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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Film Studies in 2018

Khwaabon Ka Safar by Epic Television Channel
Race and the Revolutionary Impulse in the Spook Who Sat by the Door by
The Birth of the American Horror Film by Rhodes, Gary D.
The Essay Film After Fact and Fiction by Alter, Nora M.
The Essay Film After Fact and Fiction by Alter, Nora M.
Book to Movie. How to turn a book into a movie or TV series. Scripts, Film Production, Funding, The Process, Obstacles and Legalities. by Overtone, James
Embodied Metaphors in Film, Television, and Video Games: Cognitive Approaches by
Comedies of Nihilism: The Representation of Tragedy Onscreen by Khan, Amir
La India María: Mexploitation and the Films of María Elena Velasco by Rohrer, Seraina
Evolving Images: Jewish Latin American Cinema by
Argentine Cinema and National Identity (1966-1976) by Rocha, Carolina
Silver Screen, Hasidic Jews: The Story of an Image by Hammerman, Shaina
Roots of the New Arab Film by Armes, Roy
Roots of the New Arab Film by Armes, Roy
Silver Screen, Hasidic Jews: The Story of an Image by Hammerman, Shaina
Representing Education in Film: How Hollywood Portrays Educational Thought, Settings, and Issues by Resnick, David
Australian Screen in the 2000s by
Heroes Never Die (B&W) The Italian Peplum Phenomenon 1950-1967 by Atkinson, Barry
The Lost Hitchcocks: Uncovering the Lost Films of Alfred Hitchcock by Law, John William
Beasts of the Deep: Sea Creatures and Popular Culture by
Exploiting East Asian Cinemas: Genre, Circulation, Reception by
Princess Mononoke: Understanding Studio Ghibli's Monster Princess by
Domestic Violence in Hollywood Film: Gaslighting by Shoos, Diane L.
Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture by
Miriam Hopkins: Life and Films of a Hollywood Rebel by Ellenberger, Allan R.
Promiscuous Media: Film and Visual Culture in Imperial Japan, 1926-1945 by Hori, Hikari
Political Theory and Film: From Adorno to Zizek by Fraser, Ian
Everybody Sing!: Community Singing in the American Picture Palace by Morgan-Ellis, Esther M.
Female Authorship and the Documentary Image: Theory, Practice and Aesthetics by
Female Agency and Documentary Strategies: Subjectivities, Identity and Activism by
Short Films from a Small Nation: Danish Informational Cinema 1935-1965 by Thomson, C. Claire
Close-Up: Great Cinematic Performances Volume 1: America by
Close-Up: Great Cinematic Performances Volume 2: International by
From Film Practice to Data Process: Production Aesthetics and Representational Practices of a Film Industry in Transition by Atkinson, Sarah
The Birth of the American Horror Film by Rhodes, Gary D.
Manila by Night: A Queer Film Classic by David, Joel
Grindhouse Lounge: Video World Vol. 3 - Ihr Filmführer durch den Videowahnsinn: Mit den Retro-Reviews zu Rhea M, Watchers, Jäger der Apok by Port, Andreas
Domestic Imaginaries: Navigating the Home in Global Literary and Visual Cultures by
Gender in Spanish Urban Spaces: Literary and Visual Narratives of the New Millennium by
Gender and Patriarchy in the Films of Muslim Nations: A Filmographic Study of 21st Century Features from Eight Countries by Owen, Patricia R.
Musical Modernism and German Cinema from 1913 to 1933 by Finocchiaro, Francesco
Marxism and Film Activism: Screening Alternative Worlds by
Max Linder: Father of Film Comedy by Mathiesen, Snorre Smári
Los Angeles Documentary and the Production of Public History, 1958-1977 by Glick, Joshua
Cinema's Military Industrial Complex by
Los Angeles Documentary and the Production of Public History, 1958-1977 by Glick, Joshua
Cinema's Military Industrial Complex by
Hairpins and Dead Ends: The Perilous Journeys of 25 Actresses Through Early Hollywood by Ankerich, Michael G.
Sick Little Monkeys: The Unauthorized Ren & Stimpy Story by Komorowski, Thad
Wilder Westen made in Germany by Boller, Reiner
Political Theory and Film: From Adorno to Zizek by Fraser, Ian
Der Perspektivträger als Kamera in Haroldo Contis "Sudeste" by Jaspert, Jennifer
Nope, Nothing Wrong Here: The Making of Cujo by Gambin, Lee
Further Exhumed: The Strange Case of Phantasm Ravager by McNeill, Dustin
Digital Storytelling: Form and Content by
Post-Unification Turkish German Cinema: Work, Globalisation and Politics Beyond Representation by Naiboglu, Gozde
Main Street Movies: The History of Local Film in the United States by Johnson, Martin L.
