• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2014

The Highway Horror Film by Murphy, Bernice M.
The Collinsport Historical Society presents MONSTER SERIAL: Saturday Morning Sugar Rush Edition by McCray, Patrick, Faraj, Ansel
Memory and Imagination in Film: Scorsese, Lynch, Jarmusch, Van Sant by Lombardo, P.
East Asian Film Stars by
New Documentary Ecologies: Emerging Platforms, Practices and Discourses by
Class, Crime and International Film Noir: Globalizing America's Dark Art by Broe, D.
Television and British Cinema: Convergence and Divergence Since 1990 by Andrews, Hannah
Performing Feeling in Cultures of Memory by Trezise, B.
Shakespeare, Dissent, and the Cold War by Thomas, Alfred
Slapstick and Comic Performance: Comedy and Pain by Peacock, L.
Postmodern Metanarratives: Blade Runner and Literature in the Age of Image by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Melodrama in Contemporary Film and Television by
Classical Masculinity and the Spectacular Body on Film: The Mighty Sons of Hercules by O'Brien, D.
Reading Vampire Gothic Through Blood: Bloodlines by Stephanou, Aspasia
Choreographic Dwellings: Practising Place by
Hollywood Remakes, Deleuze and the Grandfather Paradox by Varndell, D.
Texture in Film by Donaldson, Lucy Fife
British Television Animation 1997-2010: Drawing Comic Tradition by Norris, V.
Contemporary Asylum Narratives: Representing Refugees in the Twenty-First Century by Woolley, A.
Marx at the Movies: Revisiting History, Theory and Practice by Kristensen, Lars
The Sounds of Silent Films: New Perspectives on History, Theory and Practice by Tieber, Claus, Windisch, Anna Katharina
Animation, Sport and Culture by Wells, P.
Masculinity and Irish Popular Culture: Tiger's Tales by Holohan, Conn, Tracy, Tony
A Critique of Judgment in Film and Television by
The Spectral Metaphor: Living Ghosts and the Agency of Invisibility by Peeren, E.
Literature and Film, Dispositioned: Thought, Location, World by Gavin, Alice
Sinophone Cinemas by
Queer Nostalgia in Cinema and Pop Culture by Padva, Gilad
Television Production Handbook, 12th by Zettl, Herbert
Writing for Television, Radio, and New Media by Hilliard, Robert
Roadshow!: The Fall of Film Musicals in the 1960s by Kennedy, Matthew
A New History of German Cinema by
On Hollywood: The Place, the Industry by Scott, Allen J.
El cine politico militante en la Argentina (1966-1976) by Bracco, Roberto Daniel
The Thing by Conolly, Jez
Carrie by Mitchell, Neil
Hoo-Doo Cowboys and Bronze Buckaroos: Conceptions of the African American West by Johnson, Michael K.
The Sacred and the Cinema: Reconfiguring the 'Genuinely' Religious Film by Nayar, Sheila J.
Edgar G. Ulmer: A Filmmaker at the Margins Volume 48 by Isenberg, Noah
An Invention Without a Future: Essays on Cinema by Naremore, James
An Invention Without a Future: Essays on Cinema by Naremore, James
Films You Saw in School: A Critical Review of 1,153 Classroom Educational Films (1958-1985) in 74 Subject Categories by Alexander, Geoff
Humor in Middle Eastern Cinema by
The Legacies of Jean-Luc Godard by
Dark Laughter: Spanish Film, Comedy, and the Nation by Egea, Juan, Egea, Juan F.
Cinema at the Shore: The Beach in French Film by Handyside, Fiona
Post-Wall German Cinema and National History: Utopianism and Dissent by O'Brien, Mary-Elizabeth
Inszenierung der Massen im politischen Film: Griffith, Eisenstein und Riefenstahl im Vergleich by Bendocchi Alves, Marina
Cinema and Agamben: Ethics, Biopolitics and the Moving Image by
Kidding Around: The Child in Film and Media by
Critical Theory and Film: Rethinking Ideology Through Film Noir by Vighi, Fabio
Terrence Malick: Film and Philosophy by
The Attention Complex: Media, Archeology, Method by Rogers, K.
