• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2001

Close Up: Cinema and Modernism by
European Cinema: An Introduction by Forbes, Jill, Street, Sarah
The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia by Perrie, M.
Headline Hollywood: A Century of Film Scandal by McLean, Adrienne L., Cook, David A.
Writing in Light: The Silent Scenario and the Japanese Pure Film Movement by Bernardi, Joanne
Its All Your Fault: How to Make It as a Hollywood Assistant by Robinson, Bill, Morris, Ceridwen
Burnt by the Sun: The Film Companion by Beumers, Birgit
Citizen Sarris, American Film Critic: Essays in Honor of Andrew Sarris by Scorsese, Martin, Levy, Emanuel
American Audiences on Movies and Moviegoing by Stempel, Tom
Ideology of the Hindi Film: A Historical Construction by Prasad, M. Madhava
Queer Asian Cinema: Shadows in the Shade by Grossman, Andrew
Queer Asian Cinema: Shadows in the Shade by Grossman, Andrew
Giving Up War:: Three Screenplays by Carney, Otis
Francophone Film: A Struggle for Identity by Spaas, Lieve
Fire and Desire: Mixed-Race Movies in the Silent Era by Gaines, Jane M.
Class Struggle in Hollywood, 1930-1950: Moguls, Mobsters, Stars, Reds, and Trade Unionists by Horne, Gerald
The Big Picture: Who Killed Hollywood? and Other Essays by Goldman, William
Nineteenth-Century Media and the Construction of Identities by Finkelstein, D., Brake, Laurel, Bell, B.
Silent Stars Speak: Interviews with Twelve Cinema Pioneers by Villecco, Tony
News Is People: The Rise of Local TV News and the Fall of News from New York by Allen, Craig M.
Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures in the Screen Trade by Goldman, William
The Men Who Made the Movies: Interviews with Frank Capra, George Cukor, Howard Hawks, Alfred Hitchcock, Vincente Minnelli, King Vidor, Raoul Walsh, by Schickel, Richard
I, Fellini by Fellini, Federico, Chandler, Charolette
From Alice to Buena Vista: The Films of Wim Wenders by Bromley, Roger
A Guide to Apocalyptic Cinema by Mitchell, Charles P.
Film It with Music: An Encyclopedic Guide to the American Movie Musical by Hischak, Thomas S.
J. Lee Thompson by Chibnall, Steve
The Journey of Luke Skywalker: An Analysis of Modern Myth and Symbol by Galipeau, Steven A.
Post-War Cinema and Modernity: A Film Reader by
Cinema of Outsiders: The Rise of American Independent Film by Levy, Emanuel
Post-War Cinema and Modernity: A Film Reader by
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls: Gender in Film at the End of the Twentieth Century by
Lexikon Literaturverfilmungen: Verzeichnis Deutschsprachiger Filme 1945-2000 by Schmidt, Klaus M., Schmidt, Ingrid
Managing in the Media by Nicholls, Tom, Southwell, Ron, Houseley, William
Beyond Ballyhoo: Motion Picture Promotion and Gimmicks by McGee, Mark Thomas
Contemporary Korean Cinema: Culture, Identity and Politics by Lee, Hyangjin
The Screwball Comedy Films: A History and Filmography, 1934-1942 by Miller, Robert Milton, Byrge, Duane
The Boys: The Cinematic World of Laurel and Hardy by Nollen, Scott Allen
The New Historical Dictionary of the American Film Industry by Slide, Anthony
The Battleship Potemkin: The Film Companion by Taylor, Richard
The Man with the Movie Camera: The Film Companion by Roberts, Graham
Licence to Thrill: A Cultural History of the James Bond Films by Chapman, James
The Apocalypse Now Book by Cowie, Peter
How a Film Theory Got Lost and Other Mysteries in Cultural Studies by Ray, Robert B.
Forever Liesl: A Memoir of The Sound of Music by Carr, Charmian
Returning the Gaze: A Genealogy of Black Film Criticism, 1909-1949 by Everett, Anna
Melodrama and Modernity: Early Sensational Cinema and Its Contexts by Singer, Ben
John Ford Made Westerns: Filming the Legend in the Sound Era by
Cinema and the City: This Masquerading Age by
An Accented Cinema: Exilic and Diasporic Filmmaking by Naficy, Hamid
Hollywood and Anti-Semitism: A Cultural History Up to World War II by Carr, Steven Alan
Lourdes Portillo: The Devil Never Sleeps and Other Films by
Masculinity: Bodies, Movies, Culture by
Silent Film and the Triumph of the American Myth by Cohen, Paula Marantz
It's Only a Movie! Films and Critics in American Culture by Haberski, Raymond J.
Down and Dirty: Hollywood's Exploitation Filmmakers and Their Movies by Quarles, Mike
Hollywood's Film Wars with France:: Film-Trade Diplomacy and the Emergence of the French Film Quota Policy by Ulff-Moller, Jens
Duke: The Life and Image of John Wayne by Davis, Ronald L.
