• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2008

Zwischenwelten by Wollnik, Sabine
Heartland TV: Prime Time Television and the Struggle for U.S. Identity by Johnson, Victoria E.
Toward a New Film Aesthetic by Isaacs, Bruce
Stagecoach to Tombstone: The Filmgoers' Guide to the Great Westerns by Hughes, Howard
Philosophy of Motion Pictures by Carroll, Noël
Modular Narratives in Contemporary Cinema by Cameron, A.
A Feminine Cinematics: Luce Irigaray, Women and Film by Bainbridge, Caroline
Screening Novel Women: From British Domestic Fiction to Film by Brosh, Liora
Richard Hoggart and Cultural Studies by
Russia and Its Other(s) on Film: Screening Intercultural Dialogue by
Theorizing Desire: From Freud to Feminism to Film by Gorton, K.
Cinema and Community by McKiernan, D.
Eric Rohmer by Tester, K.
Heartland TV: Prime Time Television and the Struggle for U.S. Identity by Johnson, Victoria E.
Kitano Takeshi by Gerow, Aaron
Hollywood Winners and Losers: From A to Z by Thise, Mark M.
Hollywood Heroines: Women in Film Noir and the Female Gothic Film by Hanson, Helen
The New Face of Political Cinema: Commitment in French Film Since 1995 by O'Shaughnessy Martin
Einführung von HDTV im ARD-Sendezentrum. Voraussetzungen und technische Realisierbarkeit. by Glatz, Johannes
Joseph L. Mankiewicz: Interviews by
Canyon Cinema: The Life and Times of an Independent Film Distributor by MacDonald, Scott
Selektives Medienverhalten oder was der Zuschauer mit dem Medium Fernseher macht by J. Kreppel, Krisztina
'Then It Was Destroyed by the Volcano': The Ancient World in Film and on Television by Pomeroy, Arthur J.
The Griffith Project, the Volume 7: Films Produced in 1913 by Usai, Paolo Cherchi
Filmförderung in Frankreich by Monagas, Alexander
Innovation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation for German Firms by Peters, Bettina
Maiden USA: Girl Icons Come of Age by Sweeney, Kathleen M.
Contact Zones: Memory, Origin, and Discourse in Black Diasporic Cinema by Petty, Sheila
Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse: The Politics of Memory by Fuchs, A.
Phantoms of War in Contemporary German Literature, Films and Discourse: The Politics of Memory by Fuchs, A.
Fernsehen heute und in der Zukunft: Digitalfernsehen, Kabel- und Satellitengesellschaften, IPTV und Handy-TV by Flath, Herbert
The North American Review V206, Part 1 (1917) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V115 (1872) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V56 (1843) by Dickens, Charles, Dumas, Alexandre, North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V57 (1843) by North American Review Corporation
The North American Review V82 (1856) by North American Review Corporation
Postmoderne Figurenkonstruktion - Die Auflösung des Ichs: Sailor Ripley in David Lynchs "Wild At Heart" by Heuer, Laura
Die Mafia im 'Paten': Eine Untersuchung der Inszenierung des Phänomens Mafia in der Filmtrilogie 'Der Pate' by Weber, Matthias
The Picture of Abjection: Film, Fetish, and the Nature of Difference by Chanter, Tina
Daily Talks vs. Gerichtsshows: Ein kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Vergleich der beiden Fernsehgenres by Gunst, Johannes
Die filmischen Techniken in Orson Welles´ "Citizen Kane" by Loth, Franziska
More Than Night: Film Noir in Its Contexts by Naremore, James
Screening Modernism: European Art Cinema, 1950-1980 by Kovács, András Bálint
D.W. Griffith's the Birth of a Nation: A History of the Most Controversial Motion Picture of All Time by Stokes, Melvyn
D.W. Griffith's the Birth of a Nation: A History of the Most Controversial Motion Picture of All Time by Stokes, Melvyn
Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography by Morton, Andrew
Lange Einstellungen - Plansequenzen - Was ist eine lange Einstellung? Wie kommt sie zum Einsatz und welche Funktion erfüllt sie im gesamten Film? by Böhm, André
Zwischen Vernunft und Wahnsinn - Konzeptionen der Großstadt im neueren Hollywood-Blockbuster by Hutter, Andres
Shyamalan's "Everyday Hero" by Broodryk, Chris
The Cinema of Small Nations by
Becoming the New Man in Post-Postmodernist Fiction - Portrayals of Masculinities in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest and Chuck Palahniuk's Fight C by Delfino, Andrew Steven
