• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2010

The Documentary: Politics, Emotion, Culture by Smaill, B.
The City and the Moving Image: Urban Projections by
The Femme Fatale: Images, Histories, Contexts by Hanson, Helen, O'Rawe, Catherine
Destabilizing the Hollywood Musical: Music, Masculinity and Mayhem by Kessler, K.
Texas Hollywood: Filmmaking in San Antonio Since 1910 by Thompson, Frank
Dubbing and Subtitling in a World Context by Fong, Gilbert C. F.
Kristeva in Focus: From Theory to Film Analysis by Goodnow, Katherine J.
America's Film Legacy by Eagan, Daniel
A Short History of the Movies by Kawin, Bruce, Mast, Gerald
George Lucas's Blockbusting by Block, Alex Ben
Afterimages of Gilles Deleuze's Film Philosophy by
William Wyler: Interviews by
History and Film: Moving Pictures and the Study of the Past by Pereboom, Maarten
Splice: Winter 2009-10 by
Dokumentarfilm als Medienkombination - "Nuit et Brouillard" (1955) von Resnais by Ochs, Thomas
Upward Mobility and the Common Good: Toward a Literary History of the Welfare State by Robbins, Bruce
How Motion Pictures Are Made by Croy, Homer
The Screenplay: Authorship, Theory and Criticism by Price, Steven
Magic as Metaphor in Anime: A Critical Study by Cavallaro, Dani
Racial Stigma on the Hollywood Screen from World War II to the Present: The Orientalist Buddy Film by Locke, Brian
Racial Stigma on the Hollywood Screen from World War II to the Present: The Orientalist Buddy Film by Locke, Brian
The Essential Jim Carrey by Cassata, Mary Anne
Chris Alexander's Blood Spattered Book by Alexander, Chris
The Movie Trivia Book by Simons, Mel
Encyclopedia of Early Cinema by
Die zeitgenössische Rezeption des Films Nosferatu by Schnell, Hildegard
Constructing the Image of the Mexican Revolution: Cinema and the Archive by Pick, Zuzana M.
Animating Difference: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Films for Children by King, C. Richard, Lugo-Lugo, Carmen R., Bloodsworth-Lugo, Mary K.
Stauffenberg im Film bei Jo Baier by Krabbe, Katharina
Robert Bresson: A Passion for Film by Pipolo, Tony
Robert Bresson: A Passion for Film by Pipolo, Tony
The Cinematic Tourist: Explorations in Globalization, Culture and Resistance by Tzanelli, Rodanthi
Sensualities/Textualities and Technologies: Writings of the Body in 21st Century Performance by Machon, Josephine, Broadhurst, Susan
Sensualities/Textualities and Technologies: Writings of the Body in 21st Century Performance by Broadhurst, Susan, Machon, Josephine
The Screenplay: Authorship, Theory and Criticism by Price, Steven
Responses to Oliver Stoneas Alexander: Film, History, and Cultural Studies by
Die Heldenfigur Captain James T. Kirk in der Fernsehserie "STAR TREK - Raumschiff Enterprise" by Zafiris, Anna
The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film by Sanders, Steven
Nation and Identity in the New German Cinema: Homeless at Home by Scharf, Inga
How Motion Pictures Are Made by Croy, Homer
Studying German Cinema by Hoffgen, Maggie
Studying German Cinema by Hoffgen, Maggie
26 Short Screenplays for Independent Filmmakers, Vol. 1 by Turnage, M. Robert
Screening Generation X: The Politics and Popular Memory of Youth in Contemporary Cinema by Lee, Christina
Engaging Cinema: An Introduction to Film Studies by Nichols, Bill
The Ladies' Own Magazine V4 (1872) by Bland, M. Cora
Theatro Americano: Descripcion General De Los Reynos, Y Provincias De La Nueva-Espana, Y Sus Jurisdicciones (1748) by Sanchez, Joseph Antonio De Villasenor y.
Steven Spielberg's America by Wasser, Frederick
The Scene of Violence: Cinema, Crime, Affect by Young, Alison
Miami Vice by Lyons, James
The Harold Lloyd Encyclopedia by D'Agostino Lloyd, Annette
Cinema Arthuriana: Twenty Essays, rev. ed. by
Cinematic Emotion in Horror Films and Thrillers: The Aesthetic Paradox of Pleasurable Fear by Hanich, Julian
Scandinavian Blue: The Erotic Cinema of Sweden and Denmark in the 1960s and 1970s by Stevenson, Jack
Wagner & Cinema by
Sacred Profanity: Spirituality at the Movies by Malone, Aubrey
Dreams of Difference, Songs of the Same: The Musical Moment in Film by Herzog, Amy
Out of Kentucky Kitchens by Flexner, Marion
Some Like It Wilder: The Life and Controversial Films of Billy Wilder by Phillips, Gene D.