The Attention Complex: Media, Archeology, Method by Rogers, K.
Occult Aesthetics: Synchronization in Sound Film by Donnelly, K. J.
The Alienated War Veteran in Film and Literature by Early, Emmett
The Shadow Self in Film: Projecting the Unconscious Other by Reiter, Gershon
Student Workbook for Zettl's Television Production Handbook, 12th by Zettl, Herbert
Screen Culture and the Social Question, 1880-1914 by
Modern British Drama on Screen by
Continental Strangers: German Exile Cinema, 1933-1951 by Gemünden, Gerd
Inspiring Fellini: Literary Collaborations Behind the Scenes by Pacchioni, Federico
Continental Strangers: German Exile Cinema, 1933-1951 by Gemünden, Gerd
I Am Spartacus! by Douglas, Kirk
Sinophone Cinemas by
Feeling Film: Affect and Authenticity in Popular Cinema by Singh, Greg
Contemporary Asylum Narratives: Representing Refugees in the Twenty-First Century by Woolley, A.
Videoland: Movie Culture and the American Video Store by Herbert, Daniel
Videoland: Movie Culture and the American Video Store by Herbert, Daniel
Little Miss Star Story by Miles, Noah
Analyse einer filmischen Adaption: Alice im Wunderland von Tim Burton im Vergleich zu den Büchern von Lewis Carroll by Weiler, Pia
Aki Kaurismäkis "I hired a contract killer". Bildsprache in der Eröffnungssequenz: Distanzierter Blick auf eine leblose Welt by Gaul, Simone Catharina
Die Faszination der Zuschauer am Wrestling by Vasniszky, Thomas
World Cinema Through Global Genres by Costanzo, William V.
Catolicismo y moralidad en el cine espanol de la transicion by Gonzalez Manrique, Manuel Jesus
Andrej Tarkowskijs Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des sowjetischen Science Fiction-Films: Fremde Planeten und die Zone by Polovnikova, Polina
Death and the Moving Image: Ideology, Iconography and I by Aaron, Michele
World Cinema Through Global Genres by Costanzo, William V.
Movies and American Society by Ross, Steven J.
The Dude and the Zen Master by Glassman, Bernie, Bridges, Jeff
Apocalypse in Contemporary Japanese Science Fiction by Tanaka, M.
Queer Nostalgia in Cinema and Pop Culture by Padva, Gilad
American History Through Hollywood Film: From the Revolution to the 1960s by Stokes, Melvyn
The Development of Japanese Cinema by Tafero, Arthur H.
Literaturverfilmung "The Reader": Vergleich zwischen Literatur und Film by Hajsok, Marta
Moving Images: Psychoanalytic reflections on film by Sabbadini, Andrea
Watching Human Rights: The 101 Best Films by Gibney, Mark
The Spectral Metaphor: Living Ghosts and the Agency of Invisibility by Peeren, E.
American History Through Hollywood Film: From the Revolution to the 1960s by Stokes, Melvyn
Gegen die Timeline. Dramaturgie der non-linearen Narrationstechnik in González-Iñarritús Film "Amores Perros" by Nedov, Pyotr Magnus
Hollywood's Made To Order Punks, Part 2: A Pictorial History of: The Dead End Kids Little Tough Guys East Side Kids and The Bowery Boys by Roat, Richard
Nightmare Alley: Film Noir and the American Dream by Osteen, Mark
Charlie Chaplin and His Times by Lynn, Kenneth S.