Genre and Contemporary Hollywood by Neale, Stephen
Theorising National Cinema by
Dissecting Hannibal Lecter: Essays on the Novels of Thomas Harris by
The Influence of Imagination: Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy as Agents of Social Change by
Readings in Contemporary Chinese Cinema: A Textbook of Advanced Modern Chinese by Chiang, Joanne, Chou, Chih-P'Ing
Image and Mind: Film, Philosophy and Cognitive Science by Currie, Gregory
African Americans and the Oscar: Decades of Struggle and Achievement by Mapp, Edward
Better Living Through Television by Ouellette, Laurie, Hay, James
Defining Visions 2e by Watson, Mary Ann
Defining Visions: Television and the American Experience in the 20th Century by Watson, Mary Ann
Carlos Sauras Version des Carmen-Stoffes im Kontext seines filmischen Oeuvres by Kutzner, Ann-Katrin
Faszination Fernsehserie. Erklärungsansätze für das Phänomen Fernsehserie als Zuschauermagnet: "Alle Tage wieder ..." by Buchholz, Sabine
The Sacred Cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Toward a New Film Aesthetic by Isaacs, Bruce
The Cinema of Robert Gardner by
Makhmalbaf at Large: The Making of a Rebel Filmmaker by Dabashi, Hamid
Hollywood's American Tragedies: Dreiser, Eisenstein, Sternberg, Stevens by Merck, Mandy
Reel Histories by
Symbolik im Film am Beispiel von Tom Tykwers "Lola rennt" by Buchholz, Sabine
Indian Literature and Popular Cinema: Recasting Classics by
Cinema and Fascism: Italian Film and Society, 1922-1943 by Ricci, Steven
Formatentwicklung eines Fersehmagazins by Dreißig, Katja
Documentary Time: Film and Phenomenology Volume 21 by Wahlberg, Malin
Marshall McLuhan - mit dem Fernsehen in die Netzwerkgesellschaft by Parigger, Katrin
Licence to Thrill: A Cultural History of the James Bond Films by Chapman, James
Smoke (Paul Auster und Wayne Wang 1994) - Fotografie im Film - Zufall und Zeit - ein Lob auf die Langsamkeit by Kutzner, Ann-Katrin
Better Living Through Reality TV: Television and Post-Welfare Citizenship by Ouellette, Laurie, Hay, James
Networks of Entertainment: Early Film Distribution 1895a 1915 by
Building Bridges: The Cinema of Jean Rouch by
Building Bridges: The Cinema of Jean Rouch by
L.A. Noir: Nine Dark Visions of the City of Angels by Hare, William
Entwicklung einer TV-Movie-Package-Strategie für den deutschen Fernsehmarkt by Hoffmann, Stefan
Television in the Multichannel Age: A Brief History of Cable Television by Mullen, Megan
The Hollywood Historical Film by Burgoyne, Robert
The Hollywood Historical Film by Burgoyne, Robert
Auteurs and Authorship: A Film Reader by
The Contemporary Hollywood Film Industry by
Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business by Mamet, David
Latinos in American Films by Häntzschel, Jana
Screening Novel Women: From British Domestic Fiction to Film by Brosh, Liora
Zombie Culture: Autopsies of the Living Dead by
The Films of Sergio Leone by Cumbow, Robert C.
Eric Rohmer: Film as Theology by Tester, K.
Post-Stalinist Cinema and the Russian Intelligentsia, 1953-1960 - Strategies of Self-Representation, De-Stalinization, and the National Cultural Tradi by Kapterev, Sergei
One Earth, One People: The Mythopoeic Fantasy Series of Ursula K. Le Guin, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine l'Engle and Orson Scott Card by Oziewicz, Marek
Die Zukunft der Kinematographie by Stalla, Philippe
Filmzensur und -politik in der DDR. Untersuchung an ausgewählten Filmen von Jürgen Böttcher in den sechziger Jahren by Hartmann, Astrid
"Cinema Paradiso" - Nostalgie des (europäischen) Kinos by Hochhuth, T., Krivachy, J., Trog, O.
Postsocialist Modernity: Chinese Cinema, Literature, and Criticism in the Market Age by McGrath, Jason
Entwicklung und Bedeutung der Farbe im Film am Beispiel von Gary Ross "Pleasantville" by Wagner, Christoph
"The Taming of the Shrew": William Shakespeare 1593/94 und Franco Zeffirelli 1967 by Glubrecht, Vera-Marlene
Jonas Mekas und das New American Cinema by Maldunaite-Christ, Laima
Die Propagandafilme von Charlie Chaplin by Heyer, Martin
Lecons De Cinematique: Professees A La Sorbonne (1897) by Koenigs, Gabriel
The Quest for American Manhood - Issues of Race and Gender in David Rabe's Vietnam Trilogy by Altwein, Sabine
Sydney Pollack: A Critical Filmography by Meyer, Janet L.
