• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2009

Crepusculo: Diario de la Directora = Twilight: Director's Notebook by Hardwicke, Catherine
Screen Media: Analysing Film and Television by Stadler, Jane
Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Cinema by
Refractions of Reality: Philosophy and the Moving Image by Mullarkey, John
The Altering Eye: Contemporary International Cinema by Kolker, Robert Phillip
The Altering Eye: Contemporary International Cinema by Kolker, Robert Phillip
Audrey Hepburn: A Biography by Gitlin, Martin
Michael Haneke's Cinema: The Ethic of the Image by Wheatley, Catherine
Naked Lens: Beat Cinema by Sargeant, Jack
Obscene, Indecent, Immoral & Offensive: 100+ Years of Censored, Banned and Controversial Films by Tropiano, Stephen
Screening Sex by Williams, Linda
Edgar G. Ulmer: Essays on the King of the B's by
Rain/Drizzle/Fog: Film and Television in Atlantic Canada Volume 2 by
Virales Marketing als wirtschaftliches Erfolgsrezept bei der Kinofilmvermarktung in Deutschland: Am Beispiel von Blair Witch Project by Deltow, Katharina
Yabba Dabba Doo! the Alan Reed Story by Ohmart, Ben, Reed, Alan
Tanz im Bollywood-Kino by Lobgesang, Jonas
Medea - Filmanalyse zu "Der Schlaf der Vernunft" by Biller, Richard
Yabba Dabba Doo! the Alan Reed Story (hardback) by Reed, Alan, Ohmart, Ben
The Star Machine by Basinger, Jeanine
My First Movie, Take Two: Ten Celebrated Directors TAlk About Their First Film by Lowenstein, Stephen
Chavez: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: A Case Study of Politics and the Media [With DVD] by Stoneman, Rod
Fantastic Journeys: Sci-Fi Memories by Svehla, Aurelia S., Svehla, Gary J.
Weimar Cinema: An Essential Guide to Classic Films of the Era by
Ib Melchior: Man of Imagination by Skotak, Robert
Rosemary DeCamp: Tigers in My Lap by DeCamp, Rosemary
Forgotten Horrors 2: Beyond the Horror Ban by Price, Michael H.
Human Monsters: The Definitive Edition by Turner, George, Price, Michael H.
Forgotten Horrors: The Definitive Edition by Turner, George, Price, Michael H.
Celluloid Adventures: Good Movies, Bad Timing by Anez, Nicholas
Forgotten Horrors 4: Dreams That Money Can Buy by Price, Michael H.
The 'Way-Out Wonderful World of Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi Trivia by Hedges, Keith
Classic Cliffhangers: Volume 2, 1941-1955 by Davis, Hank
Hollywood's Top Dogs: The Dog Hero in Film by Painter, Deborah
Hitchcock Becomes Hitchcock: The British Years by Jensen, Paul
We Belong Dead: Frankenstein on Film by
Cinematic Hauntings by
Mad About Movies #4 by
Midnight Marquee Studio Series: Hammer by
It's Christmastime at the Movies An A-Z Guide of Our Favorite Holiday Films by Svehla, Aurelia S., Svehla, Gary J.
Tuesday's Child: The Life and Death of Imogen Hassall by Leissner, Dan
Minds of Fear: 30 Cult Classics of the Modern Horror Film by Waddell, Callum
You're Not Old Enough Son by Atkinson, Barry
Popcorn Prozac: Movies to Cure the Recession Depression by
Lon Chaney, Jr.: Midnight Marquee Actors Series by
Classic Cliffhangers: Volume 1, 1914-1940 by Davis, Hank
Attack of the B Queens by Keeyes, Jon
Forbidden Fruit: The Golden Age of the Exploitation Film by Wood, Bret, Feaster, Felicia
Mantan the Funnyman: The Life and Times of Mantan Moreland by Price, Michael H.
A Gallery of Stars The Story of the Hollywood Brown Derby Wall of Fame by Lane, Jack
Hollywood's Maddest Doctors: Lionel Atwill, Colin Clive and George Zucco by Mank, Gregory
Boris Karloff Midnight Marquee Actors Series by
Weimar Cinema: An Essential Guide to Classic Films of the Era by
Sinister Serials of Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney, Jr. by Kohl, Leonard J.
