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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2015

Contemporary Masculinities in Fiction, Film and Television: Film, Fiction, and Television by Baker, Brian
Taking Fame to Market: On the Pre-History and Post-History of Hollywood Stardom by King, B.
Film, History and Memory by
Adaptation, Authorship, and Contemporary Women Filmmakers by Cobb, S.
The Post-2000 Film Western: Contexts, Transnationality, Hybridity by
A New History of British Documentary by Chapman, J.
Human Rights Film Festivals: Activism in Context by Tascón, Sonia M.
Documentary Films in India: Critical Aesthetics at Work by Sharma, Aparna
The Fascination of Film Violence by Bacon, Henry
Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives by
The Politics of Adaptation: Media Convergence and Ideology by
3D Cinema: Optical Illusions and Tactile Experiences by Ross, Miriam
A History of 1970s Experimental Film: Britain's Decade of Diversity by Gaal-Holmes, P.
The Great War in Popular British Cinema of the 1920s: Before Journey's End by Napper, L.
World Cinema and Cultural Memory by Hedges, I.
The Musicality of Narrative Film by Kulezic-Wilson, D.
Shakespearean Echoes by Wetmore Jr, Kevin J.
Besides the Screen: Moving Images Through Distribution, Promotion and Curation by
The Zombie Renaissance in Popular Culture by
Life in the Past Lane-Volume Two by Hill, Jason
From Self-Fulfilment to Survival of the Fittest: Work in European Cinema from the 1960s to the Present by Mazierska, Ewa
Doubling, Distance and Identification in the Cinema by Coates, P.
Film Noir: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Hester, Elizabeth J.
Mario Lanza: Singing to the Gods by Mannering, Derek
The Mind-Game Film. Cinema in the Digitalized Societies of Control by Mindermann, Malte
Modern Radio and Audio Production: Programming and Performance by Messere, Frank, Benoit, Philip, Hausman, Carl
Philosophy's Artful Conversation by Rodowick, D. N.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four-Hour Giant, Today by The Gang
Your Child is Gifted!: Excellent Tips, Advice, and Techniques for Parents Who Want to Secure Acting Roles for Their Children by Griffin, C. Marcellus
The Philosophy of War Films by
Revolutionary Mexico on Film: A Critical History, 1914-2014 by Herzberg, Bob
Mediale Kultur und Geschlecht. Zur Inszenierung von Männlichkeit in US Sitcoms: Von der "I Love Lucy" Show (1951) und "How I Met Your Mother" (2014) by Empl, Haymo
Underreporting. Narration und Dramaturgie der Lüge im aktuellen Mindgame-Film by Sommer, Mirjam
Behind Sach: The Huntz Hall Story (hardback) by Manago, Jim
Fifty Shades of Jamie Dornan - A Biography by Ford, Louise
Die Produktion von TV-Serien im Internet-Zeitalter by Maier, Martin
Name Place Animal Thing by Shekhar, Mayank
Human Rights Film Festivals: Activism in Context by Tascón, Sonia M.
Das Fernsehen des Alexander Kluge by Buchtaleck, Bastian
Analyse der psychischen Belastung von Soldaten in "Jarhead" by Cors, Cathrin
Grindhouse Nostalgia: Memory, Home Video and Exploitation Film Fandom by Church, David
Re-Writing Jesus: Christ in 20th-Century Fiction and Film by Holderness, Graham
Kindheitshelden. Der Einfluss des Werteprofils und die Vorbildfunktion von Trickserien am Beispiel der "Gummibärenbande" by Smith, Laura
Veränderung der Wahrnehmung durch Farbsymbolik in den Filmen "Eyes Wide Shut", "Memento" und "Die fabelhafte Welt der Amélie" by Stark, Rosanna
The World Shall Hear From Me Again: + 99 Essential Movie Quotes by Merida, Pablo
Filmfinanzierung. Die erfolgreiche und finanzielle Umsetzung einer Stoffidee zu einem fertigen Kinofilm by Bliemeister, Mathias
Medienkritik im dystopischen Science-Fiction Roman "Fahrenheit 451": Im Hinblick auf die deutsche Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert by Müller, Adrian
Flickering Empire: How Chicago Invented the U.S. Film Industry by Smith, Michael Glover, Selzer, Adam
Cinema, Slavery, and Brazilian Nationalism by Gordon, Richard A.