Russisches Montagekino by Wildt, Andrea
Analyse der Erzählstruktur von Memento by Wildt, Andrea
Working with Walt: Interviews with Disney Artists by Peri, Don
Science Fiction Serials: A Critical Filmography of the 31 Hard SF Cliffhangers; With an Appendix of the 37 Serials with Slight SF Content by Kinnard, Roy
John Wayne und 'Chisum': "Big Duke does it again?" - Eine Sequenzanalyse by Lippe, Carsten
Popular Front Paris and the Poetics of Culture by Andrew, Dudley, Ungar, Steven
Hollywood Independents: The Postwar Talent Takeover by Mann, Denise
Theaters of Occupation: Hollywood and the Reeducation of Postwar Germany by Fay, Jennifer
Federalism, Nationalism and Development: India and the Punjab Economy by Singh, Pritam
The Magnificent Showman the Epic Films of Samuel Bronston (hardback) by Martin, Mel
Italian Locations: Reinhabiting the Past in Postwar Cinema by Steimatsky, Noa
Cult Films: Taboo and Transgression: A Select Survey Over 9 Decades by Havis, Allan
Politics of Documentary by Chanan, Michael
The Magnificent Showman the Epic Films of Samuel Bronston by Martin, Mel
Palestinian Cinema: Landscape, Trauma, and Memory by Gertz, Nurith, Khleifi, George
Hollywood in the Neighborhood: Historical Case Studies of Local Moviegoing by
Stalinist Cinema and the Production of History: Museum of the Revolution by Dobrenko, Evgeny
The History of Media and Communication Research: Contested Memories by
Politische Talkshows: Bühne frei für moderne Politikvermittlung oder Politikerinszenierung? by Stillert, Silvia
The Spoken Words of Spirit: Lessons from the Other Side by Fargiano, Jim
From Impressionism to Anime: Japan as Fantasy and Fan Cult in the Mind of the West by Napier, S.
From Impressionism to Anime: Japan as Fantasy and Fan Cult in the Mind of the West by Napier, S.
Turbulence and Flow in Film: The Rhythmic Design by Bíro, Yvette
Theorizing Desire: From Freud to Feminism to Film by Gorton, K.
Bette Davis: The Performances That Made Her Great by McNally, Peter
English in International Deaf Communication by
She's Gotta Have It: A Narrative Case Study by Odom, Christopher C.
Moral Spectatorship: Technologies of Voice and Affect in Postwar Representations of the Child by Cartwright, Lisa
George Raft by Wallace, Stone
Reading the French New Wave: Critics, Writers and Art Cinema in Franceâ by Ostrowska, Dorota
Studying Gladiator: Instructor's Edition by Irvine, Sandy
Studying City of God by Muir, Stephanie
Studying the Usual Suspects: Instructor's Edition by Gunn, Judith
Studying the Wicker Man: Instructor's Edition by Rolston, Lorraine, Murray, Andy
Studying the Sixth Sense: Instructor's Edition by Kirwan-Hayhoe, Mark
Adapting Nathaniel Hawthorne to the Screen: Forging New Worlds by Raw, Laurence
Conversations with Directors: An Anthology of Interviews from Literature/Film Quarterly by
George Raft by Wallace, Stone
Elemente des Film Noir in den Filmen "Blue Velvet" und "Lost Highway" von David Lynch by Lühn, Sebastian
Movie Medievalism: The Imaginary Middle Ages by Haydock, Nickolas
Ingmar Bergman Revisited: Performance, Cinema, and the Arts by
Ingmar Bergman Revisited: Performance, Cinema, and the Arts by
'Weltfernsehen' - die internationale Vermarktung der Quizshow 'Wer wird Millionär?' by Hochmuth, Teresa
Charakteristika des neusachlichen Films: Berlin - Die Sinfonie der Großstadt by Hochmuth, Teresa
Der Wandel des Männlichkeitsbildes im Neuen Britischen Kino: Analysiert auf der Grundlage der dargestellten Männlichkeiten in Billy Elliot von Stephen by Cornelius, Christine
Masculine Singular: French New Wave Cinema by
Production Culture: Industrial Reflexivity and Critical Practice in Film and Television by Caldwell, John Thornton
Ted Bundy vs. Fritz Haarmann: Ein Vergleich der Inszenierung von Serienmördern im Film by Stamatovic, Helena
Welche Bedingungen sind an Fan Fiktion gebunden?: Die Voraussetzungen des Fernsehtextes und der Rezipienten für die Aneignung von Serien by Hillegaart, Maria
Stardom, Italian Style: Screen Performance and Personality in Italian Cinema by Landy, Marcia
Judenrollen: Darstellungsformen Im Europäischen Theater Von Der Restauration Bis Zur Zwischenkriegszeit by
Fernsehen aus der Ferne gesehen: Ein Überblick über die jüngere Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Analyse von Fernsehrezeption by Fink, Patrick
Born in Flames: Termite Dreams, Dialectical Fairy Tales, and Pop Apocalypses by Hampton, Howard
A Foreign Affair: Billy Wilder's American Films by Gemünden, Gerd
Black Space: Imagining Race in Science Fiction Film by Nama, Adilifu
Sociology Through the Projector by Bagge Laustsen, Carsten, Diken, Bulent
French Colonial Documentary: Mythologies of Humanitarianism by Bloom, Peter J.
