• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2017

Invention of Robert Bresson: The Auteur and His Market by Burnett, Colin
Video Basics 8 by Zettl, Herbert
Making It Big in Shorts: Shorter, Faster, Cheaper: The Ultimate Filmmaker's Guide to Short Films by Adelman, Kim
Feeling Normal: Sexuality and Media Criticism in the Digital Age by Griffin, F. Hollis
Filming the Everyday: Independent Documentaries in Twenty-First-Century China by
Video Basics, Loose-Leaf Version by Zettl, Herbert
The Techne of Giving: Cinema and the Generous Form of Life by Campbell, Timothy C.
Vom Normalmenschen zum Superstar. Zur Rezeption von Casting-Shows by Krist, Marie
Plant Horror: Approaches to the Monstrous Vegetal in Fiction and Film by
The Techne of Giving: Cinema and the Generous Form of Life by Campbell, Timothy C.
Perpetual Carnival: Essays on Film and Literature by Maccabe, Colin
Reconstructing Strangelove: Inside Stanley Kubrick's "Nightmare Comedy" by Broderick, Mick
Representing Ethnicity in Contemporary French Visual Culture by McGonagle, Joseph
The Silent Appalachian: Wordless Mountaineers in Fiction, Film and Television by Collins, Vicki Sigmon
Reconstructing Strangelove: Inside Stanley Kubrick's "Nightmare Comedy" by Broderick, Mick
Jean Renoir: A Biography by Merigeau, Pascal
Hollywood's Pre-Code Horrors 1931-1934 by Valinoti Jr, Raymond
Queer Looks by Greyson, John, Gever, Martha, Parmar, Pratibha
Class Divisions in Serial Television by
Arab Cinema: History and Cultural Identity: Revised and Updated Edition by Shafik, Viola
Geographies, Genders and Geopolitics of James Bond by Funnell, Lisa, Dodds, Klaus
Playful Memories: The Autofictional Turn in Post-Dictatorship Argentina by Blejmar, Jordana
Gender and Islam in Indonesian Cinema by Izharuddin, Alicia
The Queer Film Festival: Popcorn and Politics by Richards, Stuart James
Hollywood's Pre-Code Horrors 1931-1934 (hardback) by Valinoti, Raymond, Jr.
Video Games and Why They Help Children by Vandehey, Zachary
Exception Taken: How France Has Defied Hollywood's New World Order by Buchsbaum, Jonathan
My Life in Focus: A Photographer's Journey with Elizabeth Taylor and the Hollywood Jet Set by Bozzacchi, Gianni
Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination: Animation, Storytelling, and Digital Culture by Herhuth, Eric
Pixar and the Aesthetic Imagination: Animation, Storytelling, and Digital Culture by Herhuth, Eric
Exception Taken: How France Has Defied Hollywood's New World Order by Buchsbaum, Jonathan
Arresting Cinema: Surveillance in Hong Kong Film by Fang, Karen
Geschichte im Fernsehen. "Histotainment" oder eine ernstzunehmende Möglichkeit der Bildungsarbeit?: Formate und Machern sowie Beispielen und Kritik an by Schönrock, Nina
Arresting Cinema: Surveillance in Hong Kong Film by Fang, Karen
Deutsch-Türkische Filmkultur Im Migrationskontext by
The Body and the Screen by Ince, Kate
Vampira and Her Daughters: Women Horror Movie Hosts from the 1950s into the Internet Era by Cotter, Robert Michael Bobb
Moroccans in Hollywood Movies. The Case of "Babel" by Masfour, Hamid
Die Filme "Der Busenfreund" und "Hundstage" des Regisseurs Ulrich Seidl. Konstruktionen der Realität? by Rupp, Laszlo
Alfred Hitchcock's Frenzy: The Last Masterpiece by Foery, Raymond
A Brief History of Comic Book Movies by Dixon, Wheeler Winston, Graham, Richard
Das Phänomen Trashfilm. Exemplarische Analyse der Hai-Trashfilme "Sharktopus" und "Ghost Shark" by Anonymous
How To Make A Movie: Learn to write, shoot and market your first film. by Bennette, Rick
Hitchcock and the Making of Marnie by Moral, Tony Lee
The San Francisco of Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo: Place, Pilgrimage, and Commemoration by
A Companion to the Horror Film by
Star Wars: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story the Official Collector's Edition by Titan
W.C. Fields from the Ziegfeld Follies and Broadway Stage to the Screen: Becoming a Character Comedian by Wertheim, Arthur Frank
Pleasing Everyone: Mass Entertainment in Renaissance London and Golden-Age Hollywood by Knapp, Jeffrey
How to Watch a Movie by Thomson, David
Compact Cinematics: The Moving Image in the Age of Bit-Sized Media by
The History of British Literature on Film, 1895-2015 by Semenza, Greg M. Colón, Hasenfratz, Bob
The Act of Documenting: Documentary Film in the 21st Century by Chi, Wang, Winston, Brian, Vanstone, Gail
The Act of Documenting: Documentary Film in the 21st Century by Chi, Wang, Winston, Brian, Vanstone, Gail
Medialität Der Mise-En-Scène: Zur Archäologie Telekinematischer Räume by Ritzer, Ivo
Semiotics and Title Sequences: Text-Image Composites in Motion Graphics by Betancourt, Michael
The Hidden Cinema: British Film Censorship in Action 1913-1972 by Robertson, James C.