Sound, Speech, Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinema by
Sexualität und Gewalt im Film Noir der 70er. Martin Scorseses "Taxi Driver" by Vasniszky, Thomas
Last Features: East German Cinema's Lost Generation by Steingröver, Reinhild
The Cinema of Alexander Sokurov: Figures of Paradox by Szaniawski, Jeremi
The Cinema of Alexander Sokurov: Figures of Paradox by Szaniawski, Jeremi
The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend by Frankel, Glenn
501 Things You Should Know About The Independent Film Business by Rodsett, John
Roy Huggins: Creator of Maverick, 77 Sunset Strip, The Fugitive and The Rockford Files by Green, Paul
Radical Frontiers in the Spaghetti Western: Politics, Violence and Popular Italian Cinema by Fisher, Austin
Hollywood Heartache: 50 Movie Star Tragedies by Green, Jim
Raising Rosebud - Das Narrationskonzept Backstorywound am Beispiel von Citizen Kane by Tüttelmann, Eva
Screens of Blood: A Critical Approach to Film and Television Violence by Desilet, Gregory
Sexualität und Gewalt im Film Noir der 70er: Martin Scorseses Taxi Driver by Vasniszky, Thomas
Rethinking Occupied Ireland: Gender and Incarceration in Contemporary Irish Film by Scarlata, Jessica
Magic Realist Cinema in East Central Europe by Skrodzka, Aga
The Place of Breath in Cinema by Quinlivan, Davina
Of Empire and the City: Remapping Early British Cinema by Cinquegrani, Maurizio
Amateur Filmmaking: The Home Movie, the Archive, the Web by
Italian Westerns: The Essential Films by Hoover, Stephen
Killer Movies: The Essential Thrillers by Hoover, Stephen
Film Firsts: The 25 Movies That Created Contemporary American Cinema by Alter, Ethan
Der Wüsten-Topos im Videoclip: Exemplarische Analysen by Buttmann, Nina
Internationales Alfred-Doeblin-Kolloquium- Berlin 2011: Massen und Medien bei Alfred Doeblin by
Detecting Canada: Essays on Canadian Crime Fiction, Television, and Film by
Quadrophenia by Glynn, Stephen
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! by Defino, Dean
Lee J. Cobb: Characters of an Actor by Dewey, Donald
L'Affare Valentino by Zumaya, Evelyn
New Documentary Ecologies: Emerging Platforms, Practices and Discourses by
Reading Asian Television Drama: Crossing Borders and Breaking Boundaries by
Making and Remaking Horror in the 1970s and 2000s: Why Don't They Do It Like They Used To? by Roche, David
Nationalist African Cinema: Legacy and Transformations by Niang, Sada
Religion in Contemporary European Cinema: The Postsecular Constellation by
Unruly Women: Performance, Penitence, and Punishment in Early Modern Spain by Boyle, Margaret E.
Latino Los Angeles in Film and Fiction: The Cultural Production of Social Anxiety by López-Calvo, Ignacio
Guiltless Pleasures: A David Sterritt Film Reader by Sterritt, David
Frankenstein by Horton, Robert
The Movie Imperative by Jones, Martin
Masculinity and Irish Popular Culture: Tiger's Tales by Holohan, Conn, Tracy, Tony
The Encyclopedia of British Film: Fourth Edition by
Swedish Crime Fiction: Novel, Film, Television by Peacock, Steven
Augmented Reality: Hype oder zukunftsweisende Technik? by Preuß, Simon
The Encyclopedia of British Film by
The Story of the Mexican Screenplay: A Study of the Invisible Art Form and Interviews with Women Screenwriters by Depaoli, Maria Teresa
Reel Change: The Changing Nature of Hollywood, Hollywood Movies, and the People Who Go to See Them by Mesce, Bill, Jr.
Swedish Crime Fiction PB: Novel, Film, Television by Peacock, Steven
Doc Holliday in Film and Literature by Linder, Shirley Ayn
Talk's Cheap, Action's Expensive - The Films of Robert L. Lippert by McGee, Mark Thomas
Talk's Cheap, Action's Expensive - The Films of Robert L. Lippert (hardback) by McGee, Mark Thomas
The Western Town: A Theory of Aggregation by
Existentialism and Contemporary Cinema: A Sartrean Perspective by
Polish Film and the Holocaust: Politics and Memory by Haltof, Marek
Concentrationary Cinema: Aesthetics as Political Resistance in Alain Resnais's Night and Fog by
Kristeva in Focus: From Theory to Film Analysis by Goodnow, Katherine J.
New Austrian Film by
Silent Cinema and the Politics of Space by
1939: The Making of Six Great Films from Hollywood's Greatest Year by Adams, Charles F.
