• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2007

Cinetech: Film, Convergence and New Media by Keane, Stephen
Film Propaganda in Britain and Nazi Germany: World War II Cinema by Fox, Jo
Film: The Key Concepts by Ben-Shaul, Nitzan
The Films of Ingmar Bergman: Illusions of Light and Darkness by Hubner, L.
Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media by
Asian and Pacific Cosmopolitans: Self and Subject in Motion by
Film Propaganda in Britain and Nazi Germany: World War II Cinema by Fox, Jo
Film Hieroglyphs: Ruptures in Classical Cinema by Conley, Tom
Postcards from the Cinema by Daney, Serge
World Cinema's 'Dialogues' with Hollywood by
Repicturing the Second World War: Representations in Film and Television by Paris, Michael
Fires Were Started: British Cinema and Thatcherism by
Feminist Auteurs: Reading Women's Films by Ramanathan, Geetha
Fires Were Started: British Cinema and Thatcherism by
Feminist Auteurs: Reading Women's Films by Ramanathan, Geetha
Talking Movies: Contemporary World Filmmakers in Interview by Wood, Jason
Talking Movies: Contemporary World Filmmakers in Interview by Wood, Jason
The Great American Makeover: Television, History, Nation by
Cartographic Cinema by Conley, Tom
Spartacus: Film and History by
The Magic Lantern: How to Buy and How to Use It, Also, How to Raise a Ghost by Mere Phantom, A. Mere Phantom, Mere Phantom, A. Mere Phantom
The Two Lords: A Comedy In Three Acts by Smelt, Thomas
The Theatre Of Science: A Volume Of Progress And Achievement In The Motion Picture Industry by Grau, Robert
The Art of the Actor: The Essential History of Acting from Classical Times to the Present Day by Benedetti, Jean
Documenting Gay Men: Identity and Performance in Reality Television and Documentary Film by Pullen, Christopher
Japanese Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films: A Critical Analysis and Filmography of 103 Features Released in the United States, 1950-1992 by Galbraith, Stuart
The Film Work of Norman McLaren by Dobson, Terence
Culture, Identities and Technology in the Star Wars Films: Essays on the Two Trilogies by
New Wave Shakespeare on Screen by Rowe, Katherine, Cartelli, Thomas
Disintegration in Frames: Aesthetics and Ideology in the Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Cinema by Levi, Pavle
Every Step a Struggle: Interviews with Seven Who Shaped the African-American Image in Movies by Manchel, Frank
Filming Shakespeare in the Global Marketplace by Burnett, M.
Faith and Film: A Guidebook for Leaders by McNulty, Edward N.
Filming Shakespeare in the Global Marketplace by Burnett, M.
Electric Edwardians: The Films of Mitchell and Kenyon by Toulmin, Vanessa
Filming Shakespeare in the Global Marketplace by Burnett, M.
Poetics of Cinema 2 by Ruiz, Raul
Sound Design & Science Fiction by Whittington, William
The Cinema of Víctor Erice: An Open Window by Ehrlich, Linda C.
European Cinemas in the Television Age by Roberts, Graham, Ostrowska, Dorota
European Cinemas in the Television Age by Ostrowska, Dorota, Roberts, Graham
Fiasco: A History of Hollywood's Iconic Flops by Parish, James Robert
Italian Neorealism and Global Cinema by
Hollywood: Warts 'N' All! by Royle, Alan
Polish Postcommunist Cinema: From Pavement Level by Mazierska, Ewa
The Films of Ingmar Bergman: Illusions of Light and Darkness by Hubner, L.
Cinema and the Swastika: The International Expansion of Third Reich Cinema by
Cinema and the Swastika: The International Expansion of Third Reich Cinema by
Webslinger: Unauthorized Essays on Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man by
Theology Goes to the Movies: An Introduction to Critical Christian Thinking by Marsh, Clive
Sanctuary Cinema: Origins of the Christian Film Industry by Lindvall, Terry
The Cinema of Todd Haynes: All That Heaven Allows by Morrison, James
The Cinema of Steven Spielberg: Empire of Light by Morris, Nigel
The Cinema of Steven Spielberg: Empire of Light by Morris, Nigel
The Cinema of Todd Haynes: All That Heaven Allows by Morrison, James
The Power of Movies: How Screen and Mind Interact by McGinn, Colin
The Best Old Movies for Families: A Guide to Watching Together by Burr, Ty
The American Western by McVeigh, Stephen
The American Western by McVeigh, Stephen
Of This Place and Elsewhere: The Films and Photography of Peter Mettler by White, Jerry
Theology Goes to the Movies: An Introduction to Critical Christian Thinking by Marsh, Clive
Tales From The Frontline Of Indie Film: And Other Assorted Tips by Ross, Peter John
Estonian Animation: Between Genius and Utter Illiteracy by Robinson, Chris
Animated 'Worlds' by
Good Girls and Wicked Witches: Changing Representations of Women in Disney's Feature Animation by Davis, Amy M.
