie Vol. 1 - Dagli anni '30 agli anni '70 by Gagliani Caputo, Marcello
Critical Perspectives on the Western: From A Fistful of Dollars to Django Unchained by Broughton, Lee
Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Sidekicks in Western Movies: From the 1930's Through the 1960's by Koca, Gary
The Lemon Popsicle Book by Mitchell, Roy, Sutton, Paul
Deleuze's Cinema Books: Three Introductions to the Taxonomy of Images by Deamer, David
Deleuze's Cinema Books: Three Introductions to the Taxonomy of Images by Deamer, David
Undead Apocalypse: Vampires and Zombies in the 21st Century by Abbott, Stacey
Transatlantic Crossings: British Feature Films in the United States by Street, Sarah
The Encyclopedia of Musicians and Bands on Film by Willson, Paige A., Fonseca, Anthony J., Goldsmith, Melissa U. D.
Fifties Blondes: Sexbombs, Sirens, Bad Girls and Teen Queens (hardback) by Koper, Richard
Zitroneneis, Sex & Rock'n Roll: Die deutsch-israelische Filmreihe "EIS AM STIEL" (1978-1988) by Hentschel, Martin
Contemporary Spanish Gothic by Davies, Ann
Indie Reframed: Women's Filmmaking and Contemporary American Independent Cinema by
Hollywood and the Great Depression: American Film, Politics and Society in the 1930s by
Star Wars movie series: Report by O'Halloran, Brendan Francis
The Films of Hercule Poirot by Palmer, Scott V.
London After Midnight: A New Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources (hardback) by Mann, Thomas
Materialist Film by Gidal, Peter
Cine Pensado: Estudios críticos sobre 30 películas estrenadas en 2015 by Sánchez de la Nieta, Ana, Abad Cadenas, Cristina, Martín Sánchez, Jerónimo José
Hollywood's Made To Order Punks, Part 4: They Had the Looks of Altar Boys (hardback) by Roat, Richard
Indie Reframed: Women's Filmmaking and Contemporary American Independent Cinema by
Revenge of the Video Vacuum by Lovell, Mitch
Film Noir Production: The Whodunit of the Classic American Mystery Film by Landau, David
Hollywood's Made To Order Punks, Part 4: They Had the Looks of Altar Boys (hardback) by Roat, Richard
Growing Up Movies... by Ington, Clint
Alamo Village: How a Texas Cattleman Brought Hollywood to the Old West (hardback) by Farkis, John
The Hollywood Meme: Transnational Adaptations in World Cinema by Smith, Iain Robert
Fatal Visions - The Golden Age: 1990-1998 by Helms, Michael
Fatal Visions - The Golden Age: 1990-1998 by Helms, Michael
Monster! #31: November 2016 by
American Cinema in the Shadow of 9/11 by
The Man with the Golden Eye: Designing the James Bond Films by Lamont, Peter
Star Wars: Best of Star Wars Insider Vol. 4 by Titan
Great Thriller Films by Palmer, Scott V.
Evilspeak Volume 5 by
Dead Reckonings No. 19-20 (Fall 2016) by
Prison Pictures From Hollywood by Parish, James Robert
The Great Movie Series by Parish, James Robert
The Essential Jack Nicholson by Neibaur, James L.
The Colonial Documentary Film in South and South-East Asia by
150 Timeless Movies by Granger, Susan
Impossible Puzzle Films: A Cognitive Approach to Contemporary Complex Cinema by Kiss, Miklós, Willemsen, Steven
Grindhouse Lounge: Video World Vol.1 - Ihr Filmführer durch den Videowahnsinn mit Retroreviews zu Nackt und Zerfleischt, C2 - Killerinsec by Port, Andreas
Hong Kong Neo-Noir by
Grindhouse Lounge: Video World Vol. 2 - Ihr Filmführer durch den Video-Wahnsinn: mit den Retro-Reviews zu House - Das Horrorhaus, Der New by Port, Andreas
The Godzilla Encyclopedia: A Crowd-Sourced Guide by Wikipedia, Comicon, Virginia
The Big Book of Japanese Giant Monster Movies Vol 2: 1984-2014 by Lemay, John, McRobie, David
World War II Films of the 1950s by Palmer, Scott V.