Dwight Frye's Last Laugh by Mank, Gregory W., Coughlin, James T., Frye, Dwight D.
Boris Karloff: A Gentleman's Life by Nollen, Scott A.
Horror 101: The A-List of Horror Films and Monster Movies by
William Fox: A Story of Early Hollywood 1915-1930 by Fox, Susan
The Remarkable Michael Reeves: His Short and Tragic Life by Murray, John
Ingrid Pitt: Darkness Before Dawn The Revised and Expanded Autobiography of Life's a Scream by Pitt, Ingrid
Italian Horror by Harper, Jim
Silent Screams The History of the Silent Horror Film by Haberman, Steve
Bioethics at the Movies by
Chaplin in the Sound Era: An Analysis of the Seven Talkies by Flom, Eric L.
American Cinema, 1890-1909: Themes and Variations by
Alfred Hitchcock's London A Reference Guide to Locations by Giblin, Gary
Son of Guilty Pleasures of the Horror Film by
The Amazingly True Adventures of Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack: The Creators of King Kong by Price, Michael H., Svehla, Aurelia S.
Perspectives: Arabic Language and Culture in Film by Alwani, Zainab, Sryfi, Mbarek, Isleem, Nasser M.
"To See You Is To Love You!" - Zur Rolle des Voyeurismus in Alfred Hitchcocks "Rear Window" by Leuer, Eric A.
Der Kultursender ARTE seit 1992 - Überblick und Programmanalyse by Lobgesang, Jonas
The Myth of an Irish Cinema: Approaching Irish-Themed Films by Gillespie, Michael
Pierre Batcheff and Stardom in 1920s French Cinema by Powrie, Phil, Rebillard, Eric
The Myth of an Irish Cinema: Approaching Irish-Themed Films by Gillespie, Michael
Richard Oswalds "Dreyfus" - ein Film als zeitgenössische Warnung vor Antisemitismus und Faschismus by Kornberger, Silvia
Eine Zensur findet nicht statt?: Ein kritischer Blick auf die Filmzensur in Deutschland by Honeck, Christian
Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers. Extreme Gewalt im Film - ästhetischer Genuß oder gefährliches Vorbild? by Honeck, Christian
Musical Groups in the Movies, 1929-1970 by Liebman, Roy
"Kolberg" - Der letzte Propagandafilm des Dritten Reiches by Kornberger, Silvia
Sexual Difference in European Cinema: The Curse of Enjoyment by Vighi, F.
Sexual Difference in European Cinema: The Curse of Enjoyment by Vighi, F.
Horror Film and Psychoanalysis: Freud's Worst Nightmare by
Gewalt und Krieg in Ex-Jugoslawien. Eine vergleichende Filmanalyse von Kusturicas "Underground", Tanovics "No Man's Land" und Zbanics "Esmas Geheimnis by Anonym
Film Actors Organize: Union Formation Efforts in America, 1912-1937 by Segrave, Kerry
Inside the Dark Tower Series: Art, Evil and Intertextuality in the Stephen King Novels by McAleer, Patrick
Daniel Calparsoro by Davies, Ann
Catherine Breillat by Keesey, Douglas
The Immigrant Scene: Ethnic Amusements in New York, 1880-1920 by Haenni, Sabine
Puzzle Films: Complex Storytelling in Contemporary Cinema by
Fifteenth-Century Studies 34 by
The Films of Luc Besson: Master of Spectacle by
The Secret Life of Romantic Comedy by Deleyto, Celestino
The Philosophy of Neo-Noir by Conard, Mark T.
