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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Guides & Reference in 2019

Soledad: Volume One by
Methods Vol 4: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy by
123 ans de cinéma fantastique et de SF: Essais et données pour une histoire du cinéma fantastique 1895 - 2019 by Pelosato, Alain
Filming the Children's Book: Adapting Metafiction by Hermansson, Casie E.
Contemporary Political Cinema by Holtmeier, Matthew
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea: The Series by Palmer, Scott V.
Making Your First Blockbuster: Write It. Film It. Blow It Up! by Dudbridge, Paul
Get Close: Lean Team Documentary Filmmaking by Thompson, Rustin
Francophone Belgian Cinema by Steele, Jamie
Refocus: The Films of Barbara Kopple by
Lesbian Cinema After Queer Theory by Bradbury-Rance, Clara
Robert De Niro The Movie Guide 2020 Edition by Wade, Chris
Rodando, rodando: El cine desde sus inicios hasta ayer por la tarde by Gallud Jardiel, Enrique
Improving Passions: Sentimental Aesthetics and American Film by Burnetts, Charles
Coming-Of-Age Cinema in New Zealand: Genre, Gender and Adaptation by Fox, Alistair
Contemporary Musical Film by
Screening Statues: Sculpture and Cinema by Felleman, Susan, Adriaensens, Vito, Jacobs, Steven
Hamlet Lives in Hollywood: John Barrymore and the Acting Tradition Onscreen by
Great British Films of the 1940s by Palmer, Scott V.
1920 Motion Picture Studio Directory: And Trade Annual by
London Films by Howells, W. D.
Science Fiction Italian Style: Italian science fiction films from 1958-2000 by Blake, Matt
The Damned by Riddle, Nick
Suburban Fantastic Cinema: Growing Up in the Late Twentieth Century by McFadzean, Angus
Veni! Vidi! Autism!: Second Edition by Frazier, Alec
Les Archives Star Wars. 1977-1983 by Duncan, Paul
Great British Films of the 1950s by Palmer, Scott V.
31 Days, 31 Horror Movies vol. 1: An October's Worth of Horror Movie Reviews by Cram Jr, Bob
The Jean Harlow Films by Neibaur, James L.
Alfred Hitchcock. Todas Las Películas by
Alfred Hitchcock. Tous Les Films by
The New Romanian Cinema by
Over There - Hollywood in Britain by Frank, Alan
Over There - Hollywood in Britain (hardback) by Frank, Alan
Travels in Time: The Story of Time Travel Cinema by Barron, Colin M.
Movie Easter Eggs Log: Track the Hidden Messages and References in Films by Publishing, Larkspur &. Tea
Movie Easter Eggs Log: Track the Hidden Messages and References in Films by Publishing, Larkspur &. Tea
The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Cinema by
Movie Easter Eggs Log: Track the Hidden Messages and References in Films by Publishing, Larkspur &. Tea
Movie Easter Eggs Log: Track the Hidden Messages and References in Films by Publishing, Larkspur &. Tea
Movie Easter Eggs Log: Track the Hidden Messages and References in Films by Publishing, Larkspur &. Tea
Movie Easter Eggs Log: Track the Hidden Messages and References in Films by Publishing, Larkspur &. Tea
Movie Easter Eggs Log: Track the Hidden Messages and References in Films by Publishing, Larkspur &. Tea
Movie Easter Eggs Log: Track the Hidden Messages and References in Films by Publishing, Larkspur &. Tea
Horror Films of the 1990s by Muir, John Kenneth
The Franchise Era: Managing Media in the Digital Economy by
The Cinema becomes alive: Years of Cineclub, to inhale the intense beauty of Cinema by Ragaini, Sergio
Our Favorite Movies: How Films Affect Our Mental Health by Feustel, Anne
Film Directing: Shot by Shot - 25th Anniversary Edition: Visualizing from Concept to Screen by Katz, Steve D.