Fritz Langs "M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder": Eine Analyse by Zafiris, Anna
Victorian Vogue: British Novels on Screen by Sadoff, Dianne F.
Causes Won, Lost, and Forgotten by Gallagher, Gary W.
Remakes: "Solaris" by Andrei Tarkovsky (1972) and "Solaris" by Steven Soderbergh (2002): Analysis by Zafiris, Anna
Media, Culture and Society in Iran: Living with Globalization and the Islamic State by
Tenses of Imagination: Raymond Williams on Science Fiction, Utopia and Dystopia by
Der Horror und die Frau: Die Rolle der Frau im Horror-Genre im Bezug auf die Werke von Cindy Sherman by Dymnicki, Kaja
"Leben zwischen den Kulturen" - Aspekte der Identitätsfindung junger Erwachsener im interkulturellen Spannungsfeld: Analyse anhand ausgewählter Werke by Hillebrand, Michaela
Kriminalisierung psychischer Krankheiten im Film am Beispiel von James Mangolds 'Identität' (2003) by Schnell, Hildegard
Hackerkultur: Überblick über die Hackerszene by Zafiris, Anna
'11. September - Die letzten Stunden im World Trade Center' von Jules und Gédéon Naudet und James Hanlon: Analyse by Zafiris, Anna
Steven Spielberg's America by Wasser, Frederick
Migrant Form: Anti-colonial Aesthetics in Joyce, Rushdie and Ray by Majumdar, Gaurav
American Zombie Gothic: The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the Walking Dead in Popular Culture by Bishop, Kyle William
Jakob der Lügner - Charakterisierung in Literaturvorlage und Verfilmungen by Hochmuth, Teresa
Violence, Politics and Textual Interventions in Northern Ireland by Mahon, P.
Weyward Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance by
Weyward Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance by
Just a girl? Kommunikation und Geschlecht - eine Gegenüberstellung von heute und damals: Kat und Bianca Stratford aus "10 Dinge, die ich an dir hasse" by Wenzel, Gerrit Fiona
Religion in Literature and Film in South Asia by Dimitrova, Diana
Women, Desire, and Power in Italian Cinema by Cottino-Jones, M.
Interruption as Style: Die Unterbrechung als dramaturgisches Strukturmerkmal in Luis Buñuels Filmen 'Der diskrete Charme der Bourgeoisie' und by Graf, Stefanie
Framing the Nation: Documentary Film in Interwar France by Murray Levine, Alison J.
The Complete History of American Film Criticism by Roberts, Jerry
Kriminalisierung psychischer Krankheiten im Film: James Mangolds Identität (2003) by Schnell, Hildegard
Der Kinematograph Und Das Sich Bewegende Bild: Geschichte Und Technische Entwicklung Der Kinematographie Bis Zur Gegenwart (1913) by Forch, Carl
Der Liebe Leid: Ein Mysterium Der Leidenschaft In Funf Aufzugen (1918) by Wrany-Raben, Eugen
La Forme Et Le Mouvement (1921) by Bohn, Georges
Le Mime Bathylle (1894) by Bertheroy, Jean
Les Spectacles Forains Et La Comedie Francaise (1875) by Hedouin, Edmond, Bonnassies, Jules
Histoire De La Legende De Faust (1888) by Faligan, Ernest
Le Cabaret Du Puits-Sans-Vin (1885) by Morin, Louis
Confidences D'Un Prestidigitateur V1 (1859) by Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugene
Der Grosse Schwabenzug (1913) by Muller-Guttenbrunn, Adam
Le Theatre Indien (1890) by Levi, Sylvain
Au Siecle De Shakespeare (1893) by Eekhoud, Georges
Hollywood Science: Movies, Science, and the End of the World by Perkowitz, Sidney
Screening Gender on Children's Television: The Views of Producers around the World by Lemish, Dafna
Screening Gender on Children's Television: The Views of Producers around the World by Lemish, Dafna
Memento by Molloy, Claire
Memento by Molloy, Claire
Memory and the Moving Image: French Film in the Digital Era by McNeill, Isabelle
Die Projektionsapparate: Laternbilder Und Projektionsversuche in Ihren Verwendungen Im Unterrichte by Hassack, Karl, Rosenberg, Karl, Collection, McA Inc Film Research
Global Chinese Cinema: The Culture and Politics of 'Hero' by
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst by
Cinepaternity: Fathers and Sons in Soviet and Post-Soviet Film by
Hammer!: Making Movies Out of Life and Sex by Hammer, Barbara
Taking the Long View: A Study of Longitudinal Documentary by Kilborn, Richard
Jerzy Skolimowski: The Cinema of a Nonconformist by Mazierska, Ewa
J.R.R. Tolkien: Pocket Guide by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Books, the Films, the Whole Cultural Phenomenon by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Claude Rains: An Actor's Voice by Skal, David J., Rains, Jessica
Errol Morris: Interviews by
The Art of How to Train Your Dragon by Cowell, Cressida, Miller-Zarneke, Tracey
Die Realität des Tatorts: Eine Analyse aus soziologischer Sicht by Roehling, Stefanie
Clip Revolution im Spielfilm?: Einflüsse des Videoclips auf narrative Erzählstrukturen by Reck, Susann S.