The Gospel According to Monty Python by Doyle, Julian
Supporting Actors in Motion Pictures by Gordon, Roger L.
The History of Cinema: A Very Short Introduction by Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey
Grindhouse Purgatory #11 by
Toy Story: How Pixar Reinvented the Animated Feature by
Norman McLaren: Between the Frames by Dobson, Nichola
Seeing Into Screens: Eye Tracking and the Moving Image by
The Continental Philosophy of Film Reader by
Horror Film: A Critical Introduction by Leeder, Murray
Against Transmission: Media Philosophy and the Engineering of Time by Barker, Timothy
Hitchcock's Appetites: The Corpulent Plots of Desire and Dread by McKittrick, Casey
Digital Media and Documentary: Antipodean Approaches by
The Continental Philosophy of Film Reader by
The Making of Are We Civilized? by Block, Saskia
The Magnificent Heel: The Life and Films of Ricardo Cortez by Van Neste, Dan
New Hong Kong Cinema: Transitions to Becoming Chinese in 21st-Century East Asia by Cheung, Ruby
Hollywood's Made To Order Punks, Part 4: They Had the Looks of Altar Boys by Roat, Richard
The representation of gender roles in Disney movies by Anonymous
Tribute: Classic Hollywood: Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and Frank Capra by Cooke, Cw, Gachman, Dina
Ida Lupino: Beyond the Camera: 100th Birthday Special Edition by Anderson, Mary Ann, Lupino, Ida
Tribute: Classic Hollywood: Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and Frank Capra by Cooke, Cw, Gachman, Dina
Film Stardom and the Ancient Past: Idols, Artefacts and Epics by Williams, Michael
Marvin Kaplan: A Prince of Comedy, Creativity, and Kindness by Rotcop, Ken
The Lone Ranger on Radio, Film and Television by Andreychuk, Ed
Ida Lupino: Beyond the Camera: 100th Birthday Special Edition (hardback) by Lupino, Ida, Anderson, Mary Ann
Heroes Never Die: The Italian Peplum Phenomenon (color edition) by Atkinson, Barry
Screen Adaptations and the Politics of Childhood: Transforming Children's Literature Into Film by McCallum, Robyn
Women in European Holocaust Films: Perpetrators, Victims and Resisters by Lewis, Ingrid
2001: A Space Odyssey and Lacanian Psychoanalytic Theory by Bristow, Daniel
Eine ethische Filmanalyse zum Film "Ex Machina" von Alex Garland by Sauer, Fabian
Don Ameche: The Kenosha Comeback Kid (hardback) by Ohmart, Ben
Showbiz Politics: Hollywood in American Political Life by Brownell, Kathryn Cramer
When Warners Brought Broadway to Hollywood, 1923-1939 by Shingler, Martin
A Green and Pagan Land: Myth, Magic and Landscape in British Film and Television by Huckvale, David
Twin Cities Picture Show: A Century of Moviegoing by Kenney, Dave
Who's in the Money?: The Great Depression Musicals and Hollywood's New Deal by Cohen, Harvey G.
Main Street Movies: The History of Local Film in the United States by Johnson, Martin
Who's in the Money?: The Great Depression Musicals and Hollywood's New Deal by Cohen, Harvey G.
The Shawshank Experience: Tracking the History of the World's Favorite Movie by Grady, Maura, Magistrale, Tony
Der Kamerastandpunkt in einem Bundesligaspiel. Bewegtbildanalyse mit anthropologischem Hintergrund by Dierkes, Manuel
American Documentary Filmmaking in the Digital Age: Depictions of War in Burns, Moore, and Morris by Ricciardelli, Lucia
Screening the Paris Suburbs: From the Silent Era to the 1990s by
The Playboy and James Bond: 007, Ian Fleming and Playboy Magazine by Hines, Claire
Where Monsters Walked: California Locations of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, 1925-1965 by Orwig, Raymond, Orwig, Gail
Reimagining North African Immigration: Identities in Flux in French Literature, Television, and Film by
Organismus und Maschine. Zwei Gesichter der Moderne: Harmonisierungsbemühungen im nationalsozialistischen Spielfilm by Kluge, Christoph
American-Australian Cinema: Transnational Connections by
Television Cities: Paris, London, Baltimore by Brunsdon, Charlotte
"Siddhartha" von Hermann Hesse im Vergleich mit der gleichnamigen Verfilmung von Conrad Rooks by Zůrková, Radka
The American Marshall Plan Film Campaign and the Europeans: A Captivated Audience? by Fritsche, Maria
Celebrity Fans and Their Consumer Behaviour: Autoethnographic Insights into the Life of a Fan by Wohlfeil, Markus
Orson Welles in Focus: Texts and Contexts by
The Screen Is Red: Hollywood, Communism, and the Cold War by Dick, Bernard F.