A Not So Foreign Affair: Fascism, Sexuality, and the Cultural Rhetoric of American Democracy by Slane, Andrea
Monsters, Mushroom Clouds, and the Cold War: American Science Fiction and the Roots of Postmodernism, 1946-1964 by Booker, M. Keith
The Allied Artists Checklist: The Feature Films and Short Subjects of Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, 1947-1978 by Martin, Len D.
Reel Knockouts: Violent Women in the Movies by
The Fifth ACT by Bergman, Ingmar
Kubrick by Herr, Michael
The Films of Joel and Ethan Coen by Russell, Carolyn R.
Law and Film by
Early Soviet Cinema: Innovation, Ideology and Propaganda by Gillespie, David
Reading Hollywood: Spaces and Meanings in American Film by Thomas, Deborah
Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace by King, Geoff, Krzywinska, Tanya
The Horror Genre: From Beelzebub to Blair Witch by Wells, Paul
France on Film: Reflections on Popular French Cinema by
Light Readings: Film Criticism and Screen Arts by Darke, Chris
The Star System: Hollywood's Production of Popular Identities by McDonald, Paul
Love, Sex, Death & the Meaning of Life: The Films of Woody Allen by Hirsch, Foster
I Was a Cold War Monster: Horror Films, Eroticism, and the Cold War Imagination by Hendershot, Cyndy
The Hero and the Perennial Journey Home in American Film by Mackey-Kallis, Susan
Political Film: The Dialectics Of Third Cinema by Wayne, Mike
Classical Myth and Culture in the Cinema by
Classical Myth & Culture in the Cinema by
All about All about Eve: The Complete Behind-The-Scenes Story of the Bitchiest Film Ever Made by Staggs, Sam
The Death of Cinema: History, Cultural Memory and the Digital Dark Age by Usai, Paolo Cherchi
Promised Lands: Cinema, Geography, Modernism by Rohdie, Sam
Dance on Screen: Genres and Media from Hollywood to Experimental Art by Dodds, S.
Dance on Screen: Genres and Media from Hollywood to Experimental Art by Dodds, S.
Formations: A 21st Century Media Studies Textbook by
Film Editing - History, Theory and Practice: Looking at the Invisible by Fairservice, Don
Jung and Film: Post-Jungian Takes on the Moving Image by
Images of Postmodern Society: Social Theory and Contemporary Cinema by Denzin, Norman K.
The Frankenstein Film Sourcebook by Smoot, Frank, Blodgett, Jayne, Picart, Caroline Joan
Noir, Now and Then: Film Noir Originals and Remakes (1944-1999) by Schwartz, Ronald
The Hollywood Writers' Wars by Schwartz, Nancy Lynn
3 Movies You Will Never See by Chamberlin, Cliff
Peripheral Visions: The Hidden Stages of Weimar Cinema by
Stories Hollywood Never Tells by Zinn, Howard
A Thinker's Damn: Audie Murphy, Vietnam, and the Making of the Quiet American by Russo, William
Seizing the Airwaves: A Free Radio Handbook by
The Dame in the Kimono: Hollywood, Censorship, and the Production Code by Leff, Leonard J., Simmons, Jerold L.
Marilyn Monroe: The Biography by Spoto, Donald
Kubrick's Cinema Odyssey by Chion, Michel
Guide to the Cinema(s) of Canada by Rist, Peter
European Film Theory and Cinema: A Critical Introduction by Aitken, Ian
Dakota Epic: Experiences of a Reenactor During the Filming of Dances with Wolves by Markley, Bill
Confronting Modernity in the Cinemas of Taiwan and Mainland China by Lu, Tonglin
Science Fiction Film by Telotte, J. P.
Gay Fandom and Crossover Stardom: James Dean, Mel Gibson, and Keanu Reeves by Deangelis, Michael
The Planet of the Apes Chronicles by Woods, Paul A.
Artists in the Audience: Cults, Camp, and American Film Criticism by Taylor, Greg
Cinema of Flames: Balkan Film, Culture and the Media by Iordanova, Dina
Bound to Bond: Gender, Genre, and the Hollywood Romantic Comedy by Rubinfeld, Mark D.
Living the Dream: A Collection of Essays from Film School by Zelko, Giovanni M.
Hollywood, Westerns And The 1930S: The Lost Trail by Stanfield, Peter
Audrey Hepburn by Paris, Barry
A House Made of Light: Essays on the Art of Film by Toles, George
James Dean: The Mutant King by Dalton, David
D.W. Griffith's Intolerance: Its Genesis and Its Vision by Drew, William M.
Film Flam: Essays on Hollywood by McMurtry, Larry
Modern Hebrew Literature Made into Films by Hakak, Lev
Screening Disability: Essays on Cinema and Disability by
Screening Science: Contexts, Texts, and Science in Fifties Science Fiction Film by Vieth, Errol
The New Hollywood: What the Movies Did with the New Freedoms of the Seventies by Bernardoni, James
Off-White Hollywood: American Culture and Ethnic Female Stardom by Negra, Diane
Off-White Hollywood: American Culture and Ethnic Female Stardom by Negra, Diane
The Suspense Thriller: Films in the Shadow of Alfred Hitchcock by Derry, Charles
Science Fiction Film by Telotte, J. P.