Rechtsfilme unter dem Hakenkreuz by Zafiris, Anna
Erlösmodelle neuer Geschäftsformen interaktiven Fernsehens by Dorfer, Laura
How Not To Make It In Hollywood by Reid, Sarah, Shepherd, Brendan
Zuschauertreue und Umschaltverhalten by Lerotic, Mihael
Das Problem mit dem Dionysischen und dem Apollinischen: Das Missverhältnis zwischen den zwei polaren Mächten in "Idioten", "Models" und "Der siebte Ko by Dymnicki, Kaja
World Film by Nochimson, Martha P.
Screening Strangers: Migration and Diaspora in Contemporary European Cinema by Loshitzky, Yosefa
Studying American Independent Cinema by Murray, Rona
Studying American Independent Cinema by Murray, Rona
Film Forum: Thirty-Five Great Filmmakers Discuss Their Craft by Elena Oumano
The Art of Filmmaking: How to Make a Movie for Little or No Money by James D. Rauch, James D. Rauch, D. Rauch
MovieChopShop: The Book - Volume One by O'Neil, Dennis, Cunningham, Brian, Palmer, Jon
Champagne from Six to Six: A Brief Social History of Entertainments and Recreations at Beechworth and the Ovens Goldfields, Victoria Australia 18 by Shea, Peter M.
Strukturen in dem Film "Der Koch, der Dieb, seine Frau und ihr Liebhaber" by Akkaş, Hülya
The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era by Schatz, Thomas
Virgin Territory: Representing Sexual Inexperience in Film by
Cinema at the Periphery by
Kitsch und Horror: Bildästhetik bei Tim Burton am Beispiel von "Vincent" und "Edward Scissorhands" by Weschke, Diana
Visions of Struggle in Women's Filmmaking in the Mediterranean by
Aesthetics and Politics in Modern German Culture; Festschrift in Honour of Rhys W. Williams by
Re-Presentations of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Portrayals in Fiction, Drama, Music, and Film by Matson, Lisa Dallape
French War Films and National Identity by McLaughlin, Noah
Mitmachfernsehen oder Geldmach-TV? Eine Analyse von Call-In-Quizshows im deutschen Fernsehen by Sundermann, Ines
A Companion to Luis Buñuel by Edwards, Gwynne
A Companion to Golden Age Theatre by Thacker, Jonathan W.
Die Opern Heinrich Marschners (1912) by Gaartz, Hans
Elements De Cinematique Et De Mecanique: Conformes Au Programme D'Admission A L'Ecole Centrale Des Arts Et Manufactures (1902) by Levy, Maurice
Cours De Cinematique Theorique Et Appliquee V2: Cinematique Appliquee (1906) by Bourguignon, Pierre
Bellefleur: Roman D'Un Comedien Au XVII Siecle (1903) by De Nion, Francois
Cuba Literaria: Periodico Mensual (1862) by Fornaris, Jose
The Dial V54, January 1 To June 16, 1913: A Semi-Monthly Journal Of Literary Criticism, Discussion, And Information (1913) by
Brieven Uit Amsteldam Over Het Nationaal Tooneel En De Nederlandsche Letterkunde (1805) by Haug, Lodewijk Frederik Christiaan
Coleccion De Bailes De Sala: Y Metodo Para Aprenderlos Sin Ausilio De Maestro, Dedicada A La Juventud Mexicana (1862) by Ibarra, Domingo
Aeschinis Oratoris Opera (1817) by Aeschinis
Almanach Manuel De La Danse (1860) by Polkarius, De Seltz, O.
