• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 1990

Film and the German Left in the Weimar Republic: From Caligari to Kuhle Wampe by Murray, Bruce
Richard Widmark: A Bio-Bibliography by Holston, Kim R.
Composers on Composers by Holmes, John L.
Alice Faye: A Bio-Bibliography by Rivadue, Barry
Cahiers du Cinema: Volume III: 1969-1972: .The Politics of Representation by
Screening the Novel: The Theory and Practice of Literary Dramatization by Selby, Keith, Giddings, Robert
Orson Welles: A Bio-Bibliography by Wood, Brett
The Taste for Beauty by Rohmer, Eric
Eisensteins Potenkin PB by Mayer, David
Ann Sothern: A Bio-Bibliography by Schultz, Margie
Jennifer Jones: A Bio-Bibliography by Carrier, Jeffrey L.
Stranded Objects: Mourning, Memory, and Film in Postwar Germany by Santner, Eric L.
Die Gegenwart Der Geschichte: Ein Versuch Über Film Und Zeitgenössische Literatur by Rother, Rainer
Cary Grant: A Bio-Bibliography by Bare Buehrer, Beverly, Buehrer, Beverley Bare
Maureen O'Sullivan: A Bio-Bibliography by Billips, Connie J.
Beginning by Branagh, Kenneth
Alien Zone: Cultural Theory and Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema by
Chinese Film Theory: A Guide to the New Era by
Popular Film and Television Comedy by Neale, Steve, Krutnik, Frank
Memories of Underdevelopment by Chanan, Michael
Ava Gardner: A Bio-Bibliography by Fowler, Karin J.
Filming Shakespeare's Plays: The Adaptations of Laurence Olivier, Orson Welles, Peter Brook, and Akira Kurosawa by Davies, Anthony
Jean Arthur: A Bio-Bibliography by Pierce, Arthur, Swarthout, Douglas
Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies by Black, Gregory D., Koppes, Clayton R.
Acting in the Cinema by Naremore, James
Raw Talent by
Blacks in Film and Television: A Pan-African Bibliography of Films, Filmmakers, and Performers by Gray, John
Indiscretions: Avant-Garde Film, Video, & Feminism by Mellencamp, Patricia
The Casting Couch and Other Front Row Seats: Women in Films of the 1970s and 1980s by McCreadie, Marsha
Disney's World: A Biography by Mosley, Leonard
Coming to Terms by Chatman, Seymour
Coming to Terms by Chatman, Seymour
Life to Those Shadows by Burch, Noël
Early Cinema: Space, Frame, Narrative by
Film Language: A Semiotics of the Cinema by Metz, Christian
The Woman at the Keyhole: Feminism and Women's Cinema by Mayne, Judith