Flickering Empire: How Chicago Invented the U.S. Film Industry by Smith, Michael Glover, Selzer, Adam
From Empire to the World: Migrant London and Paris in the Cinema by Guha, Malini
Dreamscapes in Italian Cinema by
Filmanalyse zu "Blue Velvet". Das Aufbrechen der Ignoranz des Imaginären der Gesellschaft by Seidel, Anica
Enttabuisierung in Skripted Reality-Formaten des Reality-TV. Wie machen inhaltliche Tabubrüche dieses Doku-Format auf privaten Sendern erfolgreich? by Lamm, Johanna
Making and Remaking Horror in the 1970s and 2000s: Why Don't They Do It Like They Used To? by Roche, David
Hip Hop on Film: Performance Culture, Urban Space, and Genre Transformation in the 1980s by Monteyne, Kimberley
Die Einfachheit der Wirklichkeit. Das Manifest Dogma 95 von Lars von Trier und Thomas Vinterberg by Seidel, Anica
Doubling, Distance and Identification in the Cinema by Coates, P.
Time and Space in Contemporary Greek-Cypriot Cinema by Socrates, Lisa
Blut, Rache, Gewalt. Die Inszenierung von Weiblichkeit in Filmen von Quentin Tarantino by Köhldorfer, Corinna
Fred Zinnemann and the Cinema of Resistance by Smyth, J. E.
Two Lenses on the Korean Ethos: Key Cultural Concepts and Their Appearance in Cinema by Kim Yoon, Keumsil, Williams, Bruce
Arab American Drama, Film and Performance: A Critical Study, 1908 to the Present by Najjar, Michael Malek
The Comic Galaxy of Mystery Science Theater 3000: Twelve Classic Episodes and the Movies They Lampoon by Morgan, Chris
A Companion to Fritz Lang by
Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism by
After the Fact: The Holocaust in Twenty-First Century Documentary Film by Prager, Brad
After the Fact: The Holocaust in Twenty-First Century Documentary Film by Prager, Brad
Mimesis, Movies, and Media: Violence, Desire, and the Sacred, Volume 3 by
New Voices in Arab Cinema by Armes, Roy
New Voices in Arab Cinema by Armes, Roy
"Wir Serienmuffel": Eine Analyse des deutschen Diskurses über Innovativität und Qualität nationaler und internationaler Fernsehserien und by Keller, Miriam
Original und Remake: Filmische Konstruktion und Transfer von kulturellen Werten am Beispiel von "Infernal Affairs" und "The Departed" by Phi, Phuong Anh
So Deadly, So Perverse 50 Years of Italian Giallo Films by Howarth, Troy
Jacques Rivette by Smith, Alison, Morrey, Douglas
Catherine Breillat by Keesey, Douglas
Popular Film Music and Masculinity in Action: A Different Tune by Howell, Amanda
Supercinema: Film-Philosophy for the Digital Age by Brown, William
Palimpsestic Memory: The Holocaust and Colonialism in French and Francophone Fiction and Film by Silverman, Max
Cinema of Choice: Optional Thinking and Narrative Movies by Shaul, Nitzan Ben
Jonas Mekas: Scrapbook of the Sixties: Writings 1954-2010 by
Quentin Tarantino FAQ: Everything Left to Know About the Original Reservoir Dog by Sherman, Dale
Italian Fascism's Empire Cinema by Ben-Ghiat, Ruth
Bodies in Pain: Emotion and the Cinema of Darren Aronofsky by Laine, Tarja
Existentialism and Contemporary Cinema: A Beauvoirian Perspective by
Plastic Reality: Special Effects, Technology, and the Emergence of 1970s Blockbuster Aesthetics by Turnock, Julie
Plastic Reality: Special Effects, Technology, and the Emergence of 1970s Blockbuster Aesthetics by Turnock, Julie
Historical Dictionary of Polish Cinema by Haltof, Marek
The Annotated Marx Brothers: A Filmgoer's Guide to In-Jokes, Obscure References and Sly Details by Coniam, Matthew
Die Talkshow "Günther Jauch" als Moderationsphänomen by Moser, Carina Klara
American Cinematographers in the Great War, 1914-1918 by
The Disney Fetish by Harrington, Seán J.
Als Fellini die Tür zum Neorealismus verschloss und das Fenster zum magischen Realismus öffnete. "La Dolce Vita" by Köhler-Kaeß, Holger
Before the Movies: American Magic-Lantern Entertainment and the Nation's First Great Screen Artist, Joseph Boggs Beale by Borton, Terry, Borton, Debbie
The Wes Anderson Collection: The Grand Budapest Hotel by Seitz, Matt Zoller
Italian Fascism's Empire Cinema by Ben-Ghiat, Ruth, Stoler, Ann Laura
Behind Sach: The Huntz Hall Story by Manago, Jim
The Amazing Book of Movie Trivia by Goldstein, Jack
Das Mindfuck Movie "Fight Club". Ein Filmtrend des zeitgenössischen Kinos mit Veranschaulichung seiner Funktionsweise an einem Prototyp: "Where is my by Reitzki, Maria
Tome of Terror: Horror Films of the 1930s by Workman, Christopher, Howarth, Troy
Forgotten Horrors Vol. 7: Famished Monsters of Filmland by Wooley, John, Price, Michael H.