A History of Russian Cinema by Beumers, Birgit
Pictures at a Revolution: Five Movies and the Birth of the New Hollywood by Harris, Mark
Stanley Kubrick by Jacke, Andreas
Film Sequels: Theory and Practice from Hollywood to Bollywood by Jess-Cooke, Carolyn
Frank Borzage: The Life and Films of a Hollywood Romantic by Dumont, Hervé
Die Auseinandersetzung mit der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit im deutschen Spielfilm der sechziger Jahre: Ein historischer Vergleich unter Einb by Scholz, Juliane
Epic Films: Casts, Credits and Commentary on More Than 350 Historical Spectacle Movies, 2d ed. by Smith, Gary Allen
From Lee to Li: An A-Z guide of martial arts heroes by Stevens, Ben
Breaking Into The Movies (1921) by Emerson, John, Loos, Anita
Breaking Into The Movies (1921) by Loos, Anita, Emerson, John
Das Komische bei David Lynch by Schmid, Johannes
To shoot holes in the myth of the Wild White West: "Posse - Die Rache des Jessie Lee", R: Mario Van Peebles, USA 1993 - Über den schwarzen Western im by Wolter, Antje
To catch an audience - Von der Kunst ein Publikum zu fesseln: Hitchcock's Suspense am Beispiel seines Films 'Rope' by Peitz, Daniel
Horror by Cherry, Brigid
Der Mythos Bhagat Singh im Hindifilm by Paternoster, Julia
Iwao Takamoto: My Life with a Thousand Characters by Takamoto, Iwao
Das Fernsehen und Kriminalitätsfurcht unter Heranwachsenden: Einflüsse verschiedener Nutzungsgewohnheiten by Heini, Stefan
The Cinematic Jane Austen: Essays on the Filmic Sensibility of the Novels by Monaghan, David, Hudelet, Ariane, Wiltshire, John
Die Kunst der Fälscher - Von gefälschten Originalen und originalen Fälschungen: Eine Arbeit über Sein und Schein in der Kunst, exemplarisch vertieft a by Vordermayer, Brigitte
The Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick by
After Kieslowski: The Legacy of Krzysztof Kieslowski by
Film Noir and the Cinema of Paranoia by Dixon, Wheeler Winston
Treasure of the Sierra Madre by
Cinema and Classical Texts by Winkler, Martin M.
Extra-Ordinary Men: White Heterosexual Masculinity and Contemporary Popular Cinema by Rehling, Nicola
Eaten Alive at a Chainsaw Massacre: The Films of Tobe Hooper by Muir, John Kenneth
Bigger Than Blockbusters: Movies That Defined America by Roman, James
Secret Agents: Popular Icons Beyond James Bond by
Photographie als externes Gedächtnis - Das Bild in Christopher Nolans Film "Memento" by Gronmaier, Danny
Die Fernsehkultur des 21. Jahrhunderts im Wandel programmatischer und intermedialer Prämissen by Tannwald, Ferdinand
Alienation and Alterity: Otherness in Modern and Contemporary Francophone Contexts by
The Deep End of South Park: Critical Essays on Television's Shocking Cartoon Series by
Studying British Cinema: The 1960s by Powell, Danny
Studying British Cinema: The 1960s by Powell, Danny
Brass Diva: The Life and Legends of Ethel Merman by Flinn, Caryl
Tamil Cinema: The Cultural Politics of India's other Film Industry by
Cheap Tricks and Class Acts: Special Effects, Makeup and Stunts from the Fantastic Fifties by Johnson, John J. J.
Michael Winterbottom by McFarlane, Brian, Williams, Deane
Territory of Desire: Representing the Valley of Kashmir by Kabir, Ananya Jahanara
Contemporary Spanish Cinema and Genre by
Skyscraper Cinema: Architecture and Gender in American Film by Schleier, Merrill
Arena One: Anarchist Film and Video by
The Guerrilla Guide to Animation: Making Animated Films Outside the Mainstream by Santucci, Walter
Screening a Lynching: The Leo Frank Case on Film and Television by Bernstein, Matthew
Tudors and Stuarts on Film: Historical Perspectives by Doran, Susan, Freeman, Thomas
Hollywood in the Holy Land: Essays on Film Depictions of the Crusades and Christian-Muslim Clashes by
Hollywood and Anticommunism: HUAC and the Evolution of the Red Menace, 1935-1950 by Gladchuk, John J.
Explorations in Communication and History by
Hitchcock Reader 2e by
Future Imperfect: Philip K. Dick at the Movies by Vest, Jason P.
The Godfather Doctrine: A Foreign Policy Parable by Hulsman, John C., Mitchell, A. Wess
Ghostlife of Third Cinema: Asian American Film and Video by Mimura, Glen M.