Jacques Demy by Waldron, Darren
Moon Light: The Romance is Real by Quinney, Donald James
Designing Interdisciplinary Education: A Practical Handbook for University Teachers by de Greef, Linda, Vink, Christianne, Post, Ger
The Modern Supernatural and the Beginnings of Cinema by Leeder, Murray
Screening Soviet Nationalities: Kulturfilms from the Far North to Central Asia by Sarkisova, Oksana
Drone Age Cinema: Action Film and Sensory Assault by Christiansen, Steen Ledet
Acting for the Silent Screen: Film Actors and Aspiration Between the Wars by O'Rourke, Chris
Living with Zombies: Society in Apocalypse in Film, Literature and Other Media by Pielak, Chase, Cohen, Alexander H.
China and the Chinese in Popular Film: From Fu Manchu to Charlie Chan by Richards, Jeffrey
Realism in Greek Cinema: From the Post-War Period to the Present by Karalis, Vrasidas
Making a Splash: Mermaids (and Mer-Men) in 20th and 21st Century Audiovisual Media by Hayward, Philip
Classical Myth and Film in the New Millennium by Salzman-Mitchell, Patricia, Alvares, Jean
Gender and Austerity in Popular Culture: Femininity, Masculinity and Recession in Film and Television by
Adapting Graham Greene by Hand, Richard J., Purssell, Andrew
Peter Bogdanovich: Interviews by
Postmodern Crises: From Lolita to Pussy Riot by Lipovetsky, Mark
Hollywood Made in China by Kokas, Aynne
Hollywood Made in China by Kokas, Aynne
Bollywood and Postmodernism: Popular Indian Cinema in the 21st Century by Sidhar Wright, Neelam
The Documentary Art of Filmmaker Michael Rubbo by Jones, D. B.
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 20: Laurel and Hardy - The Compilations Book 1 by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Totally Scripted: Idioms, Words, and Quotes from Hollywood to Broadway That Have Changed the English Language by Chetwynd, Josh
The Emergence of Film Culture: Knowledge Production, Institution Building, and the Fate of the Avant-Garde in Europe, 1919-1945 by
Screen Lessons: What We Have Learned from Teachers on Television and in the Movies by
The Great Hollywood Musical Pictures by Pitts, Michael R., Parish, James Robert
Cinema Beyond the City by Zimmermann, Clemens, Thissen, Judith
The Professional Actor's Handbook: From Casting Call to Curtain Call by Agustin, Julio
The Professional Actor's Handbook: From Casting Call to Curtain Call by Agustin, Julio
Face on Film by Steimatsky, Noa
The Face on Film by Steimatsky, Noa
Heroes and Happy Endings: Class, Gender, and Nation in Popular Film and Fiction in Interwar Britain by Grandy, Christine
Mr. Yakub: The Movie Script by Muhammad, Rasheed L., Perry, Anthony L.