American Cinema of the 1970s: Themes and Variations by
The Cinema of Globalization by Zaniello, Tom
The Cinema of Globalization: A Guide to Films about the New Economic Order by Zaniello, Tom
Signatures of the Visible by Jameson, Fredric
Silent Film Sound by Altman, Rick
The Films of Luc Besson: Master of Spectacle by
Every Step a Struggle: Interviews with Seven Who Shaped the African-American Image in Movies by Manchel, Frank
Felicia's Journey by McBride, Stephanie
European Film Noir by
From Box Office to Ballot Box: The American Political Film by Booker, M.
Troy Kennedy Martin by Cooke, Lez
The History of Motion Pictures by Bardeche, Maurice, Brasillach, Robert
Hell Over Hollywood: The Truth About The Movies by Gilbert, Dan
Old-Time Radio Memories by Simons, Mel
Projected Shadows: Psychoanalytic Reflections on the Representation of Loss in European Cinema by
Super Bitches and Action Babes: The Female Hero in Popular Cinema, 1970-2006 by Schubart, Rikke
James Dean Transfigured: The Many Faces of Rebel Iconography by Springer, Claudia
T.J. Wilcox: Films by
Overkill: The Rise and Fall of Thriller Cinema by Mesce, Bill
Mickey Rooney And Judy Garland: The Story Of Their Rise To Fame And Fortune In The Movies by Gruskin, Edward I.
The Urban Generation: Chinese Cinema and Society at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century by
Federico Fellini by Kezich, Tullio
Don't You Forget about Me: Contemporary Writers on the Films of John Hughes by
America First: Naming the Nation in US Film by
Concise Companion Shakespeare on Screen by
Quota Quickies by Chibnall, Steve, McFarlane, Brian
Time Frames: Japanese Cinema and the Unfolding of History by Nygren, Scott
The History of Motion Pictures by Bardeche, Maurice
Claude Lanzmann's Shoah by
Black and White in Colour: African History on Screen by
Republic Studios: Beyond Poverty Row and the Majors by Hurst, Richard M.
Twentieth-Century American Fiction on Screen by
19C American Fiction on Screen by
Twentieth-Century American Fiction on Screen by
Memories of the Origins of Ethnographic Film by
Wittgenstein, 40th Anniversary Edition: Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics, Psychology and Religious Belief by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Projected Shadows: Psycholanalytic Reflections on the Representation of Loss in European Cinema by
Cinema and Modernism by Trotter, David
Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films: Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility by Chow, Rey
Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films: Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility by Chow, Rey
The Cinema of Álex de la Iglesia by Triana-Toribio, Nuria, Buse, Peter, Willis, Andy
Julio Medem by Stone, Robert
The Barrytown Trilogy by Cronin, Michael
The Naval War Film: Genre, History and National Cinema by Rayner, Jonathan
Dziga Vertov: Defining Documentary Film by Hicks, Jeremy
America First: Naming the Nation in US Film by
Stupendous, Miserable City: Pasolini's Rome by Rhodes, John David
Bombay Cinema: An Archive of the City by Mazumdar, Ranjani
Reach for the Top: The Turbulent Life of Laurence Harvey by Sinai, Anne
Historical Dictionary of French Cinema by Oscherwitz, Dayna, Higgins, Maryellen
The Griffith Project, Volume 10: Films Produced 1919-1946 by Usai, Paolo Cherchi
Dietrich Icon by
Robert Frank: c'Est Vrai! (One Hour) by
Narrativity: How Visual Arts, Cinema and Literature Are Telling the World Today by
Your Movie Sucks by Ebert, Roger
Hollywood Studios by Dangcil, Tommy
Film School Confidential: The Insider's Guide To Film Schools by Edgar, Tom, Kelly, Karin
Tolkien and Shakespeare: Essays on Shared Themes and Language by
Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Breaking into the Global Market by
Nineteenth-Century American Fiction on Screen by
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film by
John Cook: Viennese by Choice, Filmemacher Von Beruf by
Romantic Comedy: Boy Meets Girl Meets Genre by McDonald, Tamar Jeffers
Dziga Vertov: The Vertov Collection at the Austrian Film Museum/Die Vertov-Sammlung Im Osterreichischen Filmmuseum by
Film Genre: From Iconography to Ideology by Grant, Barry Keith
Spectatorship: The Power of Looking on by Aaron, Michele
Postmodern Chick Flicks: The Return of the Woman's Film by Garrett, R.