Marvel's Avengers Endgame: The Official Movie Special Book by Titan
Bulletproof: Writing Scripts That Don't Get Shot Down by Weissman, David, Diamond, David
Great Movie Mistakes 2 by Sandys, Jon
Hollywood Black: The Stars, the Films, the Filmmakers by Bogle, Donald
Transformation and Tradition in 1960s British Cinema by Mayne, Laura, Petrie, Duncan, Farmer, Richard
Decades of Terror 2019: 2000's Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
Decades of Terror 2019: 2000's Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
Rethinking the Hollywood Teen Movie: Gender, Genre and Identity by Smith, Frances
Claude Chabrol's Aesthetics of Opacity by Dousteyssier-Khoze, Catherine
Killers, Clients and Kindred Spirits: The Taboo Cinema of Shohei Imamura by
Screening Youth: Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema by
The Star Wars Archives. 1977-1983 by Duncan, Paul
Trends of Terror 2019: 58 Big Plot Twists by Hutchison, Steve
Trends of Terror 2019: 58 Big Plot Twists by Hutchison, Steve
Based On: A Non-Lawyer's GUIDE to Acquiring Film and Television Rights from Everywhere by Aguado, Ken
Vampires & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Vampires & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Zombies & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Zombies & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Demons & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Demons & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Van Der Valk: The Series by Palmer, Scott V.
My Girls by Fisher, Todd
Return of the Son of Trevor Lynch's CENSORED Guide to the Movies by Lynch, Trevor
Ghosts & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Ghosts & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Aliens & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Aliens & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Lycanthropes & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Robots & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Robots & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Astor Pictures: A Filmography and History of the Reissue King, 1933-1965 by Pitts, Michael R.
Writing for the Cut: Shaping Your Script for Cinema by Loftin, Greg
Eyes Wide Shut: Stanley Kubrick and the Making of His Final Film by Kolker, Robert P., Abrams, Nathan
Animal Worlds: Film, Philosophy and Time by McMahon, Laura
Contemporary Cinema and the Philosophy of Iris Murdoch by Bolton, Lucy
World Cinema and the Essay Film: Transnational Perspectives on a Global Practice by
Refocus: The Films of Francis Veber by Corson, Keith
Decades of Terror 2019: 1980's Slasher Films by Hutchison, Steve
Decades of Terror 2019: 1980's Slasher Films by Hutchison, Steve
Dolls & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Dolls & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Clowns & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Clowns & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
1954: The Year of the Remarkable Success of CinemaScope.: The Definitive History of Widescreen in the Cinema: From 1927 to 1 by Watson, John V.
Decades of Terror 2019: 1990's Slasher Films by Hutchison, Steve
Decades of Terror 2019: 1990's Slasher Films by Hutchison, Steve
The Cinema of Marguerite Duras: Multisensoriality and Female Subjectivity by Royer, Michelle
Intermedial Dialogues: The French New Wave and the Other Arts by Schmid, Marion
Return of the Son of Trevor Lynch's CENSORED Guide to the Movies by Lynch, Trevor
Spider-Man: Far from Home the Official Movie Special Book by Titan
Giants & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Giants & Horror by Hutchison, Steve
2000 of the Best Films of All Time - 12th Edition by Tafero, Arthur H.
Decades of Terror 2019: 2000's Slasher Films by Hutchison, Steve
Decades of Terror 2019: 2000's Slasher Films by Hutchison, Steve
Howard Hughes Was Bob Hope in Make-Up by Polillo, Joseph
Howard Hughes Was Bob Hope in Make-Up by Polillo, Joseph
Otherworldly Tales: Godly, Ghostly and Ghastly by Begelman, David
31 Days of Terror (2019): The Halloween Horror Movie Dice Game by
31 Days of Terror (2019): The Halloween Horror Movie Dice Game by
Decades of Terror 2019: 1980's Monster Films by Hutchison, Steve
Decades of Terror 2019: 1980's Monster Films by Hutchison, Steve
Theatre Through the Camera Eye: The Poetics of an Intermedial Encounter by Sava, Laura
Trends of Terror 2019: 150 Movies So Bad They're Good by Hutchison, Steve
Trends of Terror 2019: 150 Movies So Bad They're Good by Hutchison, Steve
Crazy Screenwriting Secrets: How to Capture a Global Audience by Lin, Weiko
Halloween Horror Watchlist by Hutchison, Steve
Halloween Horror Watchlist by Hutchison, Steve
Dynamic Dames: 50 Leading Ladies Who Made History by de Forest, Sloan, Turner Classic Movies
The Cinema of Marguerite Duras: Multisensoriality and Female Subjectivity by Royer, Michelle
Christmas Horror Watchlist by Hutchison, Steve
Christmas Horror Watchlist by Hutchison, Steve
Mafia Movies: A Reader, Second Edition by
I Made A Short Film Now WTF Do I Do With It: A Guide to Film Festivals, Promotion, and Surviving the Ride by Jacobson, Clarissa