Why Did It Have to Be Snakes: From Science to the Supernatural, the Many Mysteries of Indiana Jones by Gresh, Lois H.
A Foreign Affair: Billy Wilder's American Films by Gemünden, Gerd
Hartmut Bitomsky "Der VW-Komplex": Eine Analyse by Gries, Cordula
Paul Dahlke in Gastrollen der ZDF-Fernsehproduktionen "Der Kommissar", "Derrick" und "Der Alte" by Rauch, Mirco
Why Did It Have to Be Snakes: From Science to the Supernatural, the Many Mysteries of Indiana Jones by Gresh, Lois H.
The Cult Film Reader by
The Decline of Sentiment: American Film in the 1920s by Jacobs, Lea
The Early Sartre and Marxism by Coombes, Sam
Freud's Drive: Psychoanalysis, Literature and Film: Psychoanalysis, Literature and Film by de Lauretis, Teresa
Freud's Drive: Psychoanalysis, Literature and Film: Psychoanalysis, Literature and Film by de Lauretis, Teresa
The Shifting Definitions of Genre: Essays on Labeling Films, Television Shows and Media by
Hitler in der Filmkomödie: Exemplarische Fallstudien zur Funktion des Komischen by Beigel, Frauke
Ästhetik des Politischen im Film "Die bleierne Zeit" von Margarethe von Trotta by Gries, Cordula
The Actor's Art and Craft: William Esper Teaches the Meisner Technique by Esper, William, DiMarco, Damon
Road Movies: From Muybridge and Méliès to Lynch and Kiarostami by Orgeron, D.
The Films of Stephen King: From Carrie to Secret Window by Magistrale, T.
The Politics of Caribbean Cyberculture by Best, C.
Remembering the Occupation in French Film: National Identity in Postwar Europe by Hewitt, L.
Remembering the Occupation in French Film: National Identity in Postwar Europe by Hewitt, L.
The Films of Stephen King: From Carrie to Secret Window by Magistrale, T.
Reading Mark Strand: His Collected Works, Career, and the Poetics of the Privative by Nicosia, J.
Road Movies: From Muybridge and Méliès to Lynch and Kiarostami by Orgeron, D.
Once Upon a Time There Was a Country - National and Cynicism in the Post-1990s Balkan Cinema by Mazaj, Meta
Das Zuschauermodell der psychoanalytischen Filmtheorie und des Neoformalismus: Eine Gegenüberstellung by Witte, Viktor
Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema by Streible, Dan
Fantasie und Realität: Untersuchung der Auffälligkeiten in den Figurenkonstellationen von François Ozons Filmen by Pöhnert, Julius
Formate im interaktiven Fernsehen: Eine explorative Analyse by Liebmann, Helen
Native Features by Wood, Houston
Spiel mir das Lied vom Drama: Ein Überblick über die dramaturgischen, narrativen und sensorischen Funktionen von Filmmusik im Spielfilm nach 1950 an by Fink, Patrick
Cinematic Thinking: Philosophical Approaches to the New Cinema by
The Time of the Crime: Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, Italian Film by Torlasco, Domietta
Cinematic Thinking: Philosophical Approaches to the New Cinema by
The SAGE Handbook of Film Studies by
Zur Dramaturgie im Kammerspielthriller by Flade, Uwe
Der Beitrag kommerzieller Fernsehsender zur Entwicklung des seriellen Fernsehkrimis by Sturmberg, Michael
Wild Beyond Belief!: Interviews with Exploitation Filmmakers of the 1960s and 1970s by Albright, Brian
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