Postmodern Chick Flicks: The Return of the Woman's Film by Garrett, R.
Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media by
The Historical Epic and Contemporary Hollywood by Russell, James
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film by
Through a Catholic Lens: Religious Perspectives of 19 Film Directors from Around the World by
Through a Catholic Lens: Religious Perspectives of 19 Film Directors from Around the World by
Digital Encounters by Wood, Aylish
Race, Class, and Gender in Medieval Cinema by
Race, Class, and Gender in Medieval Cinema by
Eye on Science Fiction: 20 Interviews with Classic SF and Horror Filmmakers by Weaver, Tom
The Cinema of Australia and New Zealand by
The Cinema of Russia and the Former Soviet Union by
The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film by Rinzler, J. W.
The Cinema of Australia and New Zealand by
The Cinema of Russia and the Former Soviet Union by
Scenes of Instruction: The Beginnings of the U.S. Study of Film by Polan, Dana
The Mad Hot Adventures of an Unlikely Documentary Filmmaker by Sewell, Amy
The New Film History: Sources, Methods, Approaches by
The New Film History: Sources, Methods, Approaches by
Stanley Kubrick and the Art of Adaptation: Three Novels, Three Films by Jenkins, Greg
American Cinema of the 1980s: Themes and Variations by
The British Musical Film by Mundy, John
Film, Art, and Filmart: An Introduction to Aesthetics Through Film by Dahnke, Michael D.
Post-Pop Cinema: The Search for Meaning in New American Film by Mayshark, Jesse
Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Breaking into the Global Market by
Mike Leigh by Whitehead, Tony
Sessue Hayakawa: Silent Cinema and Transnational Stardom by Miyao, Daisuke
Discovering Orson Welles by Rosenbaum, Jonathan
Refractions of the Third Reich in German and Austrian Fiction and Film by Paver, Chloe
How to Succeed in Hollywood Without Really Trying P.S. - You Can't by Shavelson, Melville
Willing Suspension of Disbelief: Poetic Faith in Film by Ferri, Anthony J.
Sundance Kids by Mottram, James
Ava Gardner by Server, Lee
The Mexican Cinema of Darkness: A Critical Study of Six Landmark Horror and Exploitation Films, 1969-1988 by Greene, Doyle
The Films of Larry Buchanan: A Critical Examination by Craig, Rob
Queer Screen: A Screen Reader by
Queer Screen: A Screen Reader by
Dying to Belong: Gangster Movies in Hollywood and Hong Kong by Nochimson, Martha P.
The Cognitive Semiotics of Film by Buckland, Warren
The Unsilvered Screen: Surrealism on Film by
The Unsilvered Screen: Surrealism on Film by
Film Structure and the Emotion System by Smith, Greg M.
The Battle of Britain on Screen: 'The Few' in British Film and Television Drama by MacKenzie, S. P.
The Battle of Britain on Screen: 'The Few' in British Film and Television Drama by MacKenzie, S. P.
André Téchiné by Marshall, Bill
Eric Rohmer by Schilling, Derek
Short Horn Hobo: Son of the Great Depression by Edwards, Duval A.
Little Stories From The Screen by Lathrop, William Addison
The Magazine Of Poetry: A Quarterly Review by
Volver: Flip Book by
Future Imperfect: Philip K. Dick at the Movies by Vest, Jason
I Was a Teenage Movie Maker: The Book by Glut, Don
Film & Religion: An Introduction by Torry, Robert, Flesher, Paul V. M.
Memory and Myth: The Civil War in Fiction and Film from Uncle Tom's Cabin to Cold Mountain by
Frank Sinatra: The Man, the Music, the Legend by
Silent-Era Filmmaking in Santa Barbara by Birchard, Robert S.
The Hypersexuality of Race: Performing Asian/American Women on Screen and Scene by Shimizu, Celine Parreñas
The Strange World of David Lynch: Transcendental Irony from Eraserhead to Mulholland Dr. by Wilson, Eric G.
Disney/Pixar the Art of Ratatouille by
Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the Exploitation Independents by Thrower, Stephen
A New Guide to Italian Cinema by Celli, C., Cottino-Jones, M.
A New Guide to Italian Cinema by Cottino-Jones, M., Celli, C.
Class Representation in Modern Fiction and Film by Gandal, K.
Class Representation in Modern Fiction and Film by Gandal, K.
Hollywood Be Thy Name: African American Religion in American Film, 1929-1949 by Weisenfeld, Judith
Caught by Politics: Hitler Exiles and American Visual Culture by
Tim Burton: A Child's Garden of Nightmares by
Chinese Documentaries: From Dogma to Polyphony by Chu, Yingchi
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