Film Is Like a Battleground: Sam Fuller's War Movies by Gordon, Marsha
Movie Publicity Showcase Volume 21: Laurel and Hardy - The Compilations Book 2 by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Breathless Days, 1959-1960 by
Breathless Days, 1959-1960 by
The Postmillennial Vampire: Power, Sacrifice and Simulation in True Blood, Twilight and Other Contemporary Narratives by Chaplin, Susan
Mystery Classics on Film: The Adaptation of 65 Novels and Stories by Miller, Ron
The New Woman's Film: Femme-centric Movies for Smart Chicks by Radner, Hilary
The New Woman's Film: Femme-centric Movies for Smart Chicks by Radner, Hilary
The First Few Minutes of Spanish Language Films: Early Cues Reveal the Essence by Curry, Richard K.
Deep Red by Kannas, Alexia
Childhood and Nation in Contemporary World Cinema: Borders and Encounters by
Writing and Performing Female Identity in Italian Culture by
Komik ALS Kommunikation Der Kulturen: Beispiele Von Türkischstämmigen Und Muslimischen Gruppen in Deutschland by Kloë, Christopher
On the Eve of the Future: Selected Writings on Film by Michelson, Annette
The Cinema of Hockey: Four Decades of the Game on Screen by Cermak, Iri
Bad Ass Women of Cinema: A Collection of Interviews (hardback) by Watson, Chris
September 11, 2001 as a Cultural Trauma: A Case Study Through Popular Culture by Muller, Christine
Prison Movies: Cinema Behind Bars by Kehrwald, Kevin
We'll Always Have Casablanca: The Life, Legend, and Afterlife of Hollywood's Most Beloved Movie by Isenberg, Noah
Screen Lessons: What We Have Learned from Teachers on Television and in the Movies by
Vampire Films of the 1970s: Dracula to Blacula and Every Fang Between by Smith, Gary A.
Doing Text: Media After the Subject by
Pier Paolo Pasolini: Performing Authorship by Annovi, Gian Maria
Prison Movies: Cinema Behind Bars by Kehrwald, Kevin
Broadway Actors in Films, 1894-2015 by Liebman, Roy
Julien Duvivier by McCann, Ben
The Gothic and Death by
Chinese Film Festivals: Sites of Translation by
Video Freaks Volume 2 by Borgstedt, Holger, Bamberg, Till
Boot Camp 666 by Labson, Anthony
Disappearing War: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cinema and Erasure in the Post-9/11 World by
Crypt of the Living Dead by Brunell, Doug
The Latin American (Counter-) Road Movie and Ambivalent Modernity by Lie, Nadia
Before the Camera Rolled (hardback) by Norman, Jason
Silent Film Quarterly, Issue 5 by Epting, Charles
Side by Side: Two Screenplays: The Zoo and Duet by Wielgus-Kwon, Pamela
Iké Udé Nollywood Portraits: A Radical Beauty by Kan, Toni
Side by Side: Two Screenplays: The Zoo and Duet by Wielgus-Kwon, Pamela
Refocus: The Films of Budd Boetticher by
Chow Yun-Fat and Territories of Hong Kong Stardom by Feng, Lin
East, West and Centre: Reframing Post-1989 European Cinema by
West of Eden: An American Place by Stein, Jean
Acting for the Stage by
Representations of Gender and Class in "The Great Gatsby". An Analysis of the Movie Adaptations of 1974 and 2013 by Köbrich, Matthias
Cultural Specificity in Indonesian Film: Diversity in Unity by Hanan, David
Philippe Grandrieux: Sonic Cinema by Hainge, Greg
Animated Landscapes: History, Form and Function by
What's Eating You?: Food and Horror on Screen by
Contemporary Film Theory by Easthope, Antony
Alain Delon: Style, Stardom and Masculinity by
Philippe Grandrieux: Sonic Cinema by Hainge, Greg
Women and Comedy: History, Theory, Practice by
Para matar a Robin Hood by de Villegas, Néstor Díaz
I-Docs: The Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary by
Hollywood Im Journalistischen Alltag: Storytelling Für Erfolgreiche Geschichten. Ein Praxisbuch by Friedl, Christian
Film Stills by
Ms. 45 by Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra
I-Docs: The Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary by
Filme zwischen Spur und Ereignis. Erinnerung, Geschichte und ihre Sichtbarmachung im Found-Footage-Film by Winzeler, Seraina
Split Screen Nation: Moving Images of the American West and South by Courtney, Susan
Haunting Bollywood: Gender, Genre, and the Supernatural in Hindi Commercial Cinema by Sen, Meheli
Talking Sixties Drive-In Movies (hardback) by Lisanti, Tom
Introduction to Documentary by Nichols, Bill
The Transformation of Television Sport: New Methods, New Rules by Milne, M.