Toward Cinema and Its Double: Cross-Cultural Mimesis by Jayamanne, Laleen
The Complete H. P. Lovecraft Filmography by Mitchell, Charles P.
Hollywood's Image of the South: A Century of Southern Films by
The Silents of God: Selected Issues and Documents in Silent American Film and Religion, 1908-1925 by Lindvall, Terry
On the Art of the Cinema: April 11,1973 by Il, Kim Jong
Peckinpah's Women: A Reappraisal of the Portrayal of Women in the Period Westerns of Sam Peckinpah by Mesce, Bill, Jr.
The Sounds of Early Cinema by
Analysis of Film by Bellour, Raymond
Cold War Fantasies: Film, Fiction, and Foreign Policy by Lipschutz, Ronnie D.
Westerns: Films Through History by
The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror by Skal, David J.
The Western Genre: From Lordsburg to Big Whiskey by Saunders, John
The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia by Perrie, M.
Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age by Grice, Malcolm Le
The Women of Warner Brothers: The Lives and Careers of 15 Leading Ladies with Filmographies for Each by Bubbeo, Daniel
The Infernal Return: The Recurrence of the Primordial in Films of the Reaction Years, 1977-1983 by Farnsworth, Rodney
The Cinematic Rebirths of Frankenstein: Universal, Hammer, and Beyond by Picart, Caroline
Maya Deren and the American Avant-Garde by
Famous Forry Fotos: Over 70 Years of AckerMemories by Ackerman, Forrest J.
Media and Meaning: An Introduction by Stewart, Colin, Lavelle, Marc, Kowaltzke, Adam
Aftershocks of the New: Feminism and Film History by Petro, Patrice
Cinema and the Second Sex by Rollet, Brigitte, Tarr, Carrie
Metropolis: 75th Anniversary Edition by Von Harbou, Thea
Life of Jesus: A Film by Bruno Dumont by Dumont, Bruno
Spanish Cinema by Stone, Rob
British Horror Cinema by
The Shape of Things by LaBute, Neil
The Reality Effect: Film Culture and the Graphic Imperative by Black, Joel
The Reality Effect: Film Culture and the Graphic Imperative by Black, Joel
Close Up: Iranian Cinema, Past, Present and Future by Dabashi, Hamid
Screening Disability: Essays on Cinema and Disability by
Faking It: Mock-Documentary and the Subversion of Factuality by Roscoe, Jane, Hight, Craig
Culture Meets Culture in the Movies: An Analysis East, West, North and South, with Filmographies by Budd, David H.
Gunmen and Gangsters: Profiles of Nine Actors Who Portrayed Memorable Screen Tough Guys by Schlossheimer, Michael
Shakespeare in the Cinema: Ocular Proof by Buhler, Stephen M.
Visions of the Maid: Joan of Arc in American Film and Culture by Blaetz, Robin
Visions of the Maid: Joan of Arc in American Film and Culture by Blaetz, Robin
Filmography of American History by Tracey, Grant Annis George
Confessions of a Movie Addict by Tucker, Betty Jo
The End of Cinema as We Know It: American Film in the Nineties by
Gender and French Cinema by
Bollywood Cinema: Temples of Desire by Mishra, Vijay
Hollywood Values by Scheer, Steven C.
The End of Cinema as We Know It: American Film in the Nineties by
Im Kwon-Taek: The Making of a Korean National Cinema by
Soundtrack Available: Essays on Film and Popular Music by
Moviegoing in America: A Sourcebook in the History or Film Exhibition by
Atomic Bomb Cinema: The Apocalyptic Imagination on Film by Shapiro, Jerome F.
Bollywood Cinema: Temples of Desire by Mishra, Vijay
Atomic Bomb Cinema: The Apocalyptic Imagination on Film by Shapiro, Jerome F.
Myth, Mind and the Screen: Understanding the Heroes of Our Time by Izod, John
Myth, Mind and the Screen: Understanding the Heroes of Our Time by Izod, John, John, Izod
Early American Cinema in Transition: Story, Style, and Filmmaking, 1907-1913 by Keil, Charlie
Horror, The Film Reader by
Canadian National Cinema by Gittings, Chris
British Stars and Stardom: From Alma Taylor to Sean Connery by
Horror, The Film Reader by
Exhibition, the Film Reader by
Take One's Essential Guide to Canadian Film by
Modernity and Metropolis: Writing, Film and Urban Formations by Brooker, P.
Multimedia 2001: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Manchester, United Kingdom, September 8-9, 2001 by
The Garden in the Machine: A Field Guide to Independent Films about Place by MacDonald, Scott
Complicated Women: Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood by Lasalle, Mick
Exhibition, The Film Reader by
Hollywood Musicals, The Film Reader by
Breaking in to Movies by Giroux, Henry a.
Breaking in to Movies by Giroux, Henry a.
Hugo Munsterberg on Film: The Photoplay: A Psychological Study and Other Writings by Münsterberg, Hugo
Henry James Goes to the Movies by
This Other Eden by Farley, Fidelma
December Bride by Pettitt, Lance
The Dead by Barry, Kevin
Psychoanalysis and Film by O. Gabbard, Glen