Die Evolution des Films. Warum das Fernsehen größer als das Kino wird: Inklusive einer Analyse der US-Serie "Shameless" mit William H. Macy, Emmy Ross by Köhler-Kaeß, Holger
My Life as a Mankiewicz: An Insider's Journey Through Hollywood by Crane, Robert, Mankiewicz, Tom
Anatole Litvak: The Life and Films by Capua, Michelangelo
Death and the Moving Image: Ideology, Iconography and I by Aaron, Michele
Family Films in Global Cinema: The World Beyond Disney by
Constructing the Coens: From Blood Simple to Inside Llewyn Davis by Redmon, Allen
Latin Hitchcock: How Almodóvar, Amenábar, de la Iglesia, del Toro, and Campanella Became Notorious by Kercher, Dona
Halloween by Leeder, Murray
The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog: A Silent-Photoplay Edition by Lowndes, Marie Belloc, Hitchcock, Alfred
Moving Panels: Translating Comics to Film by Ludwig, Logan
Modern Mythmakers: 35 Interviews with Horror & Science Fiction Writers and Filmmakers by McCarty, Michael
Neil Simon on Screen: Adaptations and Original Scripts for Film and Television by Shelley, Peter
Vergleichende Stilanalyse der Filme "Der Himmel über Berlin" und "City of Angels" by Dollhopf, Joachim
Women's Cinema, World Cinema: Projecting Contemporary Feminisms by White, Patricia
Women's Cinema, World Cinema: Projecting Contemporary Feminisms by White, Patricia
Bas Jan Ader: Death Is Elsewhere by Dumbadze, Alexander
"Der Blaue Engel" und "Lola" im Vergleich. Die Frauenfiguren als Femmes Fatales? by Köhler-Kaeß, Holger
Als Zeichentrickfiguren noch aus Fleisch und Blut waren. Die Slapstickfilme von Chaplin und Keaton by Köhler-Kaeß, Holger
The Noir Western: Darkness on the Range, 1943-1962 by Meuel, David
Rogues, Romance, and Exoticism in French Cinema of the 1930s by Kennedy-Karpat, Colleen
The Art of Smallfilms: The Work of Oliver Postgate & Peter Firmin by
Motion(less) Pictures: The Cinema of Stasis by Remes, Justin
Motion(less) Pictures: The Cinema of Stasis by Remes, Justin
Five Came Back: A Story of Hollywood and the Second World War by Harris, Mark
The Ghostly and the Ghosted in Literature and Film: Spectral Identities by
Approaching Silence: New Perspectives on Shusaku Endo's Classic Novel by
Revolution and Rebellion in Mexican Film by Thornton, Niamh
Vertov, Snow, Farocki: Machine Vision and the Posthuman by Tomas, David
Wag the Dog: A Study on Film and Reality in the Digital Age by Thanouli, Eleftheria
Transnational Australian Cinema: Ethics in the Asian Diasporas by Smaill, Belinda, Yue, Audrey, Khoo, Olivia
The Matter of Vision: Affective Neurobiology & Cinema by Wyeth, Peter
Sex and Film: The Erotic in British, American and World Cinema by Forshaw, B.
Sex and Film: The Erotic in British, American and World Cinema by Forshaw, B.
Reclaiming Canadian Bodies: Visual Media and Representation by
Us Independent Film After 1989: Possible Films by
Reel Photos: Balancing Art and Truth in Contemporary Film by Sterba, Wendy
Cine de Ciencia Ficción by Perez Agusti, Adolfo
Los mejores cómicos del cine: Desde Charles Chaplin a Woody Allen by Perez Agusti, Adolfo
Die Heldenfigur als Erzählstrategie im populären Spielfilm. Sind Comic-Superhelden mythische Erzählfiguren? by Sitz, Verena
The Three Amigos: The Transnational Filmmaking of Guillermo del Toro, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Alfonso Cuarón by Shaw, Deborah
Blade Runner by
How Filming Technique Helped Tim Burton to Realize his Vision of "Alice in Wonderland": Green Screen Filming and CGI Technique in the Film by Böckenfeld, Jens
Muriel's Memoirs by Hamlett, Christina
Die Programmstruktur als flow. Wie der Privatsender ProSieben den Rezipienten in der Primetime an sich bindet by Stuhlmann, Tatjana
Cinematicity in Media History by
Bollywood's India: A Public Fantasy by Joshi, Priya
Public Discourses of Contemporary China: The Narration of the Nation in Popular Literatures, Film, and Television by Shen, Y.