Italian Sword and Sandal Films, 1908-1990 by Crnkovich, Tony, Kinnard, Roy
Dying in Full Detail: Mortality and Digital Documentary by Malkowski, Jennifer
Dying in Full Detail: Mortality and Digital Documentary by Malkowski, Jennifer
Showing and Telling: Film heritage institutes and their performance of public accountability by De Klerk, Nico
Who Nuked the Duke: John Wayne, Susan Hayward & the Story of 'The Conqueror' by Law, John William
Truffaut on Cinema by Gillain, Anne, Andrew, Dudley
Transnational Horror Cinema: Bodies of Excess and the Global Grotesque by
Affective Sexual Pedagogies in Film and Television by Clarke, Kyra
Endorphin Man and Little Sara Tonin by Shane, Nicky
Truffaut on Cinema by Andrew, Dudley, Gillain, Anne
Sweet and Lowdown: Woody Allen's Cinema of Regret by Michaels, Lloyd
Words on Screen by Chion, Michel
Vampires and Zombies: Transcultural Migrations and Transnational Interpretations by
Sweet and Lowdown: Woody Allen's Cinema of Regret by Michaels, Lloyd
Words on Screen by Chion, Michel
Hollywood Enlists!: Propaganda Films of World War II by Donald, Ralph
Screening Bosnia: Geopolitics, Gender and Nationalism in Film and Television Images of the 1992-95 War by Harper, Stephen
Film Noir: A Critical Introduction by Brookes, Ian
Pixels to Premieres: A History of Video Game Movies by McPherson, Mark
Playing the Third String: Weeding in the Garden of Cinematic Delights by Ehrenstein, David
Grindhouse Purgatory - Issue 9 by
Literature, Film, and Their Hideous Progeny: Adaptation and Elastextity by Grossman, Julie
The Movie Game by DiMarco, Tony, Faulkner, Tod
You Mean, There's RACE in My Movie?: The Complete Guide for Understanding Race in Mainstream Hollywood by Gooding, F. W., Jr.
Intimate Violence P by Greven, David
Essays on the Essay Film by
Teaching Transnational Cinema: Politics and Pedagogy by
Essays on the Essay Film by
Cinema by Design: Art Nouveau, Modernism, and Film History by Fischer, Lucy
Charlton Heston: Hollywood's Last Icon (Large Print Edition) by Eliot, Marc
Cinema by Design: Art Nouveau, Modernism, and Film History by Fischer, Lucy
Learning from the Curse: Sembene's Xala by Fardon, Richard, La Rouge, Senga
The Magnificent Heel: The Life and Films of Ricardo Cortez by Neste, Dan Van
William Faulkner at Twentieth Century-Fox: The Annotated Screenplays by Gleeson-White, Sarah
Kult(ur)Serien: Produktion, Inhalt Und Publikum Im Looking-Glass Television by Dellwing, Michael
Laurel and Hardy: Foreign Lobby Cards and Posters III: A Color Collection by Hyatt, I. Joseph
Surveillance in Asian Cinema: Under Eastern Eyes by
Monsters and Monstrosity in 21st-Century Film and Television by Artenie, Cristina
Consuming Gothic: Food and Horror in Film by Piatti-Farnell, Lorna
The Magnificent Heel: The Life and Films of Ricardo Cortez (hardback) by Neste, Dan Van
Transnational Film Remakes by
Transnational Film Remakes by
Contemporary Chinese Films and Celebrity Directors by Cai, Shenshen
Robert Guédiguian by Mai, Joseph
Slash of the Titans: The Road to Freddy vs Jason by McNeill, Dustin
After Uniqueness: A History of Film and Video Art in Circulation by Balsom, Erika
Pier Paolo Pasolini: Cinema as Heresy by Greene, Naomi
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