The Dial V23, July 1 To December 16, 1897: A Semi-Monthly Journal Of Literary Criticism, Discussion, And Information (1897) by
The Dial V25, July 1 To December 16, 1898: A Semi-Monthly Journal Of Literary Criticism, Discussion, And Information (1898) by
The Dial, A Fortnightly V67: July 12 To November 29, 1919 (1919) by
Bibliotheque Du Theatre Francois V2: Depuis Son Origine (1768) by Michel Groell Publisher
La Circe (1804) by Gelli, Giovanni Battista
Red, White & Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms by Wilderson, Frank B.
Film Nation: Hollywood Looks at U.S. History, Revised Edition by Burgoyne, Robert
We're from Jazz: Festschrift in Honor of Nicholas V. Galichenko by
Chroma: A Book of Color by Jarman, Derek
Faszinationskraft des Geheimnisvollen - Narrative Analyse der mysteriösen Elemente in Twin Peaks und Lost by Wenzel, Julian
Medienwissenschaftliche Analyse des Road Movies "El Viaje" im Hinblick auf Michel de Certeaus Theorie in "Kunst des Handelns" by Stegmann, Markus
"David gegen Goliath" oder "Neuer Deutscher Film gegen New Hollywood": Die Entwicklung des deutschen Films und der deutschen Filmwirtschaft im Verglei by Efler, Daniel
Rape in Art Cinema by
Romantic Comedy by Mortimer, Claire
Simultanität bei der Wirklichkeitsabbildung: Am Beispiel "King Kong und die weiße Frau" (1933) und "King Kong" (2005) by Alic, Selma
9-11 als Kino der Attraktionen: Ein Versuch der Kategorisierung anhand der Filme zu 9/11 by Alic, Selma
Bernardo Bertolucci: Interviews by Bertolucci, Bernardo
Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder by
Opened Time Capsules: My Vintage Conversations with Show Business Personalities by Rothel, David
Brokeback Mountain by Needham, Gary
Rezeption von Fußballfilmen durch Fußballfans und Nicht-Fußballfans anhand der Beispiele "Das Wunder von Bern" und "FC Venus" by Zafiris, Anna
Lost in Translation by King, Geoff
Hollywood's Blacklists: A Political and Cultural History by Humphries, Reynold
Brokeback Mountain by Needham, Gary
Deathsong of the River: A Reader's Guide to the Chinese TV Series Heshang by Wang, Luxiang, Su, Xiaokang
Lost in Translation by King, Geoff
Punk Slash! Musicals: Tracking Slip-Sync on Film by Laderman, David
Studying the Devil's Backbone by Rose, James
Anatomy of Film by Dick, Bernard F.
Movies for a Desert Isle: Forty-two Well-Known Film-Lovers in Search of the Films They Love Most by Elena Oumano
The A to Z of German Cinema by Reimer, Robert C., Reimer, Carol J.
Studying Tsotsi by Gunn, Judith
The A to Z of Irish Cinema by Brereton, Patrick, Flynn, Roderick
Jean Cocteau by Williams, James S.
Cinema - Italy by Parigi, Stefania
Film Noir, American Workers, and Postwar Hollywood by Broe, Dennis
Word and Image in Japanese Cinema by
South Asian Media Cultures: Audiences, Representations, Contexts by
John Hughes and Eighties Cinema: Teenage Hopes and American Dreams by Christie, Thomas A.
Fernsehnutzung in Europa by Springer, Philipp
Intersexualität innerhalb heteronormativer Gesellschaftsstrukturen am Beispiel des Films XXY by Reuter, Stephanie
Johan van der Keuken - Das Bild als Medium der Rede by Bartel, Ulla
The Cinematic Life of the Gene by Stacey, Jackie
Born to Kill: Eine Analyse der differenzierenden Auffälligkeiten von Stanley Kubricks Full Metal Jacket unter besonderer Berücksicht by Efler, Daniel
Warren Oates: A Wild Life by Compo, Susan A.
Wissenschaft in fiktionalen TV-Formaten - Analyse und Vergleich der Darstellung von Wissenschaft in den Fernsehserien "Akte X" und "Eureka": Unter dem by Schaaf, Tim
Painting the City Red: Chinese Cinema and the Urban Contract by Braester, Yomi
Slapstick Comedy by
Slapstick Comedy by
Death in Classical Hollywood Cinema by Hagin, B.
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