Decades of Terror 2019: 1990's Monster Films by Hutchison, Steve
Decades of Terror 2019: 1990's Monster Films by Hutchison, Steve
Realms of Terror 2019: Horror-Adjacent by Hutchison, Steve
Realms of Terror 2019: Horror-Adjacent by Hutchison, Steve
Grindhouse Purgatory Greatest Hits by
Discover The Horror: One Man's 50-Year Quest for Monsters, Maniacs, and the Meaning of it All. by Kitley, Jon
The Museum as a Cinematic Space: The Display of Moving Images in Exhibitions by Mandelli, Elisa
Extraterritoriality: Locating Hong Kong Cinema and Media by Fan, Victor
French Blockbusters: Cultural Politics of a Transnational Cinema by Michael, Charlie
Acting for the Screen by Belli, Mary Lou
Rivals of Terror 2019: Horror Movie Villains by Hutchison, Steve
Rivals of Terror 2019: Horror Movie Villains by Hutchison, Steve
The Scariest Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
The Scariest Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
The Best Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
The Best Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
The Worst Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
The Worst Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
Acting for the Screen by Belli, Mary Lou
The Encyclopedia of Hammer Films by Fellner, Chris
The Most Creative Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
The Most Creative Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
Story Selling: How to Develop, Market, and Pitch Your Film & TV Projects by Hale, Heather
The Best Written Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
The Best Written Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
The Art and Craft of Motion Pictures: 25 Movies to Make You Film Literate by LoBrutto, Vincent
Scary Antagonists by Hutchison, Steve
Scary Antagonists by Hutchison, Steve
Terror in Black and White by Hutchison, Steve
Decades of Terror 2019: 2000's Monster Films by Hutchison, Steve
Decades of Terror 2019: 2000's Monster Films by Hutchison, Steve
Grindhouse Purgatory #14 by
The Sweeney: The Series by Palmer, Scott V.
100 Ideas That Changed Film: (A Concise Resource Covering Movie Concepts, Technologies, Techniques and Movements) by Parkinson, David
Refocus: The Films of Kelly Reichardt by Hall, E. Dawn
Celluloid Singapore: Cinema, Performance and the National by Lim, Edna
Beyond Eastern Noir: Reimagining Russia and Eastern Europe in Nordic Cinemas by Mrozewicz, Anna Estera
Short Films from a Small Nation: Danish Informational Cinema 1935-1965 by Thomson, C. Claire
Cinematic Nihilism: Encounters, Confrontations, Overcomings by Marmysz, John
James Benning's Environments: Politics, Ecology, Duration by
Female Agency and Documentary Strategies: Subjectivities, Identity and Activism by
Female Authorship and the Documentary Image: Theory, Practice and Aesthetics by
Early Cinema in Scotland by
Close-Up: Great Cinematic Performances Volume 1: America by
Close-Up: Great Cinematic Performances Volume 2: International by
Cinéma-Monde: Decentred Perspectives on Global Filmmaking in French by
The Making and Unmaking of Francoist Kitsch Cinema: From Raza to Pan's Labyrinth by Yarza, Alejandro
From Film Practice to Data Process: Production Aesthetics and Representational Practices of a Film Industry in Transition by Atkinson, Sarah
Tanaka Kinuyo: Nation, Stardom and Female Subjectivity by
Hong Kong Horror Cinema by
66 Amazing Supernatural Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
66 Amazing Plausible Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
66 Amazing Plausible Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
66 Amazing Supernatural Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
Refocus: The Films of Xavier Dolan by
66 Amazing Surreal Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
66 Amazing Surreal Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
Amazing Plausible, Supernatural, and Surreal Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
Amazing Plausible, Supernatural, and Surreal Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
When Hollywood Came to Utah by D'Arc, James V.
Stanley Cavell and the Magic of Hollywood Films by Shaw, Daniel
Decades of Terror 2019: 1980's Psychological Horror by Hutchison, Steve
Guess the Horror Movie: 400 Pixelated Puzzles by Hutchison, Steve
Guess the Horror Movie: 400 Pixelated Puzzles by Hutchison, Steve
Eros en la pantalla by Márquez, Jhonny
The Stillness of Solitude: Romanticism and Contemporary American Independent Film by Devereaux, Michelle
Film and the Imagined Image by Cooper, Sarah
Refocus: The Films of Spike Jonze by
Supernatural Menace: 1272 Supernatural Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
Plausible Menace: 413 Plausible Horror Films by Hutchison, Steve
66 All-Canadian Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
66 All-Canadian Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
66 All-American Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
66 All-American Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
66 All-British Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
66 All-British Horror Movies by Hutchison, Steve
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