Understanding Sound Tracks Through Film Theory by Walker, Elsie
Imagining New York City: Literature, Urbanism, and the Visual Arts, 1890-1940 by Lindner, Christoph
The Lumière Galaxy: Seven Key Words for the Cinema to Come by Casetti, Francesco
Bollywood's India: A Public Fantasy by Joshi, Priya
The Anime Encyclopedia: A Century of Japanese Animation by Clements, Jonathan, McCarthy, Helen
The Lumière Galaxy: Seven Key Words for the Cinema to Come by Casetti, Francesco
Mad as Hell by Itzkoff, Dave
Hibakusha Cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film by
Myth and Masculinity in the Japanese Cinema: Towards a Political Reading of the Tragic Hero by Standish, Isolde
Motion Capture in Performance: An Introduction by Delbridge, M.
Cinema, Gender, and Everyday Space: Comedy, Italian Style by Fullwood, Natalie
The Return of the Epic Film: Genre, Aesthetics and History in the 21st Century by
Cinema, Gender, and Everyday Space: Comedy, Italian Style by Fullwood, Natalie
Men in Action: Maskulinität im Actionmodus des amerikanischen Films der 1980er Jahre by Behn, Beatrice
Myth of the Western: New Perspectives on Hollywood's Frontier Narrative by Carter, Matthew
"Real Humans" und "A.I.". Wie das Fernsehen dem Kino davonläuft: Ein Fallbeispiel by Köhler-Kaeß, Holger
The Moving Picture Girl Gallery: from the John Holmstrom Collection by Sutton, Paul
The Sense of Film Narration by Garwood, Ian
The Operatic and the Everyday in Postwar Italian Film Melodrama by Bayman, Louis
Making Asian American Film and Video: History, Institutions, Movements by Okada, Jun
Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema by Yumibe, Joshua, Fossati, Giovanna, Gunning, Tom
Hitchcock Lost and Found: The Forgotten Films by Kerzoncuf, Alain, Barr, Charles
Recycled Stars: Female Film Stardom in the Age of Television and Video by Desjardins, Mary R.
Making Asian American Film and Video: History, Institutions, Movements by Okada, Jun
High-Class Moving Pictures: Lyman H. Howe and the Forgotten Era of Traveling Exhibition, 1880-1920 by Nelson, Carol, Musser, Charles
Curating Africa in the Age of Film Festivals by Dovey, L.
Curating Africa in the Age of Film Festivals by Dovey, L.
Rel[am]ent by Crabtree, Jamison
A New History of British Documentary by Chapman, J.
Hollywood Action Films and Spatial Theory by Jones, Nick
Informationslimitation und Leerstellen als realitätsfördernde Stilmittel. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Films "The Blair Witch Project" by Felke, Madita
Ozu International: Essays on the Global Influences of a Japanese Auteur by
Unquiet Dreams: The Bestiary of Walerian Borowczyk by Strong, Simon
Cinema of Simulation: Hyperreal Hollywood in the Long 1990s by Laist, Randy
Icon: THE LIFE, TIMES, AND FILMS OF MARILYN MONROE VOLUME 1 - 1926 TO 1956 (hardback) by Vitacco-Robles, Gary
The Collinsport Historical Society Presents: Taste the Blood of Monster Serial by Chaffin, Jonathan M.
The Holy Grail on Film: Essays on the Cinematic Quest by
Alternative Projections: Experimental Film in Los Angeles, 1945-1980 by
Último Dia Todos os Dias: e outros escritos sobre cinema e filosofia by Martin, Adrian
A Book about the Film Monty Python and the Holy Grail: All the References from African Swallows to Zoot by Larsen, Darl
A History of 1970s Experimental Film: Britain's Decade of Diversity by Gaal-Holmes, P.
Das Fenster in eine andere Welt. Voyeurismus im Film "Eyes Wide Shut" und "Peeping Tom" by Weickardt, Maria
Die dunkle Seite des klassischen Hollywood-Kinos. Der Einfluss deutschsprachiger Emigranten im Film Noir by Weickardt, Maria
Hayao Miyazaki's World Picture by Cavallaro, Dani
The Clint Eastwood Westerns by Neibaur, James L.
Real War vs. Reel War: Veterans, Hollywood, and WWII by Broderick, Suzanne
American Media and the Memory of World War II by Ramsay, Debra
Between Hollywood and Godlywood: The Case of Walden Media by DuPont, Nathalie
Sportswomen in Cinema: Film and the Frailty Myth by Chare, Nicholas
Film and the American Presidency by
3D Cinema: Optical Illusions and Tactile Experiences by Ross, Miriam
The Best 200 Italian Films of All Time: Rated Number One on Amazon.com by Tafero, Arthur H.
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