Beyond Bombshells: The New Action Heroine in Popular Culture by Brown, Jeffrey A.
Transnational Cinema: An Introduction by Rawle, Steven
Japan's Green Monsters: Environmental Commentary in Kaiju Cinema by Rhoads, Sean, McCorkle, Brooke
We'll Always Have Casablanca: The Legend and Afterlife of Hollywood's Most Beloved Film by Isenberg, Noah
Die Darstellung von gesellschaftlichen Geschlechtsvorstellungen im Film "Rosemary's Baby" und die daraus resultierende Erzeugung von Unheimlichkeit by Knieling, Laura
Spectacle in Classical Cinemas: Musicality and Historicity in the 1930s by Brown, Tom
Indie Science Fiction Cinema Today: Conversations with 21st Century Filmmakers by Fernandez-Vander Kaay, Kathleen, Kaay, Chris Vander
The Voice of Technology: Soviet Cinema's Transition to Sound, 1928-1935 by Kaganovsky, Lilya
Medienanalyse. Exemplarische Filmanalyse anhand von "Thelma & Louise" by Gamega, Mariia
The Film Buff's Bucket List: The 50 Movies of the 2000s to See Before You Die by Stuckmann, Chris
Bruce LaBruces "No Skin Off My Ass" (1991) und seine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Punk und Queerness by Cahn, Vivien
Media Heterotopias: Digital Effects and Material Labor in Global Film Production by Chung, Hye Jean
Media Heterotopias: Digital Effects and Material Labor in Global Film Production by Chung, Hye Jean
Post-Yugoslav Cinema: Towards a Cosmopolitan Imagining by Murtic, Dino
Hybrid Heritage on Screen: The 'Raj Revival' in the Thatcher Era by Oliete-Aldea, E.
Klein, Sartre and Imagination in the Films of Ingmar Bergman by Williams, Dan
Postfeminism and the Fatale Figure in Neo-Noir Cinema by Lindop, Samantha
Referentiality and the Films of Woody Allen by Wynter, D. E.
Animal Horror Cinema: Genre, History and Criticism by Gregersdotter, Katarina, Hållén, Nicklas, Höglund, Johan
Black Magic Woman and Narrative Film: Race, Sex and Afro-Religiosity by Missouri, Montré Aza
Spectatorship, Embodiment and Physicality in the Contemporary Mutilation Film by Wilson, Laura
Storyboarding: A Critical History by Pallant, Chris, Price, Steven
European Cinema and Television: Cultural Policy and Everyday Life by
The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television by
Filming the Body in Crisis: Trauma, Healing and Hopefulness by Quinlivan, Davina
The Visual Music Film by Mollaghan, Aimee
Therapy and Emotions in Film and Television: The Pulse of Our Times by
Traveling in French Cinema by Blum-Reid, Sylvie
Femme Fatales, Movie Starlets & Rockers (Illustrated Haiku and Short Poems) by Verlaine, Rp
Ireland and Cinema: Culture and Contexts by
Ensayos Sobre La Cultura Popular by Barreiro García, Fernando
Style and Form in the Hollywood Slasher Film by
Today's Sounds for Yesterday's Films: Making Music for Silent Cinema by
In the Presence of Greatness: My Sixty-Year Journey as an Actress by Duke, Patty, Jankowski, William J.
