• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 1995

Drag: A History of Female Impersonation in the Performing Arts by Baker, Roger
Revisioning History: Film and the Construction of a New Past by
The Encyclopedia of Martial Arts Movies by Palmer, Bill, Palmer, Karen, Meyers, Ric
High Concept: Movies and Marketing in Hollywood by Wyatt, Justin
Rise and Fall of the Horror Film by Soren, David
Immortal, Invisible: Lesbians and the Moving Image by Wilton, Tamsin
Immortal, Invisible: Lesbians and the Moving Image by Wilton, Tamsin
Blurred Boundaries: Questions of Meaning in Contemporary Culture by Nichols, Bill
Images of the Algerian War: French Fiction and Film, 1954-1992 by Dine, Philip D., Dine, Philip
Laughing Screaming: Modern Hollywood Horror and Comedy by Paul, William
Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film by Andrew, Dudley
Poetics of Cinema by Ruiz, Raul
Bottom Feeders: From Free Love to Hard Core by Hubner, John
Alfred Hitchcock: A Filmography and Bibliography by Sloan, Jane E.
The Crisis of Political Modernism: Criticism and Ideology in Contemporary Film Theory by Rodowick, D. N.
Primitive Passions: Visuality, Sexuality, Ethnography, and Contemporary Chinese Cinema by Chow, Rey
Censorship and the Permissive Society: British Cinema and Theatre, 1955-1965 by Aldgate, Anthony
Primitive Passions: Visuality, Sexuality, Ethnography, and Contemporary Chinese Cinema by Chow, Rey
Moving Places: A Life at the Movies by Rosenbaum, Jonathan
Screening The Sacred: Religion, Myth, And Ideology In Popular American Film by Martin, Joel, Ostwalt, Conrad E., Jr.
Approaches to Popular Film by
Soviet Union (from the Beginnings to 1991) by
Underground Film by Tyler, Parker
The Unruly Woman: Gender and the Genres of Laughter by Karlyn, Kathleen Rowe
Hollywood: Mecca of the Movies by Cendrars, Blaise
Kinomythen 1920-1945: Die Filmentwürfe Der Thea Von Harbou by Bruns, Karin
Blacks in Black and White: A Source Book on Black Films by Sampson, Henry T.
Philosophy and Film by
The Ultimate Directory of Silent Screen Performers: A Necrology of Births and Deaths and Essays on 50 Lost Players by Doyle, Billy H.
The Phantom Empire: Movies in the Mind of the Twentieth Century by O'Brien, Geoffrey
Placing Movies: The Practice of Film Criticism by Rosenbaum, Jonathan
Fields of Vision: Essays in Film Studies, Visual Anthropology, and Photography by
Populism and the Capra Legacy by Gehring, Wes D.
Cinema in Democratizing Germany: Reconstructing National Identity After Hitler by Fehrenbach, Heide
The First Film Makers by Maccann, Richard Dyer
An Index to Short and Feature Film Reviews in the Moving Picture World: The Early Years, 1907-1915 by D'Agostino, Annette M.
Chronik Des Deutschen Films 1895-1994 by Prinzler, Hans Helmut
If You Ask Me: The Collected Columns of America's Most Beloved and Irresponsible Critic by Gelman-Waxner, Libby
Black Women as Cultural Readers by Bobo, Jacqueline
A Woman's View: How Hollywood Spoke to Women, 1930-1960 (Large Print Edition) by Basinger, Jeanine
Hillbillyland: What the Movies Did to the Mountains and What the Mountains Did to the Movies by Williamson, J. W.
Living Room Lectures: The Fifties Family in Film and Television by Leibman, Nina C.
Reel Families by Zimmermann, Patricia R.
The Geopolitical Aesthetic: Cinema and Space in the World System by Jameson, Fredric
Dark Alchemy: The Films of Jan Svankmajer by
Groucho and Me by Marx, Groucho
Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters by Halberstam, Jack
Queen of the 'B's: Ida Lupino Behind the Camera by
Watching Television: Hermeneutics, Reception and Polular Culture by Wilson, Tony
The Nickel Was for the Movies: Film in the Novel from Pirandello to Puig by Moses, Gavriel
Media Discourse by Fairclough, Norman
Image and Mind: Film, Philosophy and Cognitive Science by Currie, Gregory
Movies & Mass Culture by Belton, John
The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation by Thomas, Frank, Johnston, Ollie
Videotexts by Gale, Peggy
German Cinema: Texts in Context by Silberman, Marc
From Mouse to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture by
Brazilian Cinema by
The Maltese Falcon: John Huston, director by
Silent Film by
Language Mysticism: The Negative Way of Language in Eliot, Beckett, and Celan by Wolosky, Shira
Projecting the Shadow: The Cyborg Hero in American Film by Rushing, Janice Hocker, Frentz, Thomas S.
The Triumph of Propaganda: Film and National Socialism 1933-1945 by Hoffmann, Hilmar
Fear of the Dark: 'Race', Gender and Sexuality in the Cinema by Young, Lola
Fear of the Dark: 'Race', Gender and Sexuality in the Cinema by Young, Lola
Cultures of Vision: Images, Media, and the Imaginary by Burnett, Ron