Unmediated: Essays on Media, Culture, Cinema by Kumar, Sashi
The Demons of Modernity: Ingmar Bergman and European Cinema by Orr, John
Subjective Realist Cinema: From Expressionism to Inception by Campora, Matthew
Islands of Empire: Pop Culture and U.S. Power by Fojas, Camilla
Create Your Own TV Series for the Internet by Brown, Ross
The Grand Budapest Hotel by Anderson, Wes
Fred Zinnemann and the Cinema of Resistance by Smyth, J. E.
French Animation History-NiP by Neupert, Richard
Recycelte Bilder. Die Verweisstruktur im Videoclip am Beispiel von Fritz Langs Metropolis by Wagener, Kim
Bin Ich ein Anderer? Die Krise der männlichen Identität in "Fight Club" und "Shutter Island" by Müller, Sarah
Grindhouse Purgatory - Issue #3 by
Sampling Media by
Media Depictions of Brides, Wives, and Mothers by
Untersuchung der Zuschauermotivation neuer Formate des Reality-TV: Am Beispiel von Big Brother by Czech, Lucy
Spectacular Digital Effects: CGI and Contemporary Cinema by Whissel, Kristen
Cold War Rivalry and the Perception of the American West by Goral, P.
Spectacular Digital Effects: CGI and Contemporary Cinema by Whissel, Kristen
Sound, Speech, Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinema by
Nothing can stay hidden forever. Die Heldenreise in David Lynch's LOST HIGHWAY by Braun, Annegret
History and Film by Sullivan, Shane Ian
Location Filming in Arizona: The Screen Legacy of the Grand Canyon State by Debarbieri, Lili
Screenwriting in a Digital Era by Millard, Kathryn
American Postfeminist Cinema: Women, Romance and Contemporary Culture by Schreiber, Michele
Myth of the Western: New Perspectives on Hollywood's Frontier Narrative by Carter, Matthew
The Return of the Epic Film: Genre, Aesthetics and History in the 21st Century by
I Do and I Don't: A History of Marriage in the Movies by Basinger, Jeanine
The Highway Horror Film by Murphy, Bernice M.
Lost Facts of Hollywood: A Report Series by Frank Billecci: Part 1- 'irene' From a Big Sky girl to a Hollywood Designer by Billecci, Frank
Filming Forster: The Challenges of Adapting E. M. Forster's Novels for the Screen by Ingersoll, Earl G.
Documentary as Exorcism: Resisting the Bewitchment of Colonial Christianity by Beckford, Robert
Documentary as Exorcism: Resisting the Bewitchment of Colonial Christianity by Beckford, Robert
The Millennials on Film and Television: Essays on the Politics of Popular Culture by
Zwischen Tabubruch und Zensur: Gesetzliche, religiöse und gesellschaftliche Zensurmaßnahmen in der Zeichentrickserie South Park by Presslaber, Reinhard
Film Sound in Italy: Listening to the Screen by Sisto, A.
Film Sound in Italy: Listening to the Screen by Sisto, A.
The Heist Film: Stealing with Style by Lee, Daryl
Filmmakers in The Moving Picture World: An Index of Articles, 1907-1927 by
The Reel Cowboy: Essays on the Myth in Movies and Literature by Rainey, Buck
A Critical History of History in Moving Pictures by Dunbar Ph. D., John N.
A Critical History of History in Moving Pictures by Dunbar Ph. D., John N.
The Black Body in Ecstasy by Nash, Jennifer C.
Hitchcock and Adaptation: On the Page and Screen by
Steven Spielberg and Duel: The Making of a Film Career by Awalt, Steven
The Black Body in Ecstasy: Reading Race, Reading Pornography by Nash, Jennifer C.
London's West End Cinemas by Eyles, Allen, Skone, Keith
Wicked Cinema: Sex and Religion on Screen by Cutrara, Daniel S.
Did You Notice?: The Wristwatch, Upside Down Gun, Power Pole and Tire Tracks in Western Film Stills by Creacy, Don
Critical Approaches to African Cinema Discourse by
Zwischen Kommunismus und Kommerz - Entwicklungen, Tendenzen und Perspektiven der russischen Filmindustrie by Luft, Eduard
Romanian New Wave Cinema: An Introduction by Pop, Doru
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