How to Animate Advancing Your Animation Beyond The Basics: A Guide To Becoming A Top Animator by Derochie, Chris
In the Presence of Greatness: My Sixty-Year Journey as an Actress (hardback) by Jankowski, William J., Duke, Patty
Von Game of Thrones Bis House of Cards: Politische Perspektiven in Fernsehserien by
Doctor Who: A British Alien? by Nicol, Danny
Contemporary Cinema and 'Old Age': Gender and the Silvering of Stardom by Dolan, Josephine
A Book about the Film Monty Python's Life of Brian: All the References from Assyrians to Zeffirelli by Larsen, Darl
«La Nostalgia del Sacro» - Die Poetik Von Pier Paolo Pasolini Im Spannungsfeld Von Heiligem Und Profanem by Andraschik, Franziska
Cinéma-Monde: Decentred Perspectives on Global Filmmaking in French by
Hong Kong Horror Cinema by
Early Cinema in Scotland by
New Transnationalisms in Contemporary Latin American Cinemas by Tierney, Dolores
Godard and Sound: Acoustic Innovation in the Late Films of Jean-Luc Godard by Fox, Albertine
How to Get an Animation Internship: A Guide that Helps You Apply, Interview, and Get Your Foot Into Show Business by Bravo, Eric
Political Fellini: Journey to the End of Italy by Minuz, Andrea
Japanese Horror and the Transnational Cinema of Sensations by Brown, Steven T.
The Child in World Cinema by
Neorealist Revival in Iranian Cinema. Neorealist elements in Abbas Kiarostami's "Where Is My Friend's House?" by Ismail, Mohammed
Danger: Diabolik by Hunt, Leon
CinemaTexas Notes: The Early Days of Austin Film Culture by
Unconventional Warriors: The Fantasy of the American Resistance Fighter in Television and Film by Hill, Matthew
A comparative statistical film style analysis of four selected contemporary American movies within the drama genre in terms of their average shot leng by Schneider, Andreas
Christoph Schlingensief: Staging Chaos, Performing Politics and Theatrical Phantasmagoria by Scheer, Anna Teresa
Between Film, Video, and the Digital: Hybrid Moving Images in the Post-Media Age by Kim, Jihoon
The Ironic Filmmaking of Stephen Frears by Brill, Lesley
Authoring Hal Ashby: The Myth of the New Hollywood Auteur by Hunter, Aaron
The Colonial Documentary Film in South and South-East Asia by
Dancing with the Nation: Courtesans in Bombay Cinema by Vanita, Ruth
Off to the Pictures: Cinemagoing, Women's Writing and Movie Culture in Interwar Britain by Stead, Lisa
Contemporary Spanish Gothic by Davies, Ann
Impossible Puzzle Films: A Cognitive Approach to Contemporary Complex Cinema by Kiss, Miklós, Willemsen, Steven
Nordic Genre Film: Small Nation Film Cultures in the Global Marketplace by
Hollywood and the Great Depression: American Film, Politics and Society in the 1930s by
American Cinema in the Shadow of 9/11 by
Hong Kong Neo-Noir by
Harry Potter and Convergence Culture: Essays on Fandom and the Expanding Potterverse by
Herbert Marshall: A Biography (hardback) by O'Brien, Scott
About Face: The Life and Times of Dottie Ponedel, Make-up Artist to the Stars by Ponedel, Dorothy, Ponedel, Meredith
France, Algeria and the Moving Image: Screening Histories of Violence 1963-2010 by Flood, Maria
Telling Migrant Stories: Latin American Diaspora in Documentary Film by
About Face: The Life and Times of Dottie Ponedel, Make-up Artist to the Stars (hardback) by Ponedel, Dorothy, Ponedel, Meredith
Film and the Natural Environment: Elements and Atmospheres by O'Brien, Adam
Star wars by Guyot-N
La question de la forme dans le film the thing de john carpenter by Batsolaki-N
Steven spielberg: filmer l'imaginaire by Pergent-B
L'amérique de charlie chaplin by Jourdren-M
Le cinéma italien en france: étude sur le festival de villerupt by Fatichenti-M
Exercices d'Effacements Et d'Hybridations Dans l'Art Vidéo by Fournier-M
Structure Juridique Et Gouvernance Des Sociétés Familiales Cotées by Zeiliger-A
Créer Ensemble by Guimaraes-P
La Construction Du Réel Dans La Trilogie Rfa de Fassbinder by Yvonnet-F
Théâtre Et Théâtralité Dans Les Enfants Du Paradis de Marcel Carné by Deseez-F
La Difficile Émergence Des Films de Genre En France by Boivin-C
La Mise En Mouvement de la Peinture Au Cinéma by Zechendorf-R
Le Canard de Barbarie by Collectif
Le Regard Détaché Au Cinéma by Molard-A
Screening Stephen King: Adaptation and the Horror Genre in Film and Television by Brown, Simon
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