Anatomy of Film, 6e by Dick, Bernard
United Artists, Volume 1, 1919-1950: The Company Built by the Stars by Balio, Tino
United Artists, Volume 2, 1951-1978: The Company That Changed the Film Industry by Balio, Tino
Conversations with Robert Evans by Grobel, Lawrence
Conversations with Marlon Brando by Grobel, Lawrence
The World and Its Double by Fujiwara, Chris
Film at the Intersection of High and Mass Culture by Coates, Paul, Paul, Coates
Memories of Hammer: The Fanex Interviews by
Among the Rugged Peaks: An Intimate Biography of Carla Laemmle by Atkins, Rick
Pier Paolo Pasolini: In Living Memory by
Vom Kollektiv zum Individuum - Italienischer Neorealismus und französische Nouvelle Vague: Am Beispiel von Roberto Rossellini, François Truffaut und J by Lammich, Kirsten
Zur Dialektik zwischen Zuschauer und Schauspieler in Béla Balázs' Filmphysiognomik (1924/1930) by Turan, Canan
Midnight Marquee #76 by Svehla, Gary J.
Midnight Marquee 75 by
Die Entwicklung des amerikanischen Gangsterfilms von "The Roaring Twenties" zu "Casino" by Schneider, Marco
Medien und Manipulation by Eder, Jürgen Alfred
Teaching Literary Theory Using Film Adaptations by Brown, Kathleen L.
Wenn Trauer das Ich zerstört: Eine Analyse der Melancholie am Beispiel von Alfred Hitchcocks "Vertigo" by Ahlemann, Karoline
In the Dark Room: Marguerite Duras and Cinema by
Between Gazes: Feminist, Queer, and Other Films by Elias, Camelia
Bad Taste by Barratt, Jim
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story by Davis, Glyn
Eine Entwicklungstendenz im philosophisch-poetischen Erzählstil von Terrence Malick: Im Speziellen ein Vergleich der Werke: "Badlands" (1973) & "The T by Ochs, Thomas
Embodied Visions: Evolution, Emotion, Culture, and Film by Grodal, Torben Kragh
Embodied Visions: Evolution, Emotion, Culture, and Film by Grodal, Torben Kragh
Introduction to Japanese Horror Film by Balmain, Colette
Das Urteil von Nürnberg: Die filmische Umsetzung der völkerrechtlichen Thematik by Schröder, Alexander
Silent Film Stars on the Stages of Seattle: A History of Performances by Hollywood Notables by Flom, Eric L.
Sichtbare/Unsichtbare Erde: Evidenz und Latenz im Focus extraterrestrischer Fotos und Bilder des blauen Planeten by Priewisch, Manon a.
"Night of the Living Dead" im Kontext der amerikanischen Politik und Gesellschaft der 1960er Jahre by Witte, Viktor
The Invention of Europe in French Literature and Film by Ousselin, E.
The Films of the Nineties: The Decade of Spin by Palmer, W.
The Invention of Europe in French Literature and Film by Ousselin, E.
The Films of the Nineties: The Decade of Spin by Palmer, W.
Existentialist Cinema by Pamerleau, W.
Existentialist Cinema by Pamerleau, W.
The Cinema of John Sayles: Lone Star by Bould, Mark
The Cinema of John Sayles: Lone Star by Bould, Mark
Hollywood's Censor: Joseph I. Breen and the Production Code Administration by Doherty, Thomas
John Hughes and Eighties Cinema by Christie, Thomas A.
Hong Kong Cinema: Coloniser, Motherland and Self by Chu, Yingchi
The History on Film Reader by
The Routledge Companion to Religion and Film by
Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and New Global Cinema: No Film Is an Island by
Psycho in the Shower: The History of Cinema's Most Famous Scene by Skerry, Philip J.
Mainstreaming Sex: The Sexualisation of Western Culture by
Jesus of Hollywood by Reinhartz, Adele
Hollywood's Tennessee: The Williams Films and Postwar America by Palmer, R. Barton, Bray, William Robert
Latsploitation, Exploitation Cinemas, and Latin America by
Tracking King Kong: A Hollywood Icon in World Culture by Erb, Cynthia
Rethinking the Novel/Film Debate by Elliott, Kamilla, Kamilla, Elliott
Chinese Documentaries: From Dogma to Polyphony by Chu, Yingchi
The Cinema of Tsui Hark by Morton, Lisa
Francophone African Cinema: History, Culture, Politics and Theory by Frindéthié, K. Martial
Draculas, Vampires, and Other Undead Forms: Essays on Gender, Race and Culture by
Get Real: Documentary